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Chapter 16: BONUS CHAPTER: The parents story (:

Love comes in many ways, in dreams, in cheesy pickup lines, in laughs, in friendship, in intense stares, in a gentle touch or a seductive encounter. Sometimes it feels impossible, you tell yourself you cant feel something so strong in a day, in a look, in an hour, in a touch. Sometimes it seems like everything is against you and love still grows between the fingers in the grasp that strangles you. It's almost as if our body already knows how you feel before you decide, you end up knee deep in your impossibly impossible love.



My first assignment as second in command chaos king, I was allowed to take control of Hawaii and drive many people out with an eruption of Kilauea. I stayed in the smallest of hotels near the base of the volcano, every night I would meditate and shake the island with my might. Dinner was served to my door by a beautiful girl with hyacinth eyes. She never gave me a second look which helped me stay focused. Every night I would scorch trees and houses pushing the lava further out to wipe the island clean. The hotel was basically deserted, even though I had taken a liking to the place and spared it from the chaos.

The next day the tides rose so high halting my progress, It poured for 3 days and nights and I knew that there must be an Elementalist here on my case. I went into town searching for anyone, but everything was deserted, of course the Elementalist would have evacuated everyone and remains completely out of my sight. Where could the bastard be? I was brooding over my next steps when the soft knock came at my door at 6 sharp.

"Come in…" My annoyed voice rings through the door. She shyly cracks open the door and begins to set the tray down. "Join me will you please." I push as much persuasion as I can into my voice. She steps in and looks nervously graceful.

"Why haven't you evacuated yet sir?" She asks looking down, hiding those pretty eyes. She could be my distraction, I was very attracted to her slim breakable figure and long dark tangled hair.

"I like the danger." I heard her take in a fast breath, she was a true beauty and I needed a taste of what was beautiful in this world before I slowly burn it away. I stand up and slowly approach her, and she raises her head to me with a questioning intense stare. She had to be feeling this tension in the air. I grab the tray of food and set it on the small counter and walk closer to her she steps towards the door. I press my arms on either side of her trapping her against the door. She didn't look frightened but intrigued. Only fueling my fire, I slammed my lips onto hers. Her soft lips did not deny mine but greeted them. Taking a breath and an inch of space from the intense moment, something was bothering my senses. Before I could even care she leaned forward and nipped my bottom lip and I drove back into the fiery passion of the kiss. Her fingers played with the hem of my shirt almost begging me to take it off. Almost not even disconnecting the kiss my shirt was gone and my stress was leveling off with my need for chaotic passion of an unknown lover. Her lips moved to a smile as her hand was over my heart and then I felt the intense chill of death.


I woke up with something uncomfortable digging into my back, still in my room. Shirtless tied to a chair, I looked down at my chest a mark of an icy star over my heart. I should not have let my guard down how did I never notice it was her all along!

"HELLO, come out from wherever you are hiding and speak to me you coward!" She saunters around a corner with a grand smile. This version of her was much more appealing than the meek shy service lady. I could never have her, it was more than forbidden, it was cursed and we are born to hate each other. "Why am I still here?"

"We work a little differently from you, I don't kill on sight without emotion or guilt."

"I would say there was no lack of emotion in that instance, why didn't you stop it sooner?" I was trying to get something out of her, I had the worst pain in my chest. I was hoping it was due to the spell not something more… complicated. Her face did break character for a second but she was skilled. I barely picked her up with my heightened senses.

"I was actually enjoying myself, no one said tracking you would have perks like this."

"How long have you been assigned to me?"

"Three years."

"Wow you must have been dying to kiss me then"

"Not as badly as you, you only lasted five days." She chuckled and I smiled, it was a terrible start to a friendship and a doomed one. Then again chaos is my forte.

"So what happens now, I'm sure I won't survive any trial your people put me on, I'm heir to the Throne of Chaos. The day you eliminate me there will be a celebration."

"Cameron, the woman who defeated Kellan the Prince of Chaos, maybe I will get a plaque for it."

"Cameron… Cameron"

"Why are you saying my name all creepy like that." She looked disturbed and I laughed.

"Just answer my question first!"

"Well the elders are on their way but some of your guys have intercepted them so it may be a couple days."

