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Chapter 10: Chapter 10: A Brief History of Ships and more self training and application

Once in Space and clear of Tatooines gravity Kammsu went straight to the nav computer and punched in the coordinates for the planet sulon during which his passenger began asking questions about the ship such as its make and model and what shipyard made it all of which were answered quick succession " This old freighter here is a special model based on the Dynamiv drives system from a company the Kuat Drive Yards bought almost 5 centuries ago I mean that's what the owners manual stashed in the captains quarters say but who knows she's fast and easily modifiable that's all that matters and the one tid-bit I like to tell people most is that according to old republic history some Jedi named Revan also piloted a similar ship just dont tell the imperials they love to destroy anything to do with that era and I personally would die for my ship so does that answer all your questions young man?" J'onn shook his head with and answered with a quick "yes sir." from there after the coordinates were set Kammsu hit the lever for the hyper drive and J'onn saw the stars become streaks of light

While the ship was in hyperspace J'onn went to his room and closed the door and set the panel to lock and sat down in a meditative position and began gathering all of the knowledge from his past life categorizing what force skills and powers he could learn easily as well as those that would take time the one thing he paid special mind to was the lightsaber forms he wanted to learn for he knew that he would meet either an inquisitor or Darth Vader soon enough so he needed to be on his a game and with what Ben Kenobi taught him it would only be enough to beat his opponent but not to kill which in J'onns analysis would not be enough so he focused on forms two, three, Qui-Gonn's form four, and form seven both sides of it.

Once he had pulled all the information he needed he got up and went to his travel pack and pulled out his lightsaber and began focus training on form two for two hours straight stopping only to switch to another form and practice it for two hours this went on for half the trip till he had more than just a basic grasp of the forms skills and was what most would consider intermediate. When he he was done with lightsaber training he remembered that there was a skill similar to sith lightning of his favorite skills but he knew that if he wanted to get close to any of the future Jedi leaders and influence them he would have to use only light side abilities till later on so he focused on the skill electric judgment and used it in short amounts on the ship just enough to amplify the light in his room without busting the light bar after he mastered it enough to feel comfortable like he was with force push and pull he went to sleep feeling satisfied.

A few hours later J'onn was awoken by Kammsus' voice over the intercom stating that'd they would arrive to Sulon in twelve hours which gave J'onn the idea to train for a couple of hours and then get some more rest before finally landing hopefully they wouldn't be too late and arrive before the Empire befor Jerec and his Dark Disciples this line of thought led J'onn to train a few more hours more honing his skills and once he was done he went to the refresher and decided to go to the lounge area of the ship and get some food hopefully running into the captain in the main part of the ship.

Once J'onn had gotten his food he ate quickly due to the fact he wanted to get where the captain was flying the ship and see how close they were to arriving so he could gauge how much time he had left to train his saber skills for he had sensed that quite a few more skilled force users were on their way to the planet Sulon and he had a good idea of who they were so he wanted to be more than prepared for if he was right he would need to prove his skill and hopefully gain allies and cause a thorn in Jerecs plan for the valley of the jedi and also to cause there to be more jedi during the rebellion era to fight Palpatines inquisitors as well as cause hope to flourish even in the darkest of times.

Once the ship had come out of hyperspace Capt.Kammsu alerted the training Jedi on his ship that they were about to enter Sulons atmosphere and the landing would be quick after that soon J'onns first mission to change the future was about to commence....

faithfulworker415 faithfulworker415

guys I'm sorry it's taken me so long to release this chapter my phone has deleted quite a few drafts of this and maybe for good reason but hopefully you guys will enjoy this enjoy the read

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