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61.11% Red Shadow

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Team Kurenai, along with Revan and Saya left the village 30 minutes after receiving their assignment. Without any civilian slowing them down they made great progress. Only stopping to rest a few times each day for the rookies. Revan and Saya had built up some good stamina, mainly Saya, during the short time they had been genin. It's understandable considering the few times they were paired up with Team Guy. Mean Green is a real slave driver when it comes to his hardcore workout programs. Of course he was kinda bummed out when Revan won a game of Rack-Paper-Scissors and got to choose the code names during Operation Tora.

Mean Green was Might Guy's code name.

Mini Green was Rock Lee's.

Fate Mate was a code name Revan gave Neji as a crack to his obsession with fate and his clan's unique eyes.

Steel Queen was a code name he have TenTen due to her weapons fetish, which he found oddly attractive and scary at the same time, especially when he showed her his sketches for a few weapons. Especially the Gunblade design and formula he wrote out for it to work similar to the one's from Final Fantasy VIII. With some tweaks and fine-tuning to his formula, as well as finishing his seal research, Revan is confident in recreating a fully functional Gunblade in this world.

Lady Giggles, to Saya's annoyance, was her code name for the mission. No one else has ever heard Saya laugh or giggle, but Revan has already broken that barrier once already. So he couldn't resist after hearing that cute laugh of hers.

Everyone else got to decide his code name though in return. What they came up with, based on how hard it could be to find him during the cat-n-mouse training exercises, was Red Shadow. If he wasn't cheating and hiding his physical presence with the Force, we was still damn near difficult to find unless you laid eyes on him personally. But even still, the red hair is what stood out.

Tora never saw it coming, but damned did the cat make it hard to keep a hand on it. Force Sleep kept injuries at. A minimum.

"Crush the bitch! Crush it into a pulp! Mwuahahaha!" Revan cackles madly after the Daimyo's wife left with the demon cat, hugging it enough for the feline's eyes to bug out. Everyone else backed away from the insane red head boy and his mad cackling. He then proceeded to hand a summoning scroll to Might Guy and told him to use it whenever a Tora mission came up. The fuinjutsu studies made remarkable progress in the intermediate levels, so slipping a summoning seal on the car secretly was no problem after putting it to sleep.

##Wave Country Tazuna's House.##

After knocking on the door a beautiful young woman opens to the door and greets Team Kurenai. This is Tsumani, the daughter of Tazuna the bridge builder who hired the shinobi to escort him back to Wave and protect him. Despite withholding information, Team Kakashi carried on with the mission because they felt it was the right thing to do.

"Hello?" Tsumani greets and studies their headbands and gear, "You must be the reinforcement from Konoha that sir Kakashi request."

"Yes we are. I'm am the Jounin, Kurenai Yuhi," Kurenai introduced, "and these are my genin pupils Hinata, Shino, Kiba, and for the duration of this assignment Revan and Saya."

Revan, Saya, Hinata, and Shino politely introduce themselves while Kiba was, as his usual brash way introduced himself quite crudely. Everyone met up with Team Kakashi, who some were happy to seem them, mainly Naruto and Sakura, others not so much. Sasuke that is. He felt that the help wasn't needed. Considering the condition their sensei is in, Revan finds it laughable that Sasuke thinks he can be of help to anyone except this Zabuza Momochi's disciple. Revan knows he can face a Jounin, but that is only when using the Force and he doesn't want that power out in the open just yet, well, not at least until his ninja skills themselves are at a satisfactory level. Of course the shadows that keep trying and failing to harass him and Saya during their private lives, but lately they have backed off. Probably still trying to find the reason for the disappearances.

'Good luck connecting it to me fools." Revan inwardly chuckles. He had already disposed of the evidence once he had learned Fire Ball Jutsu from Saya. With the ashes scattered to the wind, no evidence remains of these people who once served a mummy.

Back to the team. After divulging the details of the current mission, Kakashi had decided to leave the training to Kurenai and she lead everyone out into a stretch of forest nearby to train.

"Kakashi has filled me in on everything he has been teaching you three and regrettably I'm disappointed." Kurenai says with a sigh, "Who here knows the Tree Climbing exercise?" She asks. Everyone, surprisingly Naruto too, raised their hands."

"Tree climbing?" Sakura goes to ask, "But we all know how to climb... What?!"

Sakura shouts out as she watches as Saya walks up the side of a tree, then walk upside down on a low hanging branch. Sakura was surprised, but her jaws really dropped when she say Naruto repeat the same thing in a playful jog and sit down on the same branch with a goofy grin.