"Since this is my last couple days living, could you grant me a last meal?"

"Ew pervert-"

"Cameron….. You are so beautiful."


"Don't say that." He was studying me so intently my willpower wavered. Studying him for three years was easy, he just trained and went on missions. Now we were alone and It was much more real to be talking to a human someone I could relate to and was vibrantly handsome. His strong brown gold eyes were always studying something and to be the focus of his attention was flattering and made me feel more uncomfortable than I have ever been in my life. He kept repeating my name and it made my spine tingle in a good way.

"Kellan stop it!" I push down on his shoulders never remembering coming closer to him. He flicked a finger and with a gust of wind I was pushed into his lap. It was unplanned and I was flustered. He was powerful enough to kill me but I was stealthy enough to fool him. He had me unraveling. His hot breath rushed down my neck as I bowed my head to him not able to look at his sultry eyes.

"Cameron, Cameron,.... Cameron" he whispers.

I broke the intimate contact and went to the bathroom. My face was flushed so he definitely knew his effect. Why is this happening, before he was a task now he was here on front of me. Not broodingly evil but extremely handsomely overwhelming.


She took a long shower and I was so uncomfortable tied to the chair. How could I get out of this, my powers were drained because of the spell. I needed to leave and return to the fortress for safety. She bettered me, she bettered me. I kept thinking how I never noticed her grand powers. How I never noticed her for three years. I do remember seeing her once. I remember the glow of purple eyes watching me through the water on my first mission ever, I left the strange feeling go and focused on another. As the pain from the spell was subsiding I realized the throbbing in my chest was from a heart of longing not a spell. Could I be any more screwed? Any Chaotic in the entire fortress, in the entire world would be a suitable mate for me. Her, Cameron, was what my heart desired. Maybe it would pass...

Who am I kidding I've never felt like this for the 21 years of life I've had. It's impossible….impossible love.


She reapplied the seal on my powers and sprawled herself on top of the sheets of my bed.

"Can you let me go for the last days of my life, I promise I wont run away." I was biding time for my escape.

"Ha, don't even try me."

"I don't want to die so miserably. Let me go out with a bang, kill me yourself."

"Stop, don't say that."

"Why not? You don't want to part with me?" she scoffs and rolls over trying to ignore me, but I wouldn't let her her get off.

"Cameron oh Cameron don't you leave me." I started to sing in my terrible voice, "I'm dying so can't you please me… Cameron oh Cameron with your pretty hyacinth eyes, you don't even look at me with despise" She covers her head with a pillow trying to block out of my terrible ballad. "Cameron oh Cameron please let me free, we could run away together how crazy that...would.. be." I pause thinking about the words that just escaped my lips. For a boy, a man who had everything, to just leave? No.


I was getting annoyed with how long the court was taking and more annoyed at how far my willpower has waned. We had the instant connection that only happens in romance novels and movies. It's like there was some influence by the gods. He purposely annoyed me all day long today asking me to kill him. Why would I do that? It's...not my job or something I want. What do I want. I need a clear head.

"I'm going out." Kellan stirs, apparently asleep. His brown eyes look groggy.

"Take me."

"Why would I take my prisoner out with me?"

"I want to see," His voice cracks with tiredness, "the damage I have done." without control I took in a sharp breath. He was feeling? Empathy?

"Fine." I slowly step over to him and place another seal on his heart so he doesn't get the chance to overpower me. The anti magic ropes released he attempts to get out of the chair, but stumbles right on to me. Slowly correcting himself and towering over me. I suddenly feared I made a grave mistake letting him go. He had a blood red gem on his ring and it flashed in my eyes. Without the gem in the ring he has no way to channel the elements. Perfect, I grab it off his hand and stick it around the chain on my pendant. He has no way to leave or beat me now. Why hasn't anyone ever thought of that before. His face looked sad for a second then just stony and tired.

"How do you know I wont just run away and live as a mortal for the rest of my life?"

"Would you?"

"Touche" I tried to break that rocky exterior of him compared to what he said earlier. Is he just trying to fool me? Why am I playing into his hand?

