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Chapter 29: A ragtag group of Demon Hunters part two

In the cover of darkness on the coast of Cape Town of South of Africa, a silhouette of a group of humanoid beings phase into existence.

The peculiar thing about the group was, the unnatural blackness that covered their body, when looked upon closely, it can be discern that the being were not flesh at all.

Made of metallic alloy, coated in black paint that absorb light, the being were robots out of a sci-fi story, they each sported different types of weapon, with the biggest carrying rectangular boxes on its back and the smallest carrying a Katana on it's back while bearing a rifle the size of a forearm.

The Warframe, the bread and butter of SENTRI's secret task force in charge of protecting SENTRI and by extension its leader's interest.

The warframe leading the group carried a battle axe on his back which if not for the warframe would be to big to be practical.

"Remember your orders, secure the exit points and exterminate with extreme prejudice, show this demon scums the consequences of hurting one of our own." Xander transmitted to their communication link, which were immediately answered with affirmative by the others.

The others then proceeded to their designated points of entry as Xander grab the battle axe on his back before activating it's special feature which immediately light up its edges in blue colored energy. If the warframe could mimic the facial structure of its user then the demon looking on it would be piss themselves scared as they will immediately notice the feral grin of Xander the demon hunter.

"Rip and Tear"


As the smallest and lightest warframe of the group, Dawn shortly arrived at her designated entrance and straightaway attached rune blocks around the mouth of the cave which put up an invisible barrier baring entry from both sides without the secondary rune block that grants entrance through the barrier.

She then race through the caverns in great speeds almost untraceable to the vampires supernatural sight only giving them small glimpses of a petite being before being cut down by a streak of blue light before turning to ash.

Dawn look back at the ashes before sheathing her blades unto the scabbard releasing a bit of sparks. She then vanish before proceeding to search out demons unlucky enough to get on her way and they won't know what hit them.


Nathan Giles was a simple man, his demeanor can often be described as mild-mannered and seems to be a guy incapable of breaking any sort of glass but when James Giles pilot his warframe, he changed.

"Kakakaka! Let me have a slice!" Said the man as he maniacally laugh while he dismembered screaming demons piece by piece using his claws.

The simple man turned into a metallic monster with knives as claws and the mild-mannered man turned into a walking blade which rip and tears anything on its path.

As cries of anguish can be heard all over the cavern, as bits and pieces lay scattered around, as muffled cries of demons begging for mercy, as supernatural healing turned curse, a figure stood in the middle covered in blood, a figure of nightmare turned real.

James Giles in Warframe is the ripper and he shall rip and tear until it's done.


Unlike her namesake Faith Kennedy was not brash and crude, she steadily made her way through the cavern methodically, her Plasma rifle eliminates demons with precise accuracy that no bullets were wasted, staying true to the saying; one shot, one kill.

"Faith, intersection up ahead and might I suggest using the plasma grenade to gauged its effectiveness in clearing out rooms?" Said a bell-like voice.

"You got it red" Faith answered greatful to the A.I. called Willow for having her back.

Faith proceeded to execute a textbook style of room clearing before killing the remaining lucky ones that manage to survive the grenade. She then nodded at her work before continuing to systematically clear hostiles like a seasoned veteran with the help of her trusted A.I. while the demons tried their best to escape and hide from her sights hoping they be spared from certain annihilation.


Elizabeth or as her teammates like to call her Buffy likes all types of guns, especially ones that creates big boom and unlike the Buffy of the tv show, she do not have fetishes on animated corpses so when she meet vampires, she points her flamethrower at its face and begun spraying liquid fire until the ground it stands charred.

It was said demons came to Earth to escape hell, that the hell was so hot that even demon doesn't like it and that Earth was a paradise to them, well too bad then because Buffy will come and she bring with her a new type of hell only found on Earth, she will burned everything on her path to make the demons feel welcome as even the most pristine of soil will turn into glass with her Liquid fire, she became the living hell of Earth.


Andrew didn't know the insanity that was his teammates but he has a fair bits of screws loose as well, now unlike his teammates who were psychopaths and gun nuts, Andrew's insanity lies in his love for big booms! As he believes that everything can be solve with big booms, that bringing a hundred pound of C4 in a sword fight was a valid tactic, so here he was on a dim cave that lights up and shake from time to time as he rained down miniaturized rockets unto a group of vampires trying to get as far away from him.

He might not have enjoyed this extermination job as much if not for the entire cavern being magically reinforce enough to take on a 100 megaton nuke and he was very much thankful for that because then he can lay waste to everything with big booms without worrying about a cave in.

He was down to two more cartridges but it was enough as one cartridge is compose of fifty booms! So there's still a hundred more booms left!



Alex sat down in his couch as he was emotionally drained from having to sign ridiculous amount of paperworks for being part of the advisory council. He wanted back then to just say fuck it and burned it all with one flame spell but he restrained himself for his plans.

Thankfully he manage to finish all of it today and won't be doing paperworks anytime soon so here he was on France, leaning back on his couch as he drink a delicious wine when suddenly his phone ring so he had to get off the couch which made him grumbled.

Thankfully again, Bast his ever loyal and cute panther brought it to him before jumping unto his lap with its head nuzzled around his neck. He gave a silent prayer to the panther's mother for birthing such an amazing and lovable cutie before he answered the phone.

"Yes, Hello"


"I see so how was the mission?"


"You what!?" Alex shouted before getting smack by Bast tail as the panther glared at Alex daring him to shout once more. "Sorry.." he apologized before turning back to the phone.

"So a the tier-3 demon combined and turned into a tier-5? Well that explains it...."


"Alright, have our people buy the mountain and turn it to a resort of some sort, give a percentage of the earnings to support the local community, offer scholarship, loans and such..."


"Okay, just send the papers that I needed to sign"


"Okay bye.." Alex sighed before ending the call, Bast then gave him a cursory glance before turning back to enjoy the nice petting she was receiving.

"goddamn...they blow up a mountain..." Alex muttered under his breath, he questioned sometimes why he hires crazy people like them and then he remembered that it was better they use their craziness on killing demons than let them lose on the ordinary people because that would be shit, so once again he sighed and muttered.

"Fuck...another paperworks"

CenturionGuard CenturionGuard

Hello guys! here you are! a new chapter!

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