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Chapter 5: Welcome to Nost Gal

"Ughhhh", Kagura sighed as she woked up from a bed. She looked around her surroundings and saw a pile of boxes and including that fish-like smell.

A man suddenly entered the tent saying, "Oh, you're awake. Now let me.....". Before he could finish his sentence, Kagura suddenly attacked him by her umbrella.

The man was thrown away in the pile of boxes. "Ughhhh, you're quite strong aren't you...", the man said as he attempt to stand up.

Kagura suddenly jumped off her bed and pointed her umbrella into the man. "Who are you, where am I, and how did you find me?!", Kagura asked as she keep pointing the tip of her umbrella into the man.

"Calm down...", the man said. But Kagura was getting impatient and attempt to unleash the power of her umbrella directly into the man. "Woaaah!", the man shouted.

"My name's Franco the chief of this village, you're in an infirmary. And I found you in the frozen lake of the seven seas" the man said. "Frozen lake...", Kagura said as she lowered down her umbrella.

"Look, I know you're confused on what's happening. But you should be grateful, because I saved you from death", the man said. Kagura was suprised to what the man said and became embarrassed to what have she done to the man.

"Uhmmmm..... I'm very sorry mister Franco.... Uhh.... I didn't know", Kagura said as she lowered her head. Franco laughed and said, "Ehh, It's fine. People usually become afraid due to my appearance".

Kagura was surprised to hear what the man said. "Uhh no mister. You've misunderstood my actions, Franco. I didn't attacked you because of your appearance, it's because I'm just confused on what's happening", Kagura said as she kept bowing her head.

The man was also surprised by Kagura's explanation. "I didn't expected that,but let's forget about what happened", Franco said and Kagura offered her hand to help him get up.

"Thanks", Franco said and Kagura smiled. Franco opened the door of the infirmary allowing the cold winds of the Nost Gal to enter the tent.

"It's quite cold here, miss. Better get used to it", Franco said. Kagura replied, "My name's Kagura, and you're right. I should get used to this cold weather you have here".

Franco stepped out of the infirmary and told Kagura to follow him. Kagura nodded and followed him.

Kagura was amazed to see the difference between the village of Iga and the village of Franco. Every types of structures amazed the young spiritualist. The roofs of the houses were quite large than what the roofs of her village has, and there's even large tents scattering all around.

The torches even made the scenery of this village more beautiful. And seems like, helmets with horns are the trend in this village here. But there's still a question revolving around in her mind, it was the creature who attacked her.

Kagura didn't hesitated to ask this question to Franco. Franco replied her, "The creature that attacked you, was one of the minions of the once called, Lord of the Seven Seas. They typically lure new people coming here in Nost Gal, by creating an illusion of people playing in a frozen lake."

"I see... I should really be careful on deciding my actions", Kagura replied as she attempt to leave. "Where are you going now?", Franco asked her.

"Uhhhh.... I'm going to find my friend, who I believe is currently here in the Land of Dawn" she replied.

"Hmmmmm you're a new comer here, and I think you should ask for guidance before you find your friend. I know someone that can help you. Besides, there's a lot of danger here in this land, since demons and aliens have begun invading this once peaceful land", Franco said to her.

She sighed and agreed with the viking. She felt that another danger will happen again if she won't follow what Franco has told her to.

Kagura felt a weird feeling in her stomach. A growling sound escaped through her tummy.

"Hmmmmm, I think someone's hungry right now", Franco said as he looked at Kagura. "Come on, let's take you into a place to eat", he added as he leads the way. Kagura nodded as she follows him.


After minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the place where Kagura could fill her hungry stomach.

As soon as they entered the door of the shack, the atmosphere around her changed, as huge Vikings looked at them. Kagura was frightened with their looks and starts to point her umbrella to them.

Suddenly a huge viking approached them, Kagura was shocked and hid behind the back of Franco. The atmosphere around the shack starts to intensify as the two vikings stared into one another.

"Oh boy....", Kagura said to herself while preparing herself to a fight.

Suddenly the viking roared, and the other vikings around them started to roar too. Kagura shouted as she attempt to unleash the spirits in her umbrella once again.

"Shogyo Mu..."

But before she could do that, the vikings shouted, "He's hereeeee!".

The vikings started to cheer and greet Franco. Kagura was in total confusion on what's happening, she tried to ask Franco on what's happening. But the vikings started to gather around Franco causing a stampede and Kagura to be stuck in.

The female vikings and the others, grabbed some musical instruments and start singing. Other vikings started to grab their mug of beer, others were dancing, and Kagura was stuck in the stampede.

Franco who was currently greeting the other vikings, didn't noticed Kagura. And after that, Kagura started to crawl her way out of the group of people and managed to do so.

Kagura was confused on what's happening right now, and Franco wasn't answering her questions. So she did, what she have to.

She climbed into a table and shouted, "What is going on hereeeeee?!".

The vikings stopped for a minute, the music and the people who's dancing also stopped, the others who greets Franco also stopped, and as well as Franco himself.

Everyone looked into Kagura, and she finally got her opportunity to be noticed. But eventually, she herself became shy.

Franco noticed her, and suddenly he went to Kagura and spoke, "Uhm, my people. I would like you to introduce to this young woman, Kagura. She's a new comer here and would like to taste some of our good delicacies".

The vikings became confused at first, but as soon as Franco explain why Kagura is here and what's her purpose for coming here. The atmosphere around them became calm.

The vikings retured to their places in the shack and continued to do their ways. Kagura and Franco sat in the front table facing the bartender of the shack.

Kagura ordered some good foods enough to fill her hungry stomach, and was surprised on how good they were.

"Mmmmm. That is a good steak", Kagura said while eating a large piece of steak. "The food in this shack are excellent, everything here is fresh", she added.

After an hour, she finished her meal and asked Franco.

"So, where's that friend of yours that can help me in finding my friend?", Kagura asked as she drank a mug of water.

"Oh, I nearly forgot about that", Franco replied and went to the back of the shack to call someone.

Franco returned with an old man. "Kagura, here is the person that help you in your journey", Franco said as he introduced the man to Kagura.

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Kagura", Kagura said to the man as she introduced herself to him. "I came from a village far away from the Land of Dawn, called Iga. I came here through a mysterious light that appeared in the near forest of our village, and I'm searching for my friend", she added.

"Ah, I see.... You're maybe also one of the heroes that will help save this place. And my name is Rooney, by the way", the man said.

Kagura was confused on what the man said to her that she maybe one of the heroes that will help save the Land of Dawn.

"Ah nevermind to what I have said earlier, you've came here to find you're friend right?", Rooney said to her. Kagura nodded and he continued his sentence.

"I think you will need help not from me, but from the one who's called the Guardian of the Land of Dawn and the dominator of the Frozen Sea. I think she could help you in finding your friend", Rooney said to her.

"Wait, what...? You mean her...?", Franco asked Rooney and he replied with a nod.

"It can't be.... That woman didn't even helped me when Bane once attacked this village. No, no, no she can't be the one, right Rooney?", Franco added.

"I'm afraid but I'm correct, Franco", Rooney replied.

"Kagura, you need to find her....You need to find Queen Aurora" he added.


Meanwhile at Hanabi.....

"Oh crap, where am I?", Hanabi said to herself while she was covered in a pile of books.

Andrewxd Andrewxd

Hi guys, It's me Andrew. I would like to apologize for the late update, but I promise to release more chapter as soon possible! You can comment your thoughts about this chapter, and please support me!!!

Xo's Andrew ~ ☆

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