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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

"Ring! Ring! Ring!" My loud obnoxious alarm clock rang. Just kidding that alarm clock of mine is actually my early bird of a cousin Maddy, trying to get me out of bed by pretending to be an alarm clock. Every day she comes into my bedroom and says 'Ring' as loud as she can until I wake up. I eventually sit up and say, "I'm up...I'm up!" When I look in front of me, I see a pair of eyes looking up at me.

I smile at Hannah, and she smiles back going in for a bear hug. I bend down slightly and return the hug. For a 6 year old Maddie is actually quite smart. She is already learning multiplication, and learning a new word everyday. Maddy looks at me with her bright big blue eyes, and starts braiding her black frizzy hair. Her black hair looks really beautiful against her glowing white skin and freckles, so I wouldn't be surprised if she gets complimented a lot.

"What's my new word Cuz?" Maddy asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's your old word first?" I asked Maddy smiling down at her.

"Decimate. To destroy completely," Maddy answered quickly.

"Correct!" I Shouted enthusiastically. "Your new word is…" I thought for a second then it hit me. "Your new word is baroque; Which means ornamented style of music or art. Study that word... Okay?" I told Maddy expecting her to answer back.

"Okay, Cuz!" Maddy squealed in excitement as I gave her a new word to remember. Before I could say anything else, Maddy scurried out of my room. Yelled a quick "bye" and slammed the door.

I laughed to myself knowing how loud Maddy can be at times. I sit on the left side of my bed and start to yawn. My bedroom is quite average; with teal painted walls. Imagine a flat square like they do for construction to show the layout of a room. The door being on the top right. At the bottom left side I have pink sheets on my bed with purple roses. I Also have and wardrobe at the bottom right. I Then at the bottom middle have a teal desk with a computer, and a mirror above the computer. Finally I have another door entering my closet at the top left.

After stretching I got up out of bed, went into my closet and choose the best outfit for today's needs. The weather app I have says it is supposed to storm, so I grab my red sweatshirt that says Fighting Hawks. I also grab my dark blue jeans, and a pair of red Nike girls' tennis shoes.

I scurried over to the bathroom knowing if I didn't hurry my mom would get onto me for being late. When I got into the bathroom, I started brushing out my hair; with my old purple hairbrush. Looking in the mirror I could see my Short Chocolate Brown Hair, Tan skin glowing against the light, and my Blue bell eyes giving the off the look of exhaustion.

As I stated brushing my hair, I felt big clump mangling it together so finally after what seemed like hours of brushing out a big 'rat' I was almost finished. I didn't usually get rats since shortly after the "Adrien Incident" I cut it. Although I do occasionally get the monstrous rats. After my hair was nice and smooth, I was able to gain the courage to go down stairs, and face the monster of a mess my adopted older brother has caused. Jumping down each of the long spiral staircase we have, I could hear the loud arguments of Kim and my mom fighting in the kitchen.

Kim is 18yrs old and he's a senior at New Leipzig high school. Kim has hazel curly brown hair, shimmering blue eyes, and pale skin. He looks exactly like his birth parents who had died in previous years. My family was good friends with his family and since he had no living relatives we took him and his little brother Andrew in. While on the topic of parents my mom looks more like me except she's asian while I'm Caucasian, she has lighter skin and she also has more gray blue eyes; everything else is basically the same. My father on the other hand has dark chocolate brown hair, light green eyes, and more Tan colored skin.

Hearing Kim and my mom argue I quickly covered my ears, knowing they would sound louder the closer I got. As I quickly ran into the classic kitchen of ours and grabbed a box of Fruity Pebbles. Kim stormed out of the kitchen mumbling curse words under his breath. My family' kitchen has a fridge, several countertops next to it, and cupboards above the countertops. There is also a island in the middle of the kitchen.

I didn't need to ask my mom what Kim was mad about, because I already knew. My mom was pressuring Kim to apply for scholarships. He tries to tell her, he doesn't need one. That doesn't help though she throws a fit anyway. What she doesn't know though is that Kim is right he doesn't need one. He has already gotten a full ride scholarship to Harvard University, in Cambridge Massachusetts. Kim tries to tell my mom he got an 35/36 on his ACT but she won't listen. Kim's considered not telling her and just waiting until she figures it out herself; but my dad has convinced him to tell her at the party on Friday instead.

While my mom has been pressuring Kim to go to a "college" my dad has been trying to encourage me to sign up, for some music and art program at a private school; but I don't want to change my school anytime soon.

I didn't realize my mom had started calling my name until it was too late. "Why are you ignoring me young lady?!" She demanded in the loud over the head tone.

"Sorry, I was caught up in my own world." I replied sheepish.

"Well you better get out of that world, because today you have a test." My mom answered flatly. Oh shoot I forgot! The ACT was coming and I had a practice test.

