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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

"I'm glad we were able to get together, get some time to know each other, hang out, you know that sort of thing," Mary Jane said in amusement. She was dressed in a nice little black dress that clung to pretty much every single curve to her body. It parted nicely down to her thighs, showing her stocking clad legs, along with thigh high black boots. She looked quite fashionable. "Guess I was the one that hit the jackpot Peter….thought this would be a bust, but I'm glad that I got to know you a little bit before our aunts decided to spring the entire blind date thing on us."

"And yet, Aunt May sometimes doesn't realize that I do have a girlfriend, but I think that the sooner we do this….."

"The sooner that we can move on with all of our lives," Mary Jane with a bright smile, as she sat down at the table and waited for them to be served. "I know you must have a lot on your mind…"

"Well exams are coming up….and I just came back from a tutoring session with Liz," Peter told her and the redhead crossed her arms together, staring her down. The redhead tapped her finger across the table.

'Okay, Pete, two can play this stubborn game,' Mary Jane said with a smile.

"Your aunt….she told me that….well she told me that you did have a knack for photography," Mary Jane offered him and Peter smiled at her. "So…..perhaps you could win the contest….none of the photos of Spider-Man have been fit for print, you know."

"Oh, I'm well aware," Peter agreed with a smile on his face, locking eyes with Mary Jane. The redhead was not going to deny that there was something about this stare that sent shivers down her spine. "But….I don't want to be that guy….you know what I'm talking about don't you…."

"Oh….well that guy who takes pictures of Spider-Man, yeah I'm aware, but I just think with someone with your natural talent….you would be able to get on the inside track to getting pictures to him," Mary Jane said with a smile as their food arrived.

Peter slowly dipped the breadstick that he orders into the sauce and chewed on it with a smile on his face.

"Aunt May must really be talking me up, isn't she?" Peter asked her and Mary Jane blinked, before nodding up and down eagerly.

"Well it's for good reason….I mean, why wouldn't she talk you up….."

"Photography was something that I took in my freshman year as an elective, I don't think that it's something that I want translate into a career," Peter said to Mary Jane. He had been fine tuning some of his father's notes, nothing too complex. His father had been working on some intriguing inventions but on a shoe string budget, Peter was not going to be able to find the funding for those any time soon.

"Okay, okay, fair enough," Mary Jane said with a blink and she took the refreshing glass of water, drinking it. "So….what do you think about Spider-Man?"

"He's colorfully dressed," Peter said and he could have sworn that he heard Gwen snickering in his ear piece.

"Never mind, enjoy your date," Gwen said, deciding not to let Peter in on what she thought or what she perceived to be happening around here.

'Weird,' Peter thought but he shrugged, allowing himself to continue with the date, even though they seemed to be dancing around a very obvious topic, but he could not properly put his finger on what.

"I think that Spider-Man is really amazing, actually, sure he might be a bit….well unique," Mary Jane said and Peter could not help but grin and say what he had on his mind.

"You mean weird don't you?"

"No, I mean unique, unique is a good thing, it's not a bad thing, at least not really," Mary Jane said, casually waving off this argument. "But New York….it's almost like a city of capes…..well very few of them are actually wearing capes. Which is kind of weird, because that's kind of like the stereotypical super hero thing."

'To be honest, I don't think that I would look good in a cape,' Peter thought and he smiled.

"Well, Iron Man, he has that armor war suit, all that high tech gadgets, would a cape really add anything?"

"No, not really, but it's just weird….I guess it's a comic book thing where people are wearing capes," Mary Jane said, deciding to take a bite of something to eat before she got flustered. "So…."

Peter nodded and it was almost like Mary Jane was choosing her words carefully.

"You seem to be really interested in Spider-Man," Peter told her and Mary Jane looked at him. There weren't that many people in the restaurant but at the same time, you never knew when there was a nosy member of the press looming around, waiting for a scoop that would jump start their career.

"So….yes, I kind of am, but….could I talk to you?" Mary Jane asked, making a snap decision about what she needed to do.

Peter, not quite catching things right away, frowned, and raised his eyebrow. "You are talking to me right now, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am," Mary Jane agreed to him but she sighed, this was not going to be as easy to articulate as much. "But…in private….I think you'll agree….finish dinner first though….it might not be…..well people might be suspicious if we leave with a half finished dinner."