"HOW THE FUCK DID THE DEAD LAST DO IT!?!?!?!" Sakura shouts in disbelief.

"Teehehehe!" Naruto laughs sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. "I've been training with Revan and the jerk's sister Saya for a whole month before graduation, sometimes afterwards when I'm not tired from our missions."

"NO WAY!!" Sakura is still in disbelief.

Kurenai thinks about it momentarily before asking, "Normally for civilians and orphaned children, these chakra control exercises aren't taught until after they become genin. How did you get ahold of those exercises?"

Revan chuckles, "When I was at the library one day I found a scroll with the details of the exercises all leading up to the Sand Exercise. I memorized the content before generously returning the scroll to the librarian."

"I see. Someone's carelessness benefited you greatly and you shared it with your two companions." Kurenai nods understandingly.

"Actually..." Revan goes on, "Saya and her brother should have already had access to that information. They have a whole clan library and these exercises should be in the sections that don't require the Sharingan to access too."

Sasuke looks away trying to hide is embarrassment. 'Something so simple I should have already learned, yet the idiot learned it first? Damnit! Saya can't say anything, she didn't realize it either..."

"Moving on." Kurenai says clearing her throat, "This is a chakra control exercise is to help you gain more skills with handling your chakra. In a battle between two similar strength shinobi, the one with the greater control will have the greatest advantage. The are using less chakra while using the same technique, so who will run out faster?"

Kurenai goes to explain the exercises and benefits to them.

The Tree Climbing Exercise requires you to focus a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet, and using it to climb a tree without using one's hands. If the stream of chakra is too weak, the user will lose their footing and fall. If it's too strong, the user will be pushed away from the tree, causing the tree bark to break.

Sasuke and Sakura nod in understanding and they are both given a kunai.

"Use the kunai to mark your progress each time you reach higher." Kurenai says. "It's better to get a running head start.

Sasuke and Sakura get started and run at the tree. A little up the way Sasuke loses contact with the tree and marks his position with the kunai before falling to the tree. He looks up and is annoyed to see Sakura standing atop the lowest branch.

Kurenai is impressed with the little pink fangirl, "Not bad Sakura! If you would put in more effort then you might make a good kunoichi yet. Keep working on this exercise and rest when your chakra is low. This will be a good way to build up your reserves. You may possess superior control, but your reserves are pitiably low."

Sakura nods with a frown, but continues to keep working on the exercise. Sasuke is at least happy to know that she isn't too far ahead of him, since he has greater reserves. It still bugged him that his sister was ahead of him though.

Kurenai leads the others to the sea and starts going over the basics of water walking. Unfortunately for a majority of her team, they never tried it. Hinata knew about since she had trained with Revan, Saya, and Naruto a few times. She still requires practice and quite frankly Naruto is still having trouble with it. Revan and Saya are already proficient enough with the exercise, so they just do it to build up on their reserves.

##Outside of Gato's Base - The Night Before the Battle of the Bridge.##

A figure wearing a hooded black, his face hidden beneath a hood and wearing a metallic mask. This is the shadow clone of Revan disguised as Kylo Ren, his secret alter ego that does his bidding in the dark. Since his clones have full access to his force, he doesn't need to worry about them being too weak, nor can anyone trace it's actions back to him.

"Lets see what kind of trouble I can dig up here. Hehehe!" Kylo Ren says with a dark chuckle. His physical presence vanishes into thin air. The hideout is held up in the air with large steel wires keeping it aloft. A single large ramp is the only way up to the hideout, much like the wires, it's booby trapped. Using the force, Kylo is able to locate and avoid the rigged pressure points that would rain down an endless stream of arrows on him should he set them off. At this point he has not intention of alerting anyone to his presence, so he deftly avoids the traps and guards and slips into the base. After navigating through a series of hallways, 'asking' a very generous passerby where Gato's office is with some force persuasion, he arrives.

Gato is sitting at his desk shouting at his two samurai body guards about something, not noticing a new presence in the room. A strange piece of paper and a pen fall in front of him, startling him and the body guards.

"What the hell is this!?" Gato shouts. Looking at the two bodyguards, he finds that their eyes are unfocused. For some reason a strange voice echoes into his head causing him to lose focus on anything.

"Hello Gato." Kylo says as he appears out of thin air. "We have some business to discuss. First of all I want you to write down all of your banking information for me here on this piece of paper."

Gato stares on blankly and nods his head, "I will do as you command."

Gate takes up the pen and begins to write out his banking information willingly. Kylo chuckles darkly and is amused with how weak minded the foolish fat imp is. After Gato finishes writing down the information he gives to to Kylo who pockets it.

