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Chapter 3: Day 1 friend or foe?

Alex backed away with his hands up. XoXann sneered at her apprentice. In a split second her sneer turned to a smile. It was right as the door opened to the medical room. In walked Christian and another person right behind him. Dressed in dark clothing.

"So your awake. That is good. Welcome to the land of the living again. Try not to get into anymore accidents." Christian looked over to XoXann, "may we have time alone for a few minutes or just half an hour would suffice. It has been awhile since we spoke last. Please, if you will Jedi Master." Christian had his hand turned upward outstretched towards the door.

"I do not care for your games pretender but... I will allow it." XoXann stared at the two then walked out. "I will be in the hall my Padawan. Do take is easy. You are still recovering. "

"Schup" the door closed leaving only the three inside.

"So is it actually you or are you still the bot waiting for his return?" Christian stared daggers at Alex. His eyes viewed him like a stranger would a beggar. "You are no use to anyone if your still that vegetable. Still do not understand why there is a time delay between us all."

"What? Yes its me. Cant believe what all happened." Alex plopped down onto the medical slab. "But it is good you all are not dead. Where did you end up exactly? Do it slowly I am having problem with my hearing a little bit."

"Yeah, can do." Christian said sarcastically. Anger started to seep in his voice. "You have no idea what we have been through it seems. Unlike you, we have been here since before Episode 1." To the side the man that came in with him moved closer when he felt the anger off of his Master. He was poised and ready strike at a moment's notice. All he needed was an opening and the order.

"Yeah not my fault. Nothing I can do about that. All I can do is say that I am sorry. But your living the dream. Or do you mean to tell me you didn't always want to be reborn in the Star Wars realm."

Christian paused and thought about it. No matter what for the last few decades he enjoyed himself. "It has been fun. However.." With a quick jab he tried to strike Alex in the face. A small amount force energy deflected the blow. This caused his strike to deviate hitting only air. "Force instincts are still there. That is good. Hope for you yet."

"What the hell was that for?" Alex asked angry. His own force energy started to build up subconsciously.

"I want to punch you. Since it was your idea for the trip. Like it or not most of us blame you. Your at fault for all of our deaths." Christian grinned under his hood. He stepped back once he noticed Alex didn't release the energy he had built up. "What is going on with your force energy, it is different from my own. Shit, its even different then the current Jedi Council masters."

"Have no idea." Alex placed the vibrosword on his waist. He stared at his friend. He looked so off, seemed different now somehow malevolent. "I have never lied before. So if you don't believe me, its on you." Alex hand moved closer to the sword.

"Huh, yeah your right. So what system did you get?" Christian said plainly. As if his strike just now was harmless when in fact, if it connected it would have broken multiple bones in Alex's face.

"What? I don't know actually. Besides something says telling you would be a bad idea. You look off." Alex said as he ducked his head low to try to look under Christian's hood. "Besides haven't checked everything yet. Just the intro have a lot more to read."

"At least tell me the ability you received." Christian said with a smirk. "Besides I will give you information as well. Tit for tat."

"Fine. Hold on a second." Alex access his mind scape with a quick mental notion. Clicking the force random technique a pulse wave cycled over his entire body. Christian turned around and stared into the hallway. If that mysterious master was not present, he may have stabbed Alex. Then again, it would be stupid to do so inside a Jedi Temple. Even with the current Jedi council weakness it would not be wise to push the envelop. Even more than he already had. Master Yoda already seemed displeased with him lately.

(Force Apex: Pushes the body to current limits. Current multiplier 5.0 base to all attributes. Rank: Legendary.)

"Nice. I have Force Apex." Alex smiled. He then described what it did.

"So the same as the rest of then. We each received a weird ability. My own happens to be in Force Shadow. Basically allows me to obscure people in the force." Christian said plainly as he propped against the wall door. His apprentice moved to the door entrance.

"Nice, it suits you. Well it does Naes if he had that ability as well. Speaking of which," Alex looked at the apprentice. The body frame did not match his friend Naes. But then again he could have acquired a new body like the rest, "where is he?"

"He is in the temple currently. He has a little more flexibility since saving a Jedi Master and apprentice. Though he has gotten in trouble for giving into his emotions. Also the pregnant princess on Corelia." Christian stopped when he noticed Alex face. "Do not ask me. I have no idea what all happened there. Besides me and Mark, he is the most well adjusted."

