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Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Yi Nan kept looking at him not sure what to say. She wanted to criticize him but she also wanted to thank him for saving her.

"Mmm, T-thank you for saving me and sorry for doubting you" It took her a lot of courage to say this as she was a little shy.

Seeing her like this Yue Yang didn't want to waste her efforts so he smiled and said,

"Your welcome and don't worry about that. So are you and your beasts fine?"

Looking at his smile Yi Nan began to blush. She thought if his smile was really nice.

"Y-yes they are all fine, me too. How about you?" She asked a little worried about him.

"I'm fine I told you I was strong right?" Said, Yue Yang showing his body without any injuries. After saying that the silence appeared again. They were both there not knowing what to say.

"Say, why were you trying to kill wu yi? I saw that you hated him very intensely. So what happened between you two?" Asked Yue Yang while looking at Yi Nan. Although he knew about the hatred between the Valley of Thousand Flowers and Butterflies and Wu yi he still doesn't know the details very well.

Yi Nan hearing his questions was unsure if she should tell the truth or lie to him. After thinking about it for a while she said,

"He is one of the reasons our clan has declined as he killed our people when we were invaded by enemies." While saying this Yue Yang could see hatred in her eyes and sadness. She wasn't born when all this happened but she was still sad for her people who couldn't make it. She wanted revenge and that is why she came here to kill that bastard.

Yue Yang seeing her with hatred he said,

"Although vengeance is a must that doesn't mean you have to go all the way to harm yourself for it. You should have made a plan before doing something so reckless. You should have studied your enemy and his moves before doing this and you should also be prepared for any inconvenience. You should have attacked him when he was alone and you shouldn't have followed him so closely since he knew who you were." Yue Yang reprimand didn't finish her as he continued until he didn't know what to say anymore.

Yi Nan, on the other hand, was listening without saying anything as she looked down. She didn't want Yue Yang to see that she was embarrassed. She was also very happy. This was the first time someone reprimanded her so much. Even though her sisters and aunt on Valley of Thousand Flowers and Butterflies reprimanded her every time she committed something it was only a matter of time before they hugged her and began speaking normally again.

"You should also choose your beasts carefully. When you choose a beast the important thing isn't their initial strength but how much loyalty it has toward you. As for strength, you can acquire it while battling but for loyalty, the first impression is the most important that is what decides how much loyalty the beast have toward you." Said, Yue Yang remembering how her spider was so scared of the enemies that it could have deflected any moment opportune.

Yi Nan nodded while still looking down not knowing what to say.

After that Yue Yang called a servant to take her in one of the guest's rooms since it was already late and didn't want her to go in the town to search an inn.

Although embarrassed Yi Nan still chooses to accept the hospitality and went to rest since she was already tired.

After that Yue Yang recalled the thunderfire wolf in his grimoire and went to sleep.

Today was a very lucky day for him since not only all his beats received some rewards and he looted the corpses of the demon king also when he entered the dream realm the sword goddess was there and although she didn't say anything Yue Yang was still very happy to see her. He thought that maybe she was a Dandere. Although she didn't say anything she taught him the second and third layer of the invisible sword Qi. It was as though she knew he was on the verge of his breakthrough. He even searched to ask her something but she only nodded and didn't let even a sound escape her mouth.

When he woke up in the morning he was refreshed as though he had slept for more than a day. This thing was a mystery to him. Although he trained with the sword goddess in the dream realm whenever he woke up instead of feeling tired he was fine as though he only slept. He thought that maybe when he entered the dream realm only his mind would enter but that couldn't have been the truth since even his mind will feel good too.

That was another of the mystery he couldn't resolve for now. He didn't know why but these thoughts come to him only in the morning when he woke up.

After doing a bath he went to the kitchen to eat something and he saw that Yi Nan too joined the breakfast so he greeted them and began eating too. After that, it was studying time and Yi Nan was there observing him. She was somehow curious about him. He was strong so why didn't he show it to the people who mocked him for being useless? And how could he still tolerate them so much to not destroy them? Why did he save her?

These were the thoughts she was having while looking at him.

Training time has come as Yue Yang began his training with his beasts. When Yi Nan saw that almost the beasts he has were little she couldn't help but ask the reason.

"Beasts that had already grown up are really difficult to train since their mentality has already developed and they are not like little beasts that are able to adapt to their new environment quickly. Their loyalty too will be more difficult to obtain." Said Yue Yang while still training. As he was training she kept asking him some questions.

" Yue Yang, why are you training like this since you are already this powerful and why are you still hiding your strength?" Asked Yi Nan curiously.

"Strong? Do you think I am strong?" Asked Yue Yang still training with his beasts. Yi Nan nodded looking at him.

Yue Yang laughed than stopped and turned toward her.

"I am indeed strong if you consider that we are still in the soaring dragon continent. Even here I am not the strongest what do you think about my strength placed in Tong Tian tower? You can be strong in one place but when you go to another you will only be seen as weak. So I want to be strong no matter in which place I am. Not only in this little continent but in all the worlds that exist." Said Yue Yang in a determined voice.

"As for why I don't show my strength to others is because I'm still weak. So weak that to protect my family I have to hide my power. Now, do you still think that I'm strong?" Asked Yue Yang looking at Yi Nan.

Hearing his ambitions Yi Nan was very surprised and fired up. It was as though Yue Yang was not only speaking about himself but her too. Mainly the last things he said. He was indeed right. If she was strong her family wouldn't be hiding and would have never suffered so much.

"Can you teach me how to become stronger?" Asked Yi Nan without much thought about it. It was like she was possessed by the desire to become strong. Even she was surprised by what she said.

Yue Yang smiled and said to her,

"The first and most important thing is to choose a path suitable for yourself and pursue it no matter what other people said. Your beast also should be compatible with your path."

Yue Yang then returned to his training. Yi Nan sat there still pondering about he said.

What path should she pursue? What path was suitable and which beasts should she choose? That was how she passed her afternoon.

Like this, the first day passed and now was the morning of the second day. Yi Nan pondered about Yue Yang words so much that she wasn't able to sleep very well.

This time after breakfast she followed Yue Yang when he was studying and she listened to what Fourth mother said.

After this came the training and she also joined Yue Yang here too. After a while, she stopped and asked Yue Yang,

"What path do you think is more suitable for me? I thought about all the time yesterday but I didn't find anything suitable for me." She was really expecting Yue Yang answer as she thought that he was someone who knows many things.

Yue Yang looking at her said,

"A path suitable for you? Although I know doesn't mean I can tell it to you right?"

Yi Nan pouted hearing him say that and asked,

"Why can't you tell me?"

"If I told you how can it be a path you chose? It will be a path that I chose for you no matter how you think about it. Still, I can give some hint if you want" Said Yue Yang.

"Hints? Please tell me!" Said Yi Nan eagerly.

"Finding one own path is rather simple for those that have grimoires like you and me. Another way is the place you grew up in. What kind of place is it? The species that are there and the people too. What do they do and how do they live? Also what similarity is it Between the paths they choose?. That's the only thing I can say to you as for your path you should find it yourself." That was all Yue Yang said before continuing his training.

"What kind of hint is this? You only confused me even more!" Said Yi Nan more irritated than excited about the hints he gave her.

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