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Chapter 1: Dimensional Sovereign!!


It is finally the last week of school before spring break! I can now enjoy playing my video games to my heart's content, but she might force me to go out." Rein was a 16-year-old boy who lived with his Dad. His mother had died 3 years ago due to an accident, to be exact, a car accident. Rein would usually follow his normal routine of going to school, doing homework, and video games.

Since this is the last week before spring break, I'll just skip school today. One day won't affect anything, so it should be alright." Rein closed his eyes and went back to sleep, but just when he was about to fall into a deep sleep, a presence appeared at the side of his bed.

Rein, wake up, it time to go to school, I won't allow you to slack one bit." The person that appeared at the side of his bed was his childhood friend. Her name was Yozara, she was a girl Rein had known since Pre-School all the way until now. Yozara was crippled and sat in a wheelchair, this was due to her falling off a balcony when she was younger. Even though she was tied to a wheelchair she never grieved about it, she was still joyful and nice to everyone. She was a very beautiful girl that had many pursuers trying to court her.

What? Ah, actually I have a stomach ache and can't go to school today. Yozara, you go to school, I'll rest a bit, ah! the pain!" Rein was, of course bullshitting, he never planned to go to school today. Yozara glared at Rein, she clearly knew he was lying and pinch his side. "Ah! Wh..why did you do that for?" Rein jumped out the bed and fell to the floor in pain, but this time he was really in pain. Yozara knew his weak spot, and she usually aimed for it when he did dumb stuff like this.

Ah, Okay, I'll go to school today so please don't pinch me." Rein gave in with a helpless expression, he could only comply in the face of his childhood friend.

That's good, you shouldn't miss school because the spring break is coming soon. We both have to get into the same college together, remember. So don't even think about slacking one bit, not even for a second." Yozara scolded him, his father was usually working late night shifts so he wouldn't be able to keep tabs on Rein.

Okay, let me dress. I will be down in a bit once i've dressed and brushed my teeth." Yozara Nodded and rolled out of the room. They had some special devices in the house that allowed her to go up and down the stair, so getting down was no problem. Rein dressed and brushed his teeth, afterward he rushed downstairs. Yozara had actually made him a quick breakfast which was toast and eggs. Rein quickly gobbled up his breakfast, Rein and Yozara then left the house right away to go to school.

The school was only 3 blocks down and around the corner 2 block down, so it wasn't far. Rein pushed Yozara through the school gate, there were a lot of people going in and out of the school. The ones leaving the school were most likely Adults or Seniors who had this privilege. Both of them finally made it into the school under the great crowd. Yozara and Rein were in the same class this year just like last year, so this made things easier. Just as Rein was heading to class he was approached by a group of boys.

Ah, Beautiful Yozara, do you need me to escort you to class? This humble gentleman would be honored to do so." The guy that approached didn't even spare a glance at Rein as he deemed him as nothing more than trash. In fact, everyone in his class deemed Rein as trash, the guy basically spent most of his time skipping school and playing video games, what else could he be?

Oh, that is okay. Rein and I are on our way there now, so you don't have to trouble yourself." Yozara spoke gently when she said this. Ben who'd been trying to court her for a year was secretly furious but still smiled. Ben then looked at the silent Rein who said nothing, coldness flashed through his eyes, he had told him to stay away from her, yet he was still around her.

Ah, I understand, I guess next time then, hehe." Ben stepped aside and allowed both them to pass but not before shooting a fierce glare at Rein who ignored him. Rein continued to push Yozara to class as if nothing happened.

Ben, are you going to allow him to get in your way like that? That Rein guy is clearly Provoking you, he didn't listen to your warning and is still hanging around Yozara!" The other guys around were annoyed with Rein, they really wanted to give him a good beating.

Don't worry, he will see really soon. I'll be sure to teach him a good lesson during computer class." Ben face turned vicious as he said this which caused the people around him to feel a chill run down their backs.

