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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

It has been a long morning. Taketo's day started with his first meeting followed by the company orientation up until 12 noon.

"I should be looking for Mina now." As Taketo fixes some of his things in preparation for lunch.

"She should be at the cafeteria just like what she said earlier. I should go there now." As he remembers what Mina said earlier.

He was about to leave the orientation room when a sudden sweet mild voice called out for him. He turned around and saw someone with an unfamiliar face. Nikita Ino is also a junior sales officer that had joined the company recently. She will be joining Taketo on the training that will take place this afternoon.

"Are you going to have your lunch now Taketo?" as the cute looking woman slowly walked towards Taketo.

"I was about to." as he wonders how she knows his name.

"Then let me join you Taketo, I'm still not close with anyone yet. You seemed to be the most approachable person in today's group."

"I'm sorry but I still need to look for someone before I can have my lunch. You might wanna go ahead since we only have an hour of break. I can help you by asking the other guys to join you for lunch. I'm sure they won't decline it." as he replied hesitantly.

Nikita's face showing a sad expression for a moment. "Then let me help you look for that person. I'm sure your still not familiar with the office. I did get the chance to have a quick tour around the office earlier since I arrived early and got nothing to do yet."

Taketo couldn't help but accept the offer. "Let's go then? Would you know where the cafeteria might be?".

"Yup! "I've had my coffee there earlier. Let me be your guide for today.". as she giggled for a moment.

"Thank you for the offer, Nikita. Please don't charge me after this. Kindly lead the way."


A loud noise of people talking accompanied by the sound of tablewares welcomed Taketo and Nikita as they entered the huge cafeteria of the company. Lines of different dishes are on display at the side of the counter. A small window at the farther end of the counter where all the used plates, spoons, bowl and glasses are sorted out accordingly. Another person from the inside pulled in one of the trays where all those tablewares is placed. They clean those tablewares for others to use later.

Taketo survey the whole cafeteria looking for Mina. "It seems like she's not here yet."

"Had you found the person you're looking for Taketo?" while she glanced at the people in the cafeteria.

He simply shook his head.

"Well since we're already here now, why don't we have our lunch. Just to make sure we get back on time for the training this afternoon." While he pulls one of the chairs on the closest table.

"What do you wanna eat Taketo? It's my treat." as she moved to the other side of the table and on the chair across Taketo.

"No, no. You don't have to do that. It's okay. I'll buy one for myself." while shaking his head

She looked at him with puppy eyes. "I just wanted to treat you as thanks for accompanying me for lunch."

"Well, its another offer yours that I can't simply decline. Thanks for the free lunch then.".


Rushing through all the reports that she needed to prepare for the afternoon meeting, Mina worries that Taketo is still waiting for her for the agreed lunch at the cafeteria. She did not expect her day to be this busy that is why she asked Taketo earlier. She was really excited to have their lunch together since this would be a good chance to catch up with Taketo since the last time that they talked during their senior high school graduation. She didn't hear any news or update about Taketo after that. She still could not believe that she will reach out to Taketo via social media after having a blast on their company's year-end party. She was sure that she was sober during that time but she was amazed at her self why she did that. Maybe there was just this feeling of longing for someone you haven't seen for a while. It did bring some good things though, Taketo asked her for a favor if she knows any work that she can refer him may it be part-time or regular work. She managed to avoid Taketo's suspicion though she's the only one who thought about it as she simply responded that there might be some positions available where she can refer Taketo. That made Taketo happy. They ended their chat with both of them satisfied, Taketo getting the chance of finding work and Mina finally getting connected to him again.

She finally managed to get all the morning work done. She peeked at the mirror on her table to make sure that she looks presentable before heading to the cafeteria. It was already 12:30 in the afternoon. She arrived at the cafeteria. She did saw Taketo but she noticed someone sitting across him at the other side of the table. She hesitated to approach them for a moment. But she believes there's nothing to worry about since she knows him longer than any other person in the company.

"I'm sorry for being late Taketo," as she walks towards Taketo and Nikita.

Taketo noticed Mina and waved at her. "Oh, it's you, Mina. It's we had just started a few minutes ago. Come, join us."

