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Chapter 3: Worried Fathers Seem To Be The Most Emotional

Taehyung runs through the overly crowded streets frantically. Searching for the bane of his very existence. Dramatic right? But he has no choice but his daughter is missing and he can't find the place she told him to pick her up at.

The bar on 53rd next to the grocery store. Wait, was it 53rd or 63rd? Taehyung's mind was a mess. A simple address, but at this moment it was like the elusive answer to an exam question. Taehyung could just check his messages for confirmation but didn't think of that.

Running up and down the streets, for a while, Taehyung was exhausted. His body was already weary from the lack of food and constantly working overtime and all this running wasn't helping in the least. He had to stop for a moment to catch his breath. In doing so a wave of dizziness swept over him. Taehyung was in a terrible state.

Looking around at his surroundings Taehyung notices a large white building labeled 'Grocery Store'.

And right next to it was a purple bar. "Oh, wow it was right here," Taehyung said exasperatedly. He began to run toward the bar with a renewed spirit.

When he entered the bar, the first thing that Taehyung saw was Jeni on stage singing. Seeing his precious baby alright and happy relieved Taehyung of some tension.

Taehyung looked around to find somewhere to sit. As he looked he found an old friend. One from his dark past, like before Jeni was born.

He gave her a curt nod and latched his eyes onto his daughter. Looking closely Taehyung notices the man holding his daughter's hand. He watches their performance with dismay. Taehyung had a dark look on his face as he watched his beloved daughter sing with a stranger. His dark countenance had scared the people sitting around him to move away. His eyes emitted a chilling light as he watched on.

Once the performance ends Taehyung slowly rose from the seat he found and approaches them. People around him avoid him as he walks. When Taehyung got close enough to see Jeni giggling with the handsome man he chilling expression softens a bit, but his eyes contained restrained anger.

Jeni felt a familiar gaze on her and looked directly at Taehyung. When Jeni saw Taehyung's dark angry eyes, she knew that she was in a lot of trouble. 'Ah, daddy is mad.' She exclaimed inwardly. With her arms wrapped around the man's neck, Jeni tries to make herself smaller. Thinking that her actions will ease her father's anger and the punishment that is to come.

The man notices Jeni's actions and wonders. 'Is she okay? Why's she squeezing me so tightly?' He strokes her head in an attempt to calm her down. Not knowing how this further infuriates Taehyung.

Through gritted teeth, Taehyung says, "Jeni, you have three minutes." And in those three minutes, Jeni understood how bitter regret was. Her mind was in a state of panic. 'Wuu.....wuu. Why does daddy have to be so scary when he's mad? The look in daddy's eyes is going to freeze Jeni. Jeni shouldn't have run away.' Jeni cried inwardly as she slowly pulled herself from the handsome man's arms. Before running to her father Jeni kisses the handsome man on the cheek.

Taehyung narrows his eyes at this, the temperature around him seems to drop momentarily. Still he takes no action. He waits until Jeni is right in front of him before sweeping her into his arms. His chilly air disappearing completely. Inhaling her milky scent, Taehyung felt his hanging heart settle down. He buried his face into her hair and sighed softly. Jeni felt her father's racing heartbeat and heard his sigh. Although apprehensive Jeni felt guilty. She was able to see the struggles Taehyung went through trying to raise her on his own. Biting her small lips Jeni looks at her father.

"Daddy, let's go home," Jeni whispers. Not calling him Tae-Tae as she normally does. Taehyung takes note of this and kisses Jeni's rosy cheeks.

Taehyung turns and begins to walk off when the handsome man calls out.


He reaches them and pulls out two cards. He hands one to Jeni and the other to Taehyung. Jeni snatches the card from his hand and giggles. While Taehyung just stares at the hand in front of him blankly.

"Um, the little one has some talent onstage." The handsome man says, rubbing his head awkwardly. "And this card is to promote our bar, also to give you my contact information. The little one said you would want it." The handsome man added. Taehyung looks at the handsome man a bit with unreadable eyes before taking the card. Taehyung read the name on the card. 'Jeon Jungkook, huh. Nice name.' Taehyung thinks before stuffing the

card into his pocket.

"Thanks," he mutters to Jungkook before walking off with his kid in hand this time. Jungkook felt the wind blow as he turned back. "Looks like somethings changing," He says before walking back into the bar.

The walk home was quiet. Neither Taehyung nor Jeni spoke. Jeni was thinking over the punishment she was about to receive. While Taehyung was trying to calm his boiling anger before they got home.

Once they stepped through the door of their home Jeni ran upstairs to her room. She looked at the list of rules behind her door. "1...2... 3... Oh! This is the one that Jeni broke today. Leaving without telling daddy where Jeni is going," Jeni muttered to herself. Her glittering eyes trailed off the to punishment. 'Five palm lashes.' Jeni winced at the thought of it.

The rule and punishment were what Jeni herself had come up with. She heard it from her friend Molly who had gotten that very punishment for running away. And now it was going to be used on her. When Jeni ran away she did not think of the consequences, and now regrets everything.

Jeni left the protection of her room and knocked on her father's. Taehyung opens the door and looks at Jeni with a tired gaze.

Teahyung runs his hand through his blonde as he's done many times today. He squats to Jeni's height and stares at her silently. He knows what's to come. He has his own copy of the list of rules. A saying that was common during his childhood flashed through his mind. " This hurts you more than this hurts me." Taehyung understood it as he went for the belt he had prepared.

It looked hard but in reality, it was really soft and wouldn't cause much pain. But the idea of beating his child made his heartache nonetheless. Taehyung looked at Jeni's small hands. They were trembling. Slowly Taehyung lifted the belt. His hand stayed in the air for a moment because tears had filled his eyes. His teary eyes meet Jeni's, whose eyes were just as teary as his. He couldn't bear to hit her. 'She too precious, I-i cant.' Taehyung didn't want to punish her this way.

His knees gave way. Taehyung took Jeni into a hug and cried. He hugged her tightly. The hugged like this for quite some time until Taehyung calmed down.

He rubbed Jeni's back as if he was consoling her when he was really just consoling himself. 'I'm unfit to be a father.' Taehyung thought to himself. Jeni's appearance in his life was something that happened suddenly. He didn't regret keeping a single bit though.

Taehyung's thoughts were like this before he heard the soft snores coming from his shoulder. He shook his head with a slight smile on his face. 'Guess she was exhausted. But she didn't eat. Jeni's going to be fussy tomorrow.' Taehyung thought. He rose up from the floor and lay down Jeni on his bed. He covered her with his duvet and kissed her head.

"Good night my love," Taehyung whispered in her ears. He then got in bed with her. After such a long day they both were exhausted.

Rosie00003 Rosie00003

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