"Afraid to ask, but tell me of the others." Alex stared intently at Christian making sure he was not lying. He reached over grabbing a data pad writing everything he said. Well typing once he figured it out from the memories.

"Where to start? I know the one called Moon... he was more your friend than my own. He ended up on Tatoonie. He is a Tusken Raider. Guess was would be the better way to put it. He was a little gone by then. Once I found what was left of him. Damn near a little Tarzan. Luckily your Master healed him. Since then he spends most of his days holed up in the archives studying tech. He could be considered a fair light-side member. I believe he has reached the rank of Knight. But his lack of combat keeps him away from battle and confrontation. The skills he picked up as a raider kept him alive in the wild I guess."

"Mark, was easy to find. Actually he found me. He contacted me from Nar Shadaa. A family of high means found him. The force helped take over the family with ease paving the way. For all the good that has happen since he has been in charge, the republic has grown quite stronger. Something he refuses to speak about happened as well. Mind you apparently he was force to kill a lot of others. For awhile I worried about him. But one day during a transmission he said a wandering Force adept help cleared away the depression. I do not know who it is. But I am working to find out. If you need money, I set up a small account for you. Mark will invest some money for you if need be. Do not tell the Jedi Council about this. Their views on money will get you screwed over. This is talking from experience. Mark also left the Order after a few years. He down played some of his abilities and returned back home. He rather use a blaster than a light-saber. He's a damn good shot if I do say so myself." Christian grabbed his shoulder as if resisting a phantom pain.

"Bonar and Kathleen are around. They have the ability to disguise themselves into other races. I cant keep track of them. Last time I remember they where headed to Voss for something." Christian reached into his pocket tossing a small map over. "You should head here. Hunter is held prisoner there by some unsavory folk."

Catching the map in the air. Alex looked over it quickly. "This can not be right Christian. This is Dantoonie space. Surely the Council would send people to help free him."

"Do not be foolish. The council would not save someone that has left a trail of death in his wake."

"What?! Come again!"

"Hunter is actually Sith. The Pureblood species, even though that isn't right either. Jury is still out on that for the first race. He has gone bat shit crazy with power. His system is actually the Sith System. He receives reward after reward from it. If I didn't know any better, I dare say Palpatine got to him. I have tried to slow the would be Emperor progress down. But to no avail. I was foolish to think it would be easy with just the info I had to thwart his plans. To conquer the Galaxy myself he would have to be stopped."

"Conquer the Galaxy. What rubbish is this? Have you become twisted since coming here. You use to be a boy scout for Christ sake!" Alex barked standing up. Christian apprentice rushed forward getting between the two men. "What the hell is this guys problem? Matter of fact who is he?"

XoXann came into the room. Her scan of the room grabbed everyone present attention. "The Council has called for us. I do not care what you are all talking about in your ridiculous language, but we need to leave. You have one minute left." After flicking them all apart with ease she said her piece and turned around returning to the hall.

"Damn she is strong." Alex said as he sat back down. "What is this crap about taking over the Galaxy? What funny talk?"

"Do not worry about it. It is not important for you to know." Christian rose from the wall indention. "Do not mind that either. The people here, the 'Resident Natives' do not understand us. When we use our original tongue to talk it sounds foreign. Be mindful there is a cult of force sensitive people hunting our kind. Since most of us remain quiet out there, you should be fine. By the way, could I get you to tell me your Master's name."

"This is crazy. How much is the world and place different from what we have read and watched?" Alex stared hard at Christian with his hand now running through his hair. He was becoming frustrated as his friend spoke about everyone, as if they no longer mattered to him. "How long have you been here exactly? No ask her your name yourself. I do not want to get thrown around this room again."

"About 30 years, Naes 29 years, Brook 25, Fig and Nate 24 years, Mark and Moon do not have an accurate account for there birth. I did not even bother to ask Kathleen and Bonar. Hunter and Jon about 20 years. As for you I do not know as well. Your Master arrived with you around 20 years ago at the temple. You were already her apprentice for some years or so. I think you were about 10 then." Christian never removed eyes from Alex under his hood. 'Why is the force so strong with him? What is this tugging feeling I am getting? Looks like I will have to go and talk to an old friend after this.'

"Damn it. I really am far behind the lot of you." Alex mind started to race a mile a minute. He had to think where to start.

