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Chapter 7: And So it Begins

Later that Day (3rd P.O.V.)

Anthony, Treyvon, and Williams were at their usual spot for Treyvon's lessons. As usual, Williams was half-watching-half reading a book. Anthony and Treyvon had been practicing for a while. The sun was out, and beads of sweat were collecting on both of them.

"Is anyone going to win?" William said, laughing aloud. "It's been awhile."

"Well, Treyvon has become very skilled now," Andrew grunted. "And I believe if he puts as much effort into the other things he wants as he does with this, nothing will ever be able to stop him."

Anthony's last statement created rapid thoughts in Treyvon's head.

"Too bad I'm not skilled enough to protect Christina," he thought. He tried to control his thoughts.

"No, she doesn't love me, and I need to get over that," he thought back.

"What kind of man would just give up as I did? Do you even care as much as you say you do?"

"Of course I do! And I didn't give up...she just helped me realize that we would never work out."

"If you were to try to do something, she would be with you." He was starting to get distracted. He almost lost his footing but got back on track.

"She has to marry Andrew. I can't get in between that. It's best for the kingdom."

"No, it's not best for her, you, or the kingdom, so stop lying to yourself. When have you ever seen her smile at him the way she smiles at you? She doesn't."

"That doesn't mean she likes me, it means she's nice and knows he can be cruel."

"She never said she doesn't like you, she said she 'can't' accept your feelings. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Andrew will have my head."

"Since when did you fear Andrew?" Everything in Treyvon's mind stopped. He lost his grip on the sword, and it fell onto the soft grass without a sound.

"Since when did I fear Andrew?" he asked aloud. When he stopped, he gained full attention from his friends. He put both hands on his head and sighed loudly. "I don't fear him, I just...I'm just worried about her."

Anthony had noticed Treyvon's conflicts within his mind much earlier than his outburst. During their sparring, he saw sadness, confusion, and bits of frustration in his eyes. Years of being a knight had taught him to notice things like that so that he could use it against his enemies. Noticing the strained atmosphere, he tried to lighten the situation with a joke.

"Treyvon, how'd you get distracted today without the lovely princess here?" he asked. Right after he said that he noticed the other two tense up.

"Uh...I apologize, your Majesty," Anthony said instantly. "I was just making a joke." William recovered first, stood up, and swiftly walked over to Anthony.

"There's no need to apologize," the servant said. "It's just that happened, and your sentence reminded him of them." Anthony nodded his head.

"Well, can you explain what has happened so that I will know what not to speak of?" he asked.

"It is not my place to tell of such things," William simply said. They both looked at the prince and saw a lost man. Finally, Treyvon looked at them.

"Anthony," Treyvon said softly. "She rejected me."

"My deepest apologies," Anthony replied, bowing.

"No need," the prince said. "Because I have something to request from both of you." He took a deep breath. "I am...conflicted about my feelings right now. She rejected me but for some reason, I still feel like I can't let go. I know it isn't right to assume what she wants...but I just want to be sure."

"Treyvon…," William started. "I do not wish to burden you with these thoughts, but I must: there is such a danger in going back to ask for her affections."

"But I must go back!" Treyvon argued. "I remember her words! She never said she doesn't love me, she said she couldn't. There's still hope!"

"Just the slip of the tongue," William shot back. "I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I don't need protection, William," Treyvon defied. "I need a real answer. If she says she doesn't love me, I'll go. If she does-"

"He will kill you!" William yelled. His fists were gripped so tight, they were shaking. "He will kill you...I know he will…" He shook his head. Treyvon walked up to him and put his hands on his shoulders.

"I know you're afraid," he said quietly. "I am too...but not of Andrew. This is the first time I have really felt this way, and I'm scared of how it makes me. But I refuse to let Andrew get away with this."

Anthony stepped forward.

"Treyvon, if you are right about what Christina said...that means she must be trying to protect you. Before, you said Andrew knows how you feel about her. That makes me certain that she's protecting you."

"Yes, at the celebration, he made it clear that he knows," Treyvon told them. "And he threatened my life. He said I should know the repercussions I would face if he were to find out that I have come into close contact with Christina."

