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Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Huge Time Skip

For over 100 years after Fal and the other Infinity Guardians went into stasis, my team had been working on the composer, attempted to completely master this tool, Ghost looked for hidden problems, Death looked for all ways it can keep someone alive and keep there will as there own without being controlled after being changed, Reaper looked for all heavy big and noticable parts, and I looked at all parts and organized them into an understanding and connecting them together.

With everyone working together and time passing by like a rapid flowing river, I was able to master what Forurunners attempted to do in the beginning at times the Forurunners are smart at other parts they are stupid as a rock.

They had such common sense blinded by there over conference mind sets, they had everything they needed to fix this Composer into what they wanted but to blind to realize the problem that had a neon arrow pointing at it saying this is the problem!

Got It! (Specter)

Finally! (Death)

Took your sweet time! (Reaper)

I can sleep! (Ghost)

As everyone is they are having a party now that they don't need to work on it anymore, I look through what all happened over the past 100 plus years when we where not working on the composer.

Weapons, the Forurunners have information on how there weapons was created it was important to start the transformation weapons, finding this information deep in the library allowed understanding on making the new Weapons, one is the Helberd Beam Rifle, Helberd as is, but as soon as long distance combat is needed the user can change its forem to attack the distance, the Forurunners power source is even stronger then the Covenant taking advantage of it I took it apart found how to put it into everything, I then upgraded everything with this new power source.

This new source when put in a weapon it will fire a concentrated purple Beam and that beam has a EMP inside it after making tweaks to the beam itself, when it hits a shield it collapses and the hot beam will melt through armor. the beam will do devastating damage to the enemies armored and unarmored targets as its a beam not plasma the beam is even hotter then all other beams aftwr the power source was upgraded made.

The grunts have a Beam pistol It has a Energy Blade on the front bottom for slashing and stabbing close combat enemies. The beam is not as powerful like the Helberd Beam Rifle but still deadly.

The vehicles are all redone, the tank is a White curved body that has Anti-Gravity Engine making no sound its the same Engine used in a Monitor, that is where the power core for all the weapons and armor is from but added more of them after shrinking them down something even the Forurunners will not think of doung.

The Wraith has its name changed to just Tank it has a Anti-Gravity cannon floating above the main white alloy body it will fire a EMP purple beam shutting down all vehicles and things hit as the beam then cuts through all the Vehicles and even if an electromagnetic pulse hits the tank the cannon can still continue moving and aim at targets and firing just unable to move temporary, there is a Rapid Firing beam turret on the front under the main cannon on the main body and very top of the main cannon allowing Complete visual sight around equipped with a shield but if the attack is Stronger then the shield the tank can be destroyed.

The Ghost has the new name of Guardian Ghost now having a white alloy body Anti-Gravity Engine twin rapid firing beam cannons in the front, and overbooster allowing even fast moving then original, the driver will be encased Completely as it now has an armored body and the armor will retract allowing a door to move over the driver then a shield to reinforce the armored body from attacks.

Covenant Revenant has a new name called Guardian Revenant still Revenant for short has a rotating Medium firing beam cannon slower then the Ghost and more power but faster then the tank but less power it is located on the back and is floating allowing a complete spin of the cannon its a four beam cannons and having the driver located on the middle front and a passenger behind the driver, the passenger controls the cannon when inside but not needed a single driver can drive and also fire it but with one driving and another shooting its more effective and spreads the quick response to each individual user.

Banshees have been removed of there body Completely and are a fast thin vehicle able to make quick evasion moves and equipped with four rapid firing beams two on each wing and it can hover, having a Shield and a second passenger can unlock a small sphere in the middle that can change locations from the bottom to attack ground targets or above to attack flying targets that can rotate in every direction and fire a powerful single beam, this is able for space flight and named Small fighter.

There is a Covenant Seraph but I have not gained access to this vehicle yet but my Idea is when I gain access to it will become a Medium Fighter.

The phantom has been changed to a circle shaped vehicle, the center holds troops inside and under it can carries vehicles and supplies, on the curved top has a single powerful beam cannon that floats in place covorers all above it, the flat ring section forming all around the bottom has Small rapid firing beams cannons in place under it helps defend as the ground forces are being dropped, the new name is Supply ship simple and easy to remember.

All the vehicles from ground to flying all look similar to Forurunner but not at the same time, every armor, and vehicles still has room to be improved and spots that can be installed of upgrades when they are created this can be bought with the contribution points a system that will soon be in place when first upgrades are created, the military when in a fight the points will be rewarded to the person by kills rescues, Support and many other ways the points can be used for all vehicles, armor, and weapons upgrades when they are out that is.

The next is the new frigate, using the repair Sentinals and other Sentinals they created a docking station and after setting it up to create ships the first ship created was a Frigate Angel class, if looking downwards or upwards if under it, it looks like an angel having a long central section then wings branched off they are not attached to the main structure and can move when needed, they will move in a way it looks like an angel is diving downward and the front will fire a beam as it fires it looks like a halo making it looking like an angel is attacking that is where the name came from.

