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Chapter 7: v.

It was the next morning,I got up from my bed and made breakfast as usual.,the guys one by one walked in the kitchen and sat down.

"Good morning!"Jungkook said

"Good morning jungkook!"I replied while I handed over the plates with the food.

"Bang-pd contacted me earlier in the morning and told me everything is set,he will release your debut trailer by the end of may."I smiled and everyone dropped their chopstiks.

"BANG PD SAID THAT?"Taehyung asked shocked and I nodded."Yeap."

"OMG!IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!"Hoseok moved his hand excitely.

"Yeah one step at a time."Namjoon replied and everyone turn to face him.

"What do you mean?"Jin wondered.

"I mean we will debut but after that we will have to prepare our selfs."

"He is right..."Yoongi mumbled"We don't even know if we will make it maybe it will flop."

"I hope it doesn't cause it's my dream."Jungkook looked down sad.

"Guys I think we need to have a small chat."

"What is it?"Jimin asked.

"No matter what happens don't lose motivation,there will be hard time where you will struggle and want to give up or hear something that you won't like....but that doesn't mean you need to take it to heart.There will be people who will support you and people who will want to destroy you...especially in the start."I stood up and threw a fist in the air"But together you can do it!I believe in you."

"Wow Y/N sometimes I forget you are from the future..."Hoseok said with his mouth wide open.

"Also...there is one more thing."I said and sat back down.

"there's more?"Yoongi asked

"In case anything happens I just want to tell you I am really glad to have met you,I know it's only been a while since we met but I really love you guys."

"Nothing is going to happen so don't worry!"Taehyung answered and everyone agreed.

"So what are you guys doing today?"

"We have to go on Bang pd office and discuss for a couple of things."Jimin replied.

"Well everyone except hoseok who will be at the studio dancing."Yoongi said and hoseok laughed"Yeah...there are some things I want to do there."

"Okay."I smiled and looked at my phone." The car is here."

Everyone placed their plates on the sink and left the dorm.I lead them to the car and went in,after everyone settled down we drove away.

We left hoseok first at the studio and then headed to BigHit's Building."We are here!"The driver said and Everyone got out.

Maybe I should go to hoseok and help him out....

"Hey guys I will go to hoseok okay?"

"That's a good idea.We will meet Bang pd and see you at home." Namjoon smiled.

"Bye noona!"Jungkook hugged me and I signaled the driver to leave.

We Stopped first by the grocery store to buys snacks for everyone,then we arrived at the studio.When I walked in I saw hoseok practice a dance which seemed familiar to me but I couldn't quite remember from where.

He moved to the beat of the music and danced flawlessy his feet bearely touched the grounf and he looked like he was flying,I stared at him like the fan I am amazed by his moves and got captivated.I waited for his perfomance to end and clapped my hand which made him startled.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay I am glad to see you here." He smiled and came towards me"What's this?"He pointed at the bag and I showed him the snacks."I bought some snacks for you guys,here choose one."

He looked at my bag and thought about it for a while until he decides to take the grocery pre-packed kimchi.

Sometimes I forget I am from the future myself,like for this instant I knew hoseok loved kimchi but it was like I didn't for a second.

"Thank you."Hoseok sat down and started eating his snack.I also sat down next to him and grabbed a chocolate to eat.

"What are you doing here?I mean why didn't you go with the other?"

"I am preparing a choreography to show the guys but I am stuck a bit."Hoseok looked down and held his kimchi pack age tightly."I am pathetic aren't I?"

"What do you mean pathetic?Did something bothering you?"

"It's just...I am scared that I dissapoint everyone.I feel like if I wasn't in the group nothing would be different...they can easily replace me." He looked down and I could see he really felt this way.

"Hoseok every member has something that can't be replaced,for example no one can match your dancing skills you have your way of moving around and energy that you vibrate while you dance that it's not easy to be copied...even if they bring someone else it won't be the same so don't feel this way okay?"I patted his back and smiled.

"Yeah..."Hoseok looked at me and smiled back.

I Stood up from the floor and went towards the stereo" What are you doing?"Hoseok asked.

"Helping you of course we have a dance you want to show them right?"I replied and the music started playing.

Hoseok stood up and came towards my side,we looked at each other and started working.Hoseok told me where he was stuck,I played that part again and again and incorperated a choreo that thought was suitable,he watched my every moved and followed along.

We practiced for a good hour and finally finished the whole choreo,hoseok laid on the floor and breathed heavily."That was perfect, thanks Y/N!"

