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Chapter 14: Kidnapped?

Reyna brought the twins and I to Thalia, who was playing with Aurum and Argentum happily. Phoebe was watching relaxed, as if this were already a part of their daily routine. It was strange to see Thalia, still in her 15 year old body.

"Percy! What are you doing here?" Thalia asked, standing up to hug Percy warmly. "And you brought... The twins. Great. Did you need something?"

"Information," I said. "This new prophesy."

Thalia gestured for us to sit, taking her own seat beside Reyna. "I spoke to Artemis a few days ago about the prophecy. I'm sure she knows a lot more than she's telling me. What she has told me, though, was that Athena knew about this girl long before we did. All the gods did. She's special, see. When she was born, Hecate had gifted her a blessing. Kind of like Artemis to us, Hecate blessed the girl."

"So what's that mean?"

"She'll have a glow," Thalia said. "And she'll be a witch."

Beside me, Travis and Conner shifted uneasily, sneaking glances at each other. I turned to them, curiosity apparent in my eyes. "Something to say?"

It was Connor who spoke. He sounded guilty. "I don't know about any witch," he said. "But we found a girl with a glow a few weeks ago. It was purple. Does that sound right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, turning to Thalia confusedly. She only nodded. Beside her, Reyna crossed her legs, as if the news agitated her. I wondered where Octavian was. I hoped dead. "Where'd you find her?" Thalia asked, shooting Phoebe a dangerous look. Connor gulped.

"A book store in Queens. Cute little place, she was the only one working. And she was British," Travis said, his eye twitching slightly. My jaw slacked, my mind jumping to Hermione. Could it be? Reyna, who had been watching silently, had noticed my change in behavior.

"You know who she is," Reyna accused. I nodded, my eyes flickering briefly to her metal dogs.

"She's my erm, date," I said thickly, swallowing the lump in my throat. The low whistle Thalia let out a second later seemed to ring at me, squeezing my insides. F*cking hell!

Hermione's POV:

Work was slow, as always. Few people filed in and out, she was fortunate rent was so low in this area. Her stomach did flips at the thought of Percy coming over to visit her that day, and she had a hard time arranging the books. She thought back to at the pub the other day, how she didn't really know what it meant... to her, to him. They just left it in an awkward place... Well maybe she left it in the awkward place he did try to speak to me several times. 'Huff' she sighed.

"Hey Hermione!" Percy greeted. Hermione turned around, a grin making its way onto her face. Though she was pleased to see Percy, she wasn't at all celebrating at the fact that he had a girl with him.

Hermione eyed the girl carefully. She had short hair and a terrifyingly gothic way of dressing. A silver headpiece rest around her forehead, a direct contrast to the dark hair and shadowed eyes. The girl, too, was studying Hermione, with her head cocked to the side and a smirk on her lips. Before Hermione could say anything, the girl turned to Percy.

"This is the girl who's supposed to end a world if she dies?" she said, almost bored. "I expected more." Hermione ignored her confusion at the girls words.

"Who's this?" Hermione demanded starting to feel frustrated and confused. Percy opened his mouth, as if to speak, but Thalia beat him to it. She had a knack for speaking when not asked.

"The girl who's about to kidnap you," Thalia said evenly. "Close your eyes, princess." Without another warning, Thalia's hand curled into a fist, shooting towards Hermione's face. Hermione had just enough time to close her eyes and yelp when she felt a crushing force against her cheekbone, and the world went dark.

The kidnap wasn't anything like Hermione saw in the movies. She did fade in and out of consciousness, but her brain hurt too much to decipher any words. The voices around her were raised, and she craned her neck to see Percy and the girl who punched her arguing in the front seat. They were in a van.

"Percy?" Hermione croaked. Her mind jumped to her wand, but the strain of thinking only paralyzed her. She guessed she had to wait this out, then.

When Hermione finally woke, she was on a soft bed in what looked like an infirmary. A glass of golden liquid was sat on a desk beside her, as was what looked like lemon squares. Hermione sat up, rubbing her head painfully. She pulled the wand out her pocket, wondering what kind of criminals didn't search their victims. She muttered a pain-numbing spell, sighing in relief when it worked.

"Guess you are a witch," a voice said. A girl stepped forward, almost as if from the dark. "I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Reyna. I'm in charge around here. I heard about your... capture. I'm sorry about Thalia, she can be the aggressor." A small smile played on the girls lips. Hermione took a good look at her. She had dark brown hair braided down to just below her chest, and her eyes held a quiet storm in them. It was obvious this girl wasn't someone to mess with.

Despite herself, Hermione couldn't resist.

"Protego!" she yelled. A clear wall flew up between them. A small bubble of relief appeared in Hermione's chest, as if seeing her magic projected outwards had calmed her somewhat.