Mine tried hiding her blushing face as she asks Taketo to introduce her to the person at the other side of the table.

Taketo then gestured his toward Nikita as he introduced her to Mina. "Mina, this is Nikita. She is also a new joiner and has the same position as a junior sales officer. She helped me find the cafeteria."

"Hi, I'm Nikita Ino. I just joined the company recently. Nice to meet you." while Nikita stood up and greeted Mina with a slight bow and a smile.

Now that they are closer, Mina confirmed that Nikita is really cute. "She is cute. Is Taketo interested in her?" as she stood up again to greet Nikita.

"I'm Mina Tsukimoto. I'm from the HR department. Nice to meet you too Nikita." Mina also responded with a bow and a smile.

"Did you already ordered what to eat Mina?" Taketo then asked while pointing at the direction of the counter.

"Yup I did, I'm having salt-grilled mackerel with rice, some tsukemono and miso soup. What did you have?"

"I ordered some pork katsu with curry and rice. Actually, Nikita bought it for me. Thanks again, Nikita."

Mina felt worried for a bit seeing how close those two. "Have you tried the brewed iced tea here? Let me get you one. It's the best. Way better than the ones that we have at the canteen in our school back then." as she thought of also getting something for Taketo on his first day.

On the spur of the moment, Taketo suddenly grabs Mina's hand, "You don't have to. I already have some water here.".

That surprised Mina as she blushed again while looking away from Taketo, "Well, I just wanna buy you something as a congratulation gift for getting hired.".

Taketo felt a bit embarrassed when he noticed that he was holding Mina's hand. He suddenly released Mina's hand and pulls his hand away from her while saying sorry. "I'm sorry for doing that. I'm not sure if it's okay for me to get both free lunch and drink on my first day. I believe I don't have any reason to take you on your offer then. Thanks, Mina.".

An idea suddenly came to Nikita, "How about we go out later after work and celebrate our first day in the office?"

Mina did not hesitate to agree on Nikita's offer "That's a great idea. I'll make sure I won't be late again. I'll buy you both a drink. I'll be back."

Mina still can't shrug off the idea that Taketo held her hands. She felt really happy. She did not expect that to happen. She wonders if Taketo saw her blushing. Did he notice the redness of her cheeks? Did he even look at her while he was holding her hands? The silly question that ran on her mind while she walks toward the counter to buy the iced tea.

On the other hand, Taketo still can't stop thinking that it is wrong for him to just grab Mina's hand. It's just that he wasn't thinking during that time. He just wanted Mina to stay since their afternoon shift is about to start. He wanted to get some chance to talk to Mina even just for a brief moment. He just wanted to know what happened to her after their graduation. Mina returned after a few minutes. It is already 15 minutes before 1:00 PM. The only chance for him to talk to Mina again is if Mina will join them after work. He felt the need to confirm it from Mina.

Mina returned carrying a tray with the iced teas that she ordered.

"About going out after work, I'm still not sure if I can get my work done on time so I might not be able to confirm if I can come with you," as she gave out the iced teas to Taketo and Nikita.

That made Taketo feel a bit sad. She might not be coming with us after work. Taketo thought that he lost his chance of catching up with Mina with that reply. Before he can even say anything, Nikita then suggested again another idea, "Taketo and I can go ahead. We'll wait for you there until you're done with your work. It would be a good idea if you can your mobile number to Taketo so we can call you once we are at the place.".

What Nikita said really made Taketo happy. Mina would still be able to come, he still gets the chance to talk to her, and even gets her mobile number without him personally asking. "That's three birds in a single shot.". Now, all he needs to wait for is the answer from Mina.

"Sure, that would be much better. I just hope it's okay with you guys to wait for me." Mina felt relief with Nikita's suggestion.

"Don't make Nikita experience the same thing I've done before while I waited for you at school for our after class club activity," as Taketo teases Mina.

"Of course I won't. 30 minutes at most, that's the longest time that you guys have to wait." as she brushed off the idea while smirking.

"It's all set then?" as Nikita hopes for everyone's confirmation.

"Yep, I'm looking forward to it later," Mina confirmed it this time.

"Don't make us wait too long Mina," Taketo teasing Mina again.

