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Chapter 66: Fullgod

After laughing like a maniac for a couple of minutes Reynolds managed to calm down and continued with the analysis of his new situation. "My saint body had reached the strength of a low level artifact but cannot use divine power... while my other three divine avatars can use divine power but their body constitution is just like any normal divine body". He muttered while understanding his situation and then his three divine avatars fused together again inside his saint body.

"It seems that this is my most powerful form, my body is strong as low level artifact and I can use the divine power thanks to my three divine avatars... I would guess that my Godrealm is higher than a normal God but far behind a Highgod". He nodded satisfied with the results and his decision to wait for his life divine avatar before allowing his divine fire avatar to become a God.

He also understood by instinct that he needed to keep balance between his life and death avatars but his divine fire avatar could grow without having to worry about experiencing imbalance due to the predominance of fire over death and life during his soul mutation.

He smiled while willing his three divine avatars to focus on fusing the Elemental Laws of Fire as the time needed to increase his understanding of life or death while being within the Yulan Plane would be extremely long and it would be better to increase his power through the understanding of the Fire Elemental Laws.

He walked out of the pocket dimension and found that Koral was waiting for him with extreme curiosity, due to their soul contract she could feel the pain he experienced over the past few weeks but also understood that he was growing stronger. Reynolds smiled at her while petting her head. "Were you waiting for me?" His voice expressed fondness making her smile as she say. "Master! Did you become stronger? Can you help me practice the laws?"

Reynolds chuckled as he pick her up in his arms making her yelp. "Sure I can... but before that we are gona play for a little while". He kissed her forehead and made his way towards the bedroom while asking her if there was anything important during his retreat.


A few hours later Koral was seating on the garden while her eyes shinned in expectation, one could not teach what the laws entailed or guide them on the best way to ponder them, so Reynolds could only show her what he understood of the laws with actual examples and Koral would have to depend on her own ability to gain understanding. Rosarie, Windsor and Jenne were also there as even if they were not training the Elemental Laws of Fire, Reynolds believed that there were similarities between the different Elemental Laws and they might gain some insight as well.

"Lets start... be sure to pay attention. This is the complete mastery of the 'Fire Elemental Essence'". As he talked, the fire elements on the air concentrated near Reynolds and soon they formed a Ba-Serpent that started moving around while seeming no different that a real life form. Koral's eyes stared with envy as she was still a little distance away to be able to reach this step and sighed when the fire construct disipated.

"Now I will show you the 'Flame Body' just a step before reaching mastery". This time Reynolds transformed himself into the Ba-Serpent reaching the same level of detail and realism that the previous demonstration making Koral excited as she seemed to have gained a few insights. Reynolds voice reached her ears a moment later. "Finally this is the fusion of 'Flame Body' and 'Fire Elemental Essence'". The fire elements on the air rushed towards the Ba-Serpent and, while its appearance did not change, the aura emited by the snake was on a whole different realm making Koral tremble as the snake looked at her as if it would devour her in one bite the very next moment.

After a few moments Reynolds recovered his human form and found that both Koral and Rosarie seemed to have gained insights and smiled, he left the two girls while taking Jenne and Windsor on his arms as he sported his characteristic mischevious smile. "Girls your husband had worked hard training for a few weeks... now it is your turn to work hard". He said in a low voice in hopes to avoid distracting the other two girls.

Normaly the girls would try to resist a little but as he was absent for a few weeks they just smiled as he took them away.


Another 10 years passed and Reynolds finally found a point of convergense between the three laws making him sigh with relief as his three fusions were just one steep away from reaching completition and he didn't need to hold back anymore. Originally he had tought that it might take him close to 300 years to fuse the three laws due to his good progress on the pairing of the three laws but since all his bodies could ponder the laws, he might be able to achieve the fusion of the three laws within a hundred years.

Since he no longer needed to hold back, he sat cross-legged and made the final step to complete his understanding of the 'Flame Body'. A few moments later the five women living on the small island could feel the pressure caused by the descend of the Elemental Laws and rushed toward Reynolds as they understood that he would finally become a God.

This time Reynolds did not feel any aprehension as he no longer needed to divide his soul, he was filled with anticipation and curiosity. His four bodies separated and floated side by side, he could feel the Elemental Laws scaning his soul and checking his understanding on the 'Elemental Laws of Fire' and soon his fire divine spark floated out, of what used to be his divine fire avatar, to receive the baptism of the Elemental Laws. A moment later the upgraded divine spark floated back towards him while the Elemental Laws dissipated, without waiting his other two divine bodies fused with his God level avatar and then rushed towards his saint body.

