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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Help me

Down the empty streets, strolling through the ruins a coarse haired girl moved. She had no destination in mind. Just looking for away to get away from her village. A way to get away from her memories that followed this day. This dark gloomy day.

The girl gazed down on the dusty floor, frowning at everything in sight, thinking of her family.

"I really wish I knew how to save you". The girl whispered, frown deepening.

The girl was so lost in thought. Her mind so far off that she almost fell, tripping over a stone. "Ahh!", she yelled in surprise. This snapped her right out and she noticed a figure against a building.

She wasn't too sure about whether the man was dead or alive, but she decided to check it out anyways. She grabbed a stick off the dusty sand and cautiously walked towards him.

Now standing before the figure the girl took a good look at the laying body. The man had long blond hair, with a pale skin and by the looks of it the man looked a bit dehydrated. He most likely had been traveling through far distances.

Her grip on the stick tightened, and she poked the man on the forehead, frowning at the lack of response. She tried it once again and when she still didn't get a response, she tried again.

As she heard the figure groan, she decided to poke the man on rib for her own amusement .

"Grrr, stop that!". The figure yelled, grabbing Nalas' stick, breaking it in half. "Who the hell are y-

He cut his sentence, taking in the appearance of his attacker. It was a coarse curly haired little girl, with skin as dark as chocolate, and large pitch black curious eyes, looking down at him with a smug grin.

'What the? Whose kid is this!', Taiga thought, glaring at the girl.

"Are you done dying Idiot?". Nala asked, in a flat monotone voice.

"What did you just call me Kid?!". Taiga yelled, forgetting all about how tired he felt. He leapt to his feet, and grabbed the kid by the collar, glaring at her.

Nala looked up at him, unfazed by his glare. "What? Are you going to bully a child now, Idiot?". Nala taunted, giving Taiga a sly smirk, realizing the situation at hand, Taiga placed Nala back on the ground, and took a step back. The action didn't go unnoticed by Nala, and she raised an eyebrow at that.

"What's the matter Idiot, cats caught your tongue?". Nala taunted some more, stepping closer to him. She didn't know why she was doing this, she could tell the man wasn't human but, bothering him made her feel so much better about today.

"Stop talking kid. You are starting to piss me off", Taiga growled, he could feel his anger rising the more the girl talked. "Hasn't your mother ever taught you how to respect your elders?".

"Shut up", Now Nala was just as mad. "Don't you ever talk about my mother". She growled.

"Then you stop being such an asshole!". They glared at each other, neither wanting to say anything to the other. After a while of having their staring contest taiga sighed and looked away.

"Look kid, I'm not going to fight with you", he sighed.


"Urgh! Can you at least tell me your name?". Taiga asked, dramatically throwing his hands up.

"Nala", She mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Good. See now we're making progress". Taiga grinned. He decided to take a closer look at the kids appearance and noticed how dirty she looked. By the looks of it the kid either lived on the streets or in an orphanage.

She had an old worn out white t-shirt that was covered in dirt, giving it a darker appearance, along with black shorts and sandals. The kids had hair that looked so tangled that a brush could get caught in it.

"Hey? Where did you come from", Taiga asked curiously, wondering why a kid would be out in these parts of the ruin.

"That is none of your business". Nala snapped back.

Taiga raised a questioning brow at the kid, but didn't ask further. "Do you at least know where I can find a village to stay in, preferably somewhere with water availability?", Taiga asked, feeling defeated. The kid had such high built walls of defense, it was almost unbearable. He didn't even know how he would get through to her.

"Yah, but I'm not going to tell you. You might attack the village and kill everyone there. I know exactly what you are". Nala replied bluntly.

Taiga froze at her words, shocked at how quickly the kid figured him out. "H-how did you know?". He whispered, forgetting about his whiskered cheeks, which happened to be a dead give away.

"I may be 11 but I'm not stupid. I know all about your kind and what they do to us humans". Nala frowns, "What they did to my parents". She whispered the last part but, Taiga didn't say anything.

"Yah well you're not the only ones who were affected by that war" Naruto mumbled. "I lost everything I held dear to me because of it, I even lost a home. Somewhere to call my own, now I just wander around".

Nala frowns, an awkward pause through the air as they stand still in silence. No one wanting to say anything anymore. The wind blowing over them, nothing could be heard but the silent sound of the windy breeze.

"I can show you the way". Nala mumbled, looking down at a stone. Taiga turning towards her in surprise, not expecting her to say anything.

"W-what?", Taiga asked, surprised.

"I'll take you to the village but, if anything happens then you're on your own. If you want to eat people, then you better keep me out of your food menu!". Nala half heartedly threatened.

"You don't have to worry about that. Humans are not what I would call 5 star meals. Pizza, however, is the food of gods". Taiga playfully winked at her, causing Nala to roll her eyes.

