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Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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So, hello imaginary people in my head. I swear i'm not crazy, you know just died came back to life then fought against creatures and monsters that killed people and i actually killed , maybe i am going slightly insane?

Ah who cares? Not me anyway.

Okay let's be serious, it's been a year since i had my last monologue? I think this is a monologue, not sure but i don't really care. My store is up and running, i'm selling items i get from fighting in my [ID Create].I have a zombie dungeon and a soulless mage/soldier dungeon. They are set in a normal time dilation, so one hour in there is still one hour outside the dungeons.

The dungeons aren't a specific design they are just open areas with mobs that spawn randomly.

Anyway i usually just buy and sell items from wandering traders or traveling mages. I've also made a few items to sell, they aren't anything fancy,yet, i just make magical rings similar to the ones i have on me but they aren't as good. I'm still learning how to make the items and it's a very slow process considering i didn't get a book on how to make them i'm just using trial and error.

I can add seals and enchants to items to make them but some enchants are only temporary so i'm trying to learn how to make them last for i don't know a while? Anyway i've built up a bit of a reputation from one of the big items i made, big as in it's popular not size. I basically took the idea from dragon ball z, Bulma made the gravity chamber or whatever it's called, so i decided to make something similar but a lot smaller as in it only works on one person.

I called it the gravity belt, not very creative but considering i named myself Rinji Hearthfire it's not too surprising i don't even know what it's supposed to mean, the belt has a gravity seal engraved into the inside of the belt and i enchanted a small gem in the belt. The enchant acts as a charger, it absorbs eternano from the air and activates the gravity seal. I a button on the belt to activate it so you can turn it on and off, it would be bad if you put it up too high and you couldn't turn it only goes up to ten times gravity, but this is very helpful for training.

I got a lot of business because of this that the magic council actually offered me money so they could basically buy the idea from me and take credit for it. I obviously told them no…...well i told them they could shove the money up their arses, i made jellal laugh his ass off so brightside.

I can only sell ones that go up to five time to civilians but i can sell either to a mage, so long as they are in a light guild. And i have to check for their guild marks. If not my store gets shut down and i go to jail, it's a bit harsh i think but oh well, it's a different world so i guess different rules.

I built up a good reputation with hargeon, i'm also the strongest mage in the town. A dark guild tryed to take over a couple of months back as i was coming back from a dungeon. I was still able to beat them even though i was weakened from my three hour 'grinding' session.

The outer mages and the guard we holding them off but they were out numbered, i basically just came in and knocked them all out. I obviously didn't just walk in and use something like conquerors haki or anything i just use my mana-make to knock them out and then tie them up.

Apparently in each town they have a small notice board with jobs for around that town or somewhere near there, they are easy jobs for freelance mages who travel from town to town. If there is an 'A' class or a 'S' class mission then the major would ask me to do it, if i was free. This was only the case if it was on a time limit and there is nobody around who could handle it.

These 'S' class are not the same as 'S' class missions that guilds get, they are similar but the ones that guilds get are usually harder.

Anyway, wow i say that a lot, it's a bout five o'clock on a Wednesday. This is a slow time for my shop, don't know why but oh well, it was then that i noticed the bell above my shop door rang signaling there is a customer. And in walks in a slightly smaller Levy, you know the blue haired girl from fairy tail. The resident bookworm as she is most commonly known as.

"Hello how can i help you." i say giving a smile i have perfected over the year.

" hi i'm looking for some magic books and a new pair of gale-force reading glasses." seems she is a little shy, kinda weird i always taught that she was outgoing and slightly adventurous, maybe that's my bad i'm not to good at reading people.

"Sure, our books on magic are in the back. What color would you like your glasses, we have them in red, black, blue, pink, etc?"

"Umm red please, can i pay for them with the books?"

"Sure take your time, not many customers around at this time anyway." i say trying to make some small talk, she kinda reminds me of someone from my past life. One thing that's happened to me over the years is i've forgotten most of my past life, i remember some memories but faces, names, height, just, what they looked like, smelled like, how they talked, how they acted. It's weird, i know it's not an outside source because of my bracelet, unless it's Anabella-sama. I remember most things about fairy tail and it's people i also remember things from different animes but it's weird i sometimes confuse them.

"Thank you, why don't you get many customers around this time?"levy asks, unknowingly knocking me out of my inner thoughts.

"I don't know miss, it's like this every week. You must not be from Hargeon?" i know she lives in magnolia but it would be kinda weird if i just suddenly said why aren't you in magnolia or something like that.

