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Chapter 35: Archives of Magic (2)

Luca stepped up and handed the beastman his two guild cards and two letters, "I just arrived here from Bristol after being summoned by His Majesty. The first letter is the summons in question, while the second is from the Bristol Branch Guildmaster Austin Nicholas' for the Head Guildmaster. I believe she is expecting me, but my guild cards should vouch for the letters being addressed to me. You can see from the seal on the first letter that it is the royal seal."

After a moment, the bear nodded with a hint of amazement, "Indeed I can. I doubt you're ambitious enough to fake the royal seal at your age, so I'll take this directly to the Head Guildmaster herself instead of flying it there via bird messenger. I hope you don't mind waiting next to my station for a moment."

"No worries, take your time," Luca said as he stepped off to the side and watched the bear lumber away, noticing the alchemical constructs that took place of his hand and lower leg. While the mechanical arts and those that use them, namely Artificers, were not prevalent in Andor, they still had a considerably high reputation for their capabilities. The most famous mechanical construct of note would be the Stalwart Gates, crafted by the dwarves in their underground kingdom of Organon, to wall off their capital after most of their underground kingdom was overrun by the forces of Darkness. Though rarely closed now, the Gates were said to have once withstood the blows of a fully matured Earth Dragon, a being referred to as 'living mountains' due to their size and power.

As Luca pondered over his knowledge of mechanics, which wasn't much overall, he also watched almost incalculable numbers of individuals of all sorts of races and backgrounds pass through the area, quite a bit of which also spoke with the tellers. During the time he played the game, he grew used to a much more chaotic scene, as almost all of the people in the building were rambunctious players. Still, he found the environment oddly calming despite its exceptional amount of noise.

A little more than ten minutes passed before he heard the voice of the bear as he cleared his throat for Luca's attention, "The Head Guildmaster wishes to see you in her office. Come with me." The boy followed along behind the anthropomorphic ursine, his eyes still watching how the prosthetics moved so finely. Although he really wanted to try and create something akin to mech suits, he knew that, while feasible, it wouldn't become a reality that easily. Plus, he'd want to pilot one, but his unique racial abilities made it uncomfortable. That, and he'd likely destroy the suit should he one day learn how to fully transform into a dragon.

Through two hallways, three flights of stairs and a number of doorways, the pair eventually reached their destination, at which point the bear knocked on the door, declaring the arrival of the expected guest, to which a response of "Come in" was returned. The beastman held the door open for Luca as he entered before politely excusing himself, closing the door behind him.

Peering over her spectacles as she looked up from her work, the Head Guildmaster Elizabeth Tudor quickly looked over the boy that now stood in her office. She gestured towards a chair briefly before returning to what looked like a stack of paperwork. As Luca sat down and patiently waited, he quickly zoned out of most of reality, almost hypnotised by the methodical scratching sound that came from the quill as it ran over the paper. He wasn't even aware of time moving by until the lady had set aside her quill and paper and cleared her throat. After awkwardly recollecting himself, he politely introduced himself, to which the Head Guildmaster smiled, "A pleasure to meet you, my young Dragonborn friend. I am Elizabeth Tudor, the Head Guildmaster for the Mages Guild. Welcome to the capital city of the Valarion Kingdom."

"Thank you very much, ma'am," said Luca as he grinned. Compared to all of the other faces he'd seen since his transmigration to Andor, this was a face he was very familiar with. Lady Tudor was widely considered one of the most senior mages among the Light Faction, specifically of the humans, as she was well over 120 years of age, and one of the most frightening due to her old S-rank Adventurer title, the Tudor Destroyer, being granted after several battles caused quite a bit of terrain change. She might seem to have mellowed with age, but she was still fiery and caused no small amount of fear. On top of that, when she retired from her adventurer status, she also stepped down from her position as the Archmage of Fire. The current Fire Archmage was one of her students that still suffers from occasional night terrors of his master's spartan training.

No player was unaware of the current strongest members of their faction, even the ones that had retired. Among those strongest members of the Light Faction, Elizabeth Tudor was a famous name due to her great deal of experience and wisdom, to say nothing of her prowess with magic.

The white-haired guildmaster leaned back in her chair as she spoke with a calm and smooth voice that one generally didn't picture coming from someone over 100 years old, "I looked over both letters. I just finished writing a letter to send to the palace, informing them of your arrival as per Nicholas', and my, recommendation. Until you're summoned by the king, one of the private infirmary rooms is assigned to you. After that, you're on your own." Elizabeth's tough love was also common knowledge. There was no chance of nepotism from this centenarian, no matter who it was. She'd once declared she'd whip the God of Light's rear end if he became too lazy to do his job. A while later, the Pope of the Light Church received a divine message that rather bluntly stated that the God of Light was amused by this and was more than happy to let her do so. Of course, this was over 80 years ago, when the God of Light still had power to spare.

"Thank you, ma'am. That's more than enough." Luca knew not to push this centenarian's buttons by asking for better treatment. The last thing he'd want to experience right before meeting the royal family was a cold stone floor and stiff muscles because he tried to be smart with the Tudor Destroyer.

Makurasame Makurasame

Been basically quarantined for the last 2+ weeks due to this COVID-19 garbage. I have no muse and it HURTS. I couldn't even remember the word 'prosthetic' without googling 'word for replacement limbs'.

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