"Then the only thing that is stopping him is Christina herself," William assessed. "She may be the only reason why you're still here."

"But wouldn't she be punished also since you think she feels the same way for you?" Anthony asked.

"No, she wouldn't," Treyvon answered. "Before she came, Andrew told me how he dreamed of being the idol of the kingdom. He said if they made a family, they would be perfect; everyone would wish they were as great as them. Andrew strictly follows tradition, and Christina was chosen for him directly by our father."

"Andrew wouldn't get rid of the main part of his plan," William concluded. "She must have made an agreement with him. If he kept you alive, she would have to do something for him."

"I need to talk to her as soon as possible!" Treyvon announced.

"No, you can't," William warned. "You have seen how Andrew tries to be near her a lot. If you want to speak to her, you have to wait until he is away." Treyvon nodded his head.

"But what would come after this?" Anthony asked. "Trying to be with Christina would mean you're a traitor. How would you get all the people to understand Andrew isn't who he pretends to be?"

"We will have to get to that when the time comes," Treyvon told him.

With Christina (Christina's P.O.V)

"I am so bored."

Usually, girls would be excited about their marriage but I was just hoping that the wedding day wouldn't come. In a dressing room, three women were picking out my wedding dress, measuring me, and deciding what looked best.

"Oh princess!" one of them exclaimed. "You are so beautiful! I just know Andrew thanks God every day that he has you." The other two women nodded their heads in agreement. I put a fake smile on my face and nodded.

"Thank you," I said. I turned towards the open window and a thought came to my head.

"Treyvon is probably practicing sword fighting with Anthony. I wonder if William has finished his book yet."

I sighed. Why couldn't people in the castle behave like them? Smiles, jokes, friendship - I have only seen those three genuinely do that. I thought about how determined Treyvon looked when he practiced. Somehow he could look strong and graceful at the same time. He was such a unique person. To have a cold-hearted brother like Andrew, but still wear a smile.

"Okay, we're finished, Your Majesty," the first woman said.

"Thank you," I told them.

I exited that room and walked into my own. When I arrived there, I heard sharp clinging sounds. I tore open the curtains and walked onto my balcony. I looked down to see Treyvon practicing. I also saw William and Anthony.

At that moment, I would give anything just to be down there with them. However, I knew it would ultimately be better if I stayed in the castle. If I were to leave, Andrew would surely come looking for me. After all, Andrew did have the ability to appear at the most unwanted times. I watched them in the field for another minute until I heard knocking at my door.

"Come in," I said loudly. The door opened to reveal Andrew. He closed the door and started to walk towards me. My mind instantly wished I hadn't come back here so soon.

"Christina, I wanted to inform you that I have important business to attend to today," he told me.

"Unfortunately for you, I will be back very late tonight, so do not wait for me." I wanted to cheer so loud that the heavens could hear me. Andrew will be gone all day! It was hard to conceal my smile from Andrew, so I turned away.

"Oh, okay," I said. "Be safe." I walked him over to my door and opened it. Before he walked out, he leaned towards me. Thinking quickly, I instinctively moved my head and hugged him. I heard him laugh.

"Christina, you don't have to be so bashful," he said. "You are going to be my wife very soon." He pulled back a little, kissed me on my cheek, and finally left.

Every time he does that, I feel disgusted and dirty inside. I wiped off my face with my hand then remembered my friends in the field. I quickly checked the hallway to see if Andrew was still there. When I saw he was gone, I closed my door, changed into simple clothes, brushed my hair, and left.

*With Andrew (Andrew's P.O.V.)*

I walked down the hallway and towards the dining area to see my parents waiting for me.

"Forgive me for being late, but I had to announce my departure to Christina," I told them politely. My mother nodded.

"No, it's okay," she assured me. "She needs to know." I sat down in front of them.

"Well, I won't be here for long because I have much to do," I informed them. "Is the chef finished with your meals?"

"No, but he probably will be soon," my father said, drinking his wine. I nodded my head, got up, and walked into the kitchen. When I did, I saw the chef.

