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Chapter 5: His Future

"No!" Awaken by his nightmare, Granger finally realize that he was dreaming. A sudden headache suddenly came. He slowly massage his fore head a few times and finally the pain is gone for good. As he trying to remember who's the girl from his dream. He realized that it wasn't a mere dream as it too good being a dream.

Maybe it was a long forgotten memory he had 10 years ago before the war broke. The field might be the field located near the river at the backyard of his house as remember. Maybe he need to visit his hometown to confirm it.

Suddenly the bell starts to rang indicates that all activity will be stopped for today. Kayen return to the dining hall by the back door of the kitchen. No one realize that he didn't attend the night prayer. As he walking home to the hostel, Leon approached him.

"Um... hey... I notice that you didn't attend the night prayer." Granger was quite surprise that there is someone notice his disappearance. Granger instead saying anything, he just nodded his head and continue his way to the hostel. Then Leon walk beside Granger without saying anything. The hostel residents was quite shocked that the nerd have the guts to walk beside the stone face.

Granger's gaze gave them the chills when their eyes suddenly met Granger scarlet eyes. It was terrifying feeling for them. As for Granger, he just watched them normally. He didn't intended to gave them the cold shoulder. He just being himself! What's wrong with that. Maybe the gods blessed him with amazing terrifying stare.

"Hey... Granger, why did everyone called you the stone face?" Leon was very scared when Granger stopped and looked at him. "Is there any rocks on my face?" Leone shook his head two times. Granger pulled back his stare and continue walking. Leon who was struck by that question realize that Granger wasn't the person that other thinks about him...he just misunderstood about Granger's personality. He knew something about Granger. Despite having the cold shoulder, he still managed to answer any question from him.

They climbed the stair together. It was quite fun to be around Granger even though Granger did not talk too much. Many residents was quite amazed that Leon managed to talk to Granger normally. He was such a stone face after all, huh. Great thoughts about Granger, people!

When they arrived at their room, Granger unlock the door and turn on the light switch. Leon entered the bedroom and quickly went to his locker to change. He wears a blue pajama and went to his bed to sleep. He also had time to say good night to Granger who was still sitting on his bed reading his book before sleep. Granger just replied "Oh..."

about an hour passed after Leon said good night to him. When he finally realized that its already mid night, he marked the page where he stopped reading and put the book under his pillow. He turned off the light and sleep soundly on his bed.

Once again, the dream he had at the old gazebo comes back. The dream continued where it stopped.

As Granger screaming calling out the girl's name, but somehow, he didn't know what he just said. Its like when he screamed the girl's name, his voice muted. After several times calling her name, she finally floating again. Granger who was still terrified with that had nothing near him to pull her. She was still hold out at the old bridge remains. But the current is too strong for her. She'll be swept away by current if Granger didn't do anything.

He had no choice but to swim and save her. Just before he jumped into the water, his father's warning about swimming in the river merge into his head. he didn't care about the warning anymore. The girl's life is important than the reminder! He must save her no matter what.

as soon as he falls into the river, his dream ended when Leon wakes him up. "Oi, Granger. Wake up. Its already daylight." Granger wakes up with his messy bed hair. The rub his eyes several times and went to the bathroom to take a morning shower.

Aria arrived at the monastery's front gate. She was still embarrassed by her action she did yesterday. She suddenly confessed her feeling to Granger. Not only by that, she even ran away after saying that without a good bye or good night.

Argh... Why did you do that, Aria?

She felt really stupid for saying those thing. She really need to clear the misunderstanding she made. Granger most likely to think that Aria's a freak and he will hate her. Oh, no... What should I do? Said Aria to herself.

She slapped her cheeks two times and held her breath as she enters the monastery. She did bring along her violin because Granger loves to listen the melody she made with the violin. She was quite lucky to see Granger soft side when he was enjoying the vibration of the music.

As she walking on the hallway to the dining hall. Granger was walking on the different direction towards her with his head looking down. When he lifts his head, he realized that Aria's was walking towards her. Seeing at her reminds him of what happened yesterday. Oh, shoot what should he do to say about her love confession last night? Ahhh... It doesn't matter what your answer will be. He just need give a reasonable answer.

