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Chapter 24: Necromancer (Part I)

The caravan did not met any attack on the way probably because of the 2 impressive high level magic beasts and the two warriors who had tamed them. Linley decided to join Reynolds as he fulfilled his promise to kill the evil aunt because he had no fixed plan for the moment.

They arrived to the caravan destination and followed their way to the City of Cerre without entering others cities to avoid the likely assassination attempts. Keane traveled on a hired carriage but they never met any ambush as the two high level magical beasts were intimidating and even a 9th rank warrior would be reluctant to enter such a difficult battle.

Reynolds did not want to lose too much time with Keane's business as he was not even happy with the annoying spoiled child. "Third brother, I have a favor to ask you". Linley smiled and said. "Well?" Reynolds smiled happily and said. "I don't plan to spent too much time on this annoying task so I will go to the City of Cerre by myself as quick as possible to handle the temporal governor and return so that when we arrive at the governors mansion we can go on our way immediately. Can you protect the group while I'm gone? I shall be back in three days top..."

Linley agreed with this proposal, he also did not have much interest in Keane and the kid keep pestering asking him to teach him a powerful move with sword that he could use without training. "Sure, but I am not sure I can stand the child for more than 3 days".


Reynolds was moving fast as he ran towards the City of Cerre, he would arrive today at mid afternoon with enough time to make some investigations and finish his business tonight. He arrived at the city and entered without any problem.

He walked with calm as he observed the city and took his time to find the governors mansion and get an idea on how to proceed, he then made his way to a restaurant and enjoyed a good meal with a bottle of wine.


Madame Wade was seated on the governors studio, she was angry as she could not find a way to deal her two nephews as all the assassins available refused the job. Even the infamous apothecary refused the job as he was not sure he could kill the two high level magical beasts immediately with his poisons and he did not want to die.

She had no access to a 9th rank warrior, she bitted her lips in frustration as she suddenly felt a wind current and turned to look at the window only to find a pair of purple eyes looking at her and then she knew no more.

"Are you Wade?" A mechanical voice responded. "Yes Master". Reynolds smiled as his work was almost completed. "Tell me what would happen with the city if you die?" The mechanical voice sounded again "The city will suffer as all the funds are collected on a magic crystal card bind to me" Reynolds smiled and said. "You will go immediately to move all funds expect for a 1000 gold coins into a free magic crystal card and come back here".

Madame Wade was confused, she had almost fallen sleep, she wanted to rest but she had to go and move the city funds to a new magic crystal card as she did not want to be forced to return the city funds if she was removed from her position.


The next day news spread within the City of Cerre, the governor had fallen from the third floor of the mansion along with her two brothers. They were dead, they had been drinking and fell from the balcony as she slipped on spilled wine and brought the other two along as she grabbed their shirts while falling.

Several maids had witnessed the accident, the people of Cerre also heard that the new governor would be arriving in a few days.


A few days later the new governor arrived at his mansion parting ways with the hired bodyguards. Linley and Reynolds walked calmly as they were leaving the city. "Do you have any plans third brother?" Linley considered for a moment and said. "I think I should find a calm place to train outside the city but not to far as I want to come back from time to time to see if I hear news from my brother Wharton".

Reynolds said. "Well I'm in no hurry, mind if tag along for a while?" Linley smiled "Sure, it is better to drink accompanied than alone. Even if it is an annoying brat like you who enjoys making fun of his elders..." Reynolds laughed at that.


Within a secluded valley not far from the City of Cerre two wooden cabins could be found next to a lake. On one of them a young man lived with two beautiful women while the other was occupied by a young man and a mouse...

Reynolds and his three companions continued with their usual training routine. The gorgeous red haired beauty sculpted, the beautiful brown haired girl meditated close to the lake. The giant velocidragon kept practicing her tail attack improving its control of the 'impose' realm and the dark haired young man danced with his spear as fire followed his every move.

On the other hand Linley trained by walking on the surface of the water and waving his heavy sword as if waiting for something to make sense, while the little mouse and the giant panther were sleeping comfortably under the shadow of a big tree near the lake.


Linley liked to go to the city from time to time to hear news in hopes of hearing from his brother, Reynolds did not go along most of the time, in his opinion if I have to stay quiet while drinking to hear news... well I rather stay and play with Windsor and Jenne.

Tonight was one of those nights when Linley would go to the city to hunt for news so he decided to stay and after ending his training he called Windsor and Jenne to take a bath in the lake. It was indeed relaxing to enjoy the water after a day of training but the fun was just beginning...

The next morning Reynolds woke up and left the bed without disturbing the two beautiful women who were sleeping naked on each side of him. He smiled while enjoying the view of their perfect bodies and was tempted to wake them up for a new round of playing, but he decided to wait until the night.

He left the cabin and headed to the lake when he found his brother talking with an old man who looked like a living skeleton, Reynolds smiled mischievous and approached interrupting their conversation.

"Third brother, when Koral told me that last night you returned with company I was sure that you had at last brought a beautiful woman, finally renouncing to your monk vows. But why is it that you returned late at night with an old man? I'm really starting to worry about you, I guess there is nothing wrong with you liking a man, but an old man? Third brother I'm sure you can do better".

Both the old man and Linley were listening speechless and just as the old man was going to start chanting a spell to teach some manners to this annoying brat, Linley yelled in anger. "You brat! How is it that you are always making fun of me? Today I, your elder brother, will teach a lesson!" He then took his heavy sword and attacked.

Reynolds was smiling as he greeted the sword with his spear in a seemly lazy way as fire followed along. Linley attack used the 'impose' realm but was nullified with the 'impose' on Reynolds's spear and even repulsed Linley a little while the flames followed along licking Linley's fingers.

Linley was suddenly aware that his fourth brother was already in control of the mysteries of fire while he had only touched the mysteries of earth and was unable of using them at will. He then transformed into his dragonblood form and seemed to gain the advantage with his 9th rank qi, but soon found that the mysteries of fire that his fourth brother was using nullified the difference in qi level and he was barely using qi to deploy them.

_Vlad_ _Vlad_

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