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The Wolf and the Moon's Daughter The Wolf and the Moon's Daughter original

The Wolf and the Moon's Daughter

Author: Lucy_Lou_H13

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

One night a baby boy was born, a prince, everyone in the kingdom came together to celebrate his birth, even people from neighboring kingdoms came, all but one. She was a wicked witch who was great friends with the King and Queen, she was invited and to be announced as the newborn Prince's Godmother. The Witch had never received the invitation, and so thought that she was not invited.

At the celebration, the Witch came bursting in, angry that there was a celebration that she was not invited to. "Lorrinda! We are so glad you could make it!" said the Queen happily, "I was not invited to such a joyous occasion!" said Lorrinda with a voice that made the room shake and the guests tremble in fear,

"But we did invite you. You must not have received the invitation."

"I think you are just using sappy talk to make me feel better! But you know what? I am infuriated!"

"Lorrinda… we did invite you, you just didn't receive the--"


"Lorrinda, please--"

"Oh, don't use your sweet talk on me! You know I hate it when you don't invite me to celebrations! But this… this is the last time!"

"Lorrinda, NO!"

Lorrinda raised her wand and cast a curse on the young prince with a wave of her wand and a simple incantation. "When the boy turns sixteen, he will forever have the form of a wolf, and only when the moon is full will he have human form. The curse can only be broken if a girl confesses her undying true love for him during a full moon," Lorrinda said in a voice so loud that everybody heard, "How dare you curse my firstborn child!" yelled the Queen, almost on the verge of tears. "Witch Lorrinda! You are hereby banished from this kingdom forever! You will be gone before sunset, or I will lock you up in the dungeons for the rest of your life myself!" yelled the King, who had an expression of anger on his face that no one had ever seen. With that, Lorrinda disappeared in a cloud of green smoke and was never to be seen again.

⬤ ⬤ ⬤

A couple of years after the curse was cast, a baby girl was born in a place farther than you can imagine. She had hair of light gray, eyes the color of lavender, and skin so fair it resembled snow. After she was born, her home was attacked by beings that appeared to be made of ice and stone, the mother and the baby girl escaped out of a window.

The Mother traveled very, very far, always walking, always moving forward, and always holding her precious little child. After days, and months, and then years, she couldn't go any further. She found a shelter to keep her now 5-year-old child safe… the soldiers of ice and stone were drawing nearer every second, she had to keep her child safe, "I will return for you when the bad times are gone, I promise." said the Mother, she stroked the child's cheek gently and left.

The Mother had left a small glowing orb to give her child light so that she would not be afraid, she left to draw the soldiers away from her daughter, she was determined to keep her young child safe from any harm. It was late into the night when the young child then realized that her mother would be gone for a very long time.

⬤ ⬤ ⬤

A woman was going for a late-night walk on the beach, she enjoyed feeling the salty breeze and hearing the soft crashing of the ocean. She walked by a cave which she had passed every time she went for her regular stroll, the cave was large and she could tell just by looking at it in the moonlit night that the rock making up the cave had veins of silver, turquoise, and pale pink, but this time it felt… different, she felt an urge to go inside and get a closer look, see what was inside this magnificent cave. Taking a step inside this cave she could hear… crying? Yes, it sounded like a small child crying, "Maybe it is just water dripping? And echoing throughout the cave making it sound like something it is not?" the woman said in a quiet voice. She continued to walk deeper into the cave and found something that seemed like an unnatural pale blue glow, she walked closer and the sound of crying became clearer. As she drew near, she found that the glow came from a little hiding place, the entrance well resembled an archway, and it appeared that the stone was slightly carved, giving it a more regal look.

Inserting her head into the opening, the first thing she saw was a blue orb floating a few inches off the ground, it was giving off this other-worldly light. Looking further into the hole, she saw a little girl, alone and sad, "someone must have left her here… maybe I should see if I can find her parents.' she silently thought to herself. She entered the hole, which was large enough for at least 5 grown men. Coming up behind the girl, trying not to startle her, she saw that the girl had hair that very closely resembled silver, and was long and straight as it flowed down her back. She was also wearing a simple dress with wide straps and went straight down, almost like what a small homeless girl would wear for a nightgown, the only difference was that the dress was a royal blue and in a gradient effect went to silver. "Hello, little girl." the woman said kindly. The girl, being startled, stood up and turned around quickly. She saw that the little girl's knees were caked in dirt from sitting on the ground, but surprisingly the rest of her was perfectly clean showing beautifully fair skin, "She had to not have been here long, I wonder if her mother or whoever left her here is nearby… I didn't see anyone while I was outside." the woman thought to herself, "My name is Keira, what is your name little one?" the woman said, no response came from the young child for a while, "Orana." the little girl said, she sounded like she had the voice of an angel, though still a little shaky from crying for so long.

"Okay, Orana, who left you here?"

"My Mommy… she said she would come back for me…"

"When did she say she was going to come back for you?"

"She said… she will come back for me when… the bad times are gone… when will she come back for me?"

"I don't know when she will come back, but I can keep you safe until we find your mother. Do you trust me to keep you safe?"

"Yes, I trust you… to keep me safe."

"Alright then, why don't you come with me?"

Orana nodded, Keira showed her the way out, and when they were outside the cave and walking down the beach, Orana stopped and stared at the sky, "Orana? What are you looking at?" said Keira quietly, Orana pointed to the moon, "That is a pretty star! Why is it so big?" Orana said, she was completely mesmerized. "That is not a star, it's the moon," Keira said, just then, right there in the moonlit night, she saw Orana smile at the moon, and her hair shone just as moonlight did.

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