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Chapter 6: By Gods

A couple days later is Mr Dvorak's strom class with Jordan, we sat by each other and everything was as good as it gets. Demonstration day!

"Alright everyone get in a line. Today you will be creating a shield, I will go down the line and send a storm blast at you that you must deflect or else you get hurt and fail."

Mr Dvorak was a harsh teacher, leaving us with no safety or way out. Maybe that's what we needed to really test us, a chance of hurt. Mr Dvorak started down the line, pushing off a simple storm blast. The students before just barely stopped the blast, hair whipping up but unscratched. The guy next to me stopped it perfectly, so far everyone was good. I got my hands ready in a defensive position, the blast seemed stronger than I expected luckily I put up my best shield feeling the vibrations of the spell in my legs.

"Good." he comments, his stare still uninterested. Next was Jordan, Mr Dvorak charged up his blast with a smile, getting into a stance stronger than before. Jordan crosses her arms and closes her eyes, she was particularly good at shields. Actually she was good at everything. The blast that Mr Dvorak sent towards Jordan was 10 times more powerful than what was sent to me and Jordan didn't flinch or even move she reflected it back at him so fast he was knocked over. She giggled a little bit obviously noticing how Mr. Dvorak was picking on her, Serves him right, It wasn't fair to Jordan to get treated different even if she is more powerful. He gets up holding onto a chair his black hair tousled all over. This scene reminded me of the first night when he found us and recruited us. He seemed off but I guess he was doing his job.

"Outside now." He shouts at Jordan and stomps outside, Jordan following timidly behind him. He came back in five minutes later alone and with less messy hair.

"Where is Jordan?" I angrily ask. I hate being separated from her

"She has been moved up to third year classes since she's too advanced for you wimps." He sneers, well there goes my only friend in class.


I waltzed through the empty hallways as everyone was in class and I didn't have to be until tomorrow since Mr. Dvorak had harshly kicked me out. I did not like him for the harshness of his blue black eyes when he looked at me or Jack. There was something behind them that made her feel unsafe, even if he was a decent teacher. I stopped abruptly feeling a familiar energy. Weirdly enough I didn't find myself in front of my room, but instead an unfamiliar smooth doorway that had such a light aura, you would think heaven was behind it. So of course I had to check it out. Curiosity killed the Jordan they say, or I say, dont judge. I held my hand on the smooth dark wood and tried to push, but the door completely dissolved when my fingertips pressed down. This mysterious energy was getting quite interesting. I stepped inside and then I was encased in a tower of pure white marble, which in fact is not a part of the school because it is all old grey stone. So where was I? Stairs unfolded themselves before me, like clouds pure white spiraling up the endless tower. Is this a dream? I couldn't hear my steps or feel the energy leave me as I climbed the endless steps. The stairs started almost ten people wide but now had narrowed until my small hips brushed the walls. It was as if the passage up was to be made by only me. I glided up the last step into a tall room with a column of pure white energy spouting from the center. All energy had a color, from dark red of mine to the green of Jack and the darkness of the cloud that followed me. This was different, like a rainbow of energy. I could feel it pulling atoms out of my skin vibrating the hairs in my ears so I felt off balance. I knew this was something secret and sacred, so why was I the one here? There was no remnant of humans ever entering this tower. No scuff marks, no dust, no footprints, no trash. It is as if it appeared only for me. Drawing in not only the essence of my being but my curiosity I touched the beacon of energy with the very tip of my finger and was scorched with blinding power that buzzed through my veins and blinded my eyes for a moment. Many moments I felt as If I were floating in the blackness of my closed eyes until I tumbled into another unfamiliar place.

"The lioness of the Gods, the cleanser of evil, the hunter of ways" serenaded a satiny voice. "Why are you here Ariel Jordan Wayhunter?" As my eyes peeled open I was greeted with flames, and I scurried away on a cold floor but the flames didn't move. A long dark arm lifted me up to my feet. This long arm connected to a woman wrapped in flame that licked just up to her collarbone. Her hands covered in black gloves laced with flame receded.

"I….I am Jordan not Ariel." Was all I could choke out to this goddess of a woman.

"Here we speak of your god given name first Ariel, but you have not answered my question, why are you here."

