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Chapter 13: Meeting “Her” Again

Edan and the rest of the team approached Hittan after the students were dismissed to congratulate him for his "first" class. Once Hittan saw the team approach he immediately began smiling as he noticed more of the members seemingly had a proud expression on their face to be associated with him.

"Falkner, thank you for your stance in the critical moment. I do appreciate it and I appreciate you all coming today and staying behind to support me."

"Well, you are the team's leader and I'm not that 'foolhardy' or 'arrogant' to fight with you, hahaha! Right, Samir?"

"That's very true, leader and Elder Hittan, hahaha."

"... Mo... mother!" Edan suddenly lost his cool and became very nervous as his mother approached and in toe his two cousins!

"Your mother? Where is she, Edan?" Hittan looked around and immediately found a familiar face but what stunned him was that there were two of them!

"Instructor Hittan that was certainly an interesting lesson," Ragna said once they were within 20 feet of each other. She would not bring herself to call Hittan an Elder given his age and this was the same for the other Elders. Which Hittan did not mind as his new life was truly a second chance.

Edan, after regaining his composure, immediately greeted his mother, "Edan greets Mother." He said while following with a bow.

The others immediately greeted in the same fashion. However, the title was changed to Elder. During all of this Hittan, Kaia and Kaija had not stopped examining each other. A real sense of familiarity had struck Hittan with both females and he slowly began to open his mouth to speak, finally.

Kaia and Kaija felt a strange attraction once they were close to him. Something almost magnetic.

Noticing the awkwardness of the moment Ragna was curious if he knew the girls. But thought that it was impossible since the girls had just arrived and Hittan himself also arrived a day ago. That was his first time leaving the village if she were to believe the Headmaster's words. She and a few select Elders knew the group was from the Village but not their status.

"Kaija... why are there two of you?" For a moment everyone paused because of the strangeness of the question. Clearly, Hittan was no fool and certainly, he would be aware that twins were a natural occurrence in all aspects of nature. Crystal Core twining is not strange but clearly, Hittan had not been told Kaija had a twin sister!

Hittan realising that he misspoke smiled and tried to salvage the situation as best as possible.

"My apologies, I practice a little bit of "Fate Seeker - Light Refraction Arts" and was a bit confused when I saw you both just now. No harm was meant by it."

It was Edan that spoke next and in an attempt to help Hittan had casually passed over something important. "Yes, they are my twin cousins from the Alicorn Empire. They are the…"

"Edan, be quiet. You said "Fate Seeker" just now, can you explain why you would see Kaija in that vision?"

"... What! Fate Seeker Art, Hittan you've been holding out on me again!" Edan responded almost on instinct to the irk of his mother who gave him a look to shut him up once more.

Edan immediately placed his palm onto his mouth and joined the rest of the group in silence. As everyone was seemingly waiting for a response from Hittan. Hittan himself realised his cover revealed a little more than what his age could manage. But everything about him as never been normal even before his rebirth, even so, he was not flustered but saw it as a good start to the reunion.

Hittan looked at both girls as he spoke, "would you believe me if I said that our futures are forever intertwined? It seems our fates are unavoidable."

"What fate could us sisters share with you? Hehe, could it be that you expect to wed us both?" Kaia teasingly said to Hittan while eyeing Kaija. Kaija all along said nothing and only looked at Hittan for his response.

Hittan did not laugh or shirk at Kaia's statement. He became deadly serious as he stared at them before answering Kaia.

"Yes. In this life, in this time or any other, our fates will never separate."

Immediately Kaia became silent as she was not sure if Hittan was really serious or playing along with her. So she waited for an "it's a joke" statement to follow but it never came. However, someone else did come up after hearing Hittan's claims.


"Sang, watch your mouth when addressing the leader!" As Edan shouted the rest of Team New Hope looked at him with cold eyes ready to attack!

Ragna simple watched and wondered when did her son find a team and someone he was willing to call his leader? But she had to ask herself how did Hittan know Kaija and was it really Fate Seeker Arts?

Looking at Sang, Hittan certainly understood his feelings. But understanding and giving up were two completely different things. After signalling to the team to calm down. Hittan looked towards Sang with a calm expression.

"I can understand your feelings, you want one or, both possibly. But I never said I owned them or by default, they are mine." Turning to look towards Kaia and Kaija Hittan continued. "As angelically beautiful as they are, they are still not trophies for anyone to possess and I apologise if that is what you heard.

What I meant was, my fate and theirs seemed to be tied and cannot be untied even in death."

"Isn't that the same thing! Do you take me for a fool?!"

