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Chapter 3: Card Village

The Card Palace is home to the royal Card family, and to many of the chess pieces. Enter Ace, a boy, about the same age as PaperBoy, roaming the streets of Card Village. He is seen running down the street from a bunch of the village locals. He had on a hooded cloak, and was smiling widely at what he had just done.

"Get back here boy," a man yelled out from behind.

"We'll get you for what you did!" another man had yelled.

The group had given up and stopped running after the little boy. A few minutes ago the boy had spray painted a statue. The statue had symbolized peace and justice. So seeing spray paint on the statue was a serious deal. The boy had a reputation for doing these "pranks." One time he had dumped trash on top of a different statue to get the people riled up. Another time he had positioned himself on top of a cement wall, and poured an entire bucket full of paint onto one of the guards of the castle. He loves to toy with people, he finds it satisfying. He's lucky no one has caught him.


We finally get back to the three who have finally entered the village. Right as they head jn, a crowd of people rush by chasing someone. But soon stop a few feet ahead of them. PaperBoy asks,

"What's going on here,"

"A boy had just drew on the statue of peace and justice," a member of the crowd had said.

PaperBoy and PencilMan were shocked to hear what happened, as the statue was Mr. Origami himself. Mr. Origami was one of the people who had created the village, and who was considered a very kind man. The reason why people pray to his statue is because people believe that he is a psychic who helped defend the village from any danger, including from giants or dragons, as Mr. Origami was the one who had killed them single handedly. He was one of the many warriors that helped defend the kingdom

PencilMan was pissed, and was gonna do anything to find the boy who did this. The villagers also explained to them that this wasn't the first time the boy had damaged the statue. PencilMan fuming, left not wanting to hear more. PaperBoy caught off guard attempted to stop PencilMan, but decided to let him to wander off, staying with the villagers. Ted had no idea what was going on, but didn't mind and decided to stay back with PaperBoy.

PencilMan had finally sat down after walking a couple of yards away from the crowd of people. He sat there thinking and thinking. He put his head in hands. He didn't know what to think, the man who raised him, the man who taught him everything he knew, the man he left just to go see a factory was being insulted, being treated horribly by a boy who's identity is still unknown to him.

Out of no where a boy walks toward PencilMan and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"How's it going PencilMan, haven't seen you in awhile," the boy said,

"You looked stressed what happened."

PencilMan looks up to see one of his and PaperBoy's closest friends, Ace. PencilMan said,

"I'm not doing so great after finding out that the statue of Mr. Origami was vandalized by some kid."

Ace was surprised to see that PencilMan had already heard the news.Ace smiled and said aloud to PencilMan,

"It was me who did it,"

PencilMan hesitated and smiled.

"Y'know Ace you don't have to make me feel better."

"I'm not joking," Ace said smiling.

"Quit joking with me it's not funny dude," PencilMan said with a serious expression.

"I'm not, I swear dude," Ace said again.

This time PencilMan grabbed Ace by his collar and asked,

"Don't lie to me about this stuff man. You know how serious this is to me"

"I'm not, look."

Ace then takes out a spray can, he shakes it almost empty. He looks back up at PencilMan his smile wider this time. Without hesitation PencilMan then starts battering Ace with his fist. Ace begins to cry and holler, but PencilMan doesn't stop.

"How could you!?" PencilMan said, face red with anger.

"I thought we were best friends, I thought we were like family."

PencilMan finally stops punching the kid after he had stopped struggling and crying and dropped him to the ground. He was bruised and unconscious


As PaperBoy was talking to Ted about the situation at hand he suddenly heard screaming and crying. He ran towards the screaming and realized that's where PencilMan was. As he got closer to the screams he saw PencilMan holding onto someone. It was Ace. *what was Ace doing there* PaperBoy thought. He saw PencilMan let go of the boy, Ace falling to the ground. He finally made it to them realizing Ace was unconscious and asked,

"What's going on here?"

PencilMan then answered back with,

"He was the one who damaged the statue."

PaperBoy shocked and confused didn't know what to think or say. He looked around and saw a spray can lying on the ground, and figured PencilMan was right. He understood that PencilMan had never lied after beating anyone, and had no reason to fight anyone. He finally turned PencilMan and said to him,

"Listen..... I understand what you're feeling. I understand that you would go at any length to find this person and beat them or fight them after they had damged or hurt a loved one. But if it's someone you're close to that damaged or hurt a loved one it's always good to walk away, or to say that what he did was wrong. What you did will now break your relationship with him. He doesn't know any better, I mean he's just a kid, like me. He just wanted attention, like all little kids do. Also he's younger than you, I'm pretty sure he looked up to you. He wanted to impress you. But also you should've told him not to that, that it'll just make his life worse. You get what I'm saying, PencilMan?"

PencilMan felt guilty. He looked over at Ace's unconscious body, then looked at his hands. The were bruised. He put his head in hands again, and breathed a sigh of guilt. Just then a pair of guards come marching towards them. They see the unconscious body of the prince and rush to them. The two froze in place unsure what to do.

To be Continued....

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