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Chapter 3: Switch

We stood there staring at each other, each with a disbelief engraved on his face. Ex-man, now a furry spirit, a big bad fox and a frightened little girl Ino Yamanaka. Surprisingly, the girl reacted first. This time, with curiosity painted on Ino's face, she approached our cage. Then I was awaken.

"Hey, fox. She can't see us. "I said in a whisper.


"Shut up. Hide deeper and get ready to catch her, I think I have a plan. I chased down a fellow prisoner.

The memories from the Naruto series flashed before my eyes, but I couldn't even find memories of this situation anywhere. I was wondering what it could mean when the girl's behaviour pulled me out of my mind. She stopped with fear painted on her face. I had to act quickly.

"Help me. Help me! I called crawling to the edge of the cage.

"What? Someone is here." The girl called and stepped slowly two steps closer to the bars.

That's what I was hoping for. An inexperienced person, naive and still full of faith in people, got caught up in an old trick. I was stealthily looking at the approaching girl and as she was approaching, I sporadically called out for help more and more quietly. I lay almost touching the line of our prison, remembering to clearly move my body simulating breath.

"Naruto, is that you?" The girl asked when she could clearly recognize my lying body. Then I would never have thought that the orange colour of my chakra might be such a perfect camouflage. Thanks to the monotony of style in this world.

When Ino leaned against the wall of our prison to lean forward and look at me better, I called for the last time.

"Please... Kurama now! Then Kyubi's big paw shot out of the darkness squeezing between the rods and got the paralyzed girl.

Unspeakable fear filled the core of the girl, but I was not let to be carried away.

"Hold her down, fox. She'll probably struggle terribly, and I'll try to counter-attack her.

"What do you want to do, kid?" With an intrigued expression on his face, he looked at me while holding a tightly closed girl in both hands.

"I will try to board. I will try to get out of here, my friend. Don't worry, as soon as I can, I'll come back for you, my master.

"Hey, will you leave me here? What am I supposed to do with her? The fox got annoyed, but his resentment was interrupted by a sudden stroke, which almost pulled the intruder out of his paws. Then I noticed it.

"You'd better put her to sleep, so she won't remember anything happens." And I threw it at my goal.

I saw a thread of energy coming out of Ino and connecting it with emptiness far away on the horizon of our dimension. When I got the connection, I was able to penetrate it. Then, like a steep path inside the ocean of liquid darkness with flashes of multicolored lights, I was heading against the flow, keeping to the energy path that led me to unknown. I was only hoping that the path would lead me to where I dreamed it would lead me.

At the end of the road there was a huge mass of chakras that resisted me. this resembled a giant cell around which there is neither a membrane nor a wall of chakras. I was so close, I had to do my best. My ghost was blubbering and ignited with anger and passion to break through to the other side. To be free.

Suddenly there was a tear, through which I fell into the void of chakra gel surrounding me from all sides. I entered it.

The volcano of joy gave way to stunning and uncertainty when I tried to find my place in a new environment. I was still in the dimension of mind. I was able to move in this new environment like in Naruto, but here nothing put pressure on me and attracted me to the cage. The first thing I did, when the emotions subsided and cooled down and my thoughts returned to the important things, was to take care of the bridge between the minds of Ino and Naruto. This may not stop the rightful owner, but it will give me time to prepare for the control fight. Then I started to look through the memories of my new host, learned how to control this body from her memories. Many times with a nine-tailed beast we tried to take control of Naruto, but it was impossible at that time. It was different now, there was no resistance, but it reminded me of a situation when, as an ordinary car driver, you were sitting in the passenger seat of a tank and now suddenly you changed over to the controls of that vehicle. You know how you can drive a car and you know how to drive a tank from your observations, but you do it clumsy and not always according to your thoughts.

Slowly everything jumped into place. The system after the system started and I already had a feeling and vision. The first thing I saw was the face of an anxious Naruto filling the whole range of vision.

