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Primrose Violet (Gusion x Guinivere) Primrose Violet (Gusion x Guinivere) original

Primrose Violet (Gusion x Guinivere)

Author: Oneira_xD

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Blood-inked Vow

Being born from a family of noble blood, I have faced expectations, living lavishly.

A prestigeous family with such global reputation...

My name is Gusion, Malphas Gusion Paxley, and here's my story of how I came to be

One time of dinner, The fourteenth of October, I sat down with my Father and Mother, at the dinner table, accompanied by fancy table-cloth, of which I assume was generations older than me, or anyone in the dinner table, a tea set, condiments, and servants standing beside us.

"Father, about the marriage, don't you want to know what I say in the matter?" - With a half-full cup of tea, he silently put it down, then he looks at me, bewildered, slightly wide-eyed. "My son, we have gone through this already, haven't we?"-- "But Father, what am I supposed to say and feel genuinely about it? I don't even know who I'm getting married to!" I slightly raised my voice in protest, My dear mother, giving me a worried look. I slightly nodded, to which my father replied, "How dare you talk to me in that tone, you are a grown man, act like one." What my father said pierced my heart, it's as if getting stabbed would feel less painful.--"You are a man of talent, you are a Paxley,

do not dissapoint nor disgrace the name our family has, now eat." I looked down, and said "I have had enough, thanks for the dinner." - Without a hint of respect in that moment, I left. My father got angry and slammed his fist at the table "Gusion!" gritting his teeth...

Moments later I have arrived to the bathroom, feeling upset, I washed my face, in hopes of washing it away, "I wish it was that easy." I said to myself, "It's like, they only care for what name I have, not as their son." I added. ---"I'm sorry, if that's what you think of us." I heard someone from the door, it was my mother. "Mother, I-.." She interrupted, "Dear, what your father has said is true, you are becoming of age, you need to find a woman of your caliber, don't you want to start a family of your own?", I slightly nodded, "Well, mother, I'd be lying if I said no but, I still do think that I'm not ready, I still have much to do with my bachelor life." She smiles, "You have to be, the world doesn't go our way, it's us that should go with it." what she said was true, I felt immature about the commotion earlier, but I just had to feel like that because of how my Father disregarded my feelings in the matter. She then added "I'll be leaving now, my Son, have a goodnight." as she leaves, I replied, "Thank you mother, a pleasant night for you as well."

I hear her footsteps getting distant, I figured it was time for me to hit the bed.

I walked to my bedroom, laid down and looked up "What happens next? I wonder." then I closed my eyes.

I woke up, it was morning, fifteenth of October, I hear noises from outside, like trumpets, like someone's entrance was being heralded. I then hear a knock on my door, "Sir! wake up! A messenger from the Baroque family has arrived!", My eyes widened, "Is this about the marriage?" I thought to myself, "I Will be there in a minute!" I replied... I stood up, and went to the bathroom to wash my face, and to do other hygienical activities.

I walked into the courtyard, I guess I was late, as the messenger was already talking about something, "-ing, Lady Violet and her parents of the Noble Baroque family will start a meeting later in the evening." --wait? Violet? I haven't heard that name, but seems familiar. I try to remember the name so hard, my head ached, Anyway, If my hunch is right, it's about the marriage my loving Father has arranged. "Things go by quickly." I thought to myself, well I should start preparing, Guests from the other family will arrive, I should look presentable at least...

Hours have passed and the time has come, trumpets were once again sounded as to herald someone's entrance, but this time it's a Chariot, being led by two horses and a charioteer, by its window, I see a woman looking from the inside, being curious as well as I am. "Is she Lady Violet that the messenger mentioned earlier?" I thought to myself, she looks pretty, but I wonder why her name is so familiar to me. a few steps and the sound of metal clacking made by the horses, the chariot stopped, I stood a few feet away from the chariot, enough to see the guests' faces, I saw, a man stepped out, wearing fancy clothing, without a doubt, he is the father, comes next is a woman, slighty wrinkling but is beautiful nonetheless, for her age, she is the mother, no hint of doubt about it... I am thrilled to see the last guest which was expectedly to be "Lady Violet", but it was cut short when the Man, presumably her father, called out to me, "Young man, are you Great Arthurias Paxley's son?" -- I replied, "Yes your highness, I wa-.." he then interrupted me, he slightly chuckled, "No need for formalities young man, today I come as your Father-in-Law, please see me that way." I nodded and said "Sir, don't you want to meet my parents, they're at the courtyard a few steps north."

He smiles, "Why of course I do, You do know that this is about "that" am I correct?" --

I got nervous and nodded, I then guided the noble man into our courtyard in which where my parents are waiting, My Father immediately noticed the noble man and called out to him, "Percival! how courteous of you."

