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Chapter 7: First Day

As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of rose and gold, Kaiser awoke to the soft rustling of leaves outside his dormitory window. The air was charged with anticipation as he prepared for his inaugural day at Ryudan Magic Academy. Zeus and Athenia, now fully awake, greeted him with playful energy. Stepping into the hallways filled with the whispers of magical energies, Kaiser made his way to the morning class, his heart aflutter with excitement.

Entering the grand lecture hall, Kaiser found himself surrounded by fellow students engaged in animated discussions. Professor Merlindor, a venerable figure draped in robes that shimmered with ethereal patterns, stood at the front. His name resonated with the mystery of a magician's craft. The class began, and the professor's voice echoed through the hall, captivating the attention of every eager student.

"Good morning, young mages," Professor Merlindor began, his voice carrying a resonant timbre. "Today, we delve into the fundamentals of magic and mana theory. Mana, the essence that flows through all things, is the lifeblood of magic. It is the unseen force that binds the elements and empowers our spells."

Kaiser listened intently as Professor Merlindor explained the intricate process of magic circles, their symbolic representations, and the correlation between the number of circles and a magician's strength. The professor elaborated on how mana, drawn from the surroundings, is channeled through the body, acting as a conduit for magical manifestations.

Amidst the lecture, Kaiser overheard snippets of conversation from fellow students. "I heard the more mana you can gather, the more powerful your spells become," one whispered with wide-eyed wonder. Another student, scribbling notes furiously, murmured, "It's all about controlling the flow of mana through the circles, precision is key."

Professor Merlindor continued, "Think of your body as a vessel—a reservoir for mana. It courses through your veins, congregates in your core, and surges into your extremities when called upon. The key is to attune yourself to the ebb and flow of this magical current."

As Kaiser absorbed the wisdom of the lecture, he couldn't help but marvel at the intricacy of magic in this world. The synergy between mana and the physical vessel, the delicate dance of circles guiding the flow—every detail revealed the profound connection between the mage, the elements, and the arcane forces that shaped their destiny. The first day at Ryudan Magic Academy unfolded like a spellbinding tome, each lesson unraveling the mysteries of a world where the very fabric of reality was woven with magic.


Professor Merlindor, his robes adorned with intricate symbols, raised his hands, revealing a mesmerizing display of seven magic circles that shimmered with ethereal light. The class fell into hushed awe, captivated by the arcane artistry before them.

"Observe, young mages," Professor Merlindor announced, his voice resonating with authority. "A fundamental skill is to channel your mana and manifest it into a basic mana ball. First, focus on your core, that wellspring of magical energy within. Feel the ebb and flow of mana as it courses through your veins."

The lecture hall buzzed with anticipation as students exchanged eager glances. Kaiser, never having delved into the realms of magic, felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He listened intently, determined to grasp the arcane principles.

"Extend your hands," the professor instructed. "Envision the magic circles within you, seven points of connection to the very essence of your being. Begin by concentrating on one circle at a time, allowing the mana to gather and coalesce."

As Professor Merlindor spoke, Kaiser observed the intricate dance of the magic circles, each one representing a facet of magical affinity. The professor's hands began to glow as he demonstrated the process of channelling mana, forming a luminescent sphere between his palms.

"Now, young mages, emulate my actions," the professor encouraged, his eyes scanning the room.

Students, their hands trembling with a mix of uncertainty and determination, attempted to follow the instructions. Whispers of excitement and nervous laughter filled the air as the lecture hall transformed into a collective experimentation ground.

Kaiser tentatively extended his hands, attempting to connect with the mana within. "Focus on the circles," he reminded himself, the sensation alien yet oddly familiar. As he concentrated, a subtle warmth spread through his palms. The magic circles, though unseen, felt like guiding lights in the darkness of his uncertainty.

Around him, snippets of conversation emerged. "I can feel something," one student marvelled. Another exclaimed, "It's like a tingling sensation, right?" Kaiser absorbed these snippets while navigating the uncharted waters of mana manipulation.

With a calm yet encouraging voice, Professor Merlindor addressed the class. "Well done, young mages. Remember, the connection with mana is a journey. You've taken your first steps today."

