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Chapter 9: Ambient light

Fighting off a terrible cough, I collapsed on the side of the walkway beside the manner wall and leaned against the wooden pillar for support. Easing myself onto the floor, I was drenched in sweat as it was the middle of the night.

Holding my chest, I felt my hair break free from its restraints and heard my silver colored brooch hit the floor as the sound rolled off onto the hard rock garden. Feeling my head was about to split open, I began remembering everything that had happened that lead me to where I am now.

Dazed by the ride, I was suddenly swept up into the air as I felt someone's strong embrace carry me to room. Thinking it might have been Filo, I surrendered myself to his weight as he presses me down and slid off my night dress off my skin.

Leaning closer to the point where I could feel his heat emanating from his breath, my mind wandered as my head was in a knot. A sudden strange swishing sound echoed in my ears. The sudden touch and relief that came with a cool towel as it was pressed against my thigh, sent an ecstatic charge throughout the my body.

As he continued to coole off in places I wasost sensitive, I gasped gently and exhaled softly until I reilzed he had been tendingtoe for hours.

Feeling the warm sunlight leering through the crack on the door, I turned to look around the room and found no trace of h since last night. having fallen into a dream-like state, I crossed my legs while tpuchongy soon to feel my fever had gone down a slight bit.

Exiting my room, I walked out into the cool morning breeze as the sky had become engulfed on dark and looking rain clouds. Light patches of sunlight broke through as felt as if a holy ray luminated directly above Filos family estate.

Feeling the passing cold breeze sweep past my dress and then wrap around my body to make me shiver, I exhaled a short breath as my nose had become stiffed. Heading back to my room, I looked in either direction within the hallways and found no trace of anyone, including the other maids.

Finding it strange, I took a couple of cough relief pills and changed to wander around the estate.


To my surprise, it was empty both in and around the entire estate. There were no people or guards keeping watch at the gate. I began to worry about Filo and changed to suit my body from the fever I was coming out of.

As I took out a pair of running shoes from the bin, I proceeded with heading outside to ask around of anyone has seen any suspicious activity arpindt he mansion lately.

To my surprise, even the roads pitisde the manner were devoid of life. All was silent as of nature had abrupt up and left. There were no people, no birds, nothing that would suggest this being one of the most busiest places on the planet.

Walking around and finding myself to the all coffee shop from before, I saw a few plates around the tables, half or almost untocuhed. It then dawned on me that I was the most likely the only one left on the city. My onotail reaction was to run around and panic, however, ever since my stay at Filos residence, I found this long of thing un-alarming.


Stopping in for my of a high rise downtown, I headed inside as it held the same crest that hung over Filo's family manner's door. Stepping inside, I walked around to the elevators and pushed a button to head up. Waiting patiently as my obscure reflection hung apply still.

From the corner of my eye, I flinched and turned around as a black shadow hung in my reflection. Turning back , I was alone and eerily awake, the doors opened and I stepped out without hesitation.

Now in the main floor where high profile decisions are made, I walked around and found a room with Filos picture from when he was smaller. I recognized his stern gaze the moment I saw this photo. Reading the title plate on the desk, I didn't recognize his name or last name for that matter.

Unaware whether I was in a dream or if this was real, I pursued my interest in learning more about this person.


Sitting on the chair as I raised my legs and was reading about the company's history's transactions under strict watch in a closed room, I walked right in as the heavy metal door was left open. As I read to and shifted through it all, day had turned into night and I was sure this floor was the only room with the lights on.

Turning my neck, I closed the last of the documents and placed it above the stack of information gathered around the desk. Sending it all back simply to pass the time, I got back into the elevator and headed back to the main lobby floor.

Once there, I left the building and wandered around under the folly of the street light as the roads were quiet. The moment I turned the corner, a passing torment of air swept me off my feet and as I fell back, I was caught in someone's embrace.

"Whoa... Easy, miss. You almost hurt yourself there. " Turning sharply, I met the gaze of a handsome foreigner as his blue eyes and golden blonde hair suggested he shouldn't be able to speak Japanesea at all.

"Who are you? " As I bundled myself up, he nodded and took a step back whole raising his arms.

"I'm not here to hurt you of that's what your thinking... Look, I woke up last week to discover I was all alone on this freaky quiet world devoid of any life. I was on the upper district when I saw the light in that high rise over there. I got by and bumped into you, honest. "

Suspicious of him, I decided to believe him for now and see if I can get any information from him. Turning as to invite him for a walk, he nodded and kept a steady pace beside me.

"Do you know what happened to everyone... where they all went? "

"Uh, No... I mean, I woke up last week on Tuesday after coming home to my hotelat three on the morning. After that, I just figured everyoneust had evacuated the city. "

Nodding, I spoke.

