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The Werewolf King and His Bride The Werewolf King and His Bride original

The Werewolf King and His Bride

Author: littlenita

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: My Arrival

I opened my eyes to find myself no where near the bus that I was just on before my eyes closed due to the motion. It had always been easy for me to fall asleep in cars and such but never would I have thought that a quick nap would lead me to the middle of a forest in a world with two moons. "Hold on "I said to myself" wait a minute just what is going on here?" Confused with what was happening I took a deep breath in order to calm myself and to try and figure out what was going on. I reached my right hand over to my left and pinched as hard as I could. "ouch" well at least I know this isn't a dream that pinch really hurt I thought. "Where am I?" I voiced to myself In hopes that I might get an answer from some other world system. Heck even a disembodied voice would even be welcomed at this point as long as they could give me an answer.

I sat up to look around to see if I could figure anything out only to see what I saw when I first opened my eyes nothing but an ordinary looking forest. In the sky above my head two glowing moons could be seen in the brightly light sky which I find odd. "Doesn't the moon or moons only come out at night?" I asked to myself not really expecting an answer. "The moons are out all the time on Fridina." The sweet almost childlike voice echoed in my head. "What... who are you? Are you my system?" "Hahahaha" The childlike laughter echoed in my head just like before. "System, no I'm just the one who got stuck coming here to let you know what happened. First of all you were brought to this world because your soul originally belonged to this world. Your Grandparents were lost on another world years ago so half of their soul was left there." wait half did I just hear that right? "What do you mean by half?" "Well if you would just let me finish dear you would know. The world you are on now is called Fridina and on Fridina there many races but the race you are a descendant from is the wolf tribe I believe on Earth they are referred to as werewolf's. The Head or Alpha and the Heart or Luna is what we call the leader of the pack and his mate or wife if you prefer. The Head is the male wolf and the Heart the female wolf and only when the two halves are united do you get the Whole known as the Soul.

"So your saying I'm the Heart to the Head of my soul." "Yes, that's exactly what I am saying my dear. If I knew you would catch on this fast I wouldn't have complained so much when I was assigned to you." At this point my mind began to race, this is all to much to take in. I thought that this was a normal cliche transported to another wold scenario but it turns out to be just weird. "Wait a minute you said I am only a half to a whole so what does that mean for me? Also, how exactly did I end up here?" "And here I thought you were smart this is going to be tiring for me... ok so here it is in a nut shell your Head has just come of age on this planet a male wolf comes of age at 25 of your years. When a male wolf comes of age he then starts off on a journey to find his mate which is you darling. To start his journey he has signaled the moons that he has the intention of finding you his Heart to unite and become whole. Do you get it so far?" A silence fell between us as I tried to grasp what this voice has said so far. Once I felt that I had a decent grasp of what she is saying so I nod my head to show that I am ready for her to continue. "Good" she said and then continued on while I focused so as not to miss even the smallest detail. "When the Moon Goddess that's my boss heard his intent she began to look for his other half only to find that you were on another planet. Hence why we brought you here to make sure he could at least have a chance to find you. This way he wouldn't risk being torn if you ever managed to find someone on your old world."

"Every wolf has another half however not all are lucky enough to find their other half. Some become torn which is painful for the Head because he loses his Heart and becomes unable to feel. Plus your soul was supposed to be here anyway just why did your grandmother have to die the moment you were conceived." "Wait, What my grandmother died the moment I was conceived but then what about my grandfathers soul how did it come back? Also does that mean that I am my grandmother reborn?" "No you stupid girl you are not your grandmother you just have her Soul crystal. As for your grandfather because there was no male wolf about to be born on Earth your grandfathers half left your world awaiting to be born together with a male at the same time as your half. In other words his soul crystal came here while yours stayed with your living grandmother until she died but because you were conceived right as she was dying her crystal went to you. Does that help clear things up for you?" Even though this whole situation seems a bit odd I nod my head yes because the voice is beginning to sound a little irate.

"Moving on then. We placed you in the forest so no one would be able to see you arrive. We prepared some things for you so to help you survive and adjust to our world. Also I will be with you for awhile to explain this world to you. Any questions?

littlenita littlenita

This is my first time writing on here please be nice to me lol. I look forward to reading your comments Thanks for your time.

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