"Are you almost finished," I asked him.

"Ah, yes," he smiled proudly. "I just have to put the final touches on it." He walked away to a random cabinet. When he did, I pulled out a small container. I sprinkled a little of its contents onto my parent's dishes. I put it back into my coat and walked away before the man returned.

"He said it'll be ready in a minute," I announced. Then, a server came in with their plates. My parents thanked him.

"Andrew, are you sure you do not have time to dine with us?" my mother asked.

"No, I have to leave on time, but thank you for your offer," I kindly told her. They continued to eat happily, but I just drank my water.

*Later with Andrew*

"The southern royal family is on their way," a messenger told me.

"Good, they'll be just in time for the wedding," I said proudly.

"But, Your Majesty, isn't the wedding only in a little less than two weeks? Wouldn't they be too early?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong with being a little early, is there?"

"No, sir."

*Later with Christina and Treyvon (3rd P.O.V.)*

Treyvon and Christina walked into the castle, laughing wholeheartedly.

"That was very fun," Christina told him.

"I was amazed that you knew how to sword fight!" Treyvon cheered.

"Well, I'm not really good at it, but I know I can defend myself," she explained.

"Are you hungry?" he asked her?

"Yes, I hadn't realized how long we were out there until now!" Christina laughed. They walked into the dining area and Treyvon told Christina to wait at the table as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hello, Carter," Treyvon greeted the chef.

"Good evening, Prince Treyvon," Carter replied happily. "Where have you been all this time?"

"William, Anthony, Christina, and I were practicing sword fighting out in the field," Treyvon excitedly told him. "I didn't know she was good at that before!"

"Well, I didn't know either," Carter said to him, surprised that the princess knew how to fight.

"Are you busy?" Treyvon asked.

"No, never too busy for you," Carter answered. "I'll make you two something right away."

"Thanks, Carter," Treyvon told him as he walked out. Treyvon sat down next to Christina at the table. A short time later, a server came in and gave them their food.

"Have my parents ate dinner yet, Joseph?" Treyvon asked him.

"I know they ate lunch earlier with Andrew, but I'll ask them," Joseph responded politely. He gave them their drinks and left to check on the king and queen.

"Do you know everyone's name?" Christina asked Treyvon while they ate.

"No, but I try to remember as many as I can," he explained. "Everyone knows my name, and I feel as though it would be rude to not do the same. All of these people are a part of my kingdom and they serve my family. That is why I try to meet as many of the people as I can to show them my gratitude, even if I am royalty." Treyvon's words warmed the princess' heart, but soon Joseph burst back into the room.

"The King and Queen are ill!" he shouted.

"What?!" Christina and Treyvon yelled, alarmed.

"I went to their room to check on them, but they were both very quiet," Joseph explained. "Then, I decided to go into their room to see them. They both looked so sickly and their bodies were hot!" Carter ran into the room.

"Go call George!" he commanded the server. Joseph nodded his head and dashed out. At the table, Treyvon was holding his head, seemingly in pain.

"How could this happen?" Treyvon asked aloud. "He said they were just fine earlier!"

"Please calm down, Your Majesty," Carter instructed, sitting beside him. "George is going to be here soon to check on them. They will be better soon." Treyvon breathed in and out over and over in an attempt to calm down. He shook his head. Joseph came back in and announced that Dr. George was now in their king and queen's room trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Treyvon, I know this is scary for you, but you need to be strong," Christina said, hugging him. "We just have to trust the doctor and God. They are in good hands, I am certain.

After a while, George walked into the dining area and seated at the table with Treyvon, Christina. Carter had left to give them privacy.

"I checked on your parents," George started. "I don't know how they have gotten sick so suddenly, but with rest, they will be fine." Treyvon nodded his head and the man soon left. As soon as he did, Treyvon went hunched over in his chair.

"Treyvon, you need to get some rest too," Christina told him. "We will check on them in the morning." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed sadly.