Meanwhile, Rein had no clue that he was being plotted against and continued to class. "That ben guy is no good, did you see how he was looking at me? I simply hate people like him the most, who does he think he is!?" Rein was quite irritated with this Ben guy, he had violently warned him last time by having his friends beat him up in the school bathroom. Rein was simply too weak, so he couldn't resist and was pummeled. The teachers liked ben since he was an honor student and rich to top it off so they didn't take Rein's side, ben simply said he was accusing people when he was the one who slipped and hurt himself. The teacher clearly knew it was a lie but decided to believe what ben said anyway.

Don't worry about him so much, don't allow what people say to have power over you or they'll keep using it to attack you." Yozara bluntly said, Rein simply nodded and said nothing more. They finally arrived at class and rein took his seat. This class was just a normal homeroom class, this class only lasted for 30 minutes before they went their 1 period which was computers. This class was just for people to review their homework or chat before the 1st hour officially started.

Rein, did you do your homework?" Yozara, who was sitting next to Rein asked in a serious tone.

Just as Rein was about to answer his question an arrogant voice came over.

Rein!! Doing his homework!? What a joke, this guy is a completely useless idiot." The boy who walked over had blonde hair with dark brown eyes. His name was Morgan and he looked quite handsome and was another pursuer of Yozara. He couldn't stand seeing this useless shit Rein standing next to his future girlfriend and wife, this mere trashed dared to hang around his woman!!

Yozara, get the fly swatter, there seems to a smelly fly hovering around me and it's quite annoying." Rein ridiculed Morgan who always acted arrogantly, he was no different than Ben. But he had to give it to Morgan, he didn't hide his scorn and was loud and proud about it, this was the complete opposite of Ben who hid in the shadows putting up a front. Yozara tried to hold in her laughter when she heard Rein's word but it leaked out, grabbing the attention of everyone.

You!! What did you say, say it again!" Morgan was enraged hearing Rein's disrespectful words and flared up instantly. This guy was trying to dis him in front of his future wife, how Dare he!!

I'll say it one more time, there is an annoying fly hanging around me. I need a fly swatter to smack this shit eating fly that keeps"bugging" me every day, it seems to spew shit every time it buzzes and it stinks." Rein announced in a disdainful voice that was loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone broke into laughter hearing what Rein said, most people were in tears while pointing at Morgan.

Morgan's face turned red from unspeakable rage. "You Dare!! I'll have to teach you a lesson" Morgan balled his fist up and swung it towards Rein's face. Rein was punched right in the cheek and fell to the ground. The whole side of Rein's face was purple and swollen, he was even bleeding out of his nose.

What are doing!?" Yozara was shocked seeing Morgan punch Rein all of a sudden. She immediately rowed her chair toward Rein who was on the floor bleeding out of his nose.

What is going over here!? What Happened!?" The teacher came over to evaluate the situation. The teacher had in fact been watching the scene occur but did nothing about it. "Rein... He swung his fist at me and I simply defended myself that's all." Morgan made up a lie right off the bat without blinking.

Is what he said true? Did Rein attack first?" The teacher asked the students around since they were witnesses.

He is lying, he attacked Rein first. Teacher, you must have seen it from your desk area, right?" Yozara was getting upset, this wasn't the first time this has happened.

I didn't see anything, I need the students to verify it or I can't do anything about it." The teacher feigned ignorance and continued, "Is what she said true Morgan, did you really attack first.

Nope, you can ask the students all around, didn't you say you had to verify it with the students." Morgan smiled, he could see where this was going and was confident. "Everyone, Rein attacked me first and I simply defended myself, right!" Morgan shouted out, everyone was quiet for a moment.

Yeah, that's right, he attacked you first!"

Yup, I saw the whole thing, it was like he lost his mind."

I could believe it, he just went psycho and attacked!"

The whole class started to slander Rein and take Morgan's side, Morgan nodded with a grin and looked at the teacher who nodded back.

You guy!!" Yozara was on the verge of tears to see this injustice. This was simply too overbearing, how could a teacher be like this, how could anyone be like this? Rein stood up, his eyes were filled with hatred beyond words as he stared at Morgan.