"Oh, i'm a wizard from Fairy Tail. I just finished a job and i heard about your store and i wanted to see if you sold any good books."

"Fairy Tail…..huh" i say with a smile, that she doesn't see.

"Uhhh, don't worry i won't destroy anything. I known that's why our guild is so well known but not everyone destroys anything." she says, obviously nervous that i wouldn't let her buy anything because of her being in fairy tail. Either that or she doesn't want me to be afraid of her because of it.

"It's okay, i actually like Fairy Tail. i actually wanted to join in a few years."

"Huh, why in a few years and not any sooner?" that's a thought, why don't i join sooner. I know cannon starts in roughly three years but why do i have to follow cannon?

"I don't know i just felt like i had to join in three years. Kinda weird now that i think about it, but i don't know i might join sooner but i'll have to decide."

"I understand, here i would like these three books." she says as she puts down the books,beside the glasses.

"Oops almost forgot to ask you, which model of glasses do you want? I have the 2x the 18x, the 32x and the 64x. I don't have any 120x anymore but i will have some more in a couple of weeks if you want."

"I'll take the 18x please, i enjoy reading and if i read any faster than 18x then i won't enjoy the book as much."

"That's understandable, i enjoy reading. Well what little i know how to read, but i still enjoy it."

"Ehh you don't know how to read?"

"I'm self taught, didn't have anyone to teach me. I understand the basic and i can write them. Just some of the harder stuff i still get stuck on."

"Wow, sorry i forget there is still people out there who don't know how to read. If it's ok may i ask how old you are you?"

"It's okay to i ask i guess but i don't even know your name, hell you don't even know mine."

"Um sorry, my name is Levy, Levy McGarden and yours?" she blushed from embarrassment.

"Names Rinji Hearthfire, i'm 17 by the way." i forgot to say it's around July, didnt do anything for my birthday but i never did anything for my birthday even in my past life.


"What are you surprised by my age?"

"Yeah, i mean sorry it's just that you're only three years older than me and you're running a store."

"Hmm, i guess it can be surprising but i need to make money somehow. I was going to join Fairy Tail but i had no money so i started hunting monsters and eventually just bought a house then i just started to buy and sell from random travelers, now here i am making my own items….sorry i didn't mean to go on like that."

"It's okay, it's a nice story. It's like that book about the homeless man selling these crystals eventually they were discovered to have magical properties and he then became one of the richest men in the world. It was later discovered that the story was actually a true story and the homeless man was the first person to discover Lacrima crystals."

"Wow, i never knew."

"Yeah it was an interesting story, i can loan you the book if you want."

"I would but i'm not sure i would be able to read all of it."

"Ohh yeah sorry i forgot." she said with a frown.

"It's okay Levy."i say with a smile, trying to cheer her up.

"Ohh i know, if you decide to join fairy tail early i can teach you, just when you get there don't say anything to Erza she will insist on teaching you and that traumatised Natsu."

"Okay duly noted, thanks Levy." i say with a genuine smile, it's weird the first person i meet from Fairy Tail makes me smile more than anyone has in a while.

"'s… thanks for the books and glasses i gotta go." she says with a small frown, or is it a pout? I could never understand facial expressions.

"I'll send you a letter once i make my decision."

"Really!" she says with joy? Why would she be happy with me sending her a letter?

"Well i'll try atleast, like i said i only know the basics." i say with a sheepish smile.

"Well i hope to hear from you soon Rinji-san." oh yeah i forgot about honorifics. Oops i probably came off as disrespectful on more than one occasion.

"Okay, good bye Levy-san." from what i remember from my time in japan san was basically mrs or mr i think. Renji just told me to say san because it's respectful and is also the fall back suffix.

Anyway we have been talking for about an hour so it's time to close the shop, i usually close at six. I always go for some training after work but today i have to make a decision, to i join fairy tail early or do i join when lucy joins. If i join when Lucy joins then i, in a way, have to be apart of the team and i will be in most, if not all,cannon arc's. Now while that will be interesting i might change too many things, like if i were to interfere with a fight i might cause a death or the character won't grow stronger. Like the fight with lucy and Sherry, i that fight lucy had no help she was forced to actually fight and from she that became stronger. If i were to say beat Sherry Lucy wouldn't get stronger and she would rely on her teammates for help all the time.

But because i came into this world i've made changes and i can make more. In the original there was a magic store already in Hargeon but now i had to make one who is to say other things hadn't changed like an extra opponent. Or an enemy is stronger.

"AHHH, THIS IS SO FUCKING HARD!"thankfully my house is sound proof.

"I'll decide in the morning, i'm tired now."



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