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Chapter 4: Episode 3: Seraphina

A guy with glossy haired gel named John silently walked towards the faculty office with a couple of notes in his hand as he about to pass his assignment from the first period, but he bump into Arlo and his paper dropped. Arlo narrowed his eye.

"Sorry" John fearlessly looked at Arlo and picked up his spreaded notes on the ground

"How dare you.... to our King!?" One of the fodder, a high teir leecher grab John shoulder.

"Trash! get your hands off!" John sharped eye looked at the fodder

"What did you say!? Huh!?" the fodder replied

Leechers are commom at Wellston as this is their credit not to be bullied, or of giving a chance, they're the one who do the bullying. L

But for some reason, even John had his God-Teir backing him up called Seraphina, there are still unendless students who pick a fight with him. Thats why he always had an appointment at the infirmary for every single day

"Piss off!" Arlo looked down at the fodder

"B...but King! This trash is-"

"I said, piss off" Arlo stomped the ground "Why bother teaching a lesson a simpe cripple!?" And stared at the fodder

"Iiiiik I..Im sorry" and so, the wild fodder disappear from their sight.

"Next time, watch your steps" Arlo continued his step forward and didn't spare to look at the irritated looking John. But those words are exactly just for him.

= = =

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Inside the Classroom

When last period ended, Izuku and Katsuki nodded at each other and part ways, Katsuki for some reason wanted to tour the whole school, while Izuku exited and went towards the library for the research.

Katsuki looked at John "Oi Helmet, accompany me"

John stared at him "Huh? Why me?"

"Why not you?" Katsuki followed up "Fakes doesn't need to move a finger, I'll kick their asses before touching you, so lets go!" Katsuki domineeringly said so. And put his hand inside his pocket and move outside

With those words, their classmates became wary of John a bit but mostly because they were afraid of Katsuki. But lesser than Izuku

John packed up and followed Katsuki.

At the bulletin board steps away from their classroom. Katsuki glanced at the specific paper, attached is a Superhero name, the currently deceased Superhero, and students votes about the surprising word "Who is the next Superhero to die, Vote here↓"

"What the... Hey fake, what is this!" Katsuki pointed at the paper

"Don't call me Fake!" John retort and look at the paper, he murmured "Those trash! are playing with people's lives!" As he trembling in angry.

*whistle* "Trash... huh..." Katsuki sneer, tear the whole paper out and put them inside his pocket and started to walk...

"Oi fake...."

"...fake, Oi..."

"....Oi oi fake"

Everytime Katsuki called John, he always attached the word 'Fake' whilst made the latter snap.

"You f*cker!" John cursed and grab his collar and pushed him to the wall.

"You snap bruh... ah I mean.. fake?" Katsuki continued his sneer, followed by "You fake bastard irritated me the most, you know why?"

"The first time is I saw you being bullied, your eyes are determined to kick their asses but you didn't fight back...why?"

"The second time, is faking your smile while being vigilant on your sorroundings...again, why is that?"

"The third time, now you called people trash, cursing them but you didn't do anything to end their arrogance until this point? that is why I hate you, I smell your stinking Fake-ass shit"

"Oh one more thing. That haired gel of yours are the most irritating!"

Katsuki grab John's hand who is grabbing his collar, squeezed it hard and smiled

"Kuh! L...let go!" John couldn't freed himself. Even those workouts for almost 3 whole years, his raw strength are no match against this guy.

"Show me.. What's behind that mask" Katsuki provoked him

Not that he bullied John, this guy knew what kind of person John is, he who hide his identity since last year, but to actually seen through by this man in front of him who just transfered the same day? as if John is a naked book. Just who the hell is this trash? John Thought so.

Calling him fake whilst John cannot retort because that is the absolute truth. Faking his past deeds to be a harmless cripple. But why is he provoking me to this extent? John thought.

Seing Katsuki's eye, John didn't know what was running through this person's mind which is very simple, Katsuki wanted to kill(fight) John, the real John behind his fake mask.

In a sense. He knew that this guy is just like him.

"And here I thought you leave me behind and went home already, here you are flirting with another guy in that embarassing position, jeez" The two heard a voice of a Girl.

"Sera? Ah ah.. this is nothing.. hehe" John pulled his hand out of Katsuki's clutch and scratched his head, chuckling.

'This damn fake!' Katsuki thought, seing this guy changed of face again.

"You're the transfer student. I heard. Yes?" Seraphina walked towards them, in front of Katsuki to be exact.

"This is just a warning...." Seraphina raised her hand and put her palm parallel to Katsuki's stomach, inch apart "Next time, don't do unnecessary commotion, you're disrupting the students"

Hearing so, John and Katsuki discover that there are students that gathered not far away from them.

Katsuki sneered again, and said "And? What Kind of—"

And simultaneously

"Sera, wait!! He—" Before John reached his hand at Seraphina—



Katsuki's body flew back while two sections of the wall crumbled from colliding with his body. Maybe because of Sera's Ability, or maybe because of Katsuki's strong physique. Who knows?

'Aren't you the one who cause unnecessary commotion just now, Sera!?' John thought so and looked at his friend

= = =

= = =



When Izuku is busily skimming books, him and other students heard a destuction and rumbles from outside.

"What was that?" Remi, beside Izuku asks.

Its been an hour since this two became close to each other, like literally close, because they're seating side by side. Especially when Remi slipped her tongue about her brother died because of certain organization, Izuku ask her few questions and silently surf books again. Afterall, they already met the last time, so they feel comfortable together, an acquaintance at the very least.