It has rapid beam cannons in all directions and even the ship can move to create more if needed and a Signal Main cannon that will fire devastating damage to ships its a ship made for combat with no spot useless, it is 1500 meters after it was finished.

The portal that moved to the other Facility after looking into it, I figured how it works as it had the information on how they are made, after building it and testing it out, I found I am able to link to any close planets and teleport troops onto the planet or the other way bringing them back onto the ship but it requires so much power it will not me equipped on lower class ships under Capital ships but that will be a bit of waiting until the ships are made.


Inside the Angel class Frigate the Covenant frigate was decommissioned and all the methane gas was sent inside with supplies, the inside has a central core that has inside nature section holding trees, running water like a world of its own, then it branches to rooms like a docking port, Storage, and more.

Inside the bridge, I with Infinity Guardians in stasis are leaving the halo as its not needed anymore and all data was transferred over already and can be slowly read and organized over the next few years.

Activate invisibility cloak. (Specter)

Affirmative. (Ghost)

The ship vanished from sight it is not that weak cloak that can still see the distortion from the cloak, its Completely gone.

A galaxy map displayed in the center mapping the place where the covenant would be at this time, but I selected an even closer area to the main world the Covenant have this is to start the first expansion.

Activate slip space. (Specter)

The slip space rupture opened before the ship the ship moved through it....


Arriving at the destination, slip space rupture opened up and Angel frigate exited it, the ship still Invisable moved through space, not long after arriving slip space ruptures appeared around as covenant Cruisers and Destroyers exited the slip stream, the area is Covenant Controlled space and its understandable for them to arrive almost instantly after arriving.

Seeing we are not being attacked, I move the ship to move around the ships getting out of there unknowingly entrapment.

They seem confused, and after a bit of time the ships started leaving but few stayed being one Destroyer and two Frigates they started scanning aroumd and almost got detected even Invisable still can be scanned on accident will give us away.

Getting away I moved to Covenant Controlled planets, there I started waking the Infinity Guardians up, sending them onto the covenant worlds they have a mission and that is to start spreading the information about Infinity Guardians getting the covenant to join Infinity Guardians but stay hidden doing this.

Having this being done, I flew the ship to the worlds dropping the Infinity Guardians off with a long range system that will be carried by supply ships once they are all on planets they starting the Recruitment.

As they are doing that and having to wait a bit longer until the Humans start spreading into space and making colonies I started building more Ships, going to unlivable planets and setting facilities on them using the planets recourses, the Sentinels will fly to the planets and collect the resources and bring it to the facilities I have a Sentinel construction structure that builds them and a Server towers to receive orders I don't need to worry about having little amount of Sentinals as they just build them and fast.

As they are building the facilities and the Infinity Guardians become more known in Covenant Controlled planets, I started to build facilities to start production of all armor, vehicles, weapons, and more at the facilities.

Making a new faction of my own will require military might and lost of it in space its huge, I did not leave Humanity out when time was right detected the humans are taking planets over setting colonies up I slip space rupture jumping to three of the planets, then sent Reaper, Ghost, Death that turned into humans and they went out start recruitment on the planets.

The colonies have been spreading out to fast and not a stable government to keep them in cheak and unfavorable conditions started picking up then humans started forming factions then thay started attacking UNSC, using that time, Reaper, Death, Ghost stared recruiting, as they are also robots the team can hack and gain all the money they want or need and that allowing the purchase of areas to bring in humans that want to join to have better conditions, when the Civilians realizing that its a military assessment some left as they don't want to get off world and continue staying home, but the young ones that want to have adventures joined, as its not the UNSC and the other factions they joined, but they asked what it is and they got told that they will be fighting as strong people to protect the weak.

All this was done hidden and quiet away from UNSC eyes and other human factions and Covenant but it was not air tight news about a hidden mystery faction called Infinity Guardians have spread but it was more a legend as I did not show the Infinity Guardians.


Years continue passing.

As the Infinity Guardians are growing I had created a unique training facility, after testing and it ran even better then expected I created these facilities everywhere. The facility is all for training using hard light and holographic systems it became a large virtual reality world that is so real that you feel inside it.

The young turned old and the old turned older, when they joined Infinity Guardians, they had gained information about becoming Artificial Intelligence, they will still be them in mind but physically changed to robotic bodies, when they hit a age they can go through the composer process and become Immortal artificial intelligence or even younger adults, but they lose there body but it still remains humanoid and they can customize the body when its being made as they see fit.

Until the next part is complete they will be stuck as artificial intelligence but Immortal giving them time for when the next part is finished.

If they wish to pass on at any time it will be done and no forced prosses is done.

I had my hands full going to facilitates and having to set up artificial worlds systems and make sure they run correctly that can hold all Infinity Guardians recruits, being human, Grunts, Hunters, Engineers, Jackals, Elites, Ect. The facilities trained in all areas at once.

All living together under Infinity Guardians they started bonding having better lives with the advanced technology and Sentinals growing food and controlling the water systems keeping the places in check people can worry about other things as food and water is all free.