"Arr... Goo-... good morning Granger!" The trembling voice of Aria was heard by Granger very well. Is anything wrong with her today? Ask Granger to himself as if there's a answer to it if he ask himself. "Uh... Hi" Granger felt unusual when he sees her being that way.

"So, umm... Aren't you're going on your practice? Those kind of question made Aria surprised a bit. She couldn't believe that those words would actually came out from his heavy mouth. "Oh... Yeah. After this I guess. Aren't you and the orphans will be attending our practice session? Granger didn't remember anything about yearly activities. Maybe because he never checked the event calendar at the dining hall. Huh, doesn't matter anyway.

"I'll see you at the theater then. See ya!" Aria quickly ran away from Granger as soon she said she'll be seeing him at the theater soon. Granger couldn't reply since she vanished too fast. Granger gave out a deep sigh and continue walking.

Since Granger didn't have anything to do before the music activities, he decided to take a stroll near the lake. The lake was visited by several flamingos that hunting for fish in the lake. Those pinkish color of the birds shines even brighter when the sun ray hit their smooth feathers.

Other than that,, there were dozen of swan couple were swimming in the lake too. Its a lovey dovey moment for the swans and witnessed by Granger alone. He let his eye locked into a couple of swan which was one of it has black feather. Its a rare chance to anybody who saw black swan among the other white swans.

Granger sits on the grass and continue watching nature's work silently. The lake reminds him about the river he dreamed last night and the mysterious girl he tried to save too. How did turns out in the end? Who knows. Maybe if he went to sleep again the dream might be continue where it stop.

He lay his back on the comfortable earth grass with his eye now staring at the endless blue sky. His eyes slowly closed and once again Granger sinks into his dream about the girl.

Ignoring what his father told him about the river, the little Granger jumped into the river and start swimming fast towards the girl. It was really hard for Granger to swim since the river currents were a bit strong and he have to swim with his tiny body. He doubt that it will be an easy task to pull the girl to the land.

Didn't want to lose her, Granger extended his strength to swim to save her. The girl was still depending on the old bridge remains to avoid being swept away by the currents. When Granger finally arrives there, he told her to warp her hand around his neck so he can bring her back to the land.

The girl did what he said. She warped her hand around Granger hand and hold her hand tightly. She was really afraid that Granger would be hurt if she did it but Granger said it was okay. Granger turns around and start swimming back to the land.

It was really hard to swim since he have to carry the girl on his back. Not wanting to stop there, he used his last ounce of energy to swim fast to the land as he knew that the current was getting stronger and stronger every minutes. If they were slow, they'll be swept by the rivers any moment.

As he swimming towards the main land, Granger didn't stop praying that everything will be okay. They will be saved. Just before they could reach the land, a big wave suddenly appeared. Both of them were swept away by the big wave. Granger hold the girl hand that warped around his neck really hard or she'll be separated from him.

But the strength of two children couldn't overcome the strength of the wave. Then, another wave rises and separates those two from each other. Granger screamed at the girl by her name but she was getting further and further from him.

Granger's scarlet eyes couldn't bear the fact that she was already sunk. The little Granger could only screamed her name as the waves swept him into the river.

His dream ended when, the sound of the monastery bell rang. Granger woke up from his short nap and tried to reconcile his fibrils. "Why does every time I tried to call her name, I couldn't hear it?" there were no explanation for his question right now. He finally realize that that dream is not a dream but a fragments of hid childhood memory that was deleted temporarily from his head. Without delaying anymore time, he walked himself to the theater with the others.

Meanwhile at the theater, Aria was listening the the leader of the Moniyan Musician, the conductor that each instrument player will be presenting their specialty about the instrument and told them to find any orphan that interested into the instrument.

Aria lost her thought for a moment. She wondered, what would Granger pick. Maybe the guitar since many guys like playing guitar. But she also wondered if he would pick violin since he said he like to listen to the melody of the violin she played.

As soon after the leader finished telling them what to do, the orphans finally arrived at the theater. The orphans entered the theater and took a seat at the audience seat to listen what would their instructor will say about today's activities. Granger sat beside Leon whom told Granger to sit beside him since he aren't that familiar with the others.

