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Chapter 4: Skill and Talents

In a room that can only be found in a castle-like home, Qing Lan relaxes herself on a beige-coloured couch that is so very soft. Every furnitures and decorations in the bedroom Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong prepared for her are supreme in quality, nothing like hers back in the Tian Xi Village.

Very few of Qing Lan's possessions are brought into the Zhong Estate, Grandfather Zhong says stuffs she is not emotionally attached to should be left there as he will provide her the best version of them. As a result, other then few clothes and some memorables, Qing Lan arrives in the Zhong Estate pretty much empty-handed.

Everywhere she looks, Qing Lan is made more aware that her life would change greatly. Gone are the days she would climb mountains for herbs, days where she would be labouring under the sun to raise the crops and flowers, days where she would sit listlessly waiting for Zhong Elders' visit.

Qing Lan thinks the meeting with her in-laws concluded in a relatively good note. Despite having no parents backing her up, Qing Lan feels like Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong are her representatives in this first-meeting-with-the-in-laws. When Grandfather Zhong said that he and Grandmother Zhong would protect her, he is telling the absolute truth. Even if the opposing party is his own grandson, son and daughter-in-law.

The meeting itself is a well of informations regarding her husband, Zhong Lie.

After Grandfather Zhong introduced Qing Lan to Zhong Lie's parents, he called for someone to bring in the tea to drink while they talked leisurely about the two children. This was when Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong began clamouring praises for Qing Lan, like a proud parents bragging all the goods of their child and subtly telling the other party how surely their child pales in comparison.

For example, after the tea was served and tasted:

"Hmm, this tea tastes good enough...but I can't help but crave for the tea Lan'er brews whenever we came to visit her. Always such a treat for this old man! Not only she grows the high-quality tea-leaves herself, even her technique in tea-making is god-like!"

"True, true! You forgot, Old Zhong, Lan'er's tea is not only delicious, but also healthy! This old woman no longer have to worry about you ruining your stomach due to too much tea! I have never known tea can detoxify the body while also maintaining the skin until Lan'er's!"

Of course, when one side is proclaiming the good of their child, the other would follow. In this case, this person is Madam Zhong.

"Oh, my! How wonderful! Unfortunately, Ah Lie doesn't have the exquisite taste for tea. That son of mine has always favoured coffee, such a taste he has! But it cannot be helped, Ah Lie needs all the caffeine from coffee! Why, I remember when he was studying Business in Harvard University! To be the youngest person from our Country C to graduate at twenty, he must have consumed lots of coffee and acquired the taste for it then!"

Never one to back-down, Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong are quick to follow-up.

"A shame, indeed. I am quite sure Lan'er's tea can let that boy finally learns the taste for tea. Ah Lie prefers coffee because it kept him awake, but coffee isn't as healthy as Lan'er's tea. Lan'er is Country C's certified Traditional Herbalist and although she is the youngest and her results are earned through self-studies, she is still good enough to brew a healthy and tasty tea."

"Unfortunately, our Lan'er is not yet skilled enough to brew a tea that is both healthy and tasty, while also keeping one awake like coffee would. This matter has been debated by the Seniors Herbalists for years, alas, Lan'er is too young and inexperienced to solve such a difficult problem."

For Madam Zhong, there is no shortage of praises for her capable son and thus the conversation easily picks up.

"I understand, every worthy achievements surely takes time to accomplish! Even Ah Lie needs two whole years to raise the net worth of the Zhong Empire twice its initial value, and it's only possible after Che passed over the position of CEO to Ah Lie, else who knows how long it would take him! In those two years, Ah Lie spends so much of his time in the office that I rarely see him, much less him having the time to play Tennis or Golf! Such a pity, Ah Lie was so good at those two sports, he even managed to win the National Championship for Tennis and Golf when he was in high-school! I even dreamed of being a mother to an athlete before, but Ah Lie that boy, is more taken by the Zhong Family's business."

Grandmother Zhong takes the reins from Grandfather Zhong this time, she has done it so smoothly too.

"Sports are good, it helps to stay healthy. Our Lan'er hardly has the time to exercise, other then keeping herself fit from climbing the mountains every other day, I'm afraid there's no more such exercise. Even when she has time, Lan'er is more likely to spend it on her erhu! This old woman is ashamed to say she indulges Lan'er on this, not only the girl plays excellently, Lan'er's smile is always so dazzling when she holds the erhu that I ended up allowing her every time. Aish, it's this old woman's fault!"

"What nonsenses are you saying?! A girl like Lan'er, why should she participate in those strenous exercises? Playing music instrument is good enough for her to sweat it out! Lan'er is so good at playing the erhu, I would not trade it for a Championship in some sports! Such good music, only Lan'er understands this old man's preferences!"

And thus, on and on it goes.

Throughout all this, Qing Lan was unable to say a word. On the other hand, Father Zhong quietly watched the preceedings. It was in these moments of silence amongst the chatters the two had adopted, they caught the gaze of the other. A sheepish smile in her delicate face was replied with the crinkles in the eyes of the older man. In the end, Qing Lan was only able to get closer to Father Zhong while retaining Madam Zhong's dislike.

Even before she agreed to the marriage, Qing Lan has always known that the identity of her husband is beyond her. It's just, after hearing to Madam Zhong earlier, Zhong Lie is actually so much more amazing than she imagines. He surpasses her by miles wide in every aspects. Clearly, to be deserving of him, she needs to polish herself at least a hundred-time.

As a girl from countryside, Qing Lan has little skills to call talents. Especially when compared to the wealthy Young Masters and Young Misses from prominent families in the Capital who have been taught since a young age by the best masters in their specialisations.

In Tian Xi Village, Qing Lan's highly-regarded skills of a wife which are: cleaning, cooking and sewing are a maid's job here.

