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Chapter 6: Interaction

The following morning, Erika went to the top floor to meet with the General's Advisor.

Erika seriously hoped that the General did not know about yesterday's ruckus.

Seconds later, General's secretary came out and greeted Erika.

General's Advisor asked Erika to go in.

"This is Erika Schmidt, she's the one who helped you last night after you passed out." The General signalled him to go out. He bowed and left.

General's cold eyes fixated on Erika blue eyes.

"If you got something to say, don't beat around the bush." Erika thought damn, he's straightforward.

"How is your wound? Does it hurt right now?" Erika wanted to ask but she doesn't want to be too obvious.

"How is your stab wound? Is it better now?" She asked.

"It's fine. I won't die from a simple stab wound." Erika nodded and felt relieved.

"Is there anything else?" He asked.

"When can I work as a frontline nurse?" She asked.


"Oh. Okay. Thank you. I'll take my leave." Erika smiled and quickly left the room, her face was red.

"Erika, don't worry. General is a good person. He's just an icy person. Once you get to know him, he is totally different." The General Advisor smiled at her.

"I have a question, I heard the General gone through hypnosis before right?" General Advisor was surprised.

"Yes. He did. How did you know?"

"A close friend told me."

"Oh. Yes, he's gone through several years of hypnotherapy. He wanted to forget about the past. He doesn't want emotions to get in the way. Do you have feelings for him, Erika? It's quite obvious." He giggled.

"It will take some time. He won't get attached to you that quickly. He needs time to heal from the past. Though he won't remember everything, but the pain is still there. If you want to be closer to him, let him know you are on his side. You still have a chance." Erika tried to smile and she said thanks to him.

As she went back to her room, there was a loud siren.

"Erika! We have to go!" Shouted Helen.

As they rushed and got inside the truck, they were taken to the frontline.

"We are going to the frontline? I'm so nervous." Sarah was taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"Are the other nurses there already?" Erik said.

"I hope so." Helen said. "Oh yeah, where were you this morning?"

"I went to see the General Advisor. He told me about the General, same thing you told me about. He told me I still have a chance if I still like him." Erika smiled stupidly.

"Ooooh. You forgot Julian fast." Helen teased her.

"Forget about him. If he hurts the General in any way, I'm going to fight him. Julian already cheated on me once. I'm not stupid." Erika said.

"Enough about Julian, how is your father and brother doing?"

"They are doing well. My dad is working as a doctor now, same place as we work. But I don't see him often. My brother got his pilot certificafe so he's going to war when it's time. I trust him he will be careful." Erika said.

As they talked about life and other things after few hours, they arrived at the front line. Aircrafts flying over the air, the noise was deafening. There were many people in the medical tent, mostly injured soldier. Few nurses already arrived. The weather was hot and dry, water was limited too. As we worked hard treating all patients, it was already evening.

"I'm so hungry. Can we go back?" One nurse was complaining.

"How many patients left to treat?" Another asked.

"We still have a few left. You guys can leave if you want. Helen is here so we will be fine." Erika winked at Helen.

"Oh yeah, you guys can go first." Helen said.

"We'll save you some food if you want." They said.

"No worries, we still have some food left in the room. You guys go first." Erika smiled.

As Erika waved them goodbye, they continued treating the last few patients.

"Finally! We are done!" As Erika stretched, a cool breeze came.

As Erika went in to check on the patient, one patient called out to her. It was a male patient. As Erika sat beside him, she made sure if he was alright and comfortable.

"Thank you, Miss. You have a very kind heart. I had a son around your age but he passed away already. I do miss him dearly." Erika patiently listened to him and replied, "I'm sorry for your loss. It's very hard when someone you loved passed away." Erika misses her mother when she said that.

"Did you ever lost someone?" He asked.

"My mother passed away when I was around high school. She passed away from tuberculosis." She told him.

"I'm very sorry to hear that. Your mother must've been a wonderful lady. She brought up a wonderful daughter." Erika smiled and nodded.

"Yes, she is. Our family missed her dearly too."

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Erika. How about you?"


"Are you married?" Leo asked.

"No not yet. I'm not even dating." Erika laughed.

"You should date someone who cares about you. You deserve someone special. Do you like anyone?"

"I used to like a guy but he cheated on me. Right now, I do have a guy I'm interested in but I don't know if he is a good choice or not." Erika smiled.

"No worries, when the time comes it will." Leo smiled, "Thank you for keeping me company." Erika shook her head, "Thank you. Anytime."

As she heads out to take a breather, Helen came with a handful of medical supplies.

"I was wondering where you were." Erika laughed, "Here, let me carry some."

"Erika, be careful." Erika nodded.

As Erika and Helen organized medical supplies, two men in uniform came.

"Which one of you are Erika Schmidt?" Erika raised her hand.

"Please come with us." Erika was confused.

"Why?" She asked.

"General König wants to speak to you. Please come with us." Erika looked at Helen and signalled her okay.

"Please wait a minute. I need to change."

After few minutes, Erika came out and followed them.

"General König, Erika is here." The two men left and she saw the General Advisor and his secretary.

"Welcome Erika! We meet again." General Advisor smiled.

"Don't be scared of us. We came to ask you some questions. Please answer them truthfully." Erika nodded.

"General." General Advisor nodded at Erika.

While waiting for General König to start asking, her heart rate skyrocketed.

She thought, I shouldn't be scared of him. Isn't that the guy I like? Just relax, Erika. He's a human, he will not bite.

"Erika." Erika diverted her attention at the icy cold General.

"At the night when I was stabbed, do you know who came to my room after I passed out"

"He's a soldier who worked for you. I am not sure because I don't really remember seeing him."

Erika answered.

"Did he mention anything else?"

"He told me you killed his brother. His mother died because of you." Erika was so nervous facing the General but she decided not to show it.

"General, she is saying the truth." General Advisor gave her a smile. Erika gave out a big sigh.

"Uhm. General? May I go?" Erika looked nervously.

"Did I say you can go?" General König gave an icy reply.

"Come here." General König signalled Erika to go near him. Erika obeyed and stood near him.

"Bring those two in." General Advisor ordered the other soldiers.

The two soldiers came in. The one who stabbed the General and the other one that Erika saw. Their eyes were full of hatred. Erika stood silent not knowing what will happen. Whatever the General does, no one can argue. Not even the Advisor nor the secretary nor anyone.

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