Kaiser, despite the initial uncertainty, felt a glimmer of achievement. The mana ball before him, albeit small, radiated with a subtle brilliance. The intricate dance of magic circles had become a part of his reality, and the journey into the arcane mysteries of Ryudan had only just begun.

Professor Merlindor, with the glow of the mana ball illuminating the lecture hall, continued his enlightening discourse. "Each magic circle within you is composed of magic stars, ethereal markers that represent your mastery over magical arts. To ascend to the next level, one must gather a specific number of stars. It is a symbolic journey, young mages, where the magic within you evolves and crystallizes."

He paced before the class, his gaze filled with the wisdom of ages. "In your first year, as beginners, you aim to form your first magic circle, requiring a humble three magic stars. A significant feat for those who have yet to attune fully to the magical currents."

Kaiser, absorbing the information, marvelled at the intricacies of magical progression. He imagined the cosmos within, each star a testament to his evolving mastery over the arcane.

"As you advance," Professor Merlindor continued, "the journey becomes more challenging. The second magic circle, a symbol of intermediate proficiency, demands six magic stars. With each subsequent level, the requirement increases by three, culminating in the legendary tenth circle—a realm achieved only by the most illustrious magicians in history."

As the professor delved into the lore of magical lineage, he shared tales of the forefather of magic, a mysterious figure known as Alarion the Enchanter. Alarion, a living legend during the era of the 'Great Chaos,' played a pivotal role in the 'Great War' that shaped the destiny of humanity. He was a beacon of hope, wielding incomprehensible magical powers to aid and protect the realms.

"Alarion," Professor Merlindor spoke in reverent tones, "was the first to attain the pinnacle of magical mastery, the legendary status of ten stars. His unparalleled feats in the 'Great War' remain shrouded in mystery. Little is known about his origins, for he emerged during the darkest times, a force of magic that defied understanding. Alarion's legacy endures, and his name resonates in the annals of magical history as the forefather who guided humanity through the shadows of chaos."

As Kaiser absorbed the tales of Alarion, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of inspiration. The journey into magic was not just about individual growth but also about connecting with a legacy that transcended generations. The mysterious Alarion, with his ten stars, became a symbol of the limitless potential that awaited those who ventured into the arcane realms at Ryudan Magic Academy.


As Professor Merlindor concluded his lecture, the class buzzed with a newfound understanding of the magical journey that awaited them. Kaiser, still marvelling at the tales of Alarion and the intricacies of magic stars, felt a surge of determination. The dormancy of his magical potential had been awakened, and the prospect of forming his first magic circle ignited a spark of excitement within.

Amid the exiting students, Kaiser made his way to the next class with a heart brimming with anticipation. Battle Magic class awaited, and the seasoned Battle Professor Kolugan would be his guide into the dynamic world of combat spells.

The battle arena resonated with the energy of eager students as Kaiser stepped into the vast expanse. The air crackled with anticipation as Professor Kolugan, a figure of formidable prowess, stood at the center. Kaiser couldn't help but reflect on the extraordinary turn of events on his first day at Ryudan Magic Academy.

"I'm part of this legacy now," Kaiser thought, glancing at the grandeur of the academy around him. "From magic circles to tales of the forefather, every step feels like uncovering a layer of the mystical tapestry."

Professor Kolugan, his gaze firm and commanding, addressed the assembled students. "Welcome, young mages, to Battle Magic class. Today marks the beginning of your journey into the art of wielding magic in combat. It's not just about power; it's about control, finesse, and understanding the ebb and flow of battle. Now, let us begin."

As Kaiser prepared to immerse himself in the next class, he engaged in a brief conversation with a fellow student, a seasoned mage from the second year. "This is where it gets real," the older student remarked a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Professor Kolugan doesn't hold back, so be ready to push your limits."

The echoes of Professor Merlindor's words, the tales of Alarion, and the potential held within magic stars lingered in Kaiser's thoughts. With Zeus and Athenia by his side, Kaiser ventured into the arena, ready to navigate the arcane battlegrounds and embrace the challenges that awaited him in the realm of Battle Magic.


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