As for education, what can a countryside-girl hopes to learn in a small village so far-away from the Capital?

No one is more aware than Qing Lan herself that her degree as a Traditional Herbalist is earned more of a necessity and due to familiarity from handling various plants both in the fields and in the mountains. Because she is self-taught, her certification is earned directly from the government. Having the government's approval means the herbs she found and grew, as well as the medicines she made and prescribed are not doubted as false nor inferior, but without a powerful backing of university, it is difficult to find the right channels.

Qing Lan has little ideas about what skill she possesses that can be considered a talent in the Capital. From the conversation between Zhong Elders and Madam Zhong, it seems to be tea making, gardening and playing the erhu? Although...these three skills, are they not to the preferences of elders than youngsters? Pleasing the elders are important, but surely she has to associate herself with other Young Masters and Young Misses in the Capital?

Thinking all of these hurt her head. Qing Lan really misses her simple days in the Tian Xi Village.

Amongst her three-skills-possible-talents, only playing the erhu is learned not through necessities. Qing Lan's mother used to play the erhu, her father crafted it so her mother can play. As Qing Lan grew, it became natural to hear the pleasing sound of erhu by her mother every evening and soon she picked it up as well. Even after her parents passed away, Qing Lan still keeps up the tradition.

The erhu her father crafted is simple in appearance, but her father had scoured the mountains for weeks before finding the perfect aged-wood. Not to mention the animal skin used and the hairs of the bow! It was a year-long project her father had gladly taken for her mother. Now the erhu was left to Qing Lan. Grandfather Zhong has told her before that this erhu is very valuable, that many music-enthusiasts would offer roof-breaking prices for it.

If there is one of her belongings that wouldn't look out of place in the Zhong Estate, it would be this erhu.

"Now that I think about it...I haven't seen my erhu yet," Qing Lan frowns, her eyes quickly scanning her room trying to spot her erhu.

When she fails to find it, Qing Lan vacates the couch and begins rummaging the cupboards, shelves and wardrobes only to come up empty. Despite not finding her precious erhu, Qing Lan doesn't panic but calmly thinks of possible places where it may be in.

Her father always told her this: "To rush is to fail."

The Zhong Elders know how much the erhu means to her, so Qing Lan is certain that the erhu must be especially taken care of during the move from Tian Xi Village to the Zhong Estate. Perhaps, it was treated as too precious of a commodity that the Zhong staffs began to think that the erhu is one of Grandfather Zhong's antique collections.

If that's the case, then Qing Lan knows who to speak to, to find her erhu. The Zhong Elders have told her that everything in the Zhong Estate is managed by Old Steward Wu, who is actually the assistant that follows Grandfather Zhong around and the person that was with him when she saved him.

Towards this Old Steward Wu, Qing Lan likes him very much. The old man is kind yet also stern, he is efficient and Grandfather Zhong has a lot of praises for him.

Now that she is clear, Qing Lan begins to navigate her way through the Zhong Estate, which is surprisingly easy with the scattered staffs kindly pointing her the way to Old Steward Wu.

"Miss Lan. Is there something I could help you with?" Old Steward Wu smiles in his grandfatherly-way that makes the receipient feels warm inside.

Qing Lan is delighted at finally meeting Old Steward Wu, as it means her erhu is as good as found. Her joy sparks her light-grey eyes, making her particularly mesmerising. "Grandfather Wu, actually yes. My erhu...I can't find it in the room Grandfather Zhong prepared for me. I'm hoping you can help me."

"Miss Lan's erhu? Hmm...I think I can tell where the mistake is. The Old Master is very severe about moving the erhu safely, I believe our staffs mistaken it as Old Master's collection, "Old Steward Wu chuckles in amusement. It can't be blamed on their staffs because the Old Master is only that scary when it involves his antique collections.

"I can bring you to the Old Master's Collections Room, or does Miss Lan prefer to wait while I have someone fetch it for you?"

Having only arrived in the Zhong Estate, Qing Lan doesn't wish to breach the boundaries even if the Zhong Elders repeatedly tell her to treat the Zhong Estate as her own home. She instantly shakes her head, "I will have to trouble Old Steward Wu to send someone."

Old Steward Wu clearly knows what goes on the young woman's mind, and he approves of her more because of this, "I understand, Miss Lan. Do you want the erhu to be sent to your room?"

This time, Qing Lan thinks for a while before she shakes her head, "I will wait here, if that's okay?"

Old Steward Wu smiles, "Of course. Please wait for a moment."

With two claps from Old Steward Wu, someone is soon by his side and with one sentence explaining the task, the maid then curtsied politely before taking off. The efficiency of the Zhong staffs is just staggering, Qing Lan can't help but wonder how hard it must be to be qualified working in the Zhong Estate.

While waiting for the maid to return, Qing Lan chats with Old Steward Wu, mostly about what Qing Lan did before the Zhong Elders' sudden visit and announcement of marriage. In just ten minutes, the maid returns craddling Qing Lan's erhu, she holds it so protectively like it is a priceless antique. The erhu is first passed to Old Steward Wu before it reaches Qing Lan's hands. Thinking it must be some sort of rules amongst the staffs, Qing Lan says nothing of it, merely thanking both the maid and Old Steward Wu.

Now that her erhu is in her arms, Qing Lan bids farewell to Old Steward Wu as she returns to her room. The walk back is relatively peaceful, which is why it is unexpected when just a few metres from her room, an unfamilliar and daunting figure is walking from the other direction.

The whole person is cold and dignified, his strides are confident and unhurried, like a ruler in his kingdom. The business suit that would look similarly when others wear it seems to be tailoured just for him when on his body. A man among men—is a fitting phrase to descibe him.

And this man is none other then her husband, Zhong Lie.

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