"Girl has some brains on her, I approve," Gwen informed Peter, keeping her voice down. Peter acted like he didn't hear her.

The two of them smiled and made some light conversation.

"So, yes, I have a good idea of where this might be going, and no I'm not going to tell her but….if it is going where I think it's going, we're going to have to induct her into the fold….security reasons, trust me on that one."

'Thanks Gwen, way to be vague,' Peter thought, even though she could not hear his thoughts as far as he knew but he shrugged, deciding to go with the flow.

"Okay, we can speak freely," Peter said, as he attached a small device to a curtain. "It… causes nothing but static to be heard around the room…..I wanted to adapt it so we could have free communications without anyone listening in but….it kind of fries the electronics, whenit pops up."

"Nice, very nice," Mary Jane said, she had serious reservations about being confrontational but it was obvious that Peter had serious reservations about telling her. Or perhaps she had not seen what she thought that she had seen. "So…"

"If this is about you coming by the other day and walking in and me and Gwen…."

"Wait….ooh….I'm really sorry about that, I was just returning something to your aunt," Mary Jane managed, looking fairly flustered at the thought of what was happening. The redhead blinked for a few seconds.

"Nice diversion, Pete," Gwen said approvingly. "I'll be there in a few minutes….don't worry."

"Why did you apologize, you weren't coming there with the intention of spying on us having sex, were you?" Peter asked Mary Jane and Mary Jane's mouth hung open, and she shook her head.

"No….no….absolutely not I wasn't, I swear," Mary Jane said, her heart beat quickened nervously and Peter smiled, looking her over.

"Don't worry, MJ, I believe you, but….I think that you're keeping the truth about something, aren't you?" Peter asked her and the redhead looked at him, completely flummoxed.

"Well, you'd know all about keeping those secrets," Mary Jane protested, trying to regain some semblance of control over what was being said. Her stomach felt like butterflies flapped over large wings within it.

"What secret am I keeping, Red?" Peter asked, and that name caused shivers to go down her spine. Little did he know that Peter released some of those pheromones towards her and that made her somewhat light-headed. At least to the point where it was difficult for her to string more than two or three words together.

"Well….you know…you know what secret you're keeping," Mary Jane said, trying not to really feel too flustered at the moment. "But….I found it out, I saw you leaving the house one night, dressed as him….."

"Oh, you saw that, didn't you?"

"You admitted it then," Mary Jane said, trying not to sound too smug. Because no one liked a person who sounded overly smug. Peter's gaze diverted towards her and the redhead vixen could feel it burn into her shoulders. She once again could feel her heart speed up a couple of more beats. "You admitted….you know….that you're him…you're….well you're him, aren't you?"

"Once again, master of speech…..but I'm sure that you enjoyed what you saw the other day, didn't you?" Peter asked and Mary Jane was thrown off guard by the abrupt turn around. The fact that pheromones were flying in the air did not really hurt matters all that much either.

Her stomach felt a few twists and turns and Peter's hand was placed on her shoulder. She shifted and he was getting closer to her. Mary Jane was visited by an impulsive….no dare she say it….she couldn't resist herself from saying it, crazy thought. It was completely crazy.

She could see Gwen ride her tongue while Peter made her scream for mercy. It was a fantasy that haunted her dreams for the past five days.

Peter's heightened senses caught a whiff of her arousal.

"What….Peter….I don't know….I mean….it was hot," Mary Jane managed, trying to remain bold and proud, because she would not settle for anything else. Her strong and steely resolve was fading rather fast.

And suddenly, Gwen stood behind her, hands firmly on her shoulders. Mary Jane had been so preoccupied with Peter that she did not notice that his girlfriend was here.

"Gwen….I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea…."

"No, Red, I got the right idea, I think," Gwen whispered in her ear and Mary Jane closed her eyes, feeling her stomach tie into knots, the little butterflies beating against her stomach. She could see that Peter and Gwen were both attractive and who wouldn't….well they would have to be awfully blind or have poor taste not to want to….at least that's what the redhead thought.

Was Gwen's hands resting on her….no dirty mind, gutter, mind out.

"I mean…this isn't….."