"No problem,anything for you guys."I laid next and faces the ceiling.

"Hey Y/N can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"How do you not get discouraged?You got in a car accident by someone who is trying to kill you and ended up here on Sunny's body." He paused and turned sideways to look at me."You ended up living her life in a way and helped us as a manager even though we were just strangers to you."

"That's not be honest back in 2OI9 I know you guys not like I do now in 2OI3 where we live and spend time together but similar."I smiled and turn to face him"I can't tell you much but I know you will be with them in the future."

"Wow...that's really good to hear but at the same time I am so eager to ask you how we are doing there,for example if we are famous or not!"He laughed.

"Too bad you will stay with that question unanswered."I ironically said and looked at the time."It's getting late,let's go home."I stood up and lend a hand to help him up.

He gladly accepted my hand and stood up."okay let's go learn what bang pd told them."


We arrived at home.

"We're back!"Hoseok yelled as we walked inside.

The members sat on the couch and looked at him.You and hoseok went in front of them and sat down on the floor,you put the bag in the table and said."Here I got you some snacks."

"Thanks Noona!"Jungkook thanked you before taking a bag of chips from the bag Happily.

The members one by one took the snacks they desired and started eating,me and hoseok just watched them since we already ate out snacks back in the studio.

"What did Bang-pd told you?"Hoseok asked and everyone looked at each other.

It was a good few seconds of silence and suspicion since we wanted to learn what bang pd told them,before namjoon finally spoke up"We got called on his office so he could us we have our debut date!"

"Is this true or are you pranking me?Cause if it's a prank I swear I will be pissed off!"Hoseok declared to namjoon.

"Namjoon is telling the truth!"Taehyung looked very serious to show hoseok he was telling the truth.

I was silently watching from the sidelines as all of this unveiled in front of me,of course I knew they were telling the truth since they debuted on june I3 and we have almost a month left so it couldn't possible be a prank.

"When?"Hoseok asked.

"June I3."Yoongi replied and smiled for the second time since I've came here."It's all set."

"That's great news guys I am really Happy for you."I Happily said.

"Thank you,it means a lot especially when I hear it from you."Jimin replied

and winked at me making me blush.

He is such a flirt...

"Whatever..."I scoffed to tease him and it seemed to have worked from his reaction.

"Since our debut date is set how about we celebrate today?"Jin asked.

"But hyung..."Jungkook started saying but Stopped midsentence.

"Let's do the party!You deserve it after all,I will go get the stuff we need,don't worry about money I will pay."

"With Sunny's card?"

"Nope...Bang pd gave me my paycheck and since I am the one who worked for this I might as well use it."

"Can't deny that."


"We don't need to decorate or anything so you can Just buy some drinks,food and we are set."

"Drinks?You mean soda right?"

"Yeah...we are too young to drink."

"Okay I'm going,see ya in a bit."

I went to the grocery and bought lots of snacks and drinks for the guys,then I went to a bakery and bought a cake to suprise them with since I wanted to thank them for becoming my friends and not hating me.

After that I went to a store where it Printed on clothes and begged the owner to make 8 jackets so me and the guys could match,thankfully for me the owner was nice enough to not only accept my request but also finish everything within an hour.

The owner handed me over to check the jacket and the design was just like i imagined it to look like,I paid for the jackets and got them wrapped with different colors for each member.

Everything We needed was bought so I returned home,the moment I opened the door I almost dropped my bags."Guys..."

"Do you like it?"Jimin came up to me and wrapped his hand around my shoulder." Yes but I told you we didn't need to decorate."

"Yeah but we decided to not's more fun this way."Hoseok pulled his tongue out and mocked me.

"Since Y/N is here and Everything is ready let's start the party."Taehyung said and music started playing.

I went to the table,placed the snacks down and proceeded to sit down.

All the members came up to me and also took a sit and started eating the snacks and chatting.I was really Happy to be here but I knew this would be over soon...when I find jake I will need to do something,I need to protect them and also protect sunny.I didn't came here to get her body killed...or kill the guys,It's my fault that jake wants to...wants to.

"Hey Y/N!Are you listening?"Yoongi waved his hand in front of my face and I focused back on reality.

"No I dozed off a bit...what did you say?"

"Jin thought it would be a good idea for us to play rock,paper, scissors."Jungkook replied and I looked at jin who was blushing a bit" Did you really say that or jungkook tries to tease me?"

"Yeah I did say it but it's a cool idea okay?" Jin made a cool pose and everyone laughed.