Do you have anything to say for yourself!?" The teacher grew angry seeing Rein's Hate filled glare and spoke up. "Even if I say I didn't attack first would you believe me!? How could someone like you even become a teacher!? Can my pet dog get a job as a teacher? It should be easy since you're a teacher, right?" Rein didn't hold back and bashed the teacher with his words.

Insolence!! How dare you speak to your teacher like that!!" The teacher was furious and sent Rein to the office immediately, he was afraid he might punch him as well.

This isn't fair, he was clearly the one who was attacked first." Yozara started to cry, these people were simply too corrupted for her to handle. "Don't worry Yozara, trash like these people get what's coming to them always, what goes around comes around." Rein patted Yozara's back and left the classroom right after.

What an idiot!"

How dare that trash call us trash!!"

Fuck, I almost got up and punched him myself!!"

Everyone cursed Rein when he left the classroom, some were even plotting how they would ambush and beat him up.

Rein had to sit in the Office just before 1st-hour begins. Rein had no problem with this, he just sat in a chair, folded his arms and closed his eyes until the time came. Time flew by quick and he was released from the office, they didn't bother to figure out why his face turned purple on the side, they've seen this scene way too much.

Rein started to walk to class, he eventually made it to class and saw Yozara at her computer desk. He immediately walked over to her. He put his hands over her eyes and said Guess who, but he could feel that her eyes were damp, she seemed to have been crying a lot. "Yozara, are you okay? What happened?" Rein asked

Nothing, just sit down, the teacher is coming soon." Rein nodded and sat down next to Yozara while she sat in her wheelchair. The bell rung and the Teacher arrived as it happened. The teacher was female, she was extremely busty with red hair. She had a female suit that couldn't hide her huge buttocks.

Okay, everyone, I will get straight to the point. I want everyone to break up into groups of 2's for this mini computer project. We will be using slide shows for this mini project, search for your partners right now." Naturally Yozara and Rein Group together, they basically had to create a slide show with pictures and just explain what was going on in the picture they chose.

Time passed slowly, Rein and Yozara were finally done. They had to create a 50-page slide show with music in the background as well. "Hmm, I am bored. I guess it wont hurt to browse for a bit." Rein started to browse the internet and a notification popped up. The notification started to ask him questions. Yozara looked over and saw the notification as well, she was quite surprised seeing the questions, there were 3 of them.

Do you wish to be the strongest?

Do you wish to become the Undefeated?

Do you wish to be the First Sovereign along with your friend?

What is this Rein? What does it mean by sovereign?" Yozara looked at the screen and also noticed the friend part which shocked her. "What does it mean friend? Whatever just click it, it won't do any harm, it looks really interesting." Yozara didn't seem to think anything was wrong with it.

Alright, I will just answer "Yes" for them all then." Rein then clicked yes for them all with no hesitation.

[Ding! You and your friend have been chosen as Sovereigns! Your classmates, some random classrooms, and teachers will be transferred to the Dark World which is an E-ranked world! Good Luck on your journey: Countdown to transfer will end in 120 seconds!]

What? What is this? What countdown transfer?" Rein was confused and looked at Yozara who had an equally confused face. Just as they were trying to figure out the situation a voice came from their side.

Well, looky looky, Rein is messing around on the computer and not doing his work." This was Ben who came up from behind, he spoke loud and clear. The teacher walked over from where she was sitting to evaluate the situation.

What is going on? Rein, are you doing your work?" Ms. Akira walked over and asked directly. She was one of the reasonable teachers who didn't look down on Rein but scolded him if she saw him slacking.

He didn't do anything, the bum was probably looking at porn, hahaha" Everyone broke out into a burst of laughter hearing what Ben said. The laughter was filled with disdain, some pointed at Rein and made neck cutting signals at him.

"I am doing my work, in fact, I and Yozara are done with our Slide show.

Hmm, Okay, Let me see it." Ms. Akira could see the seriousness in Rein's eyes and was happy that he was finally serious.


[Ding! The mass transfer will now begin!]

All of a sudden the whole area was encased in bright light. The light was blinding, in 5 minutes everyone had disappeared. No one could run, move, and talk during the transfer so trying to flee was simply unthinkable.

