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Chapter 1: Prologue

The Keilan Empire, the Elipse Continent, in a small bookstore in the capital of the empire an old man sat reading aloud his book to a group of children – they listened intently, enthralled by the history of their grand nation:

"They say that once upon a time there were numerous kingdoms and empires spanning this vast world of ours, in constant war with one another to be the dominant force; ignoring the greater threat: the forest of beasts." The old man took a bitter sigh thinking of the ignorance of his ancestors.

"One of the worlds' greatest mysteries is the existence of the forest of beasts, although called a forest in reality it's a collection of multiple forests across all six continent; yet nonetheless all are dominated by the powerful beasts in their depths.

At the time the world ignored the threat after all, could mindless beasts overthrow the organised armies of their kingdoms?

Yet despite their bravado they had neglected to pay attention to their greatest threat and their legacies destroyed, an entire continent fell to the beasts within hours of what would come to be known as the first beast wave by the survivors, the continent of humans no more…

Hundreds of years passed, yet still humanity continued to war against one another instead of banding together to fight the growing threat – although they had given rise to the occupation 'Adventurer' who they tasked to defeat the beasts in the forests of their continents, but despite their best efforts, their efforts were as good as futile.

Time passed and gradually it the descendants began to forget that the beast continent had once been home to humans, but there were still those who remembered and continued to fight in the shadows of their ignorant world.

The Keilan Clan of the Elipse Continent."

"The founders of our mighty empire!" A young boy in the group stood up and shouted proudly, his face was full of awe as he imagined the might of his homes founding ancestors.

The old man gave a soft chuckle as he motioned for the boy to sit down once more, "Quite right young one, the ancestors of our empire had never forgotten the pain the beasts had caused them as they were the original descendants of the continent taken over by the beasts themselves!

The Keilan Clan fought on bravely for countless years, stopping many potential beast waves and defending the continents of the world in secret.

They had managed to set up a base in the continent of beasts and use it for training their youth for generations – honing the mightiest of warriors.

Yet what can mere physical might do against beasts with the power to control the elements? Their steel melted by fire and their bodies cut by blades of wind.

Even the toughness of steel armour couldn't defend from such attacks.

It wasn't until the first Emperor of Keilan was born that we humans managed to ascend onto the path of power ourselves!" The old man stopped for a second to let the weight of his words sink in, an excited look appeared in the eyes of every child listening.

"Elementa!" The children shouted, with another chuckle the old man nodded his head as he looked at the children who looked at him expectantly.

"In the old language of the Keilan Clan, when they were a kingdom and not a clan, Elementa meant elements.

As you're taught in school Elementa can be used to mimic the power of the elements and course it through our bodies, but even the most talented of Elementa Wielders are limited to mimicking at most two elements.

Only the first Emperor wielded the power to control all elements, becoming the strongest person to ever live all by the mere age of twenty.

In three short years, the Emperor managed to wipe out the continent of beasts, giving back to it the name his ancestors had once called it: The Elipse Continent!

The first Emperor established the Keilan Empire on this continent, this very city is where the small outpost the Keilan Clan had first built was located, the birthplace of Elementa.

In five short years, the Emperor moved across all of the other five continents and brought them under his rule, spreading the power of Elementa as he went and within those five short years the might of his army was unprecedented it was truly magnificent!

With the total unification of the world the Emperor turned to the forest of beasts, yet even he had underestimated the true power that lurked in their depths – it seemed the truly powerful beasts of the Elipse continent had migrated to the other forests when they had conquered the continent, the war which he had thought would be simple raged on for five decades.

Five decades of fighting!

Then finally the world was brought to silence as the Emperor decapitated the final Beast King, one of the most powerful of all the beasts.

The beasts in combat with human armies turned and fled to the forest of beasts never to dare venture out again.

The Emperor knew that without a common enemy to fight the humans of the world would soon return to their greedy ways, especially so with the power of Elementa in their hands.

So the Emperor decreed that the beasts wouldn't be annihilated and instead with the mysterious power of the elements at his commands ordered a beast wave to occur every decade so that the human race would never slack and decline once more."

The old man closed the book and the children began to cheer, cheering the first Emperor and the might of their kingdom.

Both boys and girls alike imagined themselves fighting off a beast wave on the front lines – imagining themselves as awe-inspiring existences as they slaughtered countless beasts.

The old man laughed as he looked at their enthusiastic attitudes, standing up he smiled at the clerk of the bookstore who returned it with a small nod before returning to the book he was reading not noticing the old man had simply seemed to disappear as he left the store, all but one child remained ignorant of this fact.

"Bailey stop staring at the door! Don't you want to fight the beasts when you grow up? Protect humanity and become famous?" A young girl with fiery red hair, no older than ten at most, tugged on the arm of the boy.

"Not interested." His gaze moved from the door and to the girl, his blue ocean like eyes and golden hair attracted the attention of all the children as he said this.

"WHAT?!" They all screamed in unison before crowding him and began to argue with him as children do.

In a place distant from the bookstore the old man reappeared in the spire of a tower, he stood staring out into the distance – towards a vast forest that stretched for miles.

"Grandfather!" A young voice came from behind and the excited steps of a child running could be heard, the old man gave a soft chuckle and turned to face his grandson. The small boy charged towards him as fast as his small legs could carry him.

"Where did you go today grandfather?" He managed to stop himself just before he collided with the old mans' legs and began to question him.

"A bookstore this time, the children there were as excited as always, the next beast wave is in nine years and most of them will have been able to join the army by then – no doubt many of them will."

The young boy looked up in awe, "Do you- do you think I could fight too?" He asked, his small face held an expectant gaze as he looked at the old man.

"Anything's possible! But I think your father would push this old man to his death before he let his heir go off to war."

The old laughed thought of his own son, even he would hesitate before sending his grandson to that battlefield let alone the boys' father.

"Exactly, so don't even think about it." Another voice appeared in the spire, a middle-aged man appeared from the staircase as he glared at Lewis, and it was obvious to anyone who looked at this scene that the two were father and son – the tell-tale blond hair and piercing eyes was an unmissable combination.

"Lewis, I need to speak with your grandfather, go find your mother okay?" The young boy puffed his cheeks before reluctantly running off to find his mother, his little footsteps descending the staircase the only sound until they faded into the background.

"Father." The man kneeled and looked at the old man, "Do you need to be so respectful? We're family, you idiot!" The old man berated him before sighing and turning back to look into the distance at the forest once more.

"Luke. This world is changing once more, I can feel it. A threat more dangerous than even the beasts are descending on our world and we must be able to fight against it, for the sake of Lewis and every other child in this world I created…"

Neither of them spoke, the man had already gotten back on his feet and was looking at his father, "This beast wave… it'll be unlike any other in the past forty years, don't allow our race to become complacent!"

With that the old man disappeared again, as the sun began to set in the distance Luke simply stared at the place where his father had been standing and nodded before setting off towards the military workshop.

Eight years later…

In the distant forest of beasts on the Elipse Continent, a ray of light appeared and from it, a person emerged.

"Welcome to Keilan, please follow the tutorial."

Immortal_Pain Immortal_Pain

I hope you enjoyed. :)

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