"No, but you seemed to have missed my point. If they were to die, this moment, then so would I."

This statement shook everyone present and especially Kaia and Kaija!

"What! Utter nonsense!" It was at this point that Sang became fuming mad and was at a loss for words.

"You must be lying! Prove it for us to see! It's not like we can kill the.." Jager had stepped up to help Sang. But had not spoken clearly enough before being cut off by Ragna and left too much room for misunderstanding in his words.

"Be quiet Jager!"

"What do you mean by 'prove it'? Are you… implying…"

As Hittan spoke the temperature started rising drastically as blood lust as thick as magma boiled! Making it hard for them to breed!

"Instructor Hittan! That was not his intent." Ragna quickly clarified his intentions.

"Oh, my apologies my fellow student. But please be more careful with your words. So how should I prove my ability?"

"Why don't you predict where I will hit you if you dare?"

"Yes, and since this is just a test you are only allowed to block but not hit back! Depend solely on your prediction to avoid the attacks." Jager still could not help chime in on his friend's behalf. Hittan thought he was at least a good friend.

"Okay, I'll blindfold myself in the interest of fairness," Hittan added to the last measure to drive home the point of fate being in control of their destinies.

Truthfully even Hittan himself wondered if he spoke some measure of truth. Given the situation, it would seem his actions to control fate did nothing but give him a second chance. How else could he explain meeting them so early and the relationship with Edan? Was it just a coincidence that he was reborn into his own life?


"Hittan that was so cool man! The way you predicted each move before he could even launch the attack! But what did my mother mean by "you at least qualify?"

"I'm also not sure."


"Yes, Ona"

"Is what you said true? Are you really tied to them through fate?"

"... Maybe. It is true that I believe I'm here because of Kaija. But I honestly thought both of them was Kaija."

"If what you say is true then how do you plan on pursuing her or them?"

"Valencia, that I'm not too sure of myself."

"My mother would often tell me that Kaija has always been one to follow the family rules. While Kaia is more of a free spirit. I hope they gave you encouragement when they spoke to you alone, but you have a hard task ahead of you."

"... I know. But I've come this far and nothing will stop me, again."


A thousand years into the future where Hittan's death had already passed 5 years. The ripple effect of his actions so far have started to influence the upcoming disaster. However, no one can see what happens on the day of the invasion and the events after.

"Kaia, It seems Hittan did indeed affect the prediction but it's not all bad. The timeline for their arrival has shortened significantly, but it seems we've gained an ally in him and the outcome of the war is no longer a confirmed disaster."

"But where has he gone to and how can we find him?"

"Sadly, not even Lady Oracle can locate him. Not even his future can be tied down. Which is what gives us hope that he can be of assistance when the time comes."


As Low Sun approached (Evening) Hittan was lost in thought, thinking of the strangeness of what Kaija had said.

'My efforts to leave a lasting impression on them seemed to have worked. I'm happy it wasn't a bad first impression, but one of passion and devotion. But I must admit even I was surprised that she was a twin. Them being twins explains why their soul signatures were so similar. If they weren't next to each other and the clear difference in personality types even now I would find it hard to distinguish. Could this explain the personality shift in our first meeting to that of the second meeting? Is this why it felt like I was falling in love with her all over again on our second meeting? I feel something strange, an attraction to both that seem almost instinctive as if I'm being pulled towards both of them. I don't recall having this feeling before or are my senses now more acute in this life? I need answers.

Still, I can't fully understand what she meant by "fruitless task," is it that they have a previous engagement…


"You shouldn't be so quick to call upon fate to do your bidding. These things have serious consequences if not properly done. Don't use that skill wantonly in the future."

"I will listen to you wholeheartedly…"


"... if, you promise to be my wife."

"Pfft! Kaija, he got you with that one. If you want to give orders you must be his wife, hahaha!"

"Kaia, please behave!"

'So it's Kaia.'

"Both of you will have to promise."

"Hehehe, ambitious aren't you! Good, I like your confidence!"



"... Don't tamper with fate..." She said while squinting at him.

"Also, there are certain things we all can't control. I advise you not to take on a fruitless task."

"Let me worry about what's fruitless Darling. You don't need to worry ever again."

"You're very persistent."

"I won't give you up either Honey."

"Hehe, we'll see Mr Husband."


… a fruitless task, huh. I'll see who dares stand in my way this time! I'll make it so they don't suddenly vanish, again!'


A number of reveals this chapter and a few more questions to be answered.

But the real question here is something you're not thinking of. That is, knowing you had to make your former future lover fall back in love with you, how would you do it? By any means possible or like a gentleman?

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