When Rein opened his eyes he was in a Dark Forest that looked very eerie. "What is this place? Where is Yozara and Ms. Akira?" Rein started to get the creeps, how could he suddenly appear in this eerie looking forest. Just as he was trying to figure out what was going on, he heard a scream which caused him to jump in fear. It sounded like a boy's scream from what Rein could tell. Rein slowly got up to check it out, he saw a boy being ripped apart by some humanoid being. The humanoid being had gray skin and looked to be rotting. The bones on this humanoid being could be seen easily, Rein could see the face. It had an eyes ball popping out of its face, its face was also deformed and had corrosive like nails, it was viciously tearing into the student. Rein started to vomit his breakfast from this morning seeing the blood and guts scatter everywhere, this thing was eating him as if it hadn't eaten in a lifetime.

Wh..what the hell is that!?" Rein was scared out of his mind, this thing reminded him of the traditional Zombie, Could it be? Just as he was thinking that: the Zombie seemed to have noticed him. The Zombie glared at Rein and darted towards him. "OH SHIT!!" Rein felt like his soul left his body when the zombie darted toward him, he almost shit himself upon seeing it. Rein didn't get frozen by fear and turned to run like hell, the Zombie was still tailing him at great speed.

Rein, seeing how fast the Zombie was running couldn't help but think. 'Who fuck said Zombies were slow? If I ever find the asshole who lied about Zombie being slow, I might actually shot him!' Rein was pissed and scared, how could a rotting corse run so fast, shouldn't this guy qualify for the Olympics!?

Shit, you dirty Zom Freak, stop damn chasing me, I don't taste good!!" Rein was spout nonsense as ran from the Zombie, the Zombie didn't seem to be getting tired at all. Rein continued to curse seeing this persistent Zombie. Rein swiftly picked up a rock and turned to throw it at the Zombies' head. The Zombies' head was caved in upon contact with the medium-sized rock, Rein did use to play baseball so he could aim and throw pretty well. The Zombie fell to the ground and Rein took this time to hide behind a tree.

Damnit, I have to kill this thing "again" if I want to survive this predicament or all I can do is become food for this Zombo" Rein started to look around and spotted a huge rock that was sure to put this thing down for good. The Zombie creep around making eerie sounds, it was frantically looking around for the escaping prey it had been chasing. The Zombie came to a stop, it stood still for about 5 minutes.

Alright, I will have you rest in peace now, hellspawn!' Rein yelled in his head, he rushed up to the zombie and smashed the basketball-sized rock on to the zombie's head. The Zombie's head exploded like a watermelon and it died "again."

Yes, haha, You thought you could kill me? You must be dreaming you meat bag!" Just as Rein was delighting in his success a ding sound rang out in his head.

Name: Rein Frost

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human

Initial World: Dark World (E-Rank)

Combat Level: None

Experience: [10/200]

Summoned Beast: 1

Summoning Limit: 2

Dimensional Sovereign: (1st Generation)

Sovereign: [None]

Skill: Throwing:(Beginner-Lv9)]

Techniques: None:

Passive Skills: None:

Inventory: None:


System Points: 20

What in the world is this!? I can see my stats, could it be the notification from earlier." Rein just remembered the notification he got when he was on the computer. "Oh my god, this is not good, am I even in my world anymore? according to this, I am in a place called the dark world." Rein then looked through his stats and click the blinking summoned beast words.

Summoned Monster"

Rarity: Common"

Type of Monster: Undead"

Monster Name: Raid Zombie

Element Type: Dark"

Combat Level: Copper: Grade 2"


[Poisonous Claws: (Beginner-Lv 2)


[Regeneration: (Beginner-Lv1)

Status: Available for summoning"

Oh, come forth Raid Zombie!" Rein wasted no time and summoned his new summoned beast. His journey to power has only just begun.

Author Note: HDBP= Heaven Defying Battle Power

ChampionOfEternity ChampionOfEternity

I hope everyone enjoys this new Novel.

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