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Star Wars: An Unlikely Story Star Wars: An Unlikely Story original

Star Wars: An Unlikely Story

Author: FrozenTide

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Begining

A group of friends were on their way to a convention. It had been awhile since a road trip had been taken amongst the group. With the different political opinions forming as the group grew older, this was the first attempt that succeed in rekindling friendships and catch up with one another. Three vehicles with each of them fully packed. In the first car we had a young Filipino American named Bonar with his Irish American girlfriend Kathleen in the passenger seat. The vehicle they rode in had the extra luggage.

In the second car we had American Mark with Argentina American descent Moon. In his back seat rode Germanic descent American Christian with Mexican American Brook in the back as well. The back of this vehicle had most of the electronics the group had.

Last but not least will be the third car with the protagonist and organizer of this event. The African American man Alex, to the side of him was the young Dutch American Naes. The back seat also had Germanic descent Hunter and Jon. This vehicle held the cosplay material and gear/props.

Looking up to the sky Alex felt weird. A sense of calm passed over him, followed immediately by a sense of dread as well. He removed the one earbud from his ear as he drove. Focusing intently on driving now, he switched his focus over just in time as the wind picked up. The car rocked a little more from the wind.

The sky had taken a turn for the worse. The change in the wind for the last two hours was concerning. After a conversation amongst themselves that lead into bickering from those in the back seats. The drivers decided to stop at a rest stop. But this was a safer option than to continue through the gathering storm like fools. Little did they know this would be there downfall.

As they drove off unto the turn exit all hell broke loose with the rain. Alex could not see the others ahead of him. He slowed to damn near a crawl. "Damn it, I can't see too well." Turning on the emergency lights he cruised into the rest stop 15 minutes after the others. The strangest thing happened when they pulled into the rest stop. The rain stopped immediately but the clouds remained dark.

Hunter walked around to get his laptop from the second car. Rummaging through the different bags he found his carrying case. "This is what I get for being early. My stuff all at the bottom buried." Hunter grunted slightly exasperated. After a few minutes of getting what he needed and placing everyone else's stuff back inside he returned to the vehicle he rode in. Stopping for a moment Hunter noticed there wasn't anybody else around the rest stop. "Huh, that's weird. Oh well."

"You made it just in time." Alex said smiling. A quick bzzt passed in the driver's seat. With a sharp pain passing through him from his toes, he grabbed towards his foot. "Damn, I must have driven to long. My foot is bothering me." Alex said chuckling at the strange look Naes gave him. Even though he could swear something had shocked him. He could just say it. Reaching for his phone he checked the diagnostic report for his car. Everything was all green. "Was it just static electricity then??" He whispered.

"What did you say Alex?" Jon asked from behind him.

"Nothing important."

"Oh and why is that?" Hunter asked booting up his laptop. Fully charged for the whole trip he couldn't remember for the life of him, why he didn't have it in the car with him instead of his Ds. "It's not like you guys would leave me here."

"Ha-ha. What? Noooo we wouldn't dare to do that." Naes said rolling his eyes. "But it would have been funny though. I wonder if you would have ran after us. Or we could just sit there waiting to see if we would come back. "Naes said this jokingly, but with a hint of seriousness to it. He was always known for liking the more mischief comedy. Or what others would call douche baggary these days.

Not wanting an argument to start between the two. Alex intervened. "No we would not have left you. That would have been a little funny though; if it was not going to start raining again. Hate for you to get your computer all wet."

"Boom," a deafening thunder clap passed through the rest area not too far away. This was just the aftershock that hit the cars. A few articles of trash flew out the trash cans around the benches.

"Yeah that would suck." Naes said as we watched out the car looking at the trash flying. "Yah, know... maybe we should have kept driving further into town."

"I get what you are saying but… I couldn't see. I was driving in the rear. I can't even imagine for the two ahead of me. If the rain wasn't so bad it would have been easier. But…. with the bouts of heavy rain… I didn't want to risk it." Alex said strongly. He believed he was still right in not driving through this weather.

Alex voice trailed off as a tin shed flew past the cars into the restroom area. It was mostly wreckage for the most part. How fast the tin had to be traveling to damage brick the group didn't want to even think about it. A symbol of a chicken sign spinning kept turning in the wind. In a matter of moments the sides of the shed broke apart and flew off into the air.

