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Chapter 2: Our Decision

*Kagura's POV*

"Its been awhile since Hayabusa left the village. I am getting lonely without him, I missed him" I said while sitting in one of the branches of our cherry blossom tree.

I still think of him everyday, it seems things had changed since he accepted the title of "Shadow". He became more serious and secretive from me, it feels like he doesn't want me involved with his problems.

The sun is setting now, and I still think about you.....Maybe I should head back home before it's curfew time.

I jumped from the tree and silently walk towards home.


Meanwhile at the top of the Great Dragon Gate....

*Hanabi's POV*

That jerk really left without telling me. He could have said to me that he's leaving soon so I could have a last sparring with him.

I stared at the ribbon he given me last winter. I kept remembering his face whenever I look at this ribbon. It's true that I hated him for beating me in competitions ever since we were kids. But right now I felt this feeling for you...

"It really hurts me whenever I saw you and that spiritualist girl, being together....." I thought this things to myself.

I put the ribbon near my aching heart, and kept thinking of him....

I miss you Hayabusa....


At the northern forest....

*Hayabusa's POV*

"I should have told Kagura that I should be leaving for my mission..... She must be worrying right now" I said to my self and sighed. But I guess, there's no backing out this mission. I have been prepared for this in my whole life, I knew that my only purpose is to kill the former Shadow of Iga.

After hours of wandering, I saw a strange looking structure. I thought to myself that "This must be it, this must be the portal that will take me to the continent of Land of Dawn".

Suddenly, the ground beneath me moved and formed a man-like figure. Rocks and plants combined and formed the so called guardian of the portal. I was amazed to see how the guardian revealed itself. The guardian spoke "I am Grock, the guardian of this sacred portal". "Only the one who's worthy can enter this.." he added. I couldn't believe to what I saw. I introduced myself, "My name's Hayabusa, and I am sent by the Shadow Sect to eliminate our former Shadow of Iga".

But still the rock doesn't trust me yet and he asked, "And how am I supposed to know that you are really being sent here by the Shadow Sect?"

So I showed him the amulet of the Order of the Scarlet Shadow to prove myself to that rock. And that idiot just replied with an "I see..."

But before the rock could finish his sentence, the portal suddenly glowed and emit a powerful light.

"This is bad..." the rock said. "Why? What's wrong?" I asked. "Chaos, demons, and aliens have entered the Land of Dawn. And now the it's asking for help" he replied.

"Then let me enter the portal, the former Shadow of Iga might be the cause of this invasion" I said to him but he insists himself to go along with me, "I will go with you young one, I can't bare to see my home being destroyed by those evil creatures" the rock said to me. So I agreed , "Sure thing, a rock companion might not be bad. Hahaha" I said.

We both jumped into the portal, but there was a thing that this stupid guardian forgot. He forgot to close the portal....


Inside of Kagura's family altar....

Kagura was silently praying infont of the statue of their ancestors, she asked to help her childhood friend Hayabusa. "Oh, our great ancestors. Please lend your strength to Hayabusa, give him wisdom and protect him from danger" she said. She finished her prayers and stood up to walk towards the door.

A light suddenly appeared in the altar. She turned back to see what's happening on the altar. She was shocked to see that the one of their artifacts was glowing and she felt like it's calling her. It was the legendary artifact of her family, the Seimei umbrella.

A voice spoke to her head...

"My great descendant, it seems the time has come" the voice said. "Who is it?! What do you want?!" Kagura asked furiously as she is confused on what's happening. "Calm down my child, it is I the great Omnyouji, one of your ancestors. I have come to tell you that it's your time to rise" the voice added. Kagura was shocked to hear that one of her ancestors was speaking and complimenting her. "It is an honor to be able to speak with you, oh great ancestor" she said and kneeled.

"There's no need to kneel infront of my altar", the voice said. "But instead, I want you to take the Seimei umbrella secretly" the voice added. "What? No, no, no. I apologize but I can't. My family will be furious if the legendary Seimei umbrella would be taken away without a notice" Kagura said. "It's your destiny, it's your time to rise as one of the most powerful Omnyouji masters" the voice insisted. "Who do you think called me for help?" the voice asked.

"It is I, great ancestor" Kagura answered. "I've prayed to you that my friend, Hayabusa needed your help" she added. "I know, that's why I've came to tell you that I'm sending you to help your friend in need" the voice answered. "I have seen such a great potential within you, and I believe that you can wield the Seimei umbrella" the voice added. Kagura couldn't believe what her ancestor said, she also felt a strong bond within her and the Seimei umbrella. It felt like she and the umbrella are a part of each other, each part needs each other to combine and obtain absolute power and balance. She whispered to her self "The umbrella is Yang, the human is Yin" and grabbed the Seimei umbrella.

After she grabbed the Seimei umbrella, she felt like a missing part of her is united and she also felt the balance of Yin and Yang within her. "I-i can't believe of what's happening right now!" she said. "Now go and help you friend in need" the voice said to her. "Fulfil your destiny, young one" the voice added as its slowly fading away in her thoughts. "I won't fail you, great ancestor" Kagura said as she heads to the light that is glowing in the northern forest.


At the scarlet vault of the Supreme Grandmaster....

"I know it's wrong to do this....But I have no choice" Hanabi said to herself while staring at her sect's forbidden weapon - the Higanbana. "I know I am worthy on using you, I know this time will come..." she added as she grabbed the Higanbana. "I'm sorry master, but I have to do this" she said to herself while escaping from the vault.

"Hayabusa, prepare yourself for this one final competition. I will eliminate that former Shadow of Iga, before you do!" she said to herself while heading to the northen forest.


The Scarlet Sect's alarm turned on, and the whole sect panicked that their forbidden weapon was stolen. But even though, the leader of the Scarlet Sect knew who stole it.

"Hanabi, good luck with your destiny" the master of the Scarlet Sect said to himself.

The same thing also happened in the altar of the Omnyoujis. "Oh great ancestors!" Kagura's father shouted. The whole family was alarmed of the scream and headed to the altar. "Dear, what is it?" Misako asked her husband. "The um-umbrella....." her husband said. Misako looked at the altar, she already knew who stole it. "Dear calm down, it's just our daughter... She's fulfilling her destiny" Misako replied and hugged her husband.


*Kagura's, Hayabusa's, Hanabi's POV*

"We have no choice.....We can't stop it...It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.....And we have to fulfil it...Because....That is our decision....."

Andrewxd Andrewxd

I am really thrilled while writing this chapter, and I hope you guys are too. You can comment your thoughts about the chapter and please support me throughout this journey.

Xo's Andrew ~ ☆

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