We arrived on the beach at sunset. Feeling the wind in my hair and sand sifting under my feet. I felt lighter and less afraid. I didn't know what exactly I feared at this moment, I could just feel it there. Kellan stayed at the edge of the water only letting the tide touch his ankles. Unmoving he stared off in the distance and looked at the jagged edges of the obsidian cliffside. Where water crashed against molten lava days before. I stopped my staring and waded into the water further so it reached my thighs. Every step made my essence flow more like water. I needed this, I felt disconnected from the elements in the small shabby hotel room.


I could feel Cameron's stare on me like a stinging on my skin. I was showing some sort of feeling and being observed doing it. Luckily she looked away before I looked at her, she could have found the weakness in my eyes. Her hair was billowing in the ocean's breeze, as she went further out in the water the sun cast the most angelic glow over her. Outlined in gold a strong, brilliant woman able to change the stubbornest of men. I wish I didn't need to leave Hawaii, I wish I didn't need to die for my crimes against humanity. I was spending my silence in the room thinking about ways to make a balance with the elementalists, of course she inspired me. I had never been fooled by an elementalist, or gotten to know one, or been attracted to one. My stomach was churning. It was nice that there were no mortals around, but of course I had inspired that move. Even with that my head was telling me something was up. Cameron wouldn't be planning something right? Do I know her well enough to safely assume that? She was looking towards me again and I took a step towards her into ankle deep ocean water. It was chilling and helped my senses. It was hard to look at her now all outlined with heavenly force. She wasn't the source of this extreme force I felt though. I saw her confusion as she went from knee deep water to ankle in one step then it was gone. Her eyes found a fish flopping near her feet and seaweed lying limp on the sand.`I couldn't take my eyes off her as a deep fear set in. I watched it cross her face and paint her eyes a dark shade of worry. She turned her head sending dark curls tumbling over her shoulder, she looked at me so intently that I thought I may melt. This energy was Chaotic, and I could feel it was a group spell. The Council thinks I have failed, they have sent this to kill me, and they will very well succeed unless some miracle happens within the next minute. We both heard the rumbling of the wave. She closes the gap between us just as the tsunami coves full force into view. She doesn't even have time to turn around as she shoves me down and throws her hands above her. Then it hits and I close my eyes fora second, the force pushes me back a couple feet but I remained dry. Cameron is shaking in front of me arms full tense force flowing through her creating a hole on the wave big enough to shield just us. Her pendant was glowing bright green and my little ring sitting right next to her big gem was also glowing dark red. The force made it hard to keep my eyes open but I did to see the veins in her arms bulging and her feet pushing deeper into the sand. Her pretty pale face was squinted in pain like she wanted to cry out but if she did then all the built up tension would collapse. Just one more minute… and we might make it. We might.....We did make it. Well I did. Cameron was slumped on the ground shaking and coughing. I was so shocked it took me too long to react. While my ears were ringing in the eerie silence, she was probably rejecting the elements and had minutes left. I scrambled over to her on my knees. Surprisingly my hands were shaking as I turned her over. She was coughing blood and her irises were gone.

"Cameron, don't you die for me. Think how much joy you will have when I thank you for saving me." I plead. "Cameron, just come back to this world. It needs you, the world needs you, please listen, I need you here…" She continued to cough but her eyes were back to glistening hyacinth. Her connection to the elements is strong. I became aware of the raw emotion I was feeling. It as been a long time since I felt like I had something to lose, It all rushed back. Knowing love, pain and desperation, all that had been driven out of us as trainees of the chaos. I cradled her head as she took in shallow rapid breaths as if she were just drowning. She expended at least three times more energy just to save me. She almost died saving me, what guilt, what a debt. I gently scooped her up when her breathing slowed and her eyes closed from exhaustion and carried her all the way back to the hotel. The wave seemed to only hit us and not damage much else so that was one plus for the event. I layed her down on the bed and tucked her under the blankets, planning to sit on the couch the rest of the night not that dreaded chair, her arm pulled me back. She was still asleep as far as I could tell but she pulled me in and I could feel her pulling in a little of my power to heal. If she needs me, I guess she needs me. I just wish I didn't set her in the middle of the bed.

