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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Kayen the Crowned Prince of The Fairy Land.

Kayen keep cursing himself after wandered too long on Dunia without noticing the time. That early in the morning he has decided to return to the fairy land before breakfast to avoid suspicion from both of his royal parents. "Argh, Shuja's gonna kill me!! Why the hell I wait for that darned girl named Avrora to get name tag back!! Gosh, I'm such a stupid Dajyun! "

He kept blaming the girl's fault for not coming back to get her name tag back. Now he must teleport as fast as he can to the Fairy Land. He cast an invisibility spell so he can flew back to the portal near the Tenom Complex. Luckly nobody was there so he can open the portal back to the other realm. After focusing his magic energy to the portal location, glitters starts appearing and spinning around until it created a perfect round. From there he can see the magical realm and quickly he enters the portal to make sure nobody saw him.

But, he didn't realized that there were someone watching him opening the portal.

Upon returning to the other realm, Kayen saw uproar rising inside the castle. He had a bad feeling about this and he then quickly flew to the other floating island to pick some flower to make excuses why he didn't appear during breakfast. Those freshly picked flower for her royal highness, his mother. Queen Cariney.

Please mother, don't be mad at me... Kayen prays deeply for his sake and look at the flower. "I'll freaking burn you if you didn't do your role properly" Said the mischievous Prince to the poor roses.

Author:The rose can't speak, baka!

Roses:Why? I don't deserve to be treated like this...

Author:You can speak?

Roses:I can speak?!

Author: Damn you. You shut the f*ck up!

Anyways, Kayen flapped his big and strong wings down from the floatting island to suprise his mother the beautiful roses he just picked for her or to be true to avoid his mother rage. As soon as his feet stepped the lawn grass, Shuja quickly ran towards him when Shuja detected the crown Prince's aura.

"Where were you, Kayen. The King and the ministers had a meeting today and you didn't show up for about an hour! Don't say you wander off to Dunia again!" Shesh... Shuja! Can you let your precious Prince from your overwhelming concern? He's not a baby anymore. Kayen would absolutely tie Shuja on a sky dragon and let the dragon drag him where ever the dragon decide to drop him. Haha and no more words wastened on Kayen's earlobs.

Back to the main story, Shuja quicklys pulled Kayen to get a change so he can attend the minister's meeting. Also to avoid his majesty rage towards Shuja. Kayen have no other choice but to attend the royal meeting. As a Crown Prince, it is his duty to attend any royal meeting so he can raise the the citizen trust on their future King.

Kayen dressed on his golden armor or rather to be called his Dragon Armor made from the skin of a legendary golden dragon. Not wanting his messy hair to ruin his image on his Dragon Armor, he combed his hair properly. With his silver hair, he looks like Alucard from Mobile Legends. How did he knew that? Oh, yeah he played once on a mobile phone he bought himself and then Shuja burned it to ashes to avoid suspicion from the royal highness.

Author:Hmm... Shuja is surely a goddamn annoying caretaker.

Now Kayen's looks surely melts any maiden's heart. Oh, the author are having a nosebleed now. With the pride of his royal blood and as the children of the supreme race, he walked to the meeting room where the royal meeting was held.

It was a short walk from his bedroom to the meeting room. Shuja walks behind him. He looks so proud with his prince. Yeah yeah anyone would be happy when their Prince wears properly. Ops! Tsundere alerts!

"Your highness, we have arrive. " Shuja opens the door for Kayen as soon as they arrive infront of the meeting room. Gulp! He swallowed his saliva when he detected his father humongous aura. A strong aura like the dragon. He sighed and enter the meeting room.

all eyes were pointed at him. most of them might thinking that they have to wait this Prince for about an hour before they can start the meeting. His father, King Koleron, just gave his Prince a glance and decided to start the meeting. Kayen knew that his father was dissapointed when he arrive late for the meeting. He took a sat beside the king and. wait for the king. Aishhhhhhh... It's gonna be a pain in the pain...

Nocturnal_Writer Nocturnal_Writer

Hey another update... happy? Well, leave your comments below about this story and rate this novel. This will help me to write more chapters... onegai shiamsu

Shuja:I don't like how you Made me like a stupid support character

Author:It's my story so shut up!

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