Percival? my eyes widened, the all-father of fencing techniques? Seriously? In our humble abode? Amazing! I stopped myself from frolicking after what I just realized and kept my composure. ---"Ah, Arthurias, Long have we last met, now here we are." Percival chuckled.. "Things have gotten better since then, worry not" My father replied...

"Since then? what are they talking about?" I thought to myself, I chose not to ponder about the thought and arranged the seats for the guests.

"Have I gotten that old? I forgot your son's name Arthurias." He frowns. My father chuckles, "Time is really catching up quickly for us, waiting to bite the dust -- His name is Gusion, Malphas Gusion." To which Percival replies, "What a handsome name befitting of your son.", moments later servants come with Tea and other things to keep the guests company, just as before I sat down beside my parents, I saw a woman with a fancy dress, so well-knit befitting for a noble family, colors to properly accentuate her complexion, a face to die for, no other words can describe this godddess of a being I'm seeing..-- "Sorry, father, and mother for being late, I got lost since you left me out in the chariot." Percival chuckles, "Oh right, Arthurias, Gusion, meet my Daughter, Guinivere Violet of the Baroque Family" to which Lady Violet replies "Gusion? is that really you?" my eyes widened, have we met before? she sounded like she knew me already? -- "*I'm sorry I forgot who you are* is what you're trying to say" she chuckles, "It's written all over your face.". I'm baffled, have we really met before? Seriously? I said "Apologies for being rude, I don't really have any Id-..", she interrupts me "Well, I can't blame you, it's been years since then after all--. At the least, do you remember any promises? vows?" My eyebrows went up, "I really.. Don't? I apologize." Her father, percival, intervenes, "You both were really young that day, you can't blame him." he laughs.. Lady violet puffs her cheeks, which is probably the most adorable thing I have ever seen- "How rude, you were very sweet back then." my face turned red, I didn't know how to react.

My father notices, just as he was about to say something, Lady Violet's mother, Lady Morgana spoke, "Guinivere, have some respect we are not in anyway in a festivity, behave like how a Baroque would." she sits down "Fine, mother, I'm sorry." Moments later, a loud silence broke through the two parties, Percival suddenly spoke, "Now the reason why we're here, Arthurias, We both know our children has come to that age, well, we can barely call them children anymore." My Father replied, "I agree, what about the marriage?"

Percival gave my father a serious gaze

"We both agreed to this, correct? I shall see to it that there's no hesitation?", My father nodded, "But of course."

--sounds of spoons rustling with cups of tea filled the courtyard, until Guinivere decided to break the silence, "So, father, when will this marriage come to a close?" - Percival's eyes widened in surprise of Guinivere's enthusiasm towards the topic, "My dear, for the past few weeks you have never stopped rambling about how you don't want to get married, but now-..". I saw my mother glance at me, giving me a look that kind of says "You're both similar", and then smiled. I looked down in embarassment. ".. -perhaps you have taken quite a liking to Arthurias' son, Gusion?".. she silences for moment, and then spoke, "Well, Father, haven't I? I also didn't know it was Gusion I'm getting married to." she giggles then glances at me, I gave her a half-smile, giving off a look of approval, my father then intervenes, "*cough* Percival, isn't your daughter a tad bit Straightforward?"--Percival laughs and then said "Perhaps, Isn't it about time we talk about the date of the grand wedding?", My father nodded, "Yes, I suppose, so.-- how about a month from now? That'll surely give us both enough time to prepare." -- Percival agrees and says "That will work, a genius plan."--Guinivere then pokes her father's back, as to get his attention, Percival, startled, "Father, it's getting late, It's dangerous for us to travel late at night, we don't have defenses other than Ranged-weaponry."

I overheard what Guinivere said, and went downright shouted "WE HAVE GUESTROOMS!", which both surprised Guinivere's parents, and mine. Percival chuckles, "Quite a thoughtful young man you are, but no need for trouble we-.." My father interrupts Percival, "Guest rooms? Percival? are you perhaps planning to leave at this time of night?" To which Percival replies, "Yes, I was planning to bid farewell amidst the quietness earlier." he chuckles. My father then says "I insist, have you got any defenses? Bandits are active at this time of night, and I won't risk my guests getting in trouble so please, stay the night." Lady Morgana spoke--"Dear, Arthurias is correct, it is perhaps much safer for us to stay the night." --Percival nods and looks down in surrender, "Alright, alright."--

