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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: A Conversation With the Leaders of The Rebel Alliance/ Bail Organna Secret Request

Once out of lightspeed J'onn he let his passengers know that they were close to arriving to their destination which then Rahn asked to come to the cockpit so he could send his codes in stating who they were so other fighter pilots wouldn't shoot them down by mistake. Upon landing Rahn quickly sought out a commanding officer stating that he had urgent news for the rebel leader Mon Mothma and any others that were available. " So the rebel faction on Sulon is destroyed and the leader of that faction is here before us, how did you escape?" J'onn answered before Morgan could, " I got him and Jedi Master Rahn off planet before the bombardment reached his farm by use of my imperial codes and yes I once was part of the empire but I currently am no longer and I can prove it if you'll allow." the young man waited looking in each of there eyes and sensing with the force that many were skeptical and that only a few believed him till the lady with the short auburn hair motioned to hear more " thank you" was all he could say and from there he began to tell the rebel council of the death star and what it could do he also told them where the program for the project was taking place and the last thing he told them was of his force capabilities and his desire to start a small conclave within the rebellion for jedi and those who were willing to become jedi and fight the emperor and his dark servant Vader, with the force, that they would have a place to train and learn.

Each leadership member looked one at another some in complete disbelief and others in utter astonishment for they all had thought that the jedi had gone almost extinct except for Rahn who was believed to be the last and only Jedi but it turned out that according this youth they're were more in hiding and there were those who could be taught the Jedi way many wanted a show of proof others were ready to believe and J'onn was willing to show his skill that was until Rahn stepped forward and spoke " What J'onn says about rescuing old jedi and training new ones is true that was part of the reason for his coming here also I do not know what he knows about the death star project but I do know it was the will of the Force that brought him here and it would be unwise to discount his words." after Rahn spoke many that were unsure became sure and those who didn't believe first held to there beliefs yet they would not dispute with a jedi master. Finally on of the founding members spoke " I know that the jedi have all but faded away in fact I've hid a few in my time and I know that when they say the will of the force has led someone to trust them without fail and as master Rahn has said the will of the force has brought this young man before us not with request alone bit possible information that would be crucial to the alliance allowing us to act quickly in a timely order , to you and your young cohort Master Rahn you have the authority to find any force sensitive in the military and request that they train with you in your jedi conclave if they want. Young Man I want you to come to my personal chambers I wish speak to you privately." J'onn looked at the speaker and immediately recognized him as Bail Organa Princess Leia's adopted father.

J'onn spoke with Rahn and Morgan before he went to see Bail Organa to make sure that their request to find and locate force sensitives in the Alliance and to train them was good to go he asked Rahn to personally speak with Mon Mothma which Rahn agreed to make sure that it went through. After J'onns conversation with Rahn he was led by one of Senator Organa's aides to his quarters and as soon as he walked theough the door he could sense the remorse and worry of the Senator as if what he wanted to talk about would end the galaxy bit the Senator knew that he must talk about it or his daughter would be in grave danger. " I've called you here to ask if you and Master Rahn will train my daughter in the ways of the Jedi" Bail said without hesitation as he looked J'onn square in the face which caused J'onn to immediately ask "why?" and Bails response was instant " because she has talent in it and I fear that her future is about to become very grim and dark and as a father I want her to have all the tools she needs to defend herself especially now in these dark times." J'onn looked at Bail's face and saw the worry and concern in his eyes it was the same his father had when he had left for Tatooine four years ago on that passanger loading dock in Coruscant and all he could say was "Ok when do you want her to begin her training." with that sentence some of the worry faded off of Bails face but not all of it he told the young Jedi that Leia was on Coruscant and that she would be leaving for the Rebel base in a few days to which J'onn knew that things had been set in motion much faster since he showed up and that soon Leia would be in the hands of Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin.

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