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Chapter 6: Chapter 5

Everything had been a big surprise for Taketo. He saw someone that he had already known and he met new guys that have been treating him as if he's royalty. He doesn't know how he would react. For a moment he expected that he died while on the other hand, there he is, standing, wondering, feeling confused, and being lost on what is happening right now.

"You may be worrying what happened to the other side but let me guarantee you, my lord, that you are still alive. It is my good news to you." Peridona said.

"I'm sure there's also bad news that had tagged along with that news right?" Taketo asked.

"Well might I say the other good news before the bad ones, my lord?" Peridona replied.

"Oh, there's another good news? Then please update me on that news of yours." Taketo replied in a surprised manner.

"Mina had survived the accident, my lord," Peridona replied.

Taketo already knows that. That is the reason why he believed that he already died. He thought that there might be some good news other than the ones that he already knows.

"And Mina had already forgiven you, my lord." Peridona followed her last reply.

Taketo felt satisfied with that last one. At least he managed to be forgiven before leaving the world of the living. Taketo continued to remain quiet. He's waiting for all the information he can get from Peridona.

"By the way my lord, you are still alive so you don't have to worry that much." Peridona then again said.

"That is the part I still can't grasp. Can anyone of you explain what had really happened? I'm a bit lost right now." Take replied with high importance.

On the side, Greimond decided to butt in and replied, "This may take some time my lord. You might opt to talk about this once we returned to your castle, my lord." He said.

That again is big news for Taketo. He knows that he only owns a studio apartment which he got as part of the insurance from his parent's death and now they are talking about a castle that he owns. And where do you even think to place that castle here in the metro city of Tokyo if ever he really is still alive just like what Peridona said? There are only a few more questions he needs to ask before he continues to listen to these three.

"Before we continue on that discussion about the castle and everything, can anyone please answer me first. Is this still Tokyo? Where are we really now?" Taketo asked?

"We are currently in your family's estate my lord. As for the world, we are not on earth anymore. This world is called Azacrea, my lord. It has some similarities with the earth. One does not simply travel by land, air or sea just to get here, my lord. An appropriate ancient summoning ritual is needed to be done to be able to transfer one's soul to this world which what you can consider had happened here to your case, my lord. As for your family's history, you may not know but your ancestors are deeply connected to this world, my lord. You may say that this world is their origin hence these properties and estate that your family owned are now transferred to you, the last of the Demoguru family, my lord Taketo." Greimond reply.

"For now my lord, let us proceed to your castle to allow you have your much-needed travel. We will discuss everything that you want to know once we get there, my lord." Meridona then replied.

The other two, Peridona and Greimond nodded as if responding in approval with that Meridona had said.

Weighing what himself, it seems like an appropriate rest is what Taketo needs rights now. He then nodded in response to what the other three has been suggesting to do. They then walked out of the hall with Greimond and Meridona leading while Peridona is tailing them behind. Arriving at the front of the giant door of the great hall outside, Greimond suddenly stopped and turned around to ask Meridona, "Has a carriage been prepared prior for the transport of our Lord?".

"I already advised the butler to prepare for something for the lord to ride back to the castle. I'm also wondering why I haven't seen any carriage around here. I suggest that we just do it like how we usually do since I don't believe there's anything for the lord to ride back to the castle." Meridona replied.

"And how would you explain that to our new lord who had just arrived here?" Greimond then asked Meridona as if doubtful on what she would answer.

"Then I'll just carry lord Taketo back to the castle." Peridone butted in to end the argument.

Both Greimond and Meridona look at her in a surprising way. It seems that Peridona had crossed something that she shouldn't have done.

"Wouldn't that be disrespectful to our Lord?" Greimond again asked, this time a bit more annoyed.

"Peridona! mind your manners. You shouldn't bring the culture you have learned back there here. It's not how things go here. I believe that won't be necessary. I can just go back to the castle and get someone to bring the carriage here." Meridona abruptly replied in an angry tone.

"Settle down, everyone. I can just walk my way back to the castle wherever it is. I just need someone to guide me back there." Taketo butted in to stop the argument that is about to happen.

"That won't be possible, my lord. It would at least need half of your day just to get there. If we just have the first demon lord's gate ability, then this won't be a problem." Greimond replied in a bit worried and sad tone.

Hearing what Greimond had said, Taketo then thought on what they had said earlier. The great hall is part of his estate. To get to the great hall from the castle would require at least 12 hours. A normal human walking at 5 kilometers per hour. Multiply that to 12. A total of at least 60 kilometers distance from the castle and this area is still part of his estate? That then forced Taketo to asked a sudden unrelated question.

"Saying that we are a bit far from the castle, let me believe that we are somewhere at the boundary of my estate right?" Taketo suddenly asked.

"You are wrong my lord, we are at least at a quarter of your estate my lord. At an estimate, your family owns one-eighth of this world including those unhabitable areas due to the fact that your family has been at the pinnacle of this kingdom." Greimond proudly replied.