"Morgan, Nate, Fig and Celusta are all here as well. They made it to the con no problem but died in a terrorist attack. They felt no pain so rest assured. I have no idea what time they all made it here. Nate is with the Gungans He made it to General in there weird little army. His brother who is not a Gungan, he was made human. He has been working as a Republic officer. Celusta has been running around as a mercenary. He is good.. damn good. He has been waiting on your return about as long as I have."

"What of Morgan?"

"He is running an errand for me." Christian said stoically.

"Bah. What kind of errand? No do not tell me now. Have to much info to work through already." Alex started typing away into the pad. Making side notes as he needed to.

Allowing everything to sink in for Alex,Christian figured it was time to deliver some more bad news. His eyes glanced at his apprentice who nodded everything was fine.

"There is a 40% change in this world currently from our arrival. Even more so since the tampering I have done. Do not give me that look. I tried to help people in the beginning, overconfidence screwed me on that. Now I am rebuilding myself and others up. I will not fail next time."

"You are gonna do this how exactly? You can not mean to tell me you are having trouble with all that information you have. What meddling did you do?" Alex thought back to what the Deity said. 'does he have the same mission as me or is it more different? No it is different. It has to be different. I was not told to conquer the Galaxy."

Christian pointed at his head then toward his apprentice. "By becoming stronger. Having people I can count on will help. Actual people to depend on. Not friends who have been in a coma most of there life."

"I have saved countless force sensitive people. Countless Masters as well. It has been hard, harder than it should be. With the others abilities and my knowledge this should have been a cake walk. But no they have to do there own thing they said. Its our DnD sessions all over again. Doing there own thing is all they want to do. But that was fine, until they needed help that they were willing to listen. With the info of you coming back I figure we had a better chance. You did keep the group together back then. But imagine my surprise when I checked on your Master. I couldn't get any information on her. With out her name I have nothing as well in my system. But you were a broken child then."

Against the wall his hand scratched the surface through his gloves. He had trouble reigning in his emotions as he felt like he failed somehow. Even in this world Alex had that look in his eyes. Judgement.. Disappointment.. who was he to pass this doubt on to him.

"You weren't here! I was alone to deal with this shit myself. Brook was no help when I found him either. He killed a Jedi Master by accident and has been on the run ever since. I have him with Mark right now acting as an enforcer. Hidden in plain sight ya know. His personality has changed to... well I cant quite say actually to what." Christian took a deep breath. Alex eyes pierced through him. "You do not get to judge me. Not until you been through what I have!" Pulling his pointed finger back Christian composed himself. His mask control was starting to falter.

"Take it easy. I was only asking. No judgement. We should continue this another time. My Teacher looks like she is ready to kill your apprentice."

Both men looked off to Christian's apprentice pinned against the floor trying to move. XoXann had small little areas pinned down with the force that prevent the man from struggling much.

"Time to go. The Council has a problem for us to solve."

"You are right. We can continue this in a few months."

"Why a few months. Where are you headed to anyway?" Alex stopped at the door in front of his Master. "Are we still friends Christian or are we foes?"

"To visit someone. We need to save his brother. Good luck with the Council. They are some useless politicians in my eyes. Friends I do not think so.. you have not changed in over 30 years. The Christian you know is dead and gone. Best of luck with the others." Christian said with a tinge of anger in his voice. When the door closed behind the two he looked to his apprentice.

Helping him up he already knew there where more questions to be answered.

"Master why did you get so angry, and why did you speak in that weird language. You know I cannot understand it."

"Habit I guess. I will tell you what we discuss when we return to the ship."

"Very well. Did the meeting go as plan at least. I could feel your sadness and joy under all that anger. If I did not know better I think you were going to cry."

"Shut up Maul jeez. I was not going to cry. Just happy he is alive now. I did not even get to tell him about the children I lost. So much to talk about, so little time." Christian bowed his head thinking of all the different conversations he thought he would have with Alex. None of them actually happened in this meeting. Alex was the same as back then. But the rest of them had all changed. "Sigh, I cant wait to inform Mark. This should get a rise out of him and away from that money of his. Let's go Maul we have been here to long."

"Of course. Lead the way Crybaby Master." Maul said as he snickered.

"You are making me regret a little bit of saving you against Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Might have been for the best of the galaxy but you are beginning to act like Naes a bit."

"Heh, the best way from keeping you from going postal. We should return to the yacht and rest. Your emotions are all over the place right now."

"You are right. We should head back now." Christian headed to the exit. "Thank you Maul. You have been a great friend."

FrozenTide FrozenTide

Hopefully this answers the questions of ProProcastination and SangN123

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