"Acceptable, who should define what we accept?" Gwen whispered in Mary Jane's ear and the redhead could not deny that her friend had a point. Such a point that in fact she was nearly losing her mind. "I mean, society really has some messed up standards of what's right, and what's wrong so..."

"It's wrong," Mary Jane said but Peter smiled as she realized now that she was trapped in between the two of them.

"Well, yes, but…."

"That's what makes it fun, you've figured out Peter's little secret, and the spider….well the spider that bit him had a side effect," Gwen explained and she sensed Mary Jane's arousal once again, her fingers resting on her bare thigh. She knew that her panties were soaked through the brim.

"Yes, you imagined yourself in this spot, don't lie?" Peter asked, as he smiled as Gwen slowly kissed the back of Mary Jane's neck and slowly turned her around. Her lips planted on Mary Jane's, with sensual fire burning through them.

'Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god,' Mary Jane thought and then she turned around, on jelly legs, before being handed off to Peter.

Her toes felt like they were on fire, her spine shivered. He kissed her deeply and Mary Jane grinded up against him.

"You're getting the message now, tigress," Gwen said with a smile as she sat back, pulling her panties out. "Introduce her to the team, Pete."

"It would be a pleasure," Peter whispered and Mary Jane could feel her panties pushed back and then the cool air rush between her legs.

Then the cool air was not the only thing that was about to go between her legs.




Peter had a beautiful blonde on one side of him and a sexy redhead on the other side of him, pressed into his body. Both kissed and caressed his body in the afterglow of what they just experienced.

"So, want to go again?"

The next evening, Peter was doing his normal patrol. So far things were quiet and he was…..well he was just hoping to get home this evening. The web slinger dropped down to the ground and he could hear something.

'Of course….of course I would run into something like this,' Spider-Man thought to himself, taking half of a step forward but pausing.

The doors were blown open and Spider-Man proceeded carefully. He could see that no one had bothered to touch any of the precious jewels or artifacts that were in the museum. All they did was blow off the door in a loud way to gain his attention. Also, there was broken glass.

"I thought that you wouldn't show up."

"You know, property damage is considered to be against the law," Spider-Man said, as he saw a figure, dressed in a loose fitting black coat in the background, along with a ski mask, with holes in it. "And ski mask….in the middle of spring, how cliché can we get?"

"I'll apologize for the lack of originality," the person said, she was most certainly female. Of course, Peter suspected that she disguised her voice. Rushing forward, she tried to kick Peter and his spider sense just barely registered the foot going into the side of his head.

'Well, she's….oh no time to thing,' Peter thought as he dodged a palm blow and then a pair of metal balls slammed onto the ground, releasing a blinding gas. 'Who is she….what is she….I don't even know….I suppose I'll find out soon what she is but….well this is going to get interesting, and I'm not even sure in a good way.'

The web slinger repelled to the walls which was well lubricated and it caused him to land on the ground. She held out a gun and fired a couple of shots.

"Nice shots lady, here is some of mine!" Spider-Man asked, throwing one of his spider decoys with an over arching shot and it landed on the ground.

She avoided the blast that would have reduced the eardrums of anyone who dared to stand in a certain radius of it to applesauce.

"Not bad for someone working out of his parent's basement," the woman said and Spider-Man latched onto her coat, but she sliced his webbing before he could even use it as a springboard device.

She dove onto the back of his head but he grabbed her around the head and flipped her to the ground.

"Not bad, not bad…"

If Spider-Man didn't know any better, he would have thought that this person was toying with him to get him into a false sense of security.

The web slinger rammed hard against the wall, and the woman stood up against him, a feral grin flickering on her face. She put a stiletto heel to his throat and pinned him against the wall.

"Okay, don't suppose that I could call….a time out?"

"An adequate try, but I'm afraid that I lead this dance," the woman responded with a sultry smile and Spider-Man struggled once again to push himself back up.

"Well you can't blame me for….."

An explosion knocked her off guard and Spider-Man slid underneath her legs, ripping her overcoat off. It exposed her body and that nearly caused Peter to be caught off guard. While she was not rendered naked, she might as well have been. The skin tight black cat suit clung to her body, molding to her like a second layer of skin. The mask she wore remained on, but not for long, as she slowly took it off.

