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Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Kuoh Town and Weapons

(Author's Notes - I almost wrote Author's Notes as Angus' Notes... Also this is the end of the first volume... It's really short... I wanted to write it out to 25 chapters at least but I didn't have time to plan because of finals and people disliking the hell out of the fact that I tried to push it back to study and further plan this out. Since apparently, my grades passing is nothing to them, even though I have to be passing my classes otherwise I will have to stop writing due to a confiscated computer, phone, and other electronic devices cause I still get my ass grounded even though I'm an adult. Yes, it does happen still and I would love to have a phone to have fun with over the summer damn it!)

Angus who was finally freed from Enkidu which was wrapped around him had stored the chains that were slowly forced off him using God's Bane and put them inside his inventory. The inventory has a set size of 1,000 item squares, in a 100 square by 10 square design, with each being able to carry up to 9,999 of a singular item which doesn't have to be the same size or mass, or a unique item regardless of size or mass. Now he had 3 item squares filled up. 1 for the Super Pieces given to him, another square for the 94 chains that composed Enkidu in this world, and another 1 for stones that he had used to test the inventory mechanic and he didn't feel like taking the stones back out so he just left it in there. After all, he could always use the fist-sized stones for throwing at targets if he wished.

(Angus) - "It's been a long time since I can move around freely! Freedom feels nice... Let's see where should I go first?"

Angus started to think about where to do.

(Angus) - "Huh? My memories are really fuzzy right now? Hmm... Oh, it must be because of those 95,000 years I was asleep for! Although I woke up once every 1,000 years I didn't really try to refresh much of my memories besides breaking the seals that bound me to Enkidu now that I think about it."

At this moment Angus had a slight feeling of a problem arising before finally realizing the problem that came along with his memory.

(Angus) - "Shit! How do I know what happens if everything in my memory became fuzzy besides a few points here and there! Ahhh... Damn... Let's see what I remember..."

(Angus) - "First, there is the 4 Maous who all died still in the end. Second, the 72 pillars heads from the war all died most likely. Third, the Maou titles were now given out. Fourth, ... Uh... Like half of the 72 pillars went extinct if everything after the war was still the same... Fifth, depending on the time period I'm currently at I can change the story if I see an event that reminds me of something that happens in the world's timeline... Sixth, ... I can't really remember much besides that and a few of the characters and events that would appear if the world from the story."

(Angus) - "For the world timeline ... Let's see for characters I remember ... the pervert crow Azazel, Issei, ... Rias, ... Kiba, ... uhhh..., ... Koneko, ... Koneko's sister Kuroka..., ... Asia, ... hmm... Although I know there are others... I just can't seem to remember them right now... I'd probably have to see them or hear about them to remember them again. The only events I remember happening right now is ... The Phenex game where the pervy Phenex kid and his sister was in... Then... Oh! Yeah! I remember how Issei got Koneko interested in him! Then... Hmm... Then... The Sairaorg? I think his name was? Sairaorg vs Rias game where Sairaorg lost and his mother woke up... I remember watching that right before graduation in my past life."

(Angus) - "Hm... Let's see... For the girl's to be interested... I never understood Rias... Koneko ... was her getting over her ... accepting her Senjutsu. Kuroka was ... A) patch the relationship with Koneko which was a major one... B) Make her interested in you... C) Strength to protect her and her sister? I guess... As for Asia ... She pretty much just liked him since the start as well? Uh... Rias' Queen... The lightning empress was her helping her with her father Baraqiel... I don't want to mess with that... I already had enough with Baraqiel from before during the war... The damned bastard just kept shooting lightning at everyone's wings from afar until they got close enough."

(Angus) - "I guess that's all I can remember for now. I'll probably remember more if I happen to meet any of the characters. Now that my memory is refreshed it's time to head out."

Controlling his aura as he approached the exit of the cave as he walked for 10 minutes while controlling his aura down to a negligible size. Undoing the seal by forcibly grabbing one of Enkidu's chains that were currently weakened for now although they just touching it burned his skin with his regeneration they just kept holding off each other. Using the chain he smashed it into the seal and broke it with just the absorption effect of Enkidu and the sheer amount of brute force of smashing a fist against it, after putting away the single chain he brought out, then Angus just calmly walked straight on out of his cave. Staring at the town down the mountain before him a thought came to Angus.

(Angus) - "This town... seems somewhat familiar? That's not possible... Wait, perhaps it is ... No way, what are the chances... But... is it the town that Issei was from? I mean if so... I'm on the mountains above the church... There's a school way down there with more than one building... No way, just a coincidence right ... It can't be ... Kuoh town... Even if it is... the chances of my wish of being sealed there was just peer coincidence although I pointed to a possible future location of Kuoh Town."

Meanwhile, while Angus was debating with himself rather this town in front of him was Kuoh Town or not he was walking down the mountain disregarding the discomfort of going closer to the church on the mountain as it was in his path. While walking down, Angus used Shadow Magic to wrap around himself to create black colored clothes in the appearance of a suit around his body which unknowingly to him as he had no mirror or anything like that, was a rather nice contrast to his white colored hair. While walking down he realized he might stink so he used the only water magic spell that he had learned, which was summoning a globe of water, to clean himself. While using a basic wind magic spell to create small winds to dry himself off of excess water on his body.

