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Chapter 4: The Tutorial

Reo slowly sank through the chair, and into the floor. As he sank further through the floor he entered into the library from the ceiling. As he was slowly falling towards the floor of the library, he had a chance to peer at a room that seemed endless. Row after row of bookshelves, where the books were neatly stacked in their shelves, he looked from each side of his shoulder, and couldn't see the beginning or the end of the room. He drifted down to the top shelves of the library still out of arms reach from any book, he found himself drawn to the titles on the spine of the books. As he read the titles out loud he couldn't believe some of the names he thought were just stories. The Life and Times of Harry Potter, Mickey Mouse, and Zelda were just some of the few. His slow descent started to pick up pace with each title he read. He reached the floor of the library and slowly started to drift through the ground and his head finally sank into the floor his vision faded to black.

"Hey, wake up!" a high pitched overly cheerful voiced pierced his ears. "Welcome to the universe of Naruto." The same voice continued on, as the formally named male Reo now known as Sasuske slowly started to open his eyes, he noticed he was in what seemed like a modern day hospital room. 'Was it all just a bad dream' he thought to himself, he looked around the room almost expecting to see his sisters and mother waiting for him to wake. "Hey, Look here" he heard the same chirping that woke him up. As Sasuke started to look for the voice, he saw a white pulsing dot with wings flying around the room. "I am Navi and your tutorial through the system known as Gamer. I will be your liaison between the system and yourself, but once you figure the inner workings of the system my usefulness will be reduced greatly."

Sasuke continued to listen to the welcome speech as he curiously looked around the room. He noticed that he was in a bed that was the size of a single in his world, to his right were machines that looked like they measured his heart beat but the screen remained frozen. There was a small window in the door, and a man that was just outside his door hadn't moved in the last minute or two. "Navi, is the world frozen, or perhaps a better word would be paused." The flying white dot flew up and down "this will be the only time this universe will be paused and it will remain frozen until the tutorial is over." A third dimensional text block appeared a few feet from his face. Words started appearing as Sasuske started to read the words out loud. "Welcome Sasuke of the Uchiha clan, the user interface is beginning to upload. Please close your eyes until Navi tells you otherwise." Sasuke slowly and tightly closed his eyes waiting for his new directions, minutes passed as he waited.

As he waited for the user interface to finish uploading, Sasuke started to think about the things he would miss in his old life. He slowly pictured the faces of his sisters eating breakfast at the kitchen table as his mother continued to serve them eggs and toast. He made a vow to never forget their faces or the way they smiled as they put butter, cinnamon and sugar on their toast and devoured the slice of bread in a few bites. He tried to remember their voices at that table as they discussed the new episode of Naruto Shippuden they watched the previous night. How they kept whispering because I use to taunt them about falling in love with a show that was able to be drawn with a box of Crayola crayons. He didn't regret the fact that he was missing what he now knows is vital information, Sasuke regrets that he missed the sound of their words because he teased them. The sound of their voices seemingly all the more important because he will never be able to hear them again.

As he was lost in his memories, Sasuke started to remember some conversations about Naruto the show. 'Naruto is the main character which makes since because the show is named after him, he has a connection with a fox. Narutos village are the good guys, but I suppose any village you are born in would remain good to them. Snakes are bad, toads are good. The old man spoke of four other people, two girls and two guys including myself.' "Hmm, Susake is currently learning at the academy, maybe I will get some flash backs as I learn more of the history of this village" Sasuske mumbled to himself. "Please open your eyes Sasuke" Navi spoke in her typical high octave voice. Once my eyes were opened and readjusted to the bright white walls and powerful lightbulbs above me, I noticed a few things. "As I'm sure you are aware a few new additions have been added for your viewing pleasure."' Hearing Navi put it that way sounded much nicer than saying that my eyesight was now partially polluted with serval small colored bars and boxes.

"You can now see your health bar directly above the chakra bar in the upper left hand corner of your eye sight. The numbers below both bars show how much health and chakra you gain per minute, the numbers inside the bars show both your current and max amount of health and chakra you have." Sasuke was never really into gaming like some people he knew but he could insinuate that the less health you had the closer to death he was, and no chakra meant he couldn't use any jutus he saw from Sasukes life. Navi continued her long winded speech "near the chakra bar and below the chakra per minute statistics you will see four boxes. The first box is the systems shop, you are able to spend ryo or the experience you gain to pay for certain objects, skills and unlocking system upgrades. The next box to the right of the shop is for your notifications. It shows messages in the system and a combat log. It's an important storage of information, we wouldn't want your sight to be lit up with fireworks and a giant text box saying 'congratulations you leveled up' after killing an enemy right as their ally is about to stab you in the neck. Instead everything is deposited in this neat little box."

'Okay' I thought, 'all of this information is complete basic and could be learned just by accessing the boxes' as I finished my thought Navi's tutorial kept going. "The next box is your statistics, it quantifies your power into a level and further breaks it down by going into specifics sections. Such as strength, speed, wisdom, etc. The last box is your talent tree, it's broken into three different branches, defense, offense and support. Selecting one branch will void the other two branches so select it carefully. Two more things, the first is the circle located to the right of your talent tree box, it shows how much experience you have gained and how much more is needed to level up. The experience circle works similar to a clock as you gain experience part of the circle is highlighted moving clockwise. Once the circle is completely highlighted you will have leveled. Last thing, to access anything located on the user interface simply think it, for example think 'shop' and the box will become available and to turn off all user interface settings just think UI off. Thanks for listening to the tutorial by Navi, goodbye."

Everything around me started moving again, I could hear the constant beeping from the machines to my right and after the first beep the door to my room opened. "Get that demon in here now, every other room is full of Uchiha corpses that are waiting to be examined." The doctor led the two nurses carrying a stretcher with a kid the same age as me. I could see splotches of wet blood over his orange jacket, his fingers on his left hand are bent in the wrong direction. His left leg had his shin bone sticking out of his skin. "Set him here in this bed" the doctor order as he looked over the chart in his hands. "He was attacked by a mob of villagers, he has three stab wounds to the chest that need to be sewn closed. Three cracked ribs on his right side, his left hand needs to be put in a cast after setting his fingers, and someone put his shin bone back in his body and put a cast on it." As the doctor finished his instructions the nurses got to work quickly. They cut his orange jacket off exposing his chest and grabbed a needle and thread they started to sew the wounds closed. As the needle entered into his skin everyone in the room heard him groan "why are you hurting me haven't you done enough?" The room froze, the nurses looked at the doctor as the doctor was registering that he was still awake. "Holy fuck" the doctor yelled "get him some fucking sedatives before his body goes into shock from the pain you morons." Sasuke looked at the kid they called a demon that looked like he got rolled over by a semi-truck 'so much for this being the good village, huh sisters' he thought as he closed his eyes not wanting to see anymore.

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