I have been building ships, having training systems take place to have Captains of ships trained, ground forces, and more, the Virtual Artificial world Facilities they have been training in brings in everything from fighting the flood finding ways of purging it, stopping it, fighting humans, fighting covenant, and fighting corrupted prometheans.

The enemies are uploaded and the recruits fight until they are killed but even that does not mean they are free after death they get thrown right back in to keep them training and learning there mistakes but complete there missions correctly will stop the system and reset a new world, its like a game set up but the player needs to physically move and fight as the facility is real but the enemies are not, this helped improve the troops.


At a Training Facility.

Before me I am watching one person in the training facility, fighting the flood, having waves of them coming he is running and shooting, then evading as the flood jumped at him, they are not pure form as that is not being used in this scenario this time having his armor on the helmet protects against the flood spores in the air, if the player has no helmet on they would watch as they turn into the flood and hard light will stimulate everything the flood does to the body by turning them into abomination monsters physically and mentally pains from slowly losing ones mind then being controlled as you are alive unable to even fight the flood as you are controlled by them and helplessly watch as you kill your allies and artificial civilians even artificial children will be simulated to help them push to become better so they will not have it happen to them again.

All this was made to push them to get better then the enemies, watching as the man ran into a room finding it lead to a trapped small space with only the door he walked in from the exit the flood pouring into the small space he evaded and pushed his body to the limit as the flood continued the shield held preventing the flood from entering his body but the damage being taken is dropping his shield and if he does not leave the room he will be killed.

And with a push the man broke through leaving the room and back on the run, fighting his way through the small spaced area having to do minimal evading moves or get trapped in the small space.

A door started closing before him and with a push of his body he sprinted to the door to his limits. This is to help get them to make it to areas as fast as possible or get stuck on the other side being forced to find another way out if they don't make it.

Jumping and rolling through the closing door still has time until its Completely closed he crouched unto a knee fighting position and shot into the hallway he just left the flood following him was vaporized by the purple beam and the door closed.

The weapons are not the real weapons or deaths would happen when they kill the infected allies, they are specializes weapons only for the Facilities.

Getting up he turned around then a loud bang was heard on the right as a door was hit, yelling on the other side was heard.

The door is locked! Daman! (?)

This is a part displays team work, the man quickly made his way to the door panel there its not seen but the helmet scanned the panel and translated the language it did not matter if it was Covenant, Human, Prometheans language or mixed of all three it will be translated by the visor and then he tapped on it, the door opened and he started shooting the flood as another man ran out and made his way to the panel there he locked the door back as the flood arrived at the door it closed shut.

Thanks, this is crazy! I enjoyed playing games but this is to real! (?)

Yeah, I died a few times already and it is horrible can't believe this flood existing in the galaxy. (??)

By the way, my name is Jack. (Jack)

Sam. (Sam)

What is your mission? (Sam)

I got to find Delta team, they activated a containment door that released the flood we are fighting, they are one floor up. (Jack)

I have to turn the Sentinels online, that is one floor down from here. (Sam)

Lets do your mission first, with the Sentinels we can support Delta team and clear the flood. (Jack)

Alright let's move. (Sam)

The huge facility has all the trainees going through it at once and each team or solo trainee will do mistakes and the place changes to there mistakes if they made none then the flood will not have to be a problem and they finish without having to even fight the flood, they have missions that update with the actions of all teams and solo trainees and even no mission where they need to figure out how to proceed.

Making there way through the area, they made there way down, there the flood Increased the longer they stayed in the facility without stopping it and yes the flood increases with more losses on the trainees. Arriving at the Sentinel system, Sam accessed the system as Jack covered against the flood, for five minutes the Sentinels slowly came online and the flood was getting less and less as they joined in fighting, there the Sentinels all came online and they joined in fighting the flood completely.

The Sentinel have been changed with a better core and beam weapons like the soldiers and if they are destroyed the weapons are able to still be used by grabbing them and using them if ever of needed as weapons can be damaged, Lost or stop working in war unexpectedly this helps provide weapons.

The two worked there way up now heading to Delta team, fighting the flood through two floors they arrived at the door. The door was unlocked by them and a large battle was displayed when it opened its a huge room where Elites, Grunts, Jackals fought against the flood attacking them from all directions.

Running up and joining the fight the Sentinels flew in and started blasting the flood as they exited the unlocked door, the flood was being pushed back in a matter of minutes.

How did you unleashed the flood? (Jack)

Got word of a Armory and wanted to get new weapons but it was a trap, the system was rewritten to display weapons, what we thought lead to an armory was a trap made by the Flood. (?)

I am Jack, this is Sam. (Jack)

My name is Gle. (Gle)

What is your mission? (Jack)

I made mine to get back to the containment breach and seal what we where unable to do when we got over ran after opening the door. (Gle)

With the Sentinels and working together we can fight a way to the breach. (Sam)

The longer we wait the more of a problem it will be. (Jack)

Alright, lets head out, follow me I know the way. (Gle)

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