"That would be my doing, Ustrina." Spoke a man out of the clouds. He wore a cape of silver that seemed to float like a storm and his hair was, at least looked like bolts of lightning frozen in place but still surged with energy. The fiery woman looked at him quizzically, but her eyes, pure red gave little emotion away.

"Cataegis, this meeting only brings her into more danger." Her voice was so smooth I felt at ease even if my fate was being discussed. As he drew closer to me I could see his eyes were also just yellow energy behind human looking lids. What are these figures.

"Please tell me what is happening." I squeak sounding nothing like the graceful Ustrina. Caraegis laughs in a mocking way.

"Ariel, you know us, even if you don't think you do. Our energy, blood and power runs through your veins. You are as close to to a god that earth has had for 50 millenia." His voice was like sparks against my skin, and they were both considerably taller. As in seven or eight feet tall, as perfect as one could be. They were gods, and I was a puny human descendant of them.

"Don't think of yourself as unworthy, you may be more powerful than I. Do you know why you are special?" He laughs regarding me as if I were not small.

"I have blood of Chaos and Order in me, and running strong?" I knew it was fact but I asked it as a question.

"Yes and Order has won your soul, you were born to be the lioness of the gods, born to take down your counterpart, born to bring a new power to the world. You deserve a seat upon the gods." Other tall figures strode in, "But instead you were born into the world of chaos to bring order while we slumber aiding to you our power." Caraegis ceased speaking as a woman adorned with a crown of ice and pale blue skin reached the circle, a man who looked like the forest floor and had antlers growing from his temples linked arms with her and a graceful waterfall of inky hair and misty blue energy grabbed the woman with the fiery dress and she held onto Caraegis. All around me were gods of Water, Fire, Storm, Earth, and Ice, now chanting and eyes glowing as tears of energy flowed around my feet. To stunned to do anything I was drowned in the energy of gods as they chanted my middle name, Ariel along with other words I couldn't catch until I spun out of existence.

So stunned by the last twenty minutes I just stood staring around me until my eyes got used to to absence of the holy glow. I was In the courtyard, not where I had found the stairs and class was just getting out which should mean it was 1 pm. I had been kicked out of Mr. Dvorak's class at 11:33, there was no way, no way at all. My brain was swimming so fast I could have a gold medal in the olympics. I had no Idea what to think but the only person I knew who may understand was Ms. Ember of course. As I fled the courtyard to the backside of the coliseum Jack reached my side and kept in pace silently as we went to her office. Upon entering the doors Jack commented on something but I didn't hear.


Jordan was taller, instead of her head reaching a little above my chin her eyes were that level, something had changed in the past couple hours. Her luminous gold eyes were like kaleidoscopes, little flakes of green and red and blue floated around like never before, but I couldn't just study Jordan for the rest of the day.

"What happened?" I ask out of pure curiosity, she didn't even hear me as Ms. Ember walked in. She collapsed in the fluffy red chair and I sat next to her giving Ms. Ember a look of concern.

"Ms. Ember, I believe I just met the gods." She spoke with little reaction but Ms. Ember was a different story, her face went white and she moved her mouth as if to say something but couldn't. After a moment though she did.

"You found the marble tower?" She hushed.

"More like it found me. They kept calling me Ariel and chanting, I was so intimidated but Caraegis was calming me down."

"You met them all? Not just one?"

"Well I met two personally, the rest just circled around me and did something weird. Please tell me this is a dream." Jordan pleaded with Ember, I was shocked. Gods? And Jordan? I may be close to as shocked as Jordan is.

"Jordan, you were born into great access to power and the Gods invited you to their home so you must be in their favor or they needed something from you." Ms. Ember concludes still unsure. " I have seen Ustrina before, since I am one of her closest disciples, but that was over a hundred years ago." She trailed off and I spoke for the first time.

" I think maybe they gave something to her." I state quite confident in my realization, the way she held herself her eyes and height. "You have grown at least three inches in the past hour, and there is something, I am unsure what it is, that is just glowing about you." I tried to not seem like a lovesick puppy but it was the truth. There was a glow on the inside that made it hard to look away from her.

"Good observation Jack, I believe you are correct."

"Do you feel okay Jordy?

"Better than I ever have actually."

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