"...Fine," he said, sounding melancholy. Then Christina walked Treyvon back to his room. They walked in and Treyvon sat on his bed, Christina right beside him. She wrapped her arms around his larger frame and he leaned tiredly against her. They sat in silence until the prince said something.

"I know I'm probably being too worrisome, but I'm just scared for them," he confessed. "It's just so sudden."

"It's okay, Treyvon," Christina said quietly. "I would be sad if I were you too. But I want you to be strong. You always have a bright smile on your face, and it hurts me to see you this way. Your happy spirit is contagious. It's one of the reasons why you so much." They continued to hold onto each other, Treyvon taking comfort in holding the princess so close.

"Thank you, Christina," Treyvon told her. "But I need to talk to you about-"

"You need to get some rest," she interrupted. "We can talk later." Treyvon sighed.

"Okay," he said reluctantly. Christina let go of him and walked to the door.

"See you later," she said softly. After he repeated the same, she left to go to her own room.

*Treyvon's P.O.V.*

I sighed and fell back onto my bed.

I almost got to talk to her.

But she was right. It was very late and I was exhausted. Today's events really took a toll on me. I looked up at my blue ceiling, mindlessly gazing until I had fallen asleep.

I awoke to the sound of knocking at my bedroom door. I sleepily rubbed my eyes and sat up. The knocking was initially softer, but it slowly built up in strength. I wondered if Christina had come back with news about my parents. I stood up and started to open the door. Before I could see anything, all I saw was a blur. Everything went black.


Again, I awoke, but this time with a start. As I began to sit up, my hands felt something rough and icy. The ground.

"You're finally awake," I heard a man say. I almost didn't catch it because of the apparent ringing in my ears. I held my head. It was dark and I almost couldn't point out a single object. The fuzziness in my brain traveling.

"The prince told us everything," I heard another voice scoff. I looked forward, but could only visualize two dark outlines of men.

"No one would have ever believed that this would happen," the first man said.

"But don't worry," the second voice. I could practically hear his grin. "Prince Andrew has a very special plan for you." The fuzziness took over and I felt myself slipping out of consciousness.

So after being in this dark place for a while, I realized I was actually in a cage-like cell. Am I in the dungeon? Immediately, I heard the sound of a heavy door opening. I looked towards the sound and saw three figures. I squinted my eyes to get a better view but had little luck. I could hear the scuffling of feet and grunts, and I assumed they had to be fighting.

"We've been ordered to take you to the dungeon by Prince Andrew himself," one of the men from earlier said. "Comply now or face harsher punishment!"

"Let go of me!"

William's voice.

"That man is not my master!" I heard a sharp smack and the man cried out. After another minute of struggling, I heard another bar door screech open and William was thrown inside a cell. Shortly after, the two men left. William was breathing heavy.

"Cowards," he said, deathly low.

"William!" I called out. I assumed he turned to me.

"Treyvon?" he asked, astonished. "What are you doing here?"

"I can only guess for the same reason as you," I told him gravely.

"How long have you been here? Have they hurt you?" he asked quickly.

"I am mostly unharmed," I answered. "But I do not know how long it has been. I'm afraid this place has no light, so I have no way of knowing."

"Some men came out of nowhere and ambushed me," William told me. "Only cowards need a group of men to attack one."

"With good reason, it seems," I said lightly. "I heard you put up a good fight against them."

"Yes, that man is going to remember my face for a while," he laughed. I laughed too, but soon it

turned into thick silence.

"We need to get out of here," William said seriously. "I have a good hunch that this isn't the only part of Andrew's plan." I felt breathless as I remembered what the man told me earlier. William was right. This wouldn't be the only punishment from my brother. Far from it.

"He needs to pay for his deeds," William growled. "He's been horrible his whole life, and he has pushed it too far this time!" I heard him trying to push against the metal bars but failing. I have never seen him so upset, so filled with rage.

"William, please do not hurt yourself," I told him. "You're just fueled by anger, and you've told me before that it's a dangerous thing." William paused, still breathing raggedly. Finally, he sighed.

"You're right," he said quietly. "It's just...I've seen him do many cruel things to people - including you - and it makes me so angry to know nothing has happened to set him straight for it."