In the late morning she let me go and the absence of her hand gripping mine woke me. Of course I hadn't been sound asleep sitting against the backboard by her but the absence of her touch bothered me. She shifted to the side of the bed thank the gods. I haven't laid down for three days, so my back was thanking me as it sank into the bed. I stared at the ceiling waiting for rejection from her, or a noise of protest but there was nothing. She was probably still in deep healing sleep. I turned my head to look at her for a second and my body jerked the second we made eye contact.

"When are you going to thank me?"

"Well.." My words were not coming to out right, this is not me. I need to be slapped.

"Well? Well I'm waiting, you said you would."

"You actually heard what I was saying!"

"I heard it all, prepare to be embarrassed when I start quoting-" I grabbed her face and pushed a slow kiss on her lips. Gladly stopping that train of thought. Cameron was very warm and tasted like salt water and citrus. She made the smallest noise as I sucked on her bottom lip and let her go.

"If you ever threaten me with my feelings again I won't hesitate to kiss you to shut you up."

"OOOHHhh, Feelings!" She laughed so hard I was worried she might hurt her barely recovered self. Then I remembered she was a badass woman. "You just said the F-word!"

"You are just asking for it aren't you?"

"Yes I am, kiss me again. Right now. Hurry up." I roll halfway over her and look her in the eyes judging if she really is taunting me or… who cares. This time she brings the fire to my calm and cool until we are both heated up.

"Sill havent thanked me." she whispers in my ear then bites it sending actual shivers down my spine. I kiss down her jaw.

"Cameron," my lips slowly trail down her neck, "Thank," and down her collar bone and the soft skin beneath, "You." I pause and look up at her, at some point we both lost our shirts and she almost has her shorts off. They were unbuttoned and showed a little patch of skin. Her eyes were closed and we were both breathing hard. She was an item of perfection, right there and I realized my seal of powerlessness had worn off. I was free to go If I took the ring off the bedside table. I didn't have to die if I left the love of my life here now and forever. If this moment had happened three days ago I would be gone in a second. No one was more important to me than myself. Did I have a choice, everyone knows what humans must do to survive. Love, give love, have love, make love. And if I had to die right after knowing how to live then I guess I would die.

"Cameron baby," I whispered in between kisses, "what do you want me to do?" She opened her eyes and I've never seen a more fiery stare. Her fingers toyed with the waistband of my pants and her other hand undid the button. She decided to push me over and remove what was left of her clothes along with mine. Nothing sounded better than her, nothing felt better than her, nothing could ever be better than her.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to shower before I nap for the next five years." she states kissing my nose smiling.

"I'm gonna sit here and take it all in for a bit, go ahead"

"I never thought you would reject that opportunity"

"I just want to keep this memory for as long as I can before you hand me over." She punches my chest surprisingly much harder then I was prepared for.

"Are you stupid, why would I save you from dying, kiss you, actually s…. actually care about you and let you die like that off the hook." She looked actually angry that I had assumed we weren't any different. She went to the bathroom not caring to cover up and making me regret every word I said.

It seemed like forever before she came back out, I thought that gave me time to think of what to say but it all left my brain. Only she can give me a loss for words.

"I-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Wait, okay… Cameron I didn't want to be off the hook with you. I think I am actually already hooked on you. I just. I'm not used to an after. Actually never had an after with someone. I feel like the only way the world could punish me for that is by killing me before I could even try to make this impossible feat possible. Look at the situation we are in," I pause for one second to gauge her reaction, she looks like how I feel. Defeated. "How will you look if you fail your mission!"

"I don't care! Do you?"

"I- well it has it's advantages being King, I could demand you be accepted with me. Things could work out in a couple of years for us."

"So the only way we can be together, if that's what you want to call it is if I go back with you and leave everything behind while you have it all?" She shouts, I was trying to make her less upset.

"Cameron, hey baby lets just sit down." I could feel the energy simmering off of her as she sat next to me. I covered her hand with mine.

"They wanted to kill you but you want to go back?"

"It's all I know, and you also know I would never be accepted with the elementalists. I'm cold blooded, ruthless, emotionless. In their view." I took a breath and a chance. " I was already thinking of some changes that we could make to Chaos, a balance, a peace. Didn't Persephone bring spring to the underworld?" I knew she would get that one my little smarty.

"I guess that would be something, but when if I don't want to stay there forever?"