He took a moment to analyze his situation and found that his power had grown without causing unbalance due to the predominance of fire over life and death within his soul. He could feel that the him now would be able to kill Ojwin without much trouble, perhaps he could even kill the God that took Catherine's territory but it would be better to wait until he fused the three laws to avoid surprises. 'It could be a good way to gain free faith without having to actually do much and I'm sure that Catherine would not refuse to spread my name sharing some of the faith energy from the Yulan Empire'. He tought and made the decision to help her, he will make it a battle that all the Yulan Empire would remember.

His thoughts returned to understanding his new power and found himself surprised at the ease in which he could access divine power through his God avatar in comparison to his Demigod avatars and understood that Gods were superior over Demigods by this characteristic and by the Godrealm alone even without considering the understanding of the laws.

He instructed his three divine avatars to start working on fusing the laws, his God avatar will be focusing in completing the fusion between 'Fire Elemental Essence' and 'Flame Body', what used to be his life avatar would be working on the fusion between 'Fire Elemental Essence' and 'Heat' while what used to be his death avatar started working on fusing the 'Flame Body' and 'Heat'. Once his God avatar completed the easiest of the fusions he would start pondering the fusion of the three laws.

He turned to look at the five women smiling. "Lord Reynolds, congratulations on becoming a God". Catherine's voice was as gentle as always as she bowed slightly to show respect. "Master! Congratulations!" The other four girls said at the same time as if they had practiced making Reynolds chuckle while Catherine was muttering... "Womanizer".

"Thank you ladies, Catherine there is no need to add 'Lord' to my name. And you girls... I would like to tell you to call me husband but I'm really fond of how the word 'Master' sounds coming from you four so lets keep it that way, all right?" He chuckled shamelessly while the five woman looked at him in disbelief making Catherine shake her head while the four girls pouted and looked at him pretending to be upset before the four of them and he started laughing happily making Catherine wonder what he had done to the girls while shaking her head again. That day they celebrated with a banquet as they discussed their plans to visit the Infernal Realm in the future, even Catherine was excited about the idea of leaving the Yulan Plane. This place had become a representation of sadness and loneliness for her that even a dangerous place as the Infernal Realm seemed like an enormous improvement.


Reynolds only needed a month to complete the fusion between 'Fire Elemental Essence' and 'Flame Body', it took him a whole year to complete the fusion between 'Fire Elemental Essence' and 'Heat' and it took 10 years to complete the fusion of 'Flame Body' and 'Heat' and while his three divine avatars worked on fusing the three laws his saint body spent the next 30 years improving his attacks and defense using the three pairs of fused laws as base. He knew that he would have to repeat the process after managing to fuse the three laws but this process would take nearly a hundred years, who knew what could happen during that period and it was better to be prepared.

His soul attack was improved using the 'Fire Elemental Essence' as a base and reinforced by 'Heat' creating a much destructive and invasive effect than his original attack and with the blessing of 'soul erosion' and 'illusion' he felt that his soul defense artifact would be destroyed without being able to shield a single attack. His material attacks where based on 'Flame Body' and reinforced with 'Heat' conserving his close combat battle style with improved strength, again the traits of 'illusion' and 'soul erosion' made them hard to avoid or parry.

He spent a lot of time trying to think of a defensive move but could not come with anything particularly useful as his soul and material defensive artifacts seemed already enough and in combination of his 'Flame Body' and the strength of his saint body, that was comparable to a low level artifact, it seemed to be already enough to deal with a normal Highgod though he wouldn't really know until trying. The shields that he created with the different combinations of fused laws did not seem to add significant help, still he trained them thinking that they could be used as a base for future development as he would eventually came to understand more laws and perhaps using them would keep the durability of his body as a hidden card for unexpected situations. So he settled his fighting style to use shields compossed by the fusion of 'Fire Elemental Essence' and 'Heat' for normal situations and thinking that it would be useful to protect the girls in case of need.

He also knew that as soon as he managed to complete the fusion of the three laws his soul and material attacks would be upgrated almost automatically as well as his defense making him satisfied with the new arrangements. On the following years his life turned more enjoyable as his saint body had much more free time to play with his wives while his three divine bodies trained within his sea of consciousness.

So it was a normal occurrence to find him sitting on the grass with a beautiful woman on his lap as he tease her while enjoying wine, the four girls had to take turns to have their time to train and liked to complain when it was their turn to serve their evil Master. It was specially funny for Reynolds when Koral muttered about her 'womanizer evil Master' as if she were a pitiful captured angel... with horns.

_Vlad_ _Vlad_

Hello guys, I had some trouble with the grammar tool so even if I spent quite the time editing the chapter it might be riddled with errors, hopefully you can still read it without much trouble. There will be another chapter in an hour or two.

Thanks for reading!



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