Remi at the same time didn't think she slip her tongue, and forget them thereafter, for her this Izuku guy will immediately forget thos things. Later did she know that this guy is the best helper she was looking for.

And so until this current event happened

= = =

= = =

'Sera, why now of all times you stands for me?!' John thought. Seing his friend like this, he cannot stop her at all. He felt bliss towards her and at the same time guilt towards Katsuki.

"The hell happened here!?" Two of students came and ask by the one who have crimson coloured hair and golden eye. He is Blyke the Jack.

"Did Ser- Queen did that!?" Asks by another man besides Blyke, who has unkempt light orange hair that is dark at the base and has amber eyes. He is Isen, friend of Remi and Blyke.

Isen surprised of two sections of wall thats been destroyed instead of praising their queen's prowess.

'This is Wellston for God's sake! How come she destroyed that two thick walls!?' Isen thought in dissmay. Wellston is reknowned as number one school, facility durabilities are many times higher than million dollar sturdy house. So how come? He shivered.

Crumble-- Crumble--

"""What the!?"" Many gray shaded color students who witness what actually happened, surprised after the same man who blew off, emerged from the crumbled wall.

"He is.... still concious!?"

"Is he a kind of superhuman? or a monster!?"

"I saw him smash through those thick f*cking walls... how come he's still concious!?"

"Damn that guy is kinda sturdy!"

Students made a surprised commotion.

"K..Kacchan!?" Izuku stands up, surprised after seing his friend actually is the casualty of this crossfire.

"Seraphina!?" Remi also stands up. "What happened!?" She followed and cover her face

"Sera, lets go! I don..." John grab Sera but Katsuki shouted "Stop your Sh*t, fake! That Purple B*tch dalmatian is going to pay!" As he created explosions out of his hands.

' ' 'Dalamtian!?' ' ' John, Izuku, Remi, Blyke and Isen thought simultaneously.

"Oh my God! Is he out of his mind!? He called our that Queen!?" someone pointed out.

"He's crazy!"

"He wanted another beating!"

Others followed.

"What is wrong with your friend!?" Remi look at Izuku, then at Seraphina and Katsuki.

Izuku gulp and thought 'Kacchan, what did you do!? Its only the first day right!'  He face palmed

"No way! Your friend is no match for Sera, stop him befo-!" As if the time stopped, Remi commanded Izuku the same time Katsuki already charged towards Sera.

The clock ticks Slowly...

One second - Remi felt small lightning sparks, turn to look at Izuku.

Two seconds - Katsuki still charging at Seraphina, used his explosion to get near her.

Three seconds - Katsuki and Sera are now in face to face, students are all surprised.

"Die!!" Katsuki shouted with smug face.

Four seconds, Sera along with John, and Katsuki blew back and separated because of an unknown force.

(A/N: FOS RO DAH baby!)

...The clock ticks returned to normal

" time!?" Sera aks in confusion. She also flew back for 5 meters but they're too fast to followed. Her mind was mixed in anxiety and fear.

And so. Who emegered and at the center of Seraphina and Katsuki's battlefield was... Izuku.

"What... are you?" Sera asks Izuku, trembling in fear, her gut feel are shouting that this guy is dangerous. Her ability are absolute, so if one exists, even in a billion chance, theres a high chance second and third person will also emerged. Those thoughts alone made her shiver. She didn't presume that this guy is the special case within those billions.

" tha...that is your ab...bility.. But, will you please stop this now? My friend is the injured here, Huff huff huff" Izuku replied in heavy breathing and thought 'Those feelings, is the same sensation when Shinso used his brainwashing for the first time during our first year's sports festival, One For All helped me this time again. Hufff huff'

"Please, Stop this at once miss, in his stead, I'm very sorry" He followed up and bow, he still steadying his breathing, he then went towards his friends.

Izuku looked at Remi and ask, "R..Remi-chan? where is the clinic?" since she's the only students he knew so far, he boldy asks her.

Then, he lift up Katsuki's arm, putting one on his shoulder.

"Kacchan, didn't they tell you to stop showing off?" Izuku said in sweat

"Whose showing off, Huh!? Didn't you see I was the one who blewn off first!?" Katsuki retort

"I know, I know, so stay still", and whispered "That girl is dangerous!"

"Huh!? so what? I have balls bigger than yours.. so back off! I will kick that purple dalmatian's ass today!" Katsuki stubbornly retort.

"Did you forget why we're here!? Stop being hotblooded, mou~!" Izuku sigh. 'He... is getting out of hand again'. To stop his blabbering he inserted his remaining cinnamon roll at Katsuki's mouth "Thats delicious, so eat it nice and normal, haha" he chuckled

Then, they silently walked out of the battlefield. But more like Izuku dragged Katsuki away with him. Remi at the same time followed the two.

""Remi!"" Blyke and Isen called her.

"I'll take them there, lets meet up later" Remi replied. Then followed the two as per Izuku's request.

"What a tough new guy"

"And he dared to call our Queen, purple dalmatian!!?-"

"Shhh! Stop that will you!"

So peanut gallery commented.

And at the same time. Seraphina is at loss.

And after that? The new Legend has been born.

Aoi_Omoshiroi Aoi_Omoshiroi

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and at the same time if you like. Just vote it..

this may give me enough reason to do my best for every chapters I'll make. even if its only one of hundreds enjoy my work? it made me proud of myself.. ?

PS: Next update → Friday

PSS: don't seek for more chapters as updating twice a week are too much stressful, specially to Lazy me...

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