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it Cami"

"Kellan promise me that this is real." Instead of reassuring her with words I grabbed my ring from across her and took it off her pendant. She was staring at me intently and her body was tight. I pressed down on the gem and the replica of my ring appeared in my hand.

"Cameron Thea Bard, this ring is attached to mine, so whenever you press the gem I know where you are and can come to you in any second. If you don't think I am serious then please don't accept the only ring I have for my beloved. It's powerful magic." She holds it to her chest. "Keep it hidden, maybe around your pendant like it was…" she slow moved to do this, she knew how much this meant. How when she put it on her pretty finger someday, it will never come off until one of us dies.

"Kellan, stay one more day." She whispers finally cooled off.

"Of course."

I didn't count the days anymore, It felt like a second with her. It was time for me to leave late in the night a day later. She was standing sullen at the door. It was like a dream vacation, on steroids since we almost died, but something I may never get to experience again. Actually no, if Cameron stays in my life I won't believe everything will be the same.

"Kellan, I will see you again."

"I will see you soon. Don't worry," I cup her face with my hand. Her pretty eyes were watery but she would not cry. She is too strong to cry for me.

"Tomorrow?" She smiles and laughs a painful laugh.

"Just make sure to only summon me when you are alone." I place a kiss on her cheek and take a step out the door. I was swallowed up by the tornado and back home in my wonderful dark suite. Alone.

The first few weeks she contacted me and it was great. I got to see the elemental island and her room and we could talk and kiss and relax. That's why I was quite upset when she hasn't communicated with me for over 3 weeks. What did I do? Had she regret ever meeting me. Or been caught? I was showing my worry and Erkek asked me if I needed to go on another mission to use up my energy. I happily went out for the day and started a small forest fire right by the fire department so they could fight it easily. Still nothing for Cameron. Should I summon her? As if on cue my ring flared up red. I instantly answered and appeared in her room. It was devoid of light and I could barely make out her figure sitting on the edge of the bed. Something was wrong, she feels different.

"Cameron what's wrong. I know something is up. "I..I can't lose you."

"I'm afraid you will leave me.. it's"

"Cameron, nothing could make me love you less." She actually cried when I said that, and I started to feel afraid did she find someone else? Her aura was so strong while she was weeping on the bed and I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

"I thought I would be ready to tell you but I'm so scared…"

"Tell me what I can do?"

"Maybe just leave-"

"No I will not leave you." I watched as tears trickled down her face can she toyed with the little ring I gave her. I slowly held on to it and it glowed it's deep red glow. "Come home with me Cameron, I want to see you every day of my life. Wear this ring with pride for me."

"You might not want me too…"

"Why Cameron why! I love you isn't that enough??!"

"You need to love us both!"

"What?" She was silent and my mind was scattered. "You mean me and you?"

"No I mean me and our baby." I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. My body was shutting down. "Kellan if you can't do it then please leave me right now. I can't take it." I snapped out of my stupor and took the ring out of her delicate hand and placed it on her finger.

"Cameron, I love you both." She placed a hand on her stomach and smiled with tears still glistening in her hyacinth eyes. "I love you both." I kept repeating. My heart was about to explode my head felt fuzzy but I knew I loved them both.

My head was now going in overdrive protect mode. "Well come with me it's the safest… well I can protect you the easiest."

"Kellan, I don't want it to grow up in a chaotic fortress.."

"Can you at least stay with me until it's born? After that, well after that we can find somewhere away from it all we can-"


"Okay? It's that easy?"

"Well I would like to be with you and have you waiting on me as I carry your child. Kellan oh Kellan, can you rub my back, oh I'm hungry."

She was laughing and I was too.

"No promises."

"I can already see it in your eyes you are being all protective dad mode."

"I'm gonna be a father."

"Yes you are, and we have a little prince or princess that needs the utmost protection. You already know the possibility of their power. The legend…" she slowly rambles quieter.

"I can already see the power radiating off you, we need to keep it lower. I can work with someone I trust, there are a few. Don't worry Cami, our little one will be safe." I finally reassured her and she leaned into me our rings glowing together. I press the gem on mine and we swirl away into the future of the impossibly impossible love.

emmanemm emmanemm

Thanks for reading! This is the story of Kellan and Cameron and how they make an impossible love work.


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