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Chapter 8: another skyrim one

"Where am i?" A soul in a room devoid of light asked himself but something brought his attention to the top left of his vision was something blinking 'whats that' as he focused his vision on the blinking thing it enlarged to a screen.

Showing the words

Bless you're luck mortal soul you as have been participated in an experiment of large importance.

Blinking my eyes in confusion as another set of words appeared.

While this might confuse you with the upgrade in strength our God has decided to test his power to travel to different realities and you have been chosen to be the first one of many to be send into different realities.

Of course as our God being his great and holy self decided to give you a chance for power over the elements that was not accessible to someone as lowly as you're self.

As my eyes reached that point a wheel appeared out of nowhere what was written on it was







Now spin it and leave you're fate to luck. I grabbed one of the handles and spinning the wheel "tud tud tud tud" the sound of the arrow hitting the wheel as it slowly landed on a spot.

Congratulations water manipulation has been chosen prepare for soul transfer

A sudden icy numbing sensation erupted all over my body to the depths of my soul as if i was drowning in the deepest parts of the ocean for who knows how long next thing i knew is i fainted.


Opening my eyes to bright sunlight raining down on me wait. Did i just opened my eyes looking down i have a body.

I seem to be wearing a dark gray tunic and matching pants. But there was something that confused me usually in my old life if something this absurd happened it would elicit some kind of reaction from me.

Except for the confusion i did not really feel anything else and now that im here im quite calm.

Shaking his head :what did that thing said again?, i am able to manipulate water since there should be moisture the air while small it should be enough to test this.

As he held his hand out a stream of information entered his mind instructing him on how to use his powers.

As he absorbs the information he narrows his eyes focusing at the center of his palm small droplets started to combine until a ball of water is hovering above the palm of his hand.

The reflection on the ball of water was a pale skin youth with light grey hair 'i seem to be younger' putting that thought to the back of his mind if the information was right i should also be able to manipulate my body as if water.

Focusing on his other hand it started to turn transparent as it became water shaped hand 'and if im able to control water i should also be able to change its properties and temperature'.

By forming the ball of water into a spear as he turned it into ice he throws it peircing a three nearby.

A small smile appeared on his lips with this im essentially a god making a cult with me as the head should be easy but.. where am i.

As he thought of those very words a stream of information relating to the land he is in went straight to his mind

Ok... Maybe being a god like figure won't be happening from the information i got. Im in a place called skyrim where there all kinds of beast and monsters and of course there are mages that are able to bend the elements to their will, lets not even talk about the demons that plauge the land itself.

Sighing to himself well so much for an easy way through life. Shaking his head doesn't matter as long as i have this power ill be able go get through this and who knows with that mages college i might be able to get a different kind of power.

For now i should prepare. A grumbling sound emitted from his stomach. Well maybe i should get some food first.

Finding a body of water he used his powers to incase the fish in a bubble and making it float next to him as he prepared a fire to cooks the fish.

As he was finished with his food night was steadiy approaching "it's most likely better if i camp out here fore a while" willing his powers he willed the water to form a small cabin then turning it into ice "a good job if i do say so myself."

Laying down on an ice bed 'with the gain in powers of manipulation and in my own body i got something of a resistence to cold and heat maybe that's why im so pale well nevermind that tomorrow will be the start of my journey' he thought as fell asleep.


At the crack of the dawn he readied his ice spear and an ice back pack on his back filled with the fish he caught and a bottle of ice filled with water then he set out.

From the information i absorbed i should be close to a town called morthal.

It said their an isolated group of people usually wary of outsiders and have a large distrust for magic then again thats most nords.

While morthal isn't really the most ideal place to go to but its a start nonetheless he continued following the map in his brain until he found a road to morthal


The trip to morthal could be said good well as good as it can for a place in a marsh and shrouded by a constant ominous fog.

Except for some roaming wolf packs that are quite easy enough to deal with giving me quite a bit of pelt to get a bit of coin.

Of course there's the ocassional roaming bears which was handled the same as those wolf pack by jumping to higher elevation then making ice platforms at a place where they cant reach i either wittle them down slowly or they leave.

Arriving at the gates of morthal i saw a large wall with with archer towers at all sides it circled the small town with two guards at the gate.

One of the guards step forward "Hold outlander state you're name and business here in morthal" while observing me closely.

Name is Val a traveller im here for hopefully a warm bed and good food and make some coin while im here

Nodding The guard wrote down my name and what i would assume my general appearance. "And what's inside that.. cart?" He pointed at the makeshift cart its base is made out of wood while the wheels were made out ice that i specifically made for this kind of marshy terrain.

"Just a couple of wolf pelts" The guards look at each other. A warning was given to me and i was let in.

'Now i should find a local blacksmith or something to sell these pelts' looking around the small town i found a couple of people arguing in front of the house of the jarl.

"Im telling you shouldn't have let that wizard in now look what happened the second he appeared a man's family and home was burned down when that settled down here" the crowd behind him echord "yeahh"

At what was said the bulky man in imperial armor dismissed the old man claims. "We already have suspects we have suspicion on and the wizard was not one of them go back to you're homes we are in control of the situation" he told the masses as he went inside closing the door behind him.

The old man stomped his feet and grumbled as he left. The crowd seeing nothing else is about to happen went back to whatever they where doing before this.

Seeing the crowd and from the words that were spoken 'maybe i should hide my powers or maybe not' putting this commotion the the back of his head he went to a general store after selling his pelts aquiring quite a bit of coin he went to the nearest inn and got a room and food.

Laying down his bed 'For now i should stay here at morthal for a bit at least until i earn a bit more coin i could do some odd jobs here there or i could sell stuff like this it was a highly detailed ice carved wolf by changing the properties of the ice it should not be possible to melt by average means. Well we will know tomorrow for now let's get some sleep.

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