Walking out of the forest and down to the streets, Angus ignored the discomforting feeling of passing by the church due to its naturally holy aura clashing with naturally opposing dark aura from being a shadow assassin and a vampire. Continuing to walk through the streets seemingly dressed like a cosplayer due to his white hair, blue eyes, and dark clothes made from shadow magic wrapped around to emulate clothes, Angus continued to look around the town curiously. As Angus tried to look walked around for 50 minutes looking around the town enjoying his stroll he continued to walk towards the school building he saw in the distance as he walked through the streets taking in the sights and holding in his hunger. Which, at this point, strangely enough, Angus actually didn't need blood to live off, but rather, he could live off of normal foods and blood despite the Apocalypse clan vampires normally only eating blood to survive. Angus felt that this could be attributed to the fact that he had his blood changed from one of his wishes from the original blood of the Apocalypse clan to one of a game from his world.

(Angus) - "Hmm... Where's the school? I'm getting lost now that I'm not looking at it from above. I can't remember where from here lead to the school."

Confused and lost Angus went up to shop down the street to ask for directions. According to the old shop owner, the school was another three streets down and towards the right of where they were now. After thanking the owner for his time, Angus headed towards the school following his directions. After reaching the school's gates it clicked in Angus' mind that this really was Kuoh Academy as the sign on the school had its name on it. Walking towards a shadow of the gate and melting into the shadows before traveling through the closed gates of the school Angus continued walking towards the school after breaking in and reaching the building. Factoring in the fact that he didn't know where to go to find one of the devils that likely attends the school Angus decided he might as well check the building where the Occult Research Club was in the anime.

There were a few reasons for this of course. First, if he found nobody there then it means the events haven't happened or already ended in the original timeline. Second, if he did find anyone there then it means that he can go to the underworld to tell the current Sitri Clan Head that he was released from the seal and that his family still could cash in the favor he promised to the Sitri Clan Head that was from back from the Great War. Third, if he did find the main characters of the story then based on who is there he can make the inference of around what time it is according to the story. As if Issei is there and Rias is there then it means the first year, while if Rias is there but Issei isn't apart of them then it means that it's the year before the story, while if it's just Issei there not but Rias then it means it's the second year in the story and the later events of the story that are vague to Angus currently would be happening already.

Arriving at the older building that housed the club Angus arrived and headed towards the door since it was still class time for the students as he can tell by looking into the windows and seeing the classes going on. Angus casually strolled knocked on the door and seeing no one responded to the knocking he made use of the shadows from the trees nearby that landed on the door to pass through the doorway and headed in without caring about breaking or entering at all as after 95,019 years had passed since he was reborn in this world, he had completely forgotten that was a law in this world as well. Casually strolling inside he took a seat on one of the couches inside the building waiting for the classes to end to see if someone would arrive to prove if the events have happened or haven't yet. After waiting an hour and not seeing anyone yet as classes were continuing as it was still noontime Angus fell asleep due to having nothing to do besides looking around the building. However, Angus was quite bored with that idea after doing so for an hour and already roaming around the building.


Waking up after the nap, Angus looked around and found the time. Noticing that it was almost time for the students to get out for the day, yet still, have another hour of classes to go, Angus decided to finally create the weapons his family was supposedly known for. A blood weapon. Forging a blade out of shadows and cut a finger off. Controlling his body to not regenerate right away he let the blood flow out and form a ball off to the side from his finger before reattaching his finger and letting it regenerate. Then with a large amount of blood that had come out from the wound, he started to forge it into the shape of a weapon.

As a fan of versatile weapons from games that had at least a second form, Angus decided to create a weapon based upon that idea. The idea that came to mind was a pair sword of short swords to dagger based length weapon. This weapon's blade he changed the color of the blade from the red blood through the use of applying magic to give it the colorization of a steel blade on the outside of the two blades before changing the rest of it to silver color. Realizing he didn't like that it the design he and the versatility still be too low Angus made the two blades to have a semicircle base before the blade that leads to the handle and could be connected to form a blade when putting them both together. Still feeling it was lacking he tried to give the handle a small partial moon shape at the bottom of the two swords. Liking the design more, Angus felt there the coloring was kind of plain with a silver base and a steel coloring on the outside of the blade. After thinking for a while a realizing he had almost no time left before some came back if they are actually coming he decided to go with the idea of creating the idea of giving the sword the look of it blood flowing by creating a red base at the top and letting it flow down like streams of blood until it reached the semicircle part above the handle area. Liking what he made he created two contrasting silver sheathes for the blades before putting them in being done with them and putting it into his inventory.

Angus didn't come up with a name for them yet as he decided to put that off to the side before dealing with what he came to do first. Although Agnus could've continued sitting there waiting and trying to decide what to name it, heard the doors of the building opening so it would only be a little while before the doors to the room he was in would open up as well. So Agnus decided to put it off to the side and learn about what time period he is in. Currently, Agnus was hoping it was right before the story started. As seeing the town and the school extremely vague memories had started to become more pronounced to him compared to the bits and pieces he remembered. At the moment, he could remember essentially up to the first season of the anime he had rewatched the week of his graduation with the stimulation of seeing the locations and the town that he was in. As if interrupting his thoughts he heard the door opening up towards the room he was in as he turned his towards the door and waited.

Raikou1688 Raikou1688

So this is the last chapter I made while I was in school this semester. In other words, this is the last of my unplanned chapters. The rest will hopefully be planned out more as I review the anime for information to write it out. While at the same time try to find a free novel source to allow the story to follow out more. As Angus is technically lost in his memories.

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