Granger wouldn't mind as long they sat on at the back seat. Granger eyes noticed that Aria was looking at him from the stage. Granger looked at Aria back with his sharp gaze made her to blush a bit and hide herself behind her brown violin. Granger didn't get it. What did he do until she reacted that way.

When Granger pay his attention to the instructor, Aria was quite disappointed because Granger didn't look at her anymore. She let out a silent sigh and continue hearing what the instructor of the orphans telling them.

"Okay, today is music activities and this is the first time we held a music activities thanks to the Moniyan Musician that gave us this great idea to explore every one of you your talent in one of this instruments. Lets not delay any longer. We will begin our activities right now! Yeay!" The cheering of the instructor made the orphans felt really happy and ready to participate even the orphans who was same age with Granger acting like 7 years old children about getting excited today's activities.

Granger didn't feel excited nor bored. He only wanted to know about the violin and hoped that he had the chance to touch and play it by himself. Maybe he could create something with the violin to make him forget about his nightmare and his tragic memories.

One by one of the instruments player introduced themselves and also showed them their expertise about the instrument. After demonstrating they skills playing their instruments, they will ask the orphans if they have any interest into the instrument they will need to raise their hand and the player will take them as their temporary apprentice.

About an hour later, the player of violin finally can introduced them and their violin to the remaining orphans. The number of the orphans left was about 7 people including Granger. Most of the orphans was interested with the guitar and the piano. Granger decided that he will pick violin from the very beginning so, he did not listen to the previous musician telling them about their instruments.

As the musician start pulling the string of the brown and slim instrument, Granger was captivated by it. Not only that, the other 6 was also felt the same sensation that Granger had. The musician played for 5 minutes and stopped to ask if the remaining orphans would be interested learning the violin.

The main player of the violin was very happy when the remaining orphans raised their arm fast right after he finished his words. Granger only raised his hand a bit so the musician would see him he interested on it or not.

As for Aria, she was screaming from inside of her heart because Granger choose the violin team. Just like she expected. But will she be the one who instruct him playing the violin. Oh no, she'll be very awkward teaching him playing the violin.

"Ah Aria, I want you instruct the boy who has white hair playing the piano. Oh and since he's been our observer for a while, I want you to do the credit. Hehe." The head of violin players gave her a wink. It was really nerve wrecking for her.

Granger climbed up to the stage and notices that Aria was calling out his name from behind the stage. His left eyebrow lifted a bit and wondered what she might be up too. Granger approached Aria who was waiting him.

Aria was really nervous to teach him about violin. When Granger approached her, a senior of her gave a sign of good luck by showing his fist to her. Aria ignored it and hoped that everything would be okay during the lesson.

"Hmm... What is it?" Asked Granger as soon he stand in front of her. "Can we do our lesson outside. Its gonna be very noisy after this" Granger nodded his head and follows Aria to the gazebo where he and she used to hang out. It was quiet and its a perfect place to play.

Aria handed over her violin to Granger so she can teach him how to play simple chord of a simple music. Much to her surprise that Granger eyes were somewhat to be glittering when he hold the violin. Looks like Granger wanted to play the violin himself this whole time.

"Okay... now i'll teach you simple chord to play this violin. Firstly, hold the violin's head as you put the vilolin bottom on your shoulder." Granger just followed her instruction without a hassle. He was quite excited inside his dark heart to being able to play this beautiful instrument. When he did just what Aria said, Aria was very happy that Granger understand her instruction or maybe he been watching her the whole time when she played so, Granger already knew what to do.

"Great! You're doing great!" Aria tried to compliment him just to make sure that he's feeling excited. "Umm, we haven't started yet" Praising him when he just learn to hold the violin seemed to be quite exaggerated about it. Aria was embarrassed with it. Of course anyone can do it. She apologize for her strange behavior to Granger but Granger didn't at all about her behavior. As they continued the lesson, Granger felt like his heart was squeezed by someone's hand when Aria touch his cold hand to make him properly hold the neck of the violin.