I tried to get up, but I only managed to raise my hand at some unimaginable angle. I had to give up my sense of touch for now. The amount of information that he provided to me was suppressing my brain. Suddenly the world was rolling and I think I found myself in a vertical position. It was Shikamaru and Chouji who ran up and lifted me up. Their lips were moving, but there was no sound. I forgot to connect myself under the sense of hearing. When I did this, it was darker in front of my eyes and I almost lost control. Challenging my hellish fate, I had to face the truth that had been secretly hiding from me for the first decade of my stay in this world. I did not know the language of these people.

Probably until now I had been communicating through an exchange of thoughts, where something like language does not limit the flow of information. But now I was screwed. The clearly anxious faces of my friends, that is, the friends of my host. Actually, the former owner of this body. They decided to transport me to the hospital. So I crawled my legs like a cripple, and two members of the Ino team were towing me to hold on to the hug.

When we were in the building, they put me on a hospital bed and brought me a doctor. He said something to me and apparently counted on my answer, but discovered that my hearing had broken down because he pulled out a notebook from my apron pocket and showed me some big bushes drawn on the website.

My thoughts were flying like crazy. I could try to search the memories of the girl, but it would take some time, and I would lose control of the body again immersing myself in the dimension of the mind. I was afraid that one of them would come up with the idea of scanning my mind with some terrible technique that would reveal that I had taken over Ino Yamanaka's body.

I was awakened out of panic by a loud snap at my left ear. It was this lazy cunning man who already smelled that my hearing was working, only my brain had fallen off and I couldn't understand writing and speech.

If there's nothing else I can do, I'll scan my brain. They'll discover me and lock me up somewhere like a tailed beast. I panicked in my mind when I was struck by a prosaic situation.

The doctor, as probably every doctor in the universe, pulled a yellow pill in my direction. Sensing through supernatural senses unknown to me that this is a typical normal vitamin C, I grabbed it fortunately and extremely well swallowed it trying not to suffocate myself. Not convinced yet, but clearly calmed down team 10 members and the doctor himself gave a slight sigh of relief. When they sank into conversation and thoughts I decided to go back to my mind and reach into the memory of the girl. Doing so I took risks, but remaining passive I was also exposed to them.

I thought for a moment about the most necessary phrases, words, signs I will absolutely need and jumped into Ino's memories. Some of the concepts were easy to understand and appeared almost immediately. Food, mom, dad, attack, desire, bad, good. Surprisingly, the understanding of "yes" and "no" was a bit of a problem, also a bit more difficult with more complex concepts like memory, coming back, going. After assimilating the necessary minimum I decided to return to consciousness.

The time between the dimension of mind and the material world can be different. So I knew that my expedition had not escaped the attention of the rest. Above me, a boy from the Nara clan leaned over, and the doctor attached an infusion to my hand. Surprisingly, I felt a slight pinch when the needle penetrated my body. A strong impulse must have reached me through the sense of feeling that I was using. I could only be glad that the body and spirit gained greater compatibility.

At that time I was glad that the body wasn't reacting to my own emotions yet, because the fear that came to me was like an ocean when Inoichi Yamanaka, Ino's father, ran into the room.

I broke down, I had to play the stupid Yamanaka, so when her father checked her condition and after a unsuccessful attempt to make contact, he went to a quick exchange of words with the doctor, I did it. I leaned out of the hospital bed and grabbed my parent in a hug. Unexpectedly, dozens of images from memories of hugs I shared stood before my eyes. Immediately the figure of her father became closer to me. Not that I was going to freak out at once, after all I was still afraid to death that I would suffer ten thousand years in some kind of seal because of him. Now, however, I felt it like instead of being murdered by some unknown killer, I was to be executed by a terrible uncle living in the neighbourhood.

This resulted in a stream of tears and a stream of difficult words. I stretched out my hand firmly in front of me and, fortunately, used a stop sign that all people understood. Then, trying not to mess things up, I climbed to the peak of my intellect and said.

"Don't remember. Not everything. Not so much. Memory is coming back. Then I added at the moment of the revelation. "Daddy ... remember".

Fortunately, the body remembers. Muscle memory is amazing, so I didn't have to worry and move my mouth like a fish taken out of the water to get the right words.