"I remember that shed." Jon said quietly. "It was back at the gas station an hour back." Everyone turned in the car to look at him. All three had the same expression. "Why did you have to say that?" The look of wonderment was short lived as the car actually slid forward a little.

"Skrr skrr." The car tires scraped against the pavement. With the howling of the wind outside it was surprise to Alex he could hear it in the vehicle.

"Bring, bring." Naes phone started to ring. It was Christian calling him. Answering the phone Naes put it on speaker phone. "Guys we haven't the foggiest idea what's going on. I checked the broadcast on my phone and the radio says it should be clear skies. As you can see that is not the scenario. Mark says he is going to drive out of this. What about you guys?"

"Drive out of this?" The group in the car asked incredulously.

Alex spoke up after a short pause. "Is he nuts? The hell is he going to do once he gets into the clearing without any protection from the trees. Even with the weight he is caring the vehicle would be tossed from side to side. Not at all counting for the rain and how dangerous the roads are now. He won't stand a chance in hell."

"Its better than staying a sitting duck!" Mark yelled. Mark car pulled off in a rush from the parking spot. Bonar car peeled out right after. The reception on the phone had not dropped at all. He was able to drive about 200 feet before a tree came hurdling pass from overhead. It slid across the ground and slammed into his car.

"Mark watch out for that!" Christian yelled over the speaker phone before the impact hit them. From the sound of the phone everyone was still alive. Just in extreme pain. "God dang it Mark! You could have killed us. Hey can you guys still hear me? Brook is it out cold over here. A branch made its ways into the car hitting him in the face." Bonar slammed on brakes and backed his car up immediately afterward into the parking lot.

"We can hear you." Hunter said. "I can see light off to the side the rain looks to be stopping. Just hold on for a while." Not known to hunter a blackish red light started to move on his laptop keyboard. As Hunter's hand brushed against the keyboard while he was moving to get a better look outside, the light traveled up his arm leaving him unable to respond.

"I am calling for help." Jon said as he started to dial emergency assistance. Right when he pressed the call button, a bolt of white light came through the window hitting him and the phone. The two lights clashed in the back seat unseen by the occupants.

Alex and Naes noticed nothing in the background as they stayed focus looking out the window. Both men were looking for any possible way to help with escaping this trouble. Alex looked over to Bonar's car and notice the lights had burned out. Inside the car both he and Kathleen where slumped over. "What the hell? I don't see any scorch marks or anything. I didn't even hear them scream. Hey Naes…" He started to ask before he noticed his friend had opened the car door. He waited till Alex had looked over to the others to do this... stunt. "What the living hell man?!"

Naes looked back. "I have to help them. Christian stopped responding. You stop answering when I called you. A blast of wind came through the area turning the car around as it rocked back and forth.

Naes turned around and right as he made his way to the flipped over car, a power pole landed right by. The wires fell around the vehicle and by Naes feet. Naes looking around catching sight of all the ripped out poles near him to the highway. As far as his eyes could see, a trail of devastation laid out as if a fresh trench was made. But this was only on one side of the rest stop. Separating from just the area where he stood, on back was utterly wrecked. Back past the cars it was serene. A few traces of wind and garbage yes. But everything behind it was calm and looked fine.

"No way." Naes stared mouth agape. Once he had Alex attention he pointed around. Maybe he could get him to see the way everything looked. His eyes turned blank and his shoulders went slack. He started to walk back to the car without a thought.

Alex had a choice to make. Stay in the car as his friends die. Or run out and help. Getting out of the car he ran towards Naes. "Don't move you idiot! The power lines." Right as he made it towards Naes he felt the sense of dread finally leave him completely. He grabbed Naes arm and through him behind himself towards the car. One of the power lines popped up and landed behind him cutting his path back to the car.

"Damn it." With no other choice to make Alex went to the car and pulled Christian out slowly by his shoulders. "Whack," a power line whipped him in the back. Blood oozed down his back and left a tingling sensation. One Christian was moved somewhat safely away Alex went back inside the car to free Mark.

Mark was still strapped in but out cold. Pieces of glass stuck to his neck and face. He would have some scars if they survived this. Unclasping the seat belt, Mark plopped right onto Alex knocking them both onto the ground outside the car.