"Hence we don't suggest you being seen as a mere traveler by your subjects, my lord." Meridona followed Greimond's reply.

"I see. And what of this gate that you were talking about earlier then?" Taketo replied.

"It is one of the abilities that your family had. Every kingdom of this world is so eager to learn how your family was able to do it. Your family's execution of this ability depends on the affinity of the person. The higher affinity the person is, the more powerful and bigger the gate he would be able to open. One just simply needs to be in that place before or be able to see a photographic memory of someone else subordinate who had been there before." Greimond replied.

"One just simply need to browse to the memory of his subordinate especially those who had sworn to them by giving them their submission coin." Greimond followed through.

"How do you do that? How would you be able to see your subordinates photographic memory?" Taketo then asked back.

"It would look as if your browsing for files if I compare it with the world you were from, my lord. That is how it looks to me." Peridona replied proudly.

Taketo suddenly thought about it. Imagine things as if he was browsing for a video file from his computer but instead do it through the memories he can remember. He first thought of his own memories. He saw all his past memories as if it is a video file. He did check those memories as if playing it from a windows media player application. While browsing through, there are other memories mixed up in it that he can't remember if it ever occurred to him. He then started accessing those other memories that he can't remember. He saw one clip that seems to happen from one of the onsens, a public bath in Japan. It was as if he was seeing things the way the owner of the vision had seen it. It looks as if the owner of the vision is ashamed to see a naked woman around here. It looks like the owner of the vision is covering her eye while peeking on a small opening between the fingers. The owner of the memory might be a woman, that's what Taketo thought. He then moved on with other clips. Then he finally saw a castle at one of the clips he was browsing through. It was gorgeous with those big towers on its corners. It looks way bigger than those documentaries that he had seen from the television before. Three times the size, that is his estimate. He then holds that vision and takes note of a certain area somewhere in that castle based on the photographic memory that he found. He then thought of drawing himself and the others into that place. Taketo suddenly came back to his consciousness when someone called to him.

"My lord, is this you're doing?" The female voice said with urgency.

"By the name of the great create creator, this is much for a mere transport of 4 beings." The other old sound man said also with urgency

"Lord Taketo, whose photographic memory did you check without permission?" Another female voice said sounding a bit disappointed.

Taketo then notices the other three, looking at him in a surprising way as they asked those questions. Greimond then pointed on the ground as if asking Taketo to look down. Taketo then looked down and was surprised by what he saw. Multiple layers of runes scripted on the ground glowing. Taketo then moved his eyes as if checking on how big those circle runes were. He was then shocked that the runes covered the great hall and beyond. The size of the runes even reached the forest area. Which may also be the reason why the other three have been barraging him with questions. Taketo did not expect it to actually happen. He tried to imagine it the way Greimond and Peridona described it and based on what Greimond had said earlier, the bigger the gate means the more powerful the being is. Taketo then thought to himself, then I am a powerful being? The way I can summon this humongous gate, can I be considered someone powerful worthy to be called as the lord of this estate? Taketo then stopped again when he noticed the other three kneeling in front of him as they said.

"You really are worthy of being the greatest lord of this family, my lord Taketo." Greimond said.

"I am thankful for all you had thought me here Greimond." Taketo replied

"I am not sure what other things you may be able to do my lord but I'm more than willing to give my life to you. It may seem a bit late and I believe both Greimond and Peridona had already submitted to you my lord, but please consider my submission" Meridona said while reaching out to Taketo as if to give something. Taketo then noticed another gold coin similar to what he has in his pocket. He then recalled what Greimond had said earlier, those coins served as a token of submission and loyalty to someone they considered to be worthy to be called as their lord.

Taketo then picked up Merida's submission coin and placed it in one of his pockets then replied, "It will be my pleasure to have your help and service in developing my kingdom Meridona.". Taketo replied thinking it is a must for him to respond in a formal way just like how Meridona had said it.

Lastly, Peridona then said, "I just hope you did not peek on my memory and instead use Greimond's memory in opening this gate, my lord.".

"I believe it is not yours, Peridona. I saw some books and arcane things as I skim through the photographic memories." Taketo sounding a bit hesitant.

After that, all three then had risen up feeling satisfied with their lord's answer.

Greimond then asked again, "I'm a little worried about how big this gate you had opened my lord. This must have taken too much of your mana? I'm also worried that you might have opened it for everyone around here my lord."

"I made sure that this gate is just for the four of us Greimond. I had placed the other end of the gate at the front of the castle gate." Taketo replied. He still wonders what Greimond said when that ability took a large amount of mana from him. He checked himself and did confirm that he feels just right.

"I'm sure this has made you more tired my lord. Let us go then so that you can get your much needed rest." Meridona said as if sounding a bit worried on how Taketo feels right now.

"I understand. Greimond, please lead as we enter the gate." Taketo replied.

"Just as you wish, my lord. Please follow me." Greimond replied as he enters the center of the circular rune where a humongous gate appeared.

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Will continue with these updates. Ill be working on chapter 6 and then will continue with proofreading the draft for chapter 7.

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