I then rushed towards the guest rooms to prepare it for being used, I unfolded the sheets, got some soft headrests, and a source of light, a lamp. I had one of my servants to call Guinivere, and her parents to let them know that the rooms are ready. I then slowly walked back to the courtyard to see my parents, I approached my father, "Father, why are you still not asleep?", He then replies, "I just figured that I have to drink this last cup of tea." --"Oh, for heaven's sake, dear, be honest with your son." I was surprised, I then asked my father "What is this about, Father?"--Arthurias slowly put his cup of tea down and smiled, "Nothing special, I just thought what you did was great for the present, and the future." I widened my eyes, I don't get the analogy, My mother saw how I look so, she then said "Oh dear, forgive your father, those are just ramblings of an old man", I smiled a Father suddenly spoke, "Mordred, I'm getting tired, I think we should finally take some rest--, How about you my son? Still not feeling the lure of the night?" I chuckled, "Not yet father, I suppose."-- My Father smiles, "Well then, we shall go ahead, your Mother and I", I then replied "A pleasant night for you father, and mother.", I hear their footsteps getting distant as they slowly walked back into our humble abode. Now, I'm the only person remaining in the courtyard, realizing this, I then sat down besides the table to take some rest, "today was really exhausting, 'twas really a special day." I said to myself, ---"Yes, it truly is." I heard a woman' s voice and footsteps, getting closer.."Lady Guinivere? Why are you still awake?" as she walks nearer, then sits beside me, "Well, I figured this was only our time together, so I took the opportunity."

I blushed a bit, and then asked "About the vows, and promises you mentioned earlier, did I really make those?" she chuckles, "Yes, you did, but that was a really long time ago, makes perfect sense as to why you somehow forgot it."

I frowned, "I apologize, I really can't remember any of it" to which, she smiles and says "No, it's fine, then allow me to tell you what you told me back then." I'm surprised, if that promise, that vow was so old that I forgot it, how can she still remember it? She looks at me with a curious gaze, "You're wondering how I still remember all of it? is that right?" I widened my eyes, I'm baffled, "But, how did you-.."


"It's because I took those to heart, not in my head, your words were as sweet as the rose you have given me, reassuring our future, when we get older, you told me you'll marry me, honestly, how could I forget that? You were such a scrawny child, a little bit tautological, but I like you for it, that's why I was so surprised when I first saw you again, you have grown so differently. "

--I'm speechless, is this how much i have left a mark on her heart? I am devastated realizing I had forgotten those memories, I silenced and looked at her for a moment,

and then spoke,

"What if I redid all the vows and promises that I have made here and now? this time I assure you i won't forget it." Guinivere's eyes glowed in delight, much like a child getting her first toy--"You really would?" to which I replied

"Yes, as an apology for what I had forgotten, and as a reassurance of our forlorn relationship."

As overjoyed that she is, she didn't hesitate to embrace me, A feeling I thought I would never feel, she then lets go, "A month" - she whispered

She grabs both of my hands, and told me "A month from now, we will unite our hearts, mended eternally, I can't wait." She lets go of my hand and stood up, "Well, Gusion unfortunately for you, this is all time I have left"-She said that as to mock me, with a playful tone- " I had better get going, see you tomorrow, Gusion." - I'm really surprised with how things went, Guinivere is a nice person, and is exquisite too. I must've been very fortunate, for me to have her as my dear, beloved wife.

With that, I then stood up and walked, headed to my room. "Fortunate." I said to myself, before I closed my Eyes and slept.

It was morning, sixteenth of october, I woke with the sound of spoon and plates clacking, "Hey, Gusion, it's about time for you to rise!" for what seems to be the voice of Guinivere, "May I come in?"--she added, to which I replied, "Yes you may, but let me first prepare." I then stood up and then, she giggles "Oh, Gusion, you're my fiancé, we have no time for such formalities." - She then barges in with a plate in hand, for what seems to be filled with breakfast. "Oh, ah, well." -Surprised, fortunately for me, she got in right after I had changed. "Gusion, me and my parents are leaving later at noon, this is the only opportunity I have for us." she said that in a serious tone, my eyes widened, "Apologies, I just haven't got used to this yet." she replies, "this? What do you mean by, 'this'?" She gestures for me to sit down, as she hands me over the plate, my shoulders slumped down, "Us, you." she stops for a second, realizes what I denoted, "Gusion, never think like that, I have always loved you since then, no other woman is deserving other than me for a man such as you, give yourself some credit."--What she said has got me in shock. "Maybe I'm really just not ready" I thought to myself. She then asked me to eat so I did, I finished up, I then handed her the plate. "Guinivere." -- "Yes?" She responds.. "Thank you."

she giggles, "Do not thank me yet, thank me when we're finally married." She leaves, me still sat on the bed, realizes this overwhelming reality, "this is not that bad."

Noon has finally came, Guinivere and her parents told a farewell greeting,


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