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Chapter 12: Chapter 12

##Revan's 1st Person PoV - Forest Slaughter at Night.##

I charge at the agent as if I were fired from a cannon. Even the agent himself was surprised by the speed I was able to reach just by using the Force. Surprised the agent may be, however he is an experienced shinobi with who had been through many life and death battles over the years. I notice a few subtle movements and smirk, he was planning to retaliate, hoping to take me down before I could even hope to do something. The fool doesn't know I'm not planning on fighting him as a genin shinobi.

On no. I'm going all Force on his ass.

As I near the agent, he performs some hand seals and released a powerful looking jutsu towards me, trying to hit me before i arrive. Fool didn't know I still have my original kunai in my line of sight.

"Water Colliding Wave!" The agent shouts creating a spiraling vortex of water that explodes forming a large wave that the agent then proceeds to throw my way.

I just chuckle, "Aiming to hit me hard right off the bat?" I let out a whistle, "And sending a water specialist to Wave thinking the element would be in his favor. Too bad for you," I swap places with his first kunai and aims one of my hands towards the agent, "I prefer lightning."

My Force Lightning shoots from the tip of my fingers and starts electrocuting the agent. I can tell how painful it is by his cries of agony as the lightning courses through his body, possibly frying a couple of inner organs in the process. Nothing like the Jedi's so called "Emerald Lightning" the just saps the target of strength leaving them weakened, not fried. If it wasn't for me having Force Equilibrium I feel I would get addicted to the feeling of frying people with this technique. After a few seconds of shocking the poor agent, I ended my attack and watch as he falls to his knees, huffing and coughing, trying to catch his breath and resist the lingering pain that came as a result of the lightning.

"Yeah, I've been told that hurts." I say with a smirk, totally not using a line from a game series that had a lightning wielding protagonist for three of it's games.

"Haa...ha.....ha... How..." The agent wasn't only hurt, but shocked at the power of an unknown attack unleashed by a mere genin. "That... is not... the power.... of a mere... genin..."

"Haha!" I laughed, "To be honest my friend, I'm not quite cut out for the shinobi life style. In all honesty, the jutsu supplement my preferred style. Something the shinobi of this world really lack, actually stealth. I may not be the best in close range, but I can at least defend myself and plan for any situation. For instance..." I poof into smoke revealing to him that the me he was focus on was a mere shadow clone.

He looks around and finds me sitting casually on the same tree branch as before, smiling playfully. He now knows that I had been toying with him. I raise my hand towards a small boulder just barely larger than the agent.

"You know, lately I've been getting quite annoyed with all of the agents the mummy man have been sending to monitor my relationship with Saya." I say looking at him, the look in my eyes becoming a little more serious. "Soon enough your boss and his people will either try and deal with me once and for all, or i'm going to end up finding the hole your all hiding in and make you all disappear once and for all."

I then smile darkly, "Once I finish mastering the Floating Meditation, I have a feeling my senses using the force could cover the whole village and more. Trust me when I say that telling your people apart from the normal ANBU forces will be quite easy, for whoever trained you all ended up breaking your mind to mold you into the so called perfect soldiers. That makes it easier for me to manipulate your thoughts, read them, and even single you out from normal agents."

I raise my hand and we watch as the boulder lifts off the ground. With the flick of my wrist the boulder is launched at the agent and explodes into chunks as it collides with him. Even from here I can hear the sounds of bones cracking mixed in with his screams of pain. I aim my palm at the man and lift him up with the force.

"Don't quit on me just yet, I need to let off some steam." I smash him into the ground a few time before flinging him into a tree. "Your leader ignores the desires and hopes of the people hoping to solidify his power, which I might add is foolish, considering the old bastard would only have what? A decade or two left in him." I lift him up again and throw him across the clearing into another tree.

"Instead of letting an innocent young lady choose to follow a life of her own..." He throws the agent again, "your leader would just be content with just locking her in a room and let her push out one child after another until the day her body is unable to bare any more." He grasps his hand and the sound of bones cracking echoes in the clearing. The agent's arms are bent in reverse, bones sticking out of the flesh. "Never once considering her choice in the matter. Knowing that her own brother is mindlessly following the path of vengeance and could potentially become a liability, your people choose to harass the one you believe you could control."

I aim for the legs this time and break them as well. Then I slam the broken man onto the ground hard and appear standing over him.

"I can make you all disappear and no one will be none the wiser." My Dark tattoo flashes and a white cylindrical object appears in my hand. Spinning the object around I place it straight against the agent's forehead.

"My apologies, but I had to let off some steam for all of the annoyances your agents have caused both me and Saya. If it makes you feel better, this wont hurt a bit." With a smile I clicked the switch.