"What else can I help you with master?" Gato asks, his face still empty and blank.

Kylo smirks, "Tell my everything you have planned for tomorrow."

Gato goes on to tell Kylo everything he plans to do tomorrow, from sending Zabuza and his disciple to finish of the bridge builder, to how he plans to lead 50 men to finish off any survivors, whether they be from the Hidden Leaf or Zabuza himself. This kinda of simple plot to clean up any problem that affects his hold on Wave, and cash in on a few bounties that are placed on the head of both Kakashi Hatake and Zabuza Momochi may seem kind of brilliant on paper, but the foolish fat rat and his thugs overestimate the capabilities of shinobi.

"That will be all Gato. When I leave this will be not have happened and you will chalk it up to fatigue." Kylo says with a smirk beneath his mask, "You are getting far too old."

"I am getting too old." Gato says blankly.

As soon as Kylo leaves the room and shuts the door, the three are free from their stupor and shake their heads in confusion.

"Wha...." Gato looks at his two loyal bodyguards. "Did you two doze off?"

"I-I Don't know?" The left thug seems unsure.

"H-have we been working to hard?" The other one says.

"M-Maybe I should cut out early. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow." Gato says while shaking his head. Then he notices a a pen on his table. "Where the hell did I get this pen from?"


Kylo Ren casually walks through the base under the cover of his force cloak, whistling playfully with a smile. He had not only stole the banking information from the fat ass upstairs, but he had also casually waltz into the tub of lard's vault and helped himself to a good bit of money. He left a good bit of it for the villagers when they raid the place later, but he had kept himself a small fortune as well as a little extra for someone else.

Stopping outside of a certain door, Kylo sends out a pulse of force and detects two presences inside. Sneaking inside of the room, he reveals his presence to the two who immediately go on alert. Zabuza grabs his massive sword, his surprisingly female disciple holds of a handful of senbon, ready to attack at any time.

Kylo Ren chuckles and shakes his head.

"No need to be so jumpy Mr. Momochi," He says and looks towards Haku, "Please do feel free to put away those senbon lady. You see, I've developed a phobia of those things thanks to a rather... unpleasant event a couple months back. I still haven't heard from dear old Piggy Jr. since that day."

"Who the hell are you?" Zabuza asks, "Another one of the bag of shit's hired trash?"

"Hahaha!" Kylo shakes his head, "My standards are not that low I can assure you. My name is Kylo Ren and I have some information and a proposition for you."

Kylo reaches into his robes and tosses a scroll to Zabuza who catches it midair.

"What's this?" He asks.

"That my friend is everything Gato promised to pay you and a little extra."

"What?! How?" He asks in confusion.

"Hehehe! Let's just say I heard that a certain little piggy was planning to be naughty tomorrow." Kylo goes to tell Zabuza every bit of detail of Gato's plan for tomorrow. Needless to say, both Zabuza and his pupil were livid.

"That dirty piece of shit was never going to pay! He was even planing on selling my head for the bounty. Son of a..." Zabuza stored before getting but off.

"Ah ah ah!" Kylo wags his finger, "Such foul language is not becoming in front of a young lady." He says nodding towards Haku.

"Hmph! She is old enough to kill, she is old enough to curse!" Zabuza says with a hmph. "How did you even know Haku is a she?"

Kylo chuckles, "I can see many things others can. No Adam's apple, voices too soft, plus I can smell faint blood so it must be her time of the month."

Haku looks away embarrassed, definitely blushing under that mask. Zabuza gets a chuckle out of that and then asks.

"About that proposition of yours?" He asks.

Kylo Ren's smile under the mask turns mischievously, "We are going to set up a trap for the pig, while simultaneously giving the villagers the justice they want. The people get Gato, you get to cut loose and wipe out 50 people, your rebellion gets a couple of powerful seals that can make short work of the annoying Jinchuuriki. This way both Wave and Water gets their well deserved freedom."

".... Hahahahaha! Kid, you got a deal!" Zabuza says shaking Kylo's hand with a laugh. He is surprised to see that Kylo Ren vanishes in a puff of smoke. He shakes his head and sighs with a smile on his face. "Goddamn kid didn't even come in person to my the deal. Fucking shadow clones."

The next morning after Gato is surprised to see that despite there have been a tough battle between Kakashi, his team, and Zabuza, he finds both groups sitting around a table playing some strange and colorful game called Uno.

"I swear to god if you make me draw +4 again you fucking fox, I'll shove these cards so far up your ass..." Zabuza threatens as he looks at Naruto, his eyes twitching in annoyance.

"Hey! I don't have a +4!" Naruto says in his defense. "I do have a red +2 though!"

"GAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Zabuza shouts out in fury as he is force to draw 2 more cards.

"Uno!" Haku says with a happily, yet dazzling smile on her face as she is now one card away from victory.

Gato and his men just stand there watching with their jaws dropped to the ground. Sasuke is playing, but forgot to deactivate the Sharingan he awakened when he fought Haku. Thinking that Sasuke was dead, Naruto went fox on her and broke through her mirror. Apparently Kakashi had managed to overpower Zabuza during their rematch and accepting it like a good sport. After explaining about Gato's attempt of killing the survivors, they come to an agreement. While waiting for the little imp to show up, they decided to play a fun card game Revan had created.

He totally didn't rip off a fun game from his past life.... >_>


The game of Uno ended with Haku's ultimate victory causing the girl to jump with joy, getting a blush out of every young male here except Revan, for he was playing another ripped off game from his past life with Saya. Clue!

Zabuza stands up, shoulders his sword and faces Gato and his men. Both side of him were the two Jounin of the Hidden Leaf village, Kakashi Hatake and Kurenai Yuhi.

"Well, well, well. Your a little later than I expected." Zabuza says with a smirk.

"Z-Zabuza!?" Gato stutters and steps back, "You were suppose to kill them! Are you breaking our contract!?"

Zabuza chuckles darkly and glares at the little man, "A little birdy overheard your plans and gave me a better deal. Instead of waiting for you to stab me in the back, I have decided to accept his deal and gift your hide to the people of Wave."

Gato runs to the back of his army of thugs and shouts, "You rotten piece of filth! I have 50 men with me, all you have is 3 ninja and 7 brats!"

Zabuza laughs and points back at the genin, "You fail to understand one thing you little imp..."

"We are shinobi." Kakashi finishes and lifts up his headband revealing his Sharingan eye.


Naruto creates about 40 clones and grins. The rest of the genin gather up, prepared to jump into the massacre that is about to happen. Behind them a large group of villagers arrive armed with pitchforks and whatever they can arm themselves with.

"Gato. Your fucked." Revan says with a grin. Behind Gato a small blast of flames can be seen in the mist. Escape is no longer in possible. On this day, the citizens of Wave paraded a shit and piss covered Gato through the streets, crucified on a large stake, beaten and ready for his final fate. Of course thanks to Naruto's encouragement, the villagers were finally able to work up the courage to fight back. Revan on the other hand happy to let the blonde fox to keep the credit.

##Forest Behind Tazuna's House - The Night Before Returning to Konoha.##

Revan is silently in meditation using the Floating Meditation. Soon he feels that he can master it completely, just a few more sessions. It's hard meditating when out on assignments, no real privacy and far too many prying eyes. Slowly descending to the ground, Revan opens his eyes and smiles darkly.

"You can come out now." Revan says and looks back over his shoulder. "I know your there in the trees."

A person appears on a branch and glares at Revan who just smirks fearlessly. The man in the tree is wearing standard ANBU styled attire. He had grown familiar with these people over the past month. Oddly enough they have seemingly disappeared.

"A number of our agents that have been assigned to keep surveillance on targets Revan Uzumaki and Saya Uchiha have come up missing." The ANBU? Member explains. "We have reasons to suspect they you are in some way responsible for their disappearances."

"Me?" Revan asks. "A mere genin? I find that hard to believe considering you ANBU are highly experience operatives. Now why would you need to keep tabs on me and Saya?"

"That is classified information." The agent says. "The Uchiha girl is vital for the preservation of the Sharingan's bloodline, your not permitted share a relationship with her. The council and Lord Danzō will decide which subject is allowed to father her ch.... Huh?"

The agent shakes his head and looks around confuse.

"Why.... did I divulge classified information about my superior's plans?" He reaches beneath his mask and rubs the bottom of his tongue, "The seal is.... gone?"

Revan laughs, "I don't think revealing sensitive information on the one your sent to investigate will please your higher ups."

The agent glares at Revan before speaking, "That can be easily rectified by silencing the witness."

The agent reaches for his shuriken holster but is stopped by an unknown force. Revan however draws one and throws it towards the agent who moves to the side. He goes to retaliate but instead of finding Revan, he finds a shuriken instead. Hearing the movement of the wind, he turns into to witness a foot slam into his face and send him crashing into the ground below. Getting back to his feet the agent glares at the boy who just smirks at him.

"I guess it's high time I show you were your fellow agents have gone my friend." Revan says with a menacing grin. Lightning begins to dance around his hands.

"But I must warn you. It won't feel good."

He launches himself towards the agent like a cannon using the force.

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