"What a dork!"Taehyung mocked him

"Yah!When I get your ass kicked you won't laugh like that."Jin pointed at everyone and smirked.

"Yeah yeah okay..."Yoongi mumbled ironically.

"Okay so what's the price?" Namjoon asked and everyone got silent,they started thinking of things they could give the winner until jimin spoke up "How about the winner gets a dance with Y/N?"

What?dance with me?How is that a winners price? what if I win?

"Oh nice one JiMiN!" Hoseok said and Everyone turned serious.

"It's on!"Jungkook said and started playing.

One by one the members got defeated,it was the final round with taehyung and namjoon.The air was so tense and both of them looked at each other very serious.

"I see it's the 2 of us..." Taehyung smirked"Get ready to lose."

"Whatever,Just play." Namjoon replied"rock,paper, scissors... YES I WON!"Namjoon hoped from his seat and started dancing around,taehyung was sitting down Completly looking defeated.

Oh...he looks really sad.

Namjoon pressed play to stereo and approached me.He smiled at me and lend me his hand out like a Prince"Shall we dance,m'lady?"

I bowed to him like a Princess and placed my hand on Top of his"If you insist.."

The music started playing a slow song and we both of us turn to see yoongi in front of the stereo with his hand crossed smirking.Me and namjoon laughed and fsced each other,namjoon placed his hand on my waist and I placed mine in his neck,we moved awkwardly around and had a good distance between us.

The guys noticed how embarrassed me and Namjoon was since we were blushing like tomatoes.They proceeded to make the best of it and got into pairs:Taehyung with jungkook,hoseok with suga,jin with jimin,we didn't notice what they were doing cause we were caught in our own world.

Suddenly I felt a push and bumped namjoon's chest.I looked back and saw jimin with jin with an evil smirk who then left away.We saw Everyone dancing and we smiled.

"Jimin sure knows how to get the best of people..." Namjoon mumbled and I blushed"Y-yeah."

"Oh namjoon and y/n are embarrassed..." Hoseok teased us.

"No we are not!" I yelled Completly red.

"Then prove it!"Jungkook said.

"Not you too jungkook!"

"Well let's show them we are not embarrassed..."Namjoon suggested and I looked at him confused."What do you mean?"

He leaned to my ear and told me his plan."okay?"


"What did you tell her?"Yoongi  said trying to cover his curiousity but I could see through him.

I leaned closer to namjoon and buried my head on namjoon shoulder and he held me tightly,we started dancing really close ignoring their looks Completly.The song slowly came to an end and namjoon smirked"Ready?"

"Ready."I nodded and we pulled back our head.

"Y/N there is something I need to tell you..."Namjoon looked straight into my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked and followed his lead.

"I know you have only been here for a month but..." He placed his hand on my shouldet and blushed which caught me by suprise although it was just to prank the guys his face looked Completly serious.


"Wait don't tell me he is going to..."Jimin asked Completly serious as he watched us.

"I like you."

The room went silent,all the members mouth went wide open and looked Completly shocked when I turned back to face him he winked at me which made me blush.

Calm down y/n...

"I like you too." I answered back and we proceeded to the final stage of our plan, the guys anxiously watched us as we leaned closer to kiss and right before we touched lips we turned to them and said at the same time"You got pranked!"

"Wait what?"Hoseok looked at us confused.

"Was this all a prank?" Yoongi suprised said.

"Yeap." We both nodded in sync and laughed"You should have seen your faces!"I said teasing them.

"Not cool..." Taehyung said not liking our prank.

"Did you really believed it?" I asked and everyone nodded

"Well we believed it cause namjoon looked so serious." They pointed at him and he pretended to be innocent."It's not my fault you are idiots."

"Yah namjoon come here!Today you are going to sleep on the couch!" Jin jokinly said and pulled namjoon to rub his head with his fist.

All of them joined one by one and teased namjoon and laughed.I was watching them from the corner of the room and smiled feeling really proud.

"For moments like this I am Happy to be here."

I started laughing,I just couldn't contain my laugh anymore.The guys froze on the spot and stared at me laughing,Completly shocked by my sudden out burst.

After a while I calmed down and looked at them."What Happened?"

"N-nothing." Jungkook shattered.

"Y-yeah it's nothing." Taehyung repeated after jungkook.

"Okay..."I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's getting late...let's go sleep now." Yoongi trying to find the right words.

Everyone nodded and left in their rooms.Of course I stayed there a couple of minutes completly confused by what just Happened but I decided to not take it to heart.I walked to my room and went to sleep.

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