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Chapter 2: Max the dog!

It's been two weeks since Nathan arrived here in the MCU and so far he didn't encounter any problem yet.

He spent this two weeks adapting to his abilities in the Amazon with the help of fast travelling skill he shamelessly copied from Zetsu in Naruto, wherein he borrows himself into the ground to travel great distances in fast speed.

Due to the previous host forcefully connecting to mother nature with disregard to the consequences, he died being overloaded with the suffering of the Earth.

One good thing that resulted from this tragedy was that his brain is now able to handle quite a bit of connection with mother nature as a whole without getting drowned, due to the forceful expansion of his brain he could now keep a stable connection with mother nature without the risk of brain damage although he could only keep it up for about 5 minutes and he really need to concentrate when doing so.

In the Amazon, he learned that like Poison Ivy, he is able to create potent toxin with effects such as paralysis and death, he can achieve this by spreading the toxin, into the air or just plain physical contact if he wishes to. He was also thankful that unlike Poison Ivy, he can procreate without the risk of killing his partner or the toxin killing his sperm.

Nathan also tried recreating the techniques of Hashirama and boy! he was a happy kid that day, from creating large forest to construct such as the Wood Golem and dragon, heck he even created the sage art: true several thousand hands although in small scale.

The construct creation is only dependent to Nathan's imagination and doesn't require that much concentration to do so although he was quite disappointed that Naruto anime and manga doesn't exist in this world, he could really use more of those techniques.

As a thanks to the previous host of the body, Nathan decided to take over the job of restoring forested areas and protecting it from Illegal loggers and Miners. He would create Giant Dragon construct to wreak havoc in those mining and logging sites while also creating new trees to replace those being cut.

He did this for the past two weeks and restored the forest to its prime state.


Early morning, Nathan jog in a park near his apartment and he couldn't help but be energized when the sun shines on his body, he currently feel much stronger than usual under the sun rays and feel that he could probably tangle with the hulk under it.

The park was quite large and full of life with lots of sunlight for the plants and trees, the only downside to this is the pollution surrounding it.

He took a break and sat under a tree located near the pond. He was a bit of shock when the tree he was leaning in bended quite a bit and provide shade to him without him asking, another shocking thing that happen was a bunch of birds landed in that same tree and the little brave ones landed in his shoulder.

Nathan touch one of the birds and he couldn't help but be amuse how easily they just fall asleep with a few pat from his hands. A squirrel also came and offered nuts into his feet, it then lay down beside him which earned achuckle from Nathan.

It was really awesome to be able to touch few of this wild animals because wild animals that live near or ouright live in the city are often more clever, viscous and cautious than their counter parts in the wilderness.

He couldn't help but be overjoyed "My body is overflowing with natures arua that this bunch of animals would bask in it and overcome their fear of humans, they must really miss the wild forest outsude thjs concrete jungle." he smiled as he then reminiscent the old days where he spent most of his time helping a lovely matron named Lily; who became his mother figure in the orphanage, plant flowers in the garden.

Nathan didn't notice this but when he reminiscent about his past, the plant life in all of New York bloomed and becomes much more vibrant than ever.

"Arf! Arf!"

A bark sounded from the distance that brought him out from reminiscing. A Dog run his way very fast and because he couldn't feel any hostility in the dog he just let it approach him.

The dog got near and jump on Nathan, prompting him to catch it mid flight. The dog after being catch then gave Nathan, a cute toothy-smile that only a dog can pull off, Nathan chuckled at the dog's antic and put it down into the ground.

He sat back to the ground and the other animals who scattered earlier came back and landed back on him.

The dog bark once more and position itself infront of Nathan for a belly-rub.

He chuckled and said to the dog "you want a belly rub little buddy?" The dog bark in response seemingly understanding him, Nathan chuckled and rub the dog's belly. "You're quite the smart one, aren't you?"

The dog just stayed there with its happy content face and Nathan took a look at the dogs collar, he found out its name was Max and an address was displayed at the back of the collar.