Her red hair flew freely, she was absolutely gorgeous with red hair, and stunning blue eyes. Given her deception, Peter could not be sure if they were her real color or she was wearing some kind of contacts. The redhead thing was also something that he could not directly verify given what she was showing him.

"Sometimes, the oldest tricks are the easiest, wouldn't you say?" she muttered to herself, as she felt a small burst of pleasure at this young man oogling her like a piece of meat. Not that it was anything new and she normally followed that sort of gaze by getting knocked out.

"Well, I don't know why you were wearing that coat….." Peter managed and he could see a burst of electricity going towards him. He dodged the attack once again.

"Didn't want the fight to be too easy," the woman said as she fired a line towards him but Spider-Man dodged it once more.

She latched onto the door, yanking it open. With a forward roll, she landed hard onto the ground. Spider-Man jumped at her, aiming a kick but she blocked his foot.

"Not too bad, but….."

She finished her sentence right after she rendered Spider-Man unconscious with a tranquilizer.

"You're really out of your depth and I mean this in the nicest way," she commented, standing over him, making sure that he was out. His fingers twitched so she gave him another shot just to make sure. "Good against some low level punks, perhaps a couple super powered threats, but years of training is not going to replace your super powers."

She decided to check in with the big boss after all of this.

"So do you got him?" Fury asked and Natasha nodded in affirmation.

"He gave me a little bit of trouble….."

"Expected you to come back an hour ago, you must be slipping," Fury reprimanded and she sighed, almost rolling her eyes. She knew that Fury was just being his usual charming self but still.

"Well, never mind that, I got him," Natasha said, holding up the young web slinger and sure enough, Fury had granted her transportation, which allowed her to move him safely.

She thought about the battle and how she tried not to get too distracted by him. Given the pheromones that he gave off, she wasn't sure what result they would have on her. That was up for SHIELD to find out but she wasn't about to tempt fate.

Spider-Man swung from one side to the other, his feet and arms bound. He tried to pull himself free from the material but found it hard. Even with his enhanced spider strength, he couldn't believe it but at the same time, he had to believe it.

"Don't bother trying to get out or trying to communicate….that's left in the middle of the alleyway for your friend to find whenever she tracks you."

Spider-Man could hear the deep commanding voice in the light and his joints ached as he swung back and forth. He wondered where he was. He was in a dark room with nothing.

"You'd think that you'd add a little décor, you know to liven the place up a little bit. I'm just saying, that's all….."

"You think it's a joke," the man in the shadows said to Spider-Man sharply. "Do you realize what could have happened to you, with powers like that?"

"Hey, I thought that I came out okay, sure my portions of food are a bit bigger, but really, I smacked around a few bad guys…."

"Again, you think that this is some kind of joke, some kind of game, but you've just found yourself into some serious business," the man in the shadows replied and Spider-Man shut up for the first time in a long time. "Mr. Parker, how would your aunt and uncle like to know about your external activities?"

"I….my aunt and uncle…..they don't know anything about what I'm doing, did you….."

"It's fortunate that they'll be delayed coming home for several hours," the man in the shadows stated and Spider-Man caught on with what he was saying.

"Whoa, you mean….you arranged for them to be late…"

"Did it look like I stuttered?" the man asked as he looked at them. "A missing person's report….it would complicate things."

"Yes, because knowing someone was missing would complicate kidnapping, I can see your point," Spider-Man replied dully, as he tried to pull himself free and he stepped into the shadows. "So, are you the winner of a Samuel L. Jackson look alike contest or something?"

"I'll ask the questions," the man said. "I'm Nick Fury and all you need to know is you've stumbled into something far bigger than your little game of dress up."

"That's what this is to you….."

One of the scientists walked into the room and Fury looked over his shoulder, nodding. "He's prepped and ready to go."

"What…prepped….ready to go….what are you talking…OWWWW!" Spider-Man yelled as he was stabbed in the shoulder by something. There was something taken from him. "What….what was that for?"

"To see if you're safe to be let out of custody," Fury replied and Spider-Man managed to get to the point.

"So, you work for some kind of government agency or something?" Spider-Man asked and Fury said nothing. "So….if I'm safe, that means I get to go scot free….and…."