"That's not necessary," Reyna said shortly. "Not to mention, your magic has little effect unless you can hit your target."

"How would you know anything about my magic?" Hermione asked, lowering her hand slightly. Reyna shrugged, her expression still calm.

"I've got friends," she said.

Just then, Percy walked in the room. His eyes flashed to Hermione, a question on his tongue. She lowered the shield and yelled, "Petrificus Totalus," and Percy fell face first into the floor. Reyna smiled now, a real smile.

"You know, Hermione," she said, stepping around Percy and extending an arm towards the brunette. "I think we'll make fine friends."

Percy's POV:

The orb of light that flew towards me sent a jolt of electricity down my spine, successfully disabling me. I felt myself fall, face first onto the floor. I could still move my face, which was still annoying, given that my lips just barely brushed the floor. I heard Reyna say something about friends, and I nearly complained.

"Get me up!" I said. "Hermione, we need to talk."

"Talk?" she asked. I felt careful, hesitant hands pull me up. It was Reyna, who still had her eyes on Hermione. My eyes found the wooden stick in her hand. If I could, I probably would have tilted my head in confusion.

"Why are you holding a twig?"

"It's her wand," Reyna interrupted. "Before I came here, Circe told me some of them have objects they channel their power through."

"Who's Circe?" Hermione demanded. The Circe? The sorceress?

"Is this permanent?" I asked, slightly irritated. "Come on, Hermione. I'm sorry Thalia knocked you out."

"Can someone please explain where I am?" Hermione demanded instead. Her hands roamed her pockets, and she frowned. "Where did you put my phone?"

"I'd rather you not use it," another voice said. It belonged to Thalia, who joined Reyna's side. "Up and at 'em, princess."

"You!" Hermione said, launching another bolt of light at Thalia, who sidestepped easily. In one swift, almost impossible movement, her arrow was notched, ready to shoot Hermione right between the eyes. I hoped she didn't.

"Calm down," Reyna chided, putting a comforting hand on Thalia's arm. Thalia lowered her bow.

"You bloody kidnapped me!" Hermione said. I raised my eyebrows, surprised at her language.

"Really, we did you a favor," Thalia grumbled. She looked down to where I was frozen. "What's wrong with you, Jackson?" Seeing his face of helplessness seemed to brighten her face by a few shades

"Enervate," Hermione murmured. I felt a tingling sensation throughout my body, as if ice were melting from my skin. I took a step forward gratefully.

"Hey, I'm sorry Thalia kidnapped you," I said sincerely. "But this is important."

Reyna stepped in, putting a warning hand on my shoulder. When she spoke, her voice was firm, leaving no room for argument. Even Hermione didn't look eager to fight her. "You will rest for a while more. We will show you around New Rome, and then we will discuss other matters when Frank is done with you."

Reyna turned to me then, whispering in my ear, "Show her around with Frank. Don't let him show off too much." She turned on her heel and strode out the room, Thalia quick to follow her. Frank came a few minutes later, he greeted Hermione cheerily, before extending an arm to welcome her to the first sight that met us: the bathhouses.

Frank pulled out all the stops to show Hermione everywhere around New Rome. Which was completely unnecessary. "So," he asked, once we made it back to the infirmary. "Who's your parent?"

"Dentists," Hermione said uneasily. "Why?" Frank shot me an odd look, which I ignored.

"Hermione," I said slowly. "I'm sorry, but are you sure you aren't adopted? We don't know how you stayed alive so long living who you are, but it's our job to keep you safe now."

"Alive?" Hermione repeated. "I'm perfectly capable of dueling, thank you very much. And adopted? That's ridiculous. My parents and I have pictures of when I was in the hospital on my day of birth."

Percy looked confused but was hesitant to go into more detail.

"Sure." We will go with that for now.

"Frank, go find Hazel. And send Reyna over," I said. He arched an eyebrow at me. I'd forgotten he was praetor. "Please?"

"Why was I kidnapped?" Hermione asked. Frank was making his way back to the bathhouses where Reyna probably was, grumbling under his breath. "And why were there so many ghosts around?" She said thinking of her own house ghost Nearly Headless Nick.

"Those weren't ghosts," I said dismissing the conversation for one more pressing. "Listen to me, Hermione. Your life is in danger." She pursed her lips.

"That's not new."

"Oh." Percy said confused.

An awkward pause. I realized that, with all that was going on, I'd never stopped to remember she had taken care of herself for quite a while. Who knows what adventures she's had with her magic and wisdom? Maybe not as amazing as beating Kronos and Gaea, but it's got to be exciting too, right? Just how much did I not know about Hermione Granger?

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