The agent's eyes widen for instant before his body goes limp. I click the switch again and stand up, staring at the body that now has a burnt hole in it's head. it felt relieving to finally let off some steam, especially doing it in a way I preferred rather then punching the man into a pulp with my mere fists. Nothing against people like Might Guy and Rock Lee, or even those who prefer swordsmanship, but I prefer to the path of the mage after all. but I won't neglect my physical conditioning should I require time to recharge my exhausted chakra reserves.

Glancing back over my should I smile, "You of all people never have to hide from me.... Saya."

She heard the commotion and showed up shortly after I started taking my frustrations out on the annoying bug a certain old mummy sent to interrogate me about a couple of missing, yet unwanted agents of his. Why would he even bother? The man just considers them expendable pawns to help solidify his hold on the village behind the real leader's back. After figuring out how to use the Force to erase those seals on the agents, plus due to their training literally breaking their mind, it was quite simple for me to get them to answer my curiosity. If I commanded them to speak, they chirp obediently. Man, no wonder the Sith loved this side of the force. I even developed a few techniques of my own, but too lazy to name them.

Saya walks out of the foliage and takes a look at the broken and possibly overkilled agent, "So this is what you have been hiding?" She asks and looks at me.

I just shrug, "Some secrets.... are hard to explain. Even harder to show when there are eyes everywhere." I say, "I did however make some breakthroughs in my seal research. If you can be patient with me I will reveal a secret I would only reveal to the one I hold closest to me."

Saya looks into my eyes, her expression conflicted and confused. She, just like me, doesn't have much experience with these kinds of things. But fortunately I did work up a little courage. She asks, "Closest to you?"

I nod.

"Yes." I cup her face gently with my left hand, gazing into her eyes lovingly, "I never known the warmth of family and companionship in this life until I started interacting with you. The moments we shared, be it training, chatting, eating, and even when you finally moved into my apartment."

I chuckle and continue.

"I started growing more fond of our time together, that I even looked forward to our next sparring session, jutsu research, just chatting about the important and non-important details of the day. I even considered getting a laugh out of you a big victory in my book, and boy do you have the most captivating smile, while your voice is that of the goddess."

"Revan..." She is speechless at my confession, but with how brightly her eyes are shining, I can tell how happy she is to hear it. I guess this means the feeling is mutual.

I glance down at the corpse of the agent.

"Despite all of that, you can understand how annoyed I would get after these insects kept trying to pry us apart." I inhale a bit, channel some chakra, and then exhaling sending a concentrated ball of flames and watch as the corpse is reduced to ashes in a few seconds. Thanks to the Force's assistance, as well as my mastery over the technique, I no longer need to use the hand seals, shout out the name, or even ball both fists in front of my mouth the unleash the Fire Ball Jutsu. I just simply channel the require chakra, inhale, and let it rip. My proficiency with in no longer requires me using the Force to aid in casting it.

I reach down and take Saya's hand into my own and smile, gesturing he back towards the Tazuna's house. "Shall we head back love?" I ask, "Don't want our two sensei and teammates to get worried."

She smiles and nods but before we could leave she spots something within the remnant ashes of the fallen agent, shining brightly from the moonlight.

"Revan, what is that?" Saya asks. I turn to look and notices what she found.

I reach down and dust away some of the ashes and find a strange, metallic silver ball, at the center is what appears to be a lens, similar to a camera. Taking the orb into my hand I study it carefully.

"Hm... It's a strange item for sure."

I first channel some chakra into it to see if I could get a reaction, but nothing happens. Next I use the Force to probe the orb, inside and outside, and find some surprising results.

"Amazing!" I exclaim in admiration. "This palm sized wall has more advanced technology than anything this world could ever imagine. Thousands of years ahead of anything this world of ours could produce. Definitely not from this world."

"Really?" Saya asks intrigued.

"Definitely." I reply before furrowing my brow, "But I can feel within this tiny little ball a lot of power, something far different from Chakra and even my own Force. But from what I'm feeling inside it is, that the power is growing at what I would consider a snails pace."

"What do you mean?"

I think for a moment for an easier way to explain, "You see. At the rate this thing is drawing in energy, I would assume that to get where it is now would require thousands of years. Meaning that whatever this thing is, predates our era of shinobi."

"That's.... a lot of time for something like this to have been around and no one to have noticed or at least tried to study it." Saya says.

"Perhaps..." I take the orb and slip it into my pocket. "We can study it in detail when we get back to the village." I look at her and smile, "I do have a lot to share with you."

She nods and smiles, "You promised me and I won't let you break it."

Hand in hand, the two of us return back to our generous host's house for one last night in the Land of Waves. Of course I was oblivious to the fact the as we were leaving the orb started glowing a little. But we will face that mystery at a later date.

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