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Maria walked to the other test. "Hey, young girl! I saw that have a good result there. I hope you will get a good INSIGNIA young girl, now close your eyes and be ready." Mr. Bao Lie started to transfer his energy. After long seconds passed, Maria opened her eyes and two layers of red color circle pop up and the second one has a symbol of the LINE INSIGNIA within her eyes. Then she said the word "[awaken: FLAME]" a blood color of Fire bursting through her body, so Pure and bloody dark. The flame doesn't look normal and its color is so pure and very dark. "Oh my! Oh my! What kind of flame is this?! You really are a talented young girl! You didn't disappoint me." Mr. Bao Lie got so shocked and felt so amazed.

"[BEGONE]" Mr. Bao Lie got startled when Maria deactivated her Insignia, he felt a little bit of confusion about what happened to her. "Huh?" "Sorry sir but I felt exhausted." "Oh I forgot to record the result, I'm so sorry about that, I got carried away. Hehehe." Mr. Bao Lie felt agitated and uneasy because he knew that the woman was gazing at him seriously. "Okay sir, thank you! I'll be going now." Maria greeted him and walked away. While she was walking towards the door, she passthrough Blaike's line and stopped at Blaike side saying. "don't disappoint me, little bro, Hhmp" then she continued herself walking towards the door.

Meanwhile at Blaike's house. Grandma Ahmya is already done making her homemade signature pie and she put the pie in the oven With a letter on top. She was also done boxing and wrapping her gift for Blaike and Maria with some letters on it. While she was preparing those foods on the table, she then noticed that someone was looking at her outside the window. So she took a look immediately, but the man hides himself. Grandma Ahmya felt that something wrong, as if someone said to her that there is someone outside, so she then walked inside her room and took a book that contains runes. She draws some words on a talisman using her hand and sticks it onto the door and windows of her and Blaike's room. The person realized that Grandma Ahmya already Noticed the person's whereabouts. So the person begins to move in. When grandma was almost finished putting her talisman the person was already in front of the closed door and tried to open it. "Speak! Who are you?" Grandma Ahmya shouted.

"Ohh Ohh, I never expected that you didn't remember me. Sorry for the rude greetings, your highness hehehe..."(bang!) The door got broke by its kick, The person had a voice of an old guy with a creepy sound and he gave a creepy smile on his old face. *Who is this person? How did he know me? Or did he misunderstood me for someone.? And what is this familiar vibe coming from him* Grandma was petrified and got confused. " y..yourself bastard!" She shouted to release out the negative energy that approaching her. "Heh? Why is the princess really did forget me? I'm your old friend do you remember my voice? I still remember yours especially that smell of your body! Hehehe" he grinned.

The person took off his robe and it appeared an appearance of an old man who's around 50 years of age man. He has brown hair only on both sides in the middle there was none but a tattoo of a skull that has a black snake wrapping around it and the skulls head had a number 6, the old man also had only one red eye on the right and the left was covered in black eyepatch with a number of 6 on it. In his left face, there was also a big scar, like it was a scratch of a tiger. His teeth are made of so many cavities like he never cleans it for so long. He has a long nose and he has a greyish pale skin and a very thin man.

" are!... did this happen?!... I saw you...I saw your body! You were dead back then!" Grandma was very surprised after he revealed his face and then she felt so confused the moment she remembered him. "Your highness, what are you talking about? Hehe" "I saw you lying down on the ground dead already that night!... it can't be.. are you h-" grandma Ahmya still couldn't believe it but he interrupted *devilish smile* "Do you think I would die so easily? Hehe... Foolish! It's your loss when you didn't finish me off properly! Haha, And what's with that new look, your Highness? Hehehe why did you transform into an old hag now? why not go back to the real you? hehe... Transforming into something like that must have a reason... Hhmm Is it because you don't want to reveal you're true identity to that little boy? Hehe, or is there something else?" the old man talked like he was suspecting something.

"Don't even think to try and touch my boy or I will tear that body apart!?" Grandma Ahmya Got mad. When the old man was about to move, Grandma Ahmya immediately started to Activate her INSIGNIA FORM, *[come forth: GRIMOIRE: OF THE GHOST]!* a layer of the yellow circle and inside was the Pentagon INSIGNIA Form. And all the talisman that she put inside her house where shining and started to activate, it made a big circle of Barrier through her house, she then drew another enchantment on the talisman from her grimoire. "Ohh Ohh... Your highness, what's with all of these? Are you using some old tricks again? But I already knew this trick! Hahaha" The old man got a little surprised about what happened but he also then Activates his INSIGNIA FORM. *[COME: DEATH FLAME]!* It's a dark red color layer and he has the DECAGON INSIGNIA. "Hahaha! Why do you still want to hide your true power, princess? Are you hiding it so that no one will know where you hiding, right? A very clever Princess it is, but unfortunately, it's a pity you still use your Old Grimoire, you never changed." The old man suddenly snapped his two fingers and then suddenly all the talisman that the old man saw were got burned by his black flame.