"Ugh..cough," Mark groaned and coughed a little blood up. He was still out cold. From that little blood and the accident itself, it was safe to assume he may have eternal damage.

"Brook had freed himself from the wreckage in the back of the vehicle. He stumbled walked over slowly to the two men.

"What the hell happened?"

Right as he finished talking a lawnmower came hurdling through the air at his backside. Alex stood up right at this time to watch it unfold. It was if time slowed to a crawl as it traveled in the air. The only option was for him to get down or away! Alex screamed and reached forward. A bluish white light enveloped Brook and moved him to the side.

"What?" Confused still and dazed, Brook reaction was to slow. He would die, not even knowing what happened. All he felt was that he was pushed into the car by something.

"Splk," the lawnmower hit Alex knocking him off his feet. As he fell blood dribbled from the side of his mouth. Into the down power lines. The blades lodged itself into his guts causing more blood to spew forth from his mouth. "Bzzt," the power lines had a pulse of electricity spew forth causing the lawnmower blades to spin slowly.

"Oh you have got.. ugh.. to be.. kidding me." Alex said as he tried to move the machine off of him. Every time he budged the machine a little a jolt of pain traveled up his spine. "Fuck this hurts." As he moved his head to the side he could see Brook was out cold again against the vehicle. "Damn it can anybody help me?!" Alex started blacking out. It was a slow process considering his body's state.

Every time he was close a fresh current passed through him waking him back up. He would immediately try to get up. Struggling to free himself caused pain throughout his body which led to him getting woozy and reopening the wounds that closed up from the electrical burns.

By his own stubbornness of not standing still, he continued to inflict pain on himself that created a vicious cycle. He would die 16 minutes later from his organs cooking inside his own body.

Time slowed down once again this time to a complete standstill. All across the planet everything stopped in place. This location was not the only area that had strange events. However this happened to be the weirdest of them all.

Several individuals in white appeared near the bodies amongst the wreckage. They each spoke in a different language to one another. Some spoke French, Italian, Korean, and German softly. Lifting up from the ground another group of individuals appeared. These were all dressed in black garbed robes. A feel of hostility passed in the air before it was dismissed. One individual had reached over and grabbed into Alex's chest. The robed individual pulled slowly holding a dark orb bathed in the purest of light.

"Tch, hand it over. He belongs to the dark side." A black robe spoke out strongly. The voice was rough like granite and itching for a fight.

"No. I don't think I will. There is such a pure light gather around him. To allow it to be given to you, and your ilk… no. Besides you may have that one." Flicking his hand the body of Hunter flew from the car and land at the feet of the Black robed person.

Slowly the dark robed pulled out a light colored orb with dark marks all through it. It pulsed every now and then releasing Dark side energy out. "Ah a youngling, how nice of you," with a deep stare at the orb in the others hand the dark robe moved over to the others. Stopping by a colleague the individual passed it over waving its hand in dismissal. The colleague took the orb an sunk into the ground.

"Your will be done my Mistress." A cold gleam cold be seen in his eyes under the hood.

In a matter of minutes all the wreckage was cleared up. The bodies had been placed back in vehicles with injuries recovered. Each car drove off slowly like nothing ever happened. The bodies would travel on their routes originally until a fatal "accident" will claim their lives. A smaller white cloaked person walked up to the one who looked to be a leader of sorts. It was hard to tell with the only thing different amongst them is slight gender markings and build.

"Brother Torvald, are you sure it's wise to allow them to have that one?" The small robed one asked. The voice came quiet and mousy, but elegant like a dove. "This one looks to… distorted."

"I have been watching this one for a while now. He will serve his purpose. Besides I need him to reign in the others or strike them down if need be." Torvald watched with fascination as he used the force to pierce through and read the soul he had in his hands. "Yes he will do fine. Trust me Mikela" A whitish gold glow left his eyes.

"Humph, always with secrets. Fine then. I will start the process." Mikela started to reach for the soul in her brother's hand.

"No, dear sister. Help the others I will tend to this one myself." Torvald moved away and stepped off into the air disappearing. The others watched him leave then continued their work. The moment he left all the Dark robed members descended into the ground.

"What rush are they all into. Eh not my business. Time to start the process for the others." Walking over Mikela started to help everyone else.

FrozenTide FrozenTide

Me an a friend in a contest for Star Wars fanfic. So here is a sorta one-shot.

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