"If you're not, well I'll be sure to send your aunt and uncle a fruit basket for condolences," Fury replied and Spider-Man once again looked at this man. His shoulder ached from where they took the….whatever they took from him. He was not a happy camper with what they did and his mood was only going to worsen the longer that he waited.

"What's wrong….."

"Classified information, when you're eighteen and work your way up the agency, you might be able to learn it," Fury said to Spider-Man, with the web slinger just hanging around, in the literal and figurative sense of the world.

'This is completely insane, I mean….the government….they can't just do that…..well I guess that they can do that, they've done worse, but still….'

Spider-Man wondered if he would just be left hanging, to comprehend his fate. Fury still had his back turned to him, almost as if he was waiting for someone to come up the hallway.

"Calm down, Mr. Parker, you will be released once we find out whether or not there's nothing dangerous about your DNA."

It did strike Peter just then that Commander Samuel L. Fury knew his name and who he was. That didn't put Peter in the best frame of mind to be honest but there was only so much that he could really do. The web slinger tried to pull himself free from his constraints but they remained rigid and immobile.

Fury was talking someone, the woman who knocked him out and the next thing that he knew, he was brought here.

'I knew that trusting an attractive woman in a tight cat suit was nothing but trouble….even though I didn't really trust her,' Spider-Man thought to himself, shaking off the thought that came from his mind.

She entered the room and pulled up a chair, sitting down.

"So, you're my babysitter, are you?"

There was no real response, she was focused, and dedicated.

"You really know that I'm not going to go anywhere, do you?"

"Commander Fury wishes for me to keep an eye on you, to make sure that you don't," the woman replied with a smile. "He will be back in three hours to give you the results of your test and whether your next stop will be a high security cell or back home."

"Well that's just peachy."

The mystery woman didn't say anything, she just stared a hole through Spider-Man. It was making him feel almost objectified.

"Don't I get a name, to go with that face and…"

"Call me Black Widow," she commented without any emotion in her tone, even though she traced his body in that costume.

"Well, that's appropriate, you'd need a spider to capture a spider, and you would have to have the most deadliest spider….but I guess someone like you couldn't appreciate the irony of the situation."

Natasha didn't say anything but she did. She watched him struggle with his restraints, it was a very amusing show.

"Peter, Peter, please pick up!" Gwen yelled frantically as she tried to call him, like she had been for the last twenty minutes.

The last contact she had was he after a perp at the museum, and then there was nothing. Gwen hated doing this, but she knew that if Peter was in danger, it was her time to remove.

Putting the project that she was working on to the side, she knew now was not the time to be wrecked with guilt. Now was not the time to wonder about what might have been when she had been there.

Now was the time for decisive action, the blonde took half of a step forward and tried to calibrate the tracker on the ear piece. Her and Peter both agreed that this was a good idea, so it was not like it was any kind of invasion of privacy or anything along those lines.

Gwen grabbed her half made costume, and stepped out of the door. Her father was out late once again which was fortunate.

She really dreaded having to explain things to Peter's aunt and uncle, because she had a feeling that she could get blamed for this.

'No time to think self destructive thoughts like this Gwen, just get up, and do, just get up and go,' Gwen thought to herself, trying to motivate herself.

The tracking signal got a bit stronger and Gwen had hope. Maybe Peter had gotten knocked out in the fight and hopefully would be coming too. She quickened her steps at this thought, knowing that if the wrong person came across Peter in his unconscious state, it was game over.

"Shit," Gwen muttered underneath her breath, stopping and sliding, trying not to get caught b the police.

Close call, actually a bit too close for her liking. The tracker was right in the alleyway behind her and it was kind of a trip over the fence.

Her agility put her over the top of the fence and she landed on the ground with grace. The blonde nearly staggered but somehow held herself up. She took a slight breath and smiled, becoming mindful of her surroundings in the area.

Taking another step forward, Gwen approached the tracker signal and then saw the ear piece lying on top of a trash can.

The blonde frowned, it was put too neatly for it to just fall here during the course of the battle. It was almost like something got planted here during the course of the night. The blonde closed her eyes and could hear the rustling sound in the shadows.

There was something nearby and the hairs on the back of Gwen's neck prickled up as she saw what was going on around her.

Things were about to get interesting, because she was not alone.

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