"I can still do sprinting if I have to." as Mina gestured running through her fingers.

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. You don't have to rush. We trust you." while Taketo laughed off the idea. Taketo then peeked at the wall clock, "I believe we have to be going now. Our training is about to start in 10 minutes."

Then Nikita looked at her wristwatch to confirm what Taketo said, "Yeah, I remember that we need to get going now Taketo."

"Sure, you two should go ahead now. I'm about to finish my lunch too. I'll be heading back to my work table once I'm done here so I can get the work done early." as Mina started eating her lunch.

Taketo then stood up. "See you later then Mina.".

Mina simply nods at Taketo while smiling.


It's already 4:50 in the afternoon and the trainer is already packing his training materials. The trainer already confirmed that the training for this afternoon already ended. Other trainees are already packing their things up and getting themselves ready for whatever things they planned to do after work. Taketo already notified Nikita for the agreed plan. Both of them are planning to go out after work along with Mina as a celebration for their first day at the office.

Nikita approached Taketo, "shall we go now? everyone is already leaving.".

"Yup, let's go. Do you know of any good place where we can celebrate?"

"I know a place that is close. I also know someone who works there. We can celebrate there. We might also get a discount." as Nikita showed some images from her phone.

"That looks good. I'll give Mina a call once we get there."

Nikita simply nods at him as they head out of the training room.


It's already past 30 minutes after 5:00 in the afternoon, Mina is already fixing all her things in the table. She then went to the comfort room to get herself ready after fixing her things. She did some retouching on her lipstick and applied some light make up on her face. She then pulled out a small bottle and sprayed some perfume on both sides of her neck and a little on her wrist which then she rubbed. She then wondered "How should I act when I'm with Taketo. Would it be fine if I act like how I used to be during senior high school? Should I act more mature and try to seduce him for a bit to notice me?" She then stopped with a sigh. "Taketo has been insensitive during senior high school days. I just hoped he managed to acquire some emotion after all those years that we haven't seen each other. I'll just let faith decide then." Then her phone rang. It was Taketo. She urgently answered the call.


"Mina, are you done with your work already?"

"Yep, I'm about to leave the office. Where are you at?"

"We are just 2 blocks away from the office. Once you notice a small shrine at the side of the road, just count 3 more establishments and you're already at the front of the bar. Just head up on the second floor. I'll wait for you outside the door."

"Noted on that. I'll be there in 15 minutes." as she heads out of the office.

"See you then. Take care."

"Thanks. Bye." Mina blushed again as she ended the call.

After several minutes of walking, Mina then noticed the small shrine that Taketo has been talking about. "There's something eerie about this shrine." while she continued walking.

Mina arrived at the bar. She then waved at Taketo who is waiting outside for her. The two of them then entered the bar.


While Taketo was waiting outside, Nikita has been talking to her male friend who is working at the bar. "Is everything prepared now?"

"Yes, my lady. All of your subordinates had already been briefed on what is needed to be done. They are just waiting for your go signal my lady." the other person responded as he continued cleaning some glasses.

"Don't fail it this time. I don't want to extend my stay here. I also don't want to cause trouble for other people while we are working on it. I'm still not sure if we can really pull him back to his home world. If we do succeed, I guarantee you that there would be some unnecessary reactions from him."

"Let's just hope for the best my lady. By the way, your sister has been wondering why you are not answering her telepathic calls lately my lady. She also asked why had you been blocking her access to your telepathic visions my lady." as the other person stopped on what he is doing while waiting for Nikita's reply.

"Just say to her that I've got some things to do that I needed to keep private from her. By the way, I managed to find someone close to him that we can use in this plan. She'll be here in a minute. Make sure that you keep her alive no matter what happens. Do you hear me?!" Nikita demanded to the other guy.

"We understand my lady. We will make sure of that." the other person then again resumed in cleaning the glasses.

The door of the bar suddenly opens as Taketo and Mina came in. They approached Nikita who is sitting on the side of the bar table.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Nikita." as Mina did a slight bow towards Nikita.

"It's okay. I'm just happy for you to be here." Nikita shook her hands while smiling at Mina.

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