Meanwhile, Aria's heart was thumping really hard when she touched and hold Granger hand. It was really cold. His big hand was cold! Aria could feel her blood just flow in reversed state and she also could feel that her face is getting hotter and hotter but she tried to act cool as long as she can to teach Granger play her violin.

Granger hold the neck of the violin properly and followed Aria's teaching how to hold simple chords. "There you go... Now try to dragging the bow up and down gently." Granger wasn't sure what sound he'll create.

Screw it. I'm gonna do it anyway.

As soon he rosin the bow, a terrible and horrific screeches was played by Granger. Aria could feel her eardrums gonna break apart but she stay still because all beginner did that after all.

"Hmm... that sounds awful to me." Granger admit it. It was a hellish sound he just made. "No! Its okay. Every beginner did that when they start playing violin. Its not like practice the violin in two or three times then you became a pro, you need to train hard and try to understand the sound you just make by reading the sheets." Granger was dumbfounded when she denied the fact he is bad at violin.

Once again, his heart start to ache. What was that? Granger didn't know what was that feeling rather he never felt it before. Every time Aria start talking to him today, his heart somehow didn't react what his brain want. He punch his back once to stop the ache. But it won't stop.

Ah... Geez... what's wrong with me today.

The lesson continued until Granger learned new chords and he receive a music sheets to practice. When the monastery bell rang for the end of the day, the lesson stopped there. Granger send Aria to the gate as usual. She was really grateful because Granger always accompany her to the entrance gate.

"It was really fun today, Granger. I hope we can practice together soon. I'll see you tomorrow." Granger just nodded his head. He hold tightly the rolled sheets. He wasn't sure that he'll be able play the violin properly.

Just before Aria left the entrance gate, she handed over her violin to Granger. Granger was shocked by it."Here, I want you to keep this violin. Consider this as a token of gratitude for being my male best friend and being my student today." Granger didn't say a word. He was literately surprised by it How come someone could give him such an expensive violin. With Aria's insistence, he finally took over the violin from it's owner.

"What about you? With what will you play music if you give me this?" Even with Aria's willingly to give him her violin, he was worried what will she use if she give it to him. Wouldn't her conductor will angry with her? All this unfamiliar feeling start sprouting slowly in his heart. "I got another spare at home so its okay for you to have it." Aria said to Granger as she smashed a smile on her face.

Granger watched Aria left the entrance gate until she finally cannot be seen anymore. He walked back to the monastery with his new violin gifted by Aria. He didn't know how to reacted to this new gift from her. Not only that, she also give her bow to him so he can play the violin without him buying himself a bow.

Along the hallway, he met Tigreal who just came out from the headmaster of the monastery's office. He was really happy when he sees Granger finally came up with a new hobby for him. But, he must told Granger something important to him. So he wouldn't mention him about the violin.

"Hey, yo. Granger. How are you today?" Granger stopped when Tigreal greeted him. "I'm fine. Its just another tiring day." As always, lazy answer came out from him whenever Tigreal ask him about his day. "Ah great to hear that. By the way, there's something I must confirm from you Granger." Granger straighten his body and look at Tigreal with his scarlet eye.

Ah... Shit. Here we go again.

"I just received from the guild that they will close recruitment soon. So if you didn't hurry, you wouldn't be able to be a Demon Hunter after this when the guild close the recruitment season as they want to train new recruit to be Demon Hunter because there were increases of demon attacks at the human's and elves' village." Tigreal halted for a second and continue telling Granger about the Demon Hunter recruitment. Granger just stood still with his mouth zipped.

"So, today I need an answer from you about the recruitment. Would you join the Demon Hunter or become a monastery cleaner?" His question really made Granger's head filled with uncertainty. But he have no choice but to pick one of it because the recruitment will be ending soon. If he didn't rush it, Granger will become a monastery cleaner forever. The guild would recruit young member only from the age of 15 until 17. Age of 18 was considered as adult so he have no more time to spare what should he pick.

Finally that night ended with Granger picking one of the available option. Its a rushed decision be he already made up his mind. That very night, Tigreal heard him said the word.

"I will become a Demon Hunter"

Nocturnal_Writer Nocturnal_Writer

Hello here's a new update and make sure you guys support me on this contest as I'm trying my best to be better writer and player of ML

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