My mom lectured me a little bit more of the importance of grades, and how if I don't get good ACT grade I'll end up like my brother; with no scholarships. I almost laughed when my mother told me he had no scholarships. Kim has a new scholarship flying in everyday or so. He has already accepted Harvard and has $78,598 from student Scholarships the colleges have been giving him. I don't understand how my mother hasn't found out of his success. Instead of laughing I kept my mouth shut, kept nodding, and pretended like I cared what my mother had to say.

Kim is usually a very outgoing boy but when it comes to his business he becomes really reserved, and keeps things to himself. When he found out about his ACT grade he told the school administration, and principal to keep it a secret. Until he could announce it to everyone when he was ready. He told dad, my siblings, and me about his scholarship; but he refuses to tell mom until the party. That way he's able to see the shocked look in her face, in front of everyone.

My mom finally finished giving me the lecture, and let me go on with my everyday life. I had forgotten I still hadn't eaten breakfast and grabbed the milk, bowl, and started pouring the fruity pebbles. By the time I finished eating, and started washing my dish. My Adopted 10 year old brother Andrew finally got woken up by Maddy. He was running down the stairs, with Maddy following shortly behind.

"Kids, you have to be quieter, Levin is still sleeping." I yelled instantly regretting it. I could hear little Levin starting to cry from his room. I moaned and mumbled, "I'll be right back." To the now sitting down, pair of stompers.

Shortly after I turned 16 My parents had told me they were expecting their second child. I hadn't expected my parents to have any more kids but within the amount of time from telling me about Levin to her having him we had 3 new additions to our family. First there was the boys when their last remaining relative died (their grandmother), they had nowhere to go and we took them in. Then there's Maddy, ever since her mom got that full time job as a diplomat, Maddy's mother is never around. When she is around her mother, my aunt stays with us. It's not a big deal having a big family. Room isn't an issue either. Once all this change started occurring my family and I moved into a new home instead of our usual apartment. Levin was turning a year old soon and shortly after his my 17th birthday would arrive. Technically making me an adult.

I rushed up stairs hearing Levin's cries grow louder by the minute. When I got his room I could see him looking straight at me with his sweet innocent face, standing on his new-found legs he just learned to walk on. His Dark Brown curls folding over his peach skin; the curls were just starting to cover his ripe blue eyes. I knew as soon as Levin heard me at his door he stopped crying.

I slowly picked up Levin, walked over to the creaky rocking chair, sat down, and started singing him to sleep. The song I sang is an old song my mom used to sing to me when I was little. This is how it goes.

"The sun goes down, the moon comes up;

and the angels start to sing.

They sing a song, the stars love.

For they've sang it for centuries.

You can see them dance if you look closely.

But don't worry about mining them

For you'll get your chance.

For they will dance for eternity..."

I sang soft and clear. After a few more minutes of singing, Levin started to fall asleep. I quickly put him back in bed and let him sleep. I quietly shot the door, and tiptoed back downstairs knowing by the time I got my stuff together it would be time to go.

The house my family lives in is a 5 bed, 3 bath, Suburb in a friendly peaceful neighborhood. Kim, Levin, and I have our own rooms. While Maddy and Andrew share a room (since they were still young and didn't think it was weird), as well as mom and dad.

By the time Maddy and Andrew got out to my new Ford Pickup Truck. I was already out there waiting for them. It was 7:13 in the morning and the mist was just starting to rise at our farm. So at first, I could barely make out who they were. Maddy had her hair up, was wearing jeans, and a cute pink shirt with a yellow daisy in the middle. While Andrew had his light brown hair cut back short, Oh and Andrew has pale skin, freckles, and brown eyes; sorry I forget to mention that. His looks make him look good in black. So as usual he wore an all black shirt, black jeans, and black tennis- shoes. They both got into the back of the truck, while I got in the front.

While starting the engine, the kids started fighting over the channel we were going to listen to. "Can we listen to Sports!" Andrew asked loudly.

"Don't listen to him, let's listen to Pop!" Maddy replied strongly against Andrew's chose in station.

"Let's settle this fairly, Since no one can decide. We're going to be listening to country." I told them stopping the argument they were having.

"No fair!" They both blurted in union as I looked out the rear view mirror.

"My truck... my rules," I told them strictly, knowing yet again I'd won an arguement.

The rest of the way to school, nobody spoke. Maddy colored on her sheet of paper, Andrew studied for a test; and I kept my eyes on the road enjoying some sweet tunes.

When we arrived at New Leipzig elementary school, I let Maddy and Andrew to get out and go to school. After dropping them off. I drove over to the high school, and parked in the cramped parking spaces.

As I excited and locked my truck I reached down into my bag and grabbed my chapstick out, and applied the smooth material on my mouth. I heard the bell ring for Homeroom shortly after that. So I quickly tucked away my chapstick, zipped up my bag, and rushed into school with the other students. Knowing exactly what practice test would await me. For if I didn't make a good grade on this then I obviously wouldn't do well on the real deal. I guess that is why we take these practices. To prepare us for the real deal. The ultimate test! That will continue to shape us and affect our future.


Yep I was right the chapters are way better after the prologue

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