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The Cyber Hairstylist The Cyber Hairstylist original

The Cyber Hairstylist

Author: Kervin_Lee

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Meeting

The sun was at it's highest point when the Meeting of the S.A.B.E.R. Securities began.

Rafaela, the Security's medical team captain walked her way through the meeting place as Layla came to follow her and said.

Layla: Hey, Raf! Headed to the meeting, are we?

Rafaela: Yes, that's right. You're supposed to go there as well, isn't that correct?

Layla: I know, I know but Saber has been nagging me a lot lately so my head isn't exactly in the ropes, okay?

Rafaela: Fair enough.

Layla: Sooo, this is it, huh? We're finally gonna get a close look at the Legendary Black Rose!

Cutting through their conversation was Cyclops, an extremely highly developed AI android.

Cyclops: You didn't have to call her Legendary, Officer Layla.

Rafaela: That's what I thought.

Layla: Oh come on, don't be such a buzzkill Cyc.

Cyclops: I most certainly am not.

Layla: Why do I get the feeling that you're getting cheekier as time pass by?

Cyclops: I don't know what you are talking about.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the Meeting location where they were welcomed by a humongous number of S.A.B.E.R. Officers gathered. Johnson then comes over to them and said.

Johnson: You guys sure have taken your time coming here.

Rafaela: Sorry, we didn't mean to-

Before Rafaela could finish talking, Saber started talking loudly over the microphone.

Saber: I take it that that's everyone? If it is so, everyone I need your undivided attention.

Layla whispers to Rafaela: As usual, he's as uptight as ever.

Rafaela: I can't really argue about that.

Layla: *gasp* Did you just agree with me?!

Rafaela: Shh! You should be listening to Saber right now.

Layla: Right! Right!

Saber: So far, we, the S.A.B.E.R. Securities have been doing our missions and completing them flawlessly, but this time... This will be different than any other missions we've had so far. As you all know, Admiral Lesley is here with us in the S.A.B.E.R. Headquarters and our mission will be to escort her safely, I repeat, SAFELY to the National Dawn Headquarters.

While Saber was explaining the details of the mission, at the back of the stage was Lesley sitting with her hand on her face, mumbling to herself.

Lesley: I really can't refuse to this. Even though I've became an Admiral, Father still thinks of me as a weak little child. Yet he thinks of Harley as a man!

S.A.B.E.R. Officer: Is everything alright, Lady Admiral?

Lesley: It's nothing, carry on Officer.

S.A.B.E.R. Officer: Yes Ma'am.

Lesley: I can take care of myself, Father didn't have to do this. Damn it.

Saber: Lady Admiral, would you like to say words of encouragement to the force?

Lesley then stands gallantly and you could hear a faint sound of *woah* in the crowd.

Layla: So that's her, huh? Daaamn, I'd kill anyone to be that beautiful!

Cyclops: Indeed, she is beautiful.

Johnson: Did Cyclops just give a person a compliment?

Rafaela: Yes, yes I suppose he did.

Cyclops: I may be an android but I am very well capable of distinguishing a beautiful woman if it comes across my vision.

Layla: What the heck is with this thing.

Cyclops: I'm not a thing.

They were then interrupted as Lesley prepares to talk by softly clearing her throat and said.

Lesley: Esteemed Officers of S.A.B.E.R., I'm extremely grateful to everyone for having me here and providing me aid on my travel across the land of dawn. You may know me as a strong Admiral, a willful woman, but I can't fend off for myself against an army of enemies. Hence, I require your help to safely arrive at the National Dawn Headquarters for the official announcement of my Father to get back what we have lost, but that's not my place to talk about. Right now, I will need all of you to help me, and in turn I would too. Thank you.

The crowd was about to go wild, but in the sidelines Saber was holding his sword up in case the Officers go nuts.

Saber: Thank you very much, Lady Admiral. Now everyone, listen. There is one more announcement that I have to make before this meeting is adjourned.

The crowd starts to mumble in a daze of what this is all about when they thought they were only called for the announcement of the mission.

Layla: Wait, what? There's more??? I'm starving already!

Cyclops: This wasn't on my database as well, how weird.

Rafaela: I wonder what this is about.

Johnson: …

The mumbles were shut off when Saber placed his mouth near the microphone once again and talked.

Saber: Everyone. I did this, not because I think you, my colleagues aren't good enough. I did this only because it is a necessary counter measure because no one knows what could happen. I don't want to mention our enemies, but I have to. I received a tip that the V.E.N.O.M. Squad are up to something, and I don't want to take any risks of failing on this mission. Hence, I've…

Layla: What's wrong with Saber?

Rafaele: He IS acting pretty weird.

Cyclops: I've no recollection of him acting like this before.

Johnson: …

Saber: I have invited someone over to assist us in the shadows. The Cyber Ops.

The crowd was shook by Saber's statement and then goes haywire.

S.A.B.E.R. Officer 1: What?! How did you manage to do that Saber!?

S.A.B.E.R. Officer 2: Who is it?! Please tell me we're expecting him! Please!

Layla stares at Johnson as she hears him chuckle softly and then speaks to break the ice.

Layla: You know of this, don't you?

Johnson: Well… I may have helped Saber convincing him to join us.

Rafaela: So you are an accomplice, huh?

Johnson: Hey come on now, accomplice is a harsh word you know.

Cyclops: Regardless of that, I want to know who this is.

Layla: So? Who is it???

Johnson: You know him. All of you do.

Rafaela: It can't be…?

While the crowd was going nuts, Saber sighed deeply as if it could blow a building away. He then starts to speak again over the microphone.

Saber: Silence please!

The crowd was instantly enveloped in cold silence.

Saber: …Gusion. The Infamous Cyber Ops.

The crowd was filled with cheer and admiration for the person who will join them in their mission. Layla then shouts to Saber and asked.


Lesley stands abruptly on that question, looking around the auditorium and she spots Gusion by the window at the top of the neon sign boards. Then she gulps and stared at him intently as she whispers to herself.

Lesley: So you're here too, huh…

Chapter 1 End

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