"Why did you stay... you say you thought everyone was evacuated and yet, you're still here... Why is that? " Turning his gaze towards me as I kept a calm and composed look.

"You're not only beautiful, but you're smart too... Well, not to sound like a line from movie, I didn't know if it was the same in another city. Whatever happened here, decently isn't normal. Be it a virus or an emergency situation that caused everyone to abandon or leave their homes, whatever it was, I have it now. Spreading it or failing to evacuate will be my penance for other people to stay alive... you know, if they still are alive that is. "

Shrugging as the cold wind had startsd to pick up. The foreigner the threw his warm coat around me as our eyes met. He grunted as I didn't break my gaze from him.

"You-You um, wake up to all this too? " Tilting my head, I closed my eyes and continued walking as he kept his distance.

"Hm.... I had a fever last night and woke up to an empty manner. "

"M-Manner? as in, those big, highs dn Royal mansions for the nobles of Japan? " Nodding, he gasped in amazement as he asked all sorts of questions I didn't answer.

"Mistela... That's my name... Mistela. " Stopping him from his ranting, he chocked and gave me his name as well.

"Evan... Evan Smithson. But, you can call me Ev- for short. "

"Hm... Okay. " As he fell back when I contonued on my walk, he dissapeared for a moment and popped back out with a couple of grilled sweets.

Knowing that he was still a person with secrets, if the treat was poisoned, I waited for him to take a bite from his and then changed it with mine. As he watched, I continued on my way as I ate the treat piece by piece.

"Um... How old are you, Misty? "

"Hmm... Why? " Taken back by my response, he smiled and began guessing.

"Sixteen? Maybe Nineteen? "

"Close... Anyway, who are you? Why are you in Japan in the first place? "

"Oh... I'm actually here on business and was set for a meeting with a corporate company that provides outlet entertainment for visual and virtual reality systems to the populace... hmm. "

"So... you basically make games for kids. " Astonished I was able to understand him, he stayed frozen for a minute and then confirmed it was something of the sort.

"So, What do you make, Ev... "

"I make the illustrations for the game... Art, drawing, color perceptions etc... "

"Hmm... What type for games do you draw or make? "

Clearing his throat, I stopped as I lightly smiled when I told him if they were age restricted. His blushing gaze gave me all the confirmation I needed to know.

"I don't really care you make erotic kinds of games. Truly, just as long as it's along the lines of ethical and not some degenerate, self deprived garbage that they are releasing in this day and age. "

Stomping as we went down a sleek hill, he kept the conversation going.

"No-no! It's the global sensation, " Arimas" The most popular and hot game in the market so far? " Shaking my head as I glanced at him. "Really? You've never heard of it? "

"Sorry... I've somewhat been, Tied up from the latest trends in the last year... So, what's it about anyway? "

"Well... um, The concept of the game is to develop your characters power and grow stronger as you take on deadly dungeons and harvest for sure oval in an overbearing, open world tundra. "

"Let me get this straight, the game is essentially an MMORPG platform that allows players to build their charcetees and dominate against other players over some sort of prize or goal. I also assume there is a mass boss battle system and an award engine system that keeps players interested in the game even after they beat it... Sound about right... Ev-"

As I turned around, he was standing still in the middle for the road while looking at me with his pearly blue eyes.

"Is everything okay? " He soon snapped out of his trance as we continued talking and exchanging ideas on how I thought he could improve the overall quality of the game.


As I stopped inform of Filo's manner, Evan continued talking until I stopped ha dn told him I was already home.

"Oh... Um, yeah. So, see you soon, I guess? Of that's alright? "

Turning Ina dn returning his coat, I nodded and headed inside as I thanked him for escorting me home.

As I walked insode the creepily dark and quiet hallway, I stopped in front of my room and simply say to admore the small pond as usual. Even with all this going on, I began dozing off and headed into my room to sleep.

As I closed the door, I pondered and worried if Filo had eaten at all today wherever he and everyone else were.

Drifting off into a deep sleep, I awoke the next day as one otheaooaopened the door to my room. Sitting up, I touched my face as I cleared my loose hair from my cheek and realized I was drenched in sweat. My fever had come back and it was then where I questioned if it ever left me to begin with.

With Filo walking in from outside, I smiled as his reassuring gaze made me picture him as that same little boy from that photo. He asked for I was okay, I turned to the garden and replied with a soft, gentle nod. His wa hand overmineadee at peace as I didn't have anyone else I wanted to be but here by his side as the morning sunlight shone beautifully like never before.


Saena_bun Saena_bun

Hmm-Hmph! I am aware there may or are mistakes, typos, and stuff. sorry! I'll get around to fixing them... maybe, someday... ugh. Listness has become of me as I don't get on here as much as I used to. Apologies, peeps! \ (>_<) /

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