"But as the priest said, if you do good things, good things will happen to you," I reminded him. "Surely he can't be wrong. Andrew's actions will catch up to him, I have faith in that. And with faith, I believe that our good deeds can bring us out of this." I heard William chuckle next to me.

"Treyvon, I don't think you realize how amazing your mindset is," he said kindly. "You've always been such a happy soul, and it's beautiful. Like I've said before, I trust you, and I'm on your side always."

*With Christina (Christina's P.O.V.)*

I woke up this morning feeling uneasy. It felt like something was wrong, but I hadn't been told any news yet. I took a bath and put on a plain dress. Then I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to see one of the maids.

"Good morning, Maria," I greeted. "What do you need?"

"Everyone's in a rush today because of Andrew's orders," she said quickly. "Can you follow me? I'll explain everything." I nodded my head and followed her down the halls.

"Prince Andrew has changed the plans of the wedding again," she explained. "It'll be held this afternoon."

"What?" I exclaimed, surprised. " could he do this? You said there was still much planning to do."

"Yes, but I guess he loves you so much that he can't wait out the rest of the two weeks," Maria shrugged. "And because of the King and Queen's conditions, he-"

"What about them?" I asked. "I thought the doctor said they only needed rest and they'll be better soon." I thought about how broken Treyvon was when he found out last night. I didn't know how he'll handle the news today.

"Now the doctor has said that his predictions were wrong," she said. "They have only gotten worse. for those reasons, Andrew decided it would be better to be married as soon as possible." She stood at a door and led me in. When she opened the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. My father, mother, two sisters, and, even Michael, was there.

"Andrew thought it would be better if your family were here to witness your marriage," Maria told me. "I'll give you your privacy." After she left, I looked at all of them. All at once, I felt tears rush to my eyes. I ran to my parents and hugged them.

"We missed you too," my mother said.

"Yes, your mother and I have been waiting for this glorious day," my father said happily. If only they knew how I felt about this day.

"Christina, you're going to look so beautiful," I heard Delilah gush. I looked towards her, Johanna, and Michael.

"Yes, it'll be such a magical day," Johanna agreed.

"I just hope this man is as great as everyone here claims he is," Michael shrugged lamely. "After all, you've only known him for less than two weeks…" He stood there, looking at me straight-faced.

"...Oh, he's, protective, and...kind," I said, failing to find better words. Michael raised an eyebrow but said nothing further. Maria opened the door and walked back in.

"The other maids are here with the dress," she told us. "The women may stay here, but may I ask the men to leave?" My father and Michael nodded their heads and left.

As soon as they left, the three women from the other day rushed in with a dress, brushes, pins, and began to get to work. I undressed and they quickly ran a bath for me. Afterward, I put on the dress and they skillfully styled my hair. After my heels were put on, my outfit was complete. I stood in front of a wall-length mirror and gasped. From my feet to my head, my shoes seemed to sparkle, and my floor-length dress was a bright, pure white. The sleeves ended a little after my shoulders and the waist cut in to accent my figure. They had curled my hair, and it effectively reached the middle of my back. I turned to my mother and sisters to see tears in their eyes.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you, Christina," my mom said lovingly.

"Thank you," I said softly. Barely above a whisper.

*With the Men (3rd P.O.V.)*

Maria had led the Southern King and Michael to another room. There, they saw Andrew in his royal silks, standing in front of a mirror. As soon as he noticed their presence, he turned around and gave them a dazzling smile.

"Oh, you must be Christina's family," he said happily. He looked at the king. "It is a pleasure to meet you, King Jordan." He looked at Michael. "I wasn't aware of Christina having a brother."

"She doesn't," Michael said shortly. "I'm courting one of her sisters." Unaffected by the other man's curt attitude, Andrew continued on.

"I am thankful that you are allowing your daughter to marry me," he said back to the king.

"She seems happy, so I'm extremely comfortable with this decision," King Jordan said. A servant opened the door and looked at them.

"Prince Andrew, are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes," Andrew said, face brighter than ever. And with that, they all walked out of the room and towards the church.

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