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50% In The Naruto World With An Mp3 Player- Lyrical Fighting Style / Chapter 7: Hans Frustration!! Being Called Naruto #2 Gets Annoying!!!

Chapter 7: Hans Frustration!! Being Called Naruto #2 Gets Annoying!!!

When the three of them reached Ichirakus, there was a massive line, and this, along with the rumbling of Hans stomach, only served to put the damper on all of their moods.

"So do you guys want to wait? Or do you know of another spot where we can eat?" Hans asked, looking at the long line, most of them were females which actually made sense. "It doesnt necessarily have to be this particular restaurant."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you've tried it before," Ino replied with a smile. "This is probably the best ramen in the entire village and it even gets delivered."

"They deliver?" Hans asked, not knowing this small detail, though he probably should have. "Who delivers it? Do they have a whole team that goes around selling it or something like that?"

"No its just Ichirakus daughter who carries it, she's basically like the stores mascot." Ino explained as they stood to the side, observing the madness happening in front of them.

"So one girl carries it everywhere throughout the whole village?" Hans asked, completely confused at this point.

"Thats exactly right," A voice said from behind them, a rather familiar one. Hans turned around and blinked as he saw Kakashi standing there.

"Oh, Kakashi sensei...." Hans said, a bit surprised that he hadn't sense his approach, though he had taken off his headphones so that could've been one of the reasons. "What brings you here?".

"I just got back from the hokage and she's set up a place for you to live in," Kakashi said with what was probably a grin. "Can you guess where that is?"

"Does it have something to do with Naruto?" Hans asked, rubbing the his temples with his fingers. "I swear if you say it has something to do with Naruto...Imma be pissed!!"

"Well we tossed the idea around for a bit and fogured that you could borrow Naruto's house until we find you a way back to your world." Kakashi said, not minding that Ino was there.

"What do you mean 'his world'," Ino asked, now immensely curious and more then a little confused.

"Oh, yeah, none of the genin were informed as of yet." Kakashi said, looking up a bit. "Hans Jackson is from a different world from the rest of you. He has things that we dont, does things that we normally wouldn't, he's different."

"Is that really the best explanation you could come up with Kakashi sensei?" Hans asked with a pained expression. "Talk about vague, try and be more descriptive next time."

Kakashi shrugged and turned to look at Hinata who had looked over at Kakashi, before looking at Ino and Hans. It was clear she was confused.

"Will it be alright if I borrowed your new friend?" Kakashi asked nudging Hans in the side. "I'm just going to get him aquainted with his new home and then aftwerwards, I'll have him head over to your house and you two can hang out over there."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, I wanted to show you the music on my Mp3 player!!" Hans exclaimed, pulling out the small device. "Later me and you are gonna have a blast, Ill even play something for you over my laptop which is even louder."

Hinata nodded and smiled at him, "I cant wait Hans," She looked at the device curiously. "Will you also sing for me?"

"Sing for you?" Hans asked, taken a bit by surprise, not accepting that type of request. "I mean, I can but why would you want me to?"

"Because you said you love music and I want to see why you love it so much," She answered honestly. "I've noticed that before you battle you always put on that device you wear on your head. It must be very special to you, something precious."

Hans tilted his head to the side and thought about it, something that had never occured to him before. He had always carried these headphones and Mp3 player with him, wherever he went, only putting it down when he slept, He had never thought about what he would do without music in his life or even his Mp3 player.

"I guess your right Hinata," Hans finally said, smiling softly. "I guess these are pretty precious. Anyways, I'm off, so make sure you wait for me as we'll listen to music when I get back."

Hans turned to face Kakashi. "So how are we getting there? We going to race again? Because I'll take off my weights this time!!" He slipped his headphone over his ears and took out his Mp3 player. "Or if you just simply want to go fast then thats fine too."

"We'll be running along the rooftops to get there, but there won't be any racing." Kakashi said, pointing a finger upwards. "You dont know how to summon chakra to the bottom of your feet so it could be dangerous for you."

"Well as much as that bothers me, I can at least see where your coming from," Hans admitted. He settled for an old song that he rather liked, a song called 'Girls Like You' (by Maroon 5) the non remix version as he hated the one that had Cardi B. in it. "So we're just going to do old fashioned running and nothing fancy."

"Correct, now follow me," Kakashi vanished, appearing on top of the nearest building. "We gotta get there quickly as someone is there who wants to meet you. The person who looks like Naruto, she's quite curious...and a bit scary."

"Hey, I got a question before you leave," Ino said, grabbing Hans sleeve. "Are you gonna be a genin here or are you just trying to go back to your own world?"

"You girls always as the important questions," Hans said, taking a step back from Ino. "I might be here for a while so I'll probably try and become a genin. It really depends though if I'm really qualified to actually join the ranks."

After saying these words, Hans bent his legs and jumped up, straight to the top of the building, something that wouldve no doubt been impossible in Hans own world.

"Okay, lets get going then Hans," Kakashi said as he broke into a run. "Try not to lose to me like last time."

"Dick," Hans muttered under his breath as he followed after him, running and jumpi g to the next building. "You only beat me because I underestimated you."

The two of them ran for about twenty minutes before Kakashi finally stopped in front of a familiar looking building, a building that Hans actually recognized pretty well.

"So this is the place?" Hans asked, walking up to stand beside Kakashi. "Which room is mine?"

"Well, you'll just have to follow me and find out for yourself won't you." Kakashi said as he jumped up to the second floor of the building and landed on the railing. "I'll meet you inside whenever your ready Naruto #2!" With that, he disappeared from the railing.

"I swear if someone calls me that again, I'm going to punch them in the god damn dick," Hans said as he bent his legs preparing to make the jump. However he was stopped when he heard someone call out.

He turned his head and saw a girl with short pink hair dressed in a red qipao dress with slits along the sides. She was easily recognizable as the weakest member of team 7, Sakura Haruno. Back in his own world, Sakura was hated upon so much that if anyone went against it they were hated on themselves.

But Hans had never hated Sakura...well not after she decided to get stronger. He had absolutely despised her in the beginning when she was just a burden, refusing to get stronger and was fine being weak. He hated those who didnt constantly seek to improve themselves.

"Heyyy," Sakura said, waving. "Your Hans Jackson right? The Naruto look alike?" She stopped in front of him and looked closely at his face and then gave him a quick glance up and down.

"I dont necessarily agree with that statement as your a lot taller then he was, and more muscular." Sakura tapped her chin. "However, your hair is exactly like his, besides yours being black, and so is your face structure, so I can see the reason why Kakashi sensei would call you Naruto #2."

"Ummm, I actually followed Kakashi sensei to this building and he wanted me to follow him into Naruto's apartment but I cant find it.....think you could help me gorgeous?" Hans asked, thinking if he flattered her, she would help out.

Sakura looked like that statement pissed her off and even struck out at him, but it was parried away with a simple finger. This stunned Sakura as she backed away with a shocked look on her face.

"I guess that's a no then?" Hans said with a small sigh. "Guess I'll look for it myself." He sidestepped her and jumped up to the second floor railing.

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