His eyes have glazed and he will also lock me in a much stronger embrace. Fortunately, the doctor intervened in time to save me from fainting. Once again a bunch of unfamiliar words flowed.

After some moments of softness, it was time for action. They put some medical seals on me, checked my feeling, shone a flashlight on my eyes and scanned me with some medical jutsu. At that time someone I knew kept me company all the time. At that time I was pretending to be sleepy, and finally without arousing suspicion I would enter the dimension of mind. On the spot I quickly started to take control over the system and mechanics of the body. I needed to quickly gain full command and show the full efficiency of this body, so that the surrounding ninja would not make unfavourable conclusions. Therefore, in their eyes Ino must regain full fitness. Maybe they would even leave me to myself hoping that time would restore my health. However, I suspected, looking at the behaviour of Ino' s father, that he was going to take some action.

I had to get rid of the chakra that Ino shouldn't have. I started to quickly process the sage fox chakra and then I started to work on the element of fire. I also had Yin, Yang and Lightning natures in me. I decided to keep these three. First of all, because there is a bit of mind and vitality chakra in every ninja, they couldn't function normally without it, especially Ino, where she had a genetic gift to control Yin. That was very good for me, my relationship between these energies didn't have to be changed. Secondly, by adding a new element in a girl's essence, which is the element of lightning, I gave them the opportunity to develop theories that could work in my favor. Thirdly, I didn't have that much time at my disposal. I had to work with my spiritual form to fully control the girl's body. I succeeded when in the form of a wisp I sat at the controls of the body and at the same time I slowly passed into the human form squashing it and expanding it so that it covered the whole area of my new vessel. Now, I had two human forms, each of which had its own variations with the energy of fox sage. It was then that an old saying struck me with its reality. I had to be careful not to lose myself. My thoughts escaped to reflect on what a human being really is and what I am. Where I am and what my real face is. First, are they all me?

The sense of feeling pulled me out of contemplation, and from the moment I filled my new body with myself, the senses clearly improved their functioning. I felt like I was being carried away by someone. To my horror, which now certainly was visible on my face, it was Inoichi. To my great relief, he probably took it as a bad dream, because as soon as a smile, which was difficult to achieve, appeared on my face, a few wrinkles disappeared from his face. That's when I saw where he brought me.

A ritual was being prepared in the room. A huge seal in the shape of a circle, on the edge of which the ninja sat. Each one at equal distance from the others and from each one there was a line connecting them with the inner circle of the seal located in the very center of the great circular formation. That's where the jonin carrying me put me.

Fuck. I am dead. They will do a mind scan to scan my memory. They will rip me out like weeds from the body of Inoichi's daughter. Such thoughts did not leave me alone, but I had to do something. They hadn't started the technique yet. I think they were waiting for someone else. So I entered the world of mind once again and focused on memory. It appeared as hundreds of floating screens with different scenes from a girl's life. I got to the scenes from the last moments of the reign of Ino, when the angry girl used the technique on the clowning Naruto. I removed the fragment where the girl saw my spiritual body crying out for help. I left a fragment where a giant demon's paw fired from the darkness and fell on the terrified girl. That should be enough, I had to take care of my own memories. I hid them in the form of the moon and if the jonin searches for his daughter's consciousness, I will be able to show myself in the form of a wisp. In this way he will not be able to define who I am, he will not know that I am not his daughter. I will let him believe that she is injured by a beast enclosed in Uzumaki.


Hi, it is me, autor:

I' will not abadon this story, but the best deal is one update per month. This is minimum I can do. I work 10h like slave and have to study to my exam on university.

In future I will add a crossover element. I have a idea how to mix it with Sar Wars and it will be my core story line like campain and lot of small mission with corssovers in the words like LOTR, Witcher, Pokemon (Kurama I choose you!). And this probably end because how time-eating it is for me. If somebody want to join in this project, he/she/it is welcome. or my Fanfiction acount

Teramire Teramire

Limit of 500 is toooooo little. Look at the end of this chapter.

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