"Anyways, lets get moving. Hop on my back, it'll be faster that way". Taiga smirked, kneeling down in front of Nala, to make it easier for her to climb.

Nala frowns. "How do I know you're not some creepy pedophile, who loves kidnapping kids?".

"W-what?! I'm not a pedophile! That's disgusting!". Taiga yelled, feeling a outraged at the Nalas' accusation.

Nala simply shrugs her shoulder nonchalantly. "You can never be too careful with who you trust".

"Well then I guess, I should be worried about you ratting me out to the villagers". Taiga frowned, eyeing Nala suspiciously.

"Maybe you should". Nala replied flatly.

"You know Nala . You are probably the coldest kid I've ever met". Taiga said, sighing, before giving Nala a tired smile. "Fine since you don't want my help". Taiga stood up straight, dusting off his pants.

Mazushi Village

Finally they reached the village but ,before they could enter Nala asked Taiga to stay behind and wait for her. Taiga watched the girl leave until she was a good distance away from him.

"Great, now I have to stay hidden and wait, how boring". Taiga thought pouting. He was feeling tired and he was still thirsty, but he didn't have any other choice, but to wait. The only other thing that could quench his thirst would be human blood but, that was not even an option, sighing, he leaned under a tree, looking down at the ground making sure his face was hidden enough, just in case some human decided to step here. He still hated their very existence but, it's not like he could attack Nala or try to kill her. At the end of the day she was still just a child compared to him and killing children, no matter what their race just felt so wrong.

Eventually he grew bored of waiting and decided to just enter the village and look for Taiga. He could not just walk in undisguised so he grabbed the silk scarf around his neck and covered his face leaving out his eyes to see. If he walked in uncovered they would immediately recognize him for what he was.

He stepped closer to the village and entered inside. There wasn't much inside. The place looked a bit deserted. Had he not seen the people walking by he would have thought the area was abandoned. He sniffed out the air trying to catch a whiff of Nalas' scent. It wasn't too far, just a few blocks away, so he followed the scent, the stronger the smell the closer he was.

Finally it stopped near an old broken down house. He looked at the house curiously, taking in how strangely large it looked. If it weren't so worn down he was sure it would be a mansion. He stepped closer and entered inside the old house. He could hear the sound of the wooden floor creaking with every step he took, curiously he looked around and noticed an old broken picture frame facing down on the table.

He lifted the picture and same a woman carrying a 3 year old girl that looked like Nala, and next to her was a man who Taiga assumed was her father. They looked happy together, with that Taiga realized that this was Nalas' home. The only question left to pounder on now was what happened to figures on the picture.

"Put that down". Taiga jumped, nearly getting a fright from the voice but, quickly relaxing as he realized it was just Nala.

"You really gave me a good scare there Nala". Taiga laughed sheepishly.

Nala didn't look quite as amused by the joke at all but, didn't say anything. She just walked up towards Taiga and grabbed the frame from his hands, placing it right back to where it was.

"So what happened to your family?". Taiga asked ,even though he was fully aware that Nala would not say a word to him.

"It doesn't concern you, so just leave it". Nala growled defensively.

"Alright, fine, don't talk but, I know for a fact that one day you will wish you had told me". Taiga shrugged.

"Whatever you say, oh great Counselor". Nala snorts.

She throws him a bottle of water, catching him off guard but, because of his great reflex he manages to catch it without a sweet. He looks down at the bottle of water in confusion and asks, "Where did you get this water?".

"I have my ways". Nala replied smugly.

With just that answer, Taiga knew that she definitely either stole from someone or from somewhere but, he wasn't going to ask any further, taking a sip from the bottle, he began drinking the bottle until it was left empty, He never really knew how thirsty he was till now.

"Thank you... I guess now is the time for me to find an inn to stay". Taiga awkwardly said, getting ready to leave but, the firm grip on his shirt stopped him.

"D-don't go yet". Nala whispered. To say Taiga was shocked was an understatement, he never expected to see the rude brat looking so desperate.

"W-what? Why not". He asked.

"I need your help". Nala whispered. "I-I didn't help you just for no reason…"

Taiga sighed, deep down he knew there was a catch to getting the water. Water was not an easy thing to get, and no-one just gave it out for free.

He awkwardly smiled down at Nala, before putting his hand on her should. "Alright then, what do you need from me?". He didn't see any harm in helping the kid out, it's not like she would ask him to do something as crazy as killing anyone right?

"I need you to help break my father out of the Human colony".

Hideiskaneki Hideiskaneki

Wow, I never thought I would update this but I finally managed to get the chapter out. I'm really hoping there aren't any mistakes but knowing myself, there definitely is. if you do spot some, you're welcome to point them out so I can fix it.

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