"So you're name is Max! a perfect name for an energetic doggo and It seems like you and I are neighbors as well!" said Nathan as he continued to rub the dog's belly "Now, where's your owner Max?" He questioned the dog.

It once again bark but just layed there and didn't move, it continued to getting rub in the belly.

Nathan chuckled once again and said "you're really hopeless.." and continued to play with the dog once more.

A few minutes later, a female voice called out for Max. Just a few distance away from Nathan, a beautiful woman with brown hair and green eyes run towards him. She wore a running short and white shirt as worry sported her face but it change when she saw the dog.

"Max!" The dog look at the woman and just bark once, Nathan look at the approaching woman and he couldn't help but appreciate how beautiful the lady is.

Once the woman got close, she kneeled down and inspected the dog for any problem. She sighed in relief when she found none and she finally notice Nathan with birds on his shoulder and a squirrel on his lap.

"hello?" Nathan greeted.

The woman couldn't help but chuckle as she remembered snow white.

"You know you kinda remind me of snow white" she said.

Nathan was taken aback with her comment but then laughed and replied "I can see why you'd think of that and the name's Nathaniel Black, Max's quite the playful one isn't he?"

Nathan offered his hand for a shake in which the woman took it and replied with a laugh of her own. "Nice to meet you Nathan, my name's Jennifer Walter and yes he is, he run off when I wasn't looking."

Nathan smiled "He was quite a good company" he said and then gave the dog a pat to the head.

Jennifer look at the man and she couldn't help but be awed at the handsome man infront of her. It was like the man was every woman's dream guy.

Nathan saw that she's been staring at his face for awhile now and ask "Is there something in my face?"

Jen then realize that she's been staring at his face for awhile, shook her head to reply.

she then remembered something and her eye widened in recognition as she once more took a closer look at his face "Say... you wouldn't happen to be the Nathaniel Black, owner of the Black Winery right?"

Nathan smiled in return "guilty as charge."

"Woah! I'm a fan of your wine! It's an honor to meet you and I must say they're really quite the top notch and most sought after by every people who loves wine, even the lowest quality wine would top the ones from other companies." Jennifer enthusiastically replied.

Nathan chuckles at Jennifer's enthusiastic reply though he couldn't help but feel her name was somewhat familiar.

"Though I would really love to try those special ones where only 10 are made every year" she mumbled.

"so where do you live by the way?" She ask, basing on what you're wearing you must be living nearby"

Nathan just shook his head in amusement, when he heard her and said "Those wine are often in reservation so most of it don't even reach the market and Yes I live near by In XXXX Apartment"

"Oh! We're practically neighbors then, Mine is just beside yours" said Jennifer but then she became a bit dejected and muttered "sigh...of course it would be on reserve"

Nathan look at the dejected woman and said "well...I don't have one of the special products but I do have one that's much more better than those that won't hit the market for a few years."

Jennifer enthusiasm returned as she then turned to look at him and then ask "Really?" But then she frown and added "you're hitting on me aren't you?"

"Maybe?" Nathan replied with a smile and then added "Though It's more of me wanting a wine connoisseurs to taste one of my product"

" suck at hitting on women, you know that right?" She said with a laugh.

Nathan shrugged and replied "welp...don't blame me, I don't have that much experience with women."

She raise her eyebrow at him and said "You're joking right? With a face like that and a money to boot, I don't believe you"

Nathan just chuckled and said "you flatter me Ms. Walter but I assure you I do not"

Jennifer just look at him like he'd grown a second head "woah.."

Nathan just shrugged, Jennifer laugh for a bit and said "that was surprising...well it's a once in lifetime offer so I might as well accept it."

Now it's Nathan's turn to raise his eyebrows and said "You sure? I mean aren't you worried that I might do something horrible to you?"

"Nope and I'm strong enough to protect myself so no worries" She replied with smirk. "Come on then, let's have a taste of those limited edition wines!" She added while she stood up.

Nathan chuckled and followed the woman back to the apartment, he couldn't help but be amuse at how fast the things are going but he didn't sweat it and just go with flow.

MarineEngineer MarineEngineer

Here's another chapter!

(edited: I change the location of the apartment from LA to New York)

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