The Barrier started fading slowly. "What do you want bastard?!" Grandma Ahmya shouted in such a furious sound. "Now we're talking, hehe... I knew that you still remember that there is something I need from you, where is it? Where's the WHITE CRYSTAL KEY?" The old man talked with a very serious tone. "The WHITE CRYSTAL Key?! What do you mean?!" Grandma Ahmya is still confused. "Don't fool me, your highness, I know you are now the keeper of the WHITE CRYSTAL KEY since after your mother the Queen killed by our boss, hehe... Now give it to me and I will spare your life!?" As Grandma Ahmya tried to remember what he was talking about, *Is that why Mother got died protecting that stupid Crystal?! But she said to me that I mustn't give it to anyone else!* Since she can't do anything now but to fight. "You have nothing that you can get from me, murderer!?" Grandma Ahmya is about to summon her talismans on her hand.

"I command thee .. [SHADOW KNIGHT OF THE DARKNESS]! [GHOST WOLF OF THE NORTH]! [SORROW ILLUSION TIME]!" grandma threw her ghost talisman on the ground and all three has been summoned out. "Heh?!.. How rude of you your highness! Wanted to fight an old friend?! And you still don't want to use your true power? If that's the case.." The old man gave a sarcastic manner, "I don't need to! As weak as you are even these ghosts will get easy on you!? Hmph." Grandma Ahmya was very determined that she could win. "Then let's have a good fight! Hehe" the old man gets so excited. "SHADOW KNIGHT attack him! GHOST WOLF support shadow knight! TIME use your illusion sorrow 6 o'clock And cast it on him!" Grandma commanded the three.

The knight uses its sword to swing and hitting the old man then the Wolf uses its frost claws to back it up. While the time was casting a spell onto the old man. "Hmmpp.. such a crap magic spell hehe" the old man doesn't even move and just use his black-flame hands to block the knight's and wolf's attack, as he catches the wolf's frost claw and hold it, he then use his magic "[BLACK-FLAME's TOUCH]!" the wolf got easily burned and its talisman is also burning. "Is that all y-" he didn't finish his words when he saw that Grandma was not in front of him anymore and she suddenly appeared behind him. "This is just a warm-up!" she then use another talisman and stick it on his back with a strong force, she pushed him out, that crashed the walls and made his way into the forest and got smashed into some trees until he landed a few meters away.

"[GHOST BOMB ACTIVATE]!" and suddenly an explosive sound was heard outside. "You two go out and finish him off!?" Grandma Ahmya commanded her two talismans to look after the old man while she cast another talisman. The old man felt pain while standing up, suddenly he noticed something is approaching him, for a split second a ghostly sword appeared coming pass through him but he immediately dodges it. He then realizes that he gets slightly hit by the sword. The ghost knight appeared in front of him running and tried to smash him, "[BLACK-FLAMING BALL]" a 4 huge ball of flames appeared floating behind him. "Shoot! Shoot! Kill this freaking knight! Hehe" He got super excited and resulting to cause those trees near him were got burned and while shooting his fire magic. The knight dodges it but in the end, it also got hit and burned. "That crazy Bitch!? I am coming!? Hehe."

*even in that form she is at Celestial Emperor Tier and the peak of 5 stars!? How about her real true power?! Did she got even more powerful now?! I will get in trouble if I didn't finish her off right now* The old man immediately runs back to the house but he doesn't know that he was already trapped in the spell of the ILLUSIONARY TIME that made him see those people he killed before. Meanwhile, Grandma Ahmya, cast a protective Talisman on Blaike's room and she then writes a message for the time being. Grandma can only use 5 spells at a time when one of her talismans got destroyed she can use another one to replace it but if the user dies, the talisman remains in use. On the other side, the old man suddenly felt so strange like he was on another place, [TIME] transported him to another place full of souls around him all the people he killed made him feel the sorrow, blood coming out on his airs, eyes, nose, and mouth while those souls are Calling him and Consume his blood energy.

"What are you doing?! I already killed you all! This is just an illusion!? Aaaarrrrgghh!?" He shouted in pain and agony, but he quickly burst out his [BLACK FLAME] that cost the dimension to burned open. And he then got out and immediately killed the ILLUSIONARY TIME that was in front of him. He felt exhausted and tired, having too much blood lost but still bare the pain and going back. "Where are you, stupid Princess!?" He shouted, By that time Grandma heard him and she immediately uses a talisman "[COPY]!" and copy her Grimoire, she then hides the copied grimoire on her bedside table and walked out her room. The man outside saw Grandma already coming out and standing inside her house he immediately cast "[FLAMING ARROW]!". So many arrows are floating around him "Fir! Fire! Haha, I'll kill this bitch!" But after the attack, he saw that Grandma was Unscathed by flames because of the protective barrier.

*Shit! This princess is really strong now!?* The old man was in pain and blood came out from his mouth, but he used another technique. "You'll gonna pay for this!?" The old man shouted "[FLAME BOMB]!" The man cast a BLACK BOMB and throw it on her. The bomb activates and a splash of dark flames spreading all over its places and the house got burned a little. When the smoke gets dissipate the old man saw grandma spit some blood, Due to protecting the house and rooms. "Hehe. Your highness is quite clever to use it to protect her precious little hou-"

AngHell_43 AngHell_43

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Its my first time to write a story! Hoping you'll like it and please do support me! Don't forget leave some comments and any suggestions!

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