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Chapter 2: confession

Jenny: What are you doing here?

Myung: I'm the teacher … your korean teacher,

Jenny: what !? really? I can't believe this.

Myung: I know… I know that I'm handsome and that you had fallen for me by the first sight, but will I stay here?? .. Outside i mean !!!!

Her uncle's wife: So I will leave you alone, since you know each other ,if you don't need anything you can start the lesson directly, and for now I will go to the company see you later my dear.

Jenny: Uh, you'll leave me alone ??

Myung: I will not eat you, I just came to work

Jenny: Well.. i didn't mean that …

When they set up themselves and got ready :

Myung: Well, let's start studying, I do not have much time to waste.

Jenny: Aishish, arrogant (discretly).

Myung: I heard you

Jenny: Uh well okay, let's start

He Began by teaching her the alphabet, but Jenny was spelling the words in a very funny and weird accent…even Myung couldn't stop laughing

*During the lesson*

Jenny in herself: He is so handsome i cannot concentrate ouff soo handsome

Myung: Did you understand this?

Jenny: understood.. just.. I'm bored … Now could we stop here

Myung: what? you feel fed up?

Jenny: Ooh, we didn't get to know ourselves very well so let's introduce ouselves

Myung: Hahaha and why? Is it because I am sexy and attractive that Want to know me more? Hahaha

Jenny: do you know that you are so arrogant and cocky to the level that i cannot support you off.

she was welling to leave , but he grabbed her from her hand and said to her "SIT DOWN "

Jenny in herself: Ahh my heart is racing so fast …

Jenny: Well, let's go back to study …

--The next day -

-At university-

Kai (farewell to Hi Ra): Ya. Hoo.. did you come ?

Hi Ra: unni, I do not want to talk to him, what to do ?

Sera: Just ignore him

Hi Ra: No no no no ..i don't think it's the right thing

Kay: Yayah, you will not answer me!!!? (she really loves me, and if she ignores me now I will be sure, and then i can ask her out as my girl friend )

Hi Ra: oh … oppa !!

Kai: uuhh .. !!,

Hi Ra: I will not talk to him… I will not talk to him ( fasting her steps )

Sera: Why are you rushing?

Hi Ra: I want to get away.. I do not want to see him, ohh

Kai: WOWW you are really ignoring me now … your amazing hi ra ?

Hi Ra: WHAT !!!

Kay: look at me.. Will you! (STOPPING BEHIND HER )

Sera: Do not look

Hi Ra: I will not

Kay: Hey, Hey, Hi ra, I'm joking with you, I do not like any girl I swear to you.

Hi Ra: (really stopped) really !?

Kay: Hey, hey, look at me

Hi Ra: (she looked) Are you serious? really?

Kay: Ooh, I just wanted to joke with you ( facing her.. holding her from her neck and shaking her hair) You really do love me, Wah..

Hi Ra: Aaaa? DON'T touch my hair

Kay: Hahaha ha ha ha .. I know that many girls in love with me me, but you are special .., Haha

Hi Ra: Why?

Kai: Haha I just felt it



Her friends: uh uhhh

Hi Ra: I'm dead, did not I tell you??..Don't DO THIS at university!! I am a dead now!!!

Kai (stand over the seat): From this day, HI RA will be my girlfriend , do you understand?

Hi Ra: .. I'm what??? Ooh i am getting crazy now.. no no

Kai: Oh, you're my girl, you're just mine ..and mine alone

Sera: ohh unni .. wooo woow

Hi Ra (hardened): In itself "this is a dream, Umu [=OMG] this is a dream"

Kai: what?

Hi Ra (holding her head): yaaaaahhh!!!

Kai: What's wrong you?

Hi Ra: Drag your words noww PLEASE!!

Kai: Why?

Hey Ra: I'll die, these girls will not leave me alone and i hope that i don't get hitting from them

Kay: Hey, do not worry. Kai-oppa is here and no one will touch you.

Girl: aaaaaaaaaaaaa he does really like that stupid girl !!!

Her friend: BUT how did he get caught in this stupid ugly girl's trap? Ohh … my head,

Kay: Yah Ya Yah Ya (yelling so hard ) If one of you touches my girl , I will kill you and you know what i am capable to do !!!!, I AM SO SERIOUS :!!

Hi Ra (ABOUT TO CRY ): Oppa ..

Kai: So, do you agree?

Hi Ra: Oh ...?

Kay: Do you accept to date me ?

Hi Ra: oppa ( hugged him ) are you kidding me now ??!! ..

Kai: I'm not joking

Hi Ra: Aaa, I accept,…of course I accept

Kai: so we are good now

Hi Ra: But Why? Why me? I'm not pretty and ordinary, and there's a lot more beautiful than me.

Girl: That's right, okay. Why? I am the most beautiful

Kay: Because she is distinctive, she did never spy on me, she just loves me, and I accidentally discovered that yesterday, Immammm (he is thinking ) I love her clothes, Haha plenty of colour Haha and she is also funny and made me laugh, and also (look girls) innocent

Hi Ra (look at him): Oooh ooh

Kay: Let's go, my Hi Raaaa.. (Holding her hand)

Hi Ra (Surprised): Aaa okayy


Jenny (she entered the university): Efff .. This university is so noisy. Aishsh .. Study in America is much more better, it's just not my style (entered the lecture hall and said 'Anniohasao' the first word taught by Myung)

PROF: Ahaa Jenny, are you Jenny?

Jenny: yup !!

Professor: Uh, come and sit in your place, let's welcome the new student jenny from america.

Jenny: What did he say now !!? Oh, what is this embrrasement? Isn't he an English professor? Why he doesn't speak english ?

Professor: Go ahead

Jenny: Professor, I do not understand Korean very well, so since today I'll only attend English classes, and I'm studying Korean now, so when I'm good I'll get to attend all the lessons, can you tell them that? I mean the rest of the professors. (In English)

Professor: Aha, there is no problem, sit down.

Jenny: thanks..


Jenny (when she sat down): Anniohaseo (for the girls next to her)

Sera: Ahh Anneong, I'm sorry..emm., iam not good in english…

Jenny: It's okay, but do you know anyone that i can talk to him? I do not know anyone here

Sera: I can't understand you .. !!!,

Hi Ra: Oh hi, I can,

Jenny: Really? Can we be friends?

Hi Ra: Of course, I was honored to meet you Jenny, I'm Hi Ra

Jenny: I'm too, Yah, I'm so happy to meet you ,

Hi Ra: Haha

PROF: I hear a noise

Hi Ra: it was me sir, sorry,

Professor: Ah, hi raa, it's okay

Girl: Uh, why do all the people treat this stupid kindly, Iashishsh .. We should get rid of her.



Boy: Hello teacher, did you come back finally !?

Myung: Oh hi, yeah i did .. (confused ) i do know why but i keep seeing that girl !! why is she in mr park class ? hhahaha ..ohh hey kai ?

Kai: Uh yes, sir myung so

Myung: Haha Yah, I did not tell you not to say it again,

Kay: Well just kidding, Yeeh why did you call me ?

Myung: I heard you asked Hi Ra from the first grade out , is that true?

Kai (putting his hand behind his neck): Well, well i think so …

Myung: Woe, you're unbelievebale, , hahaha, why didn't you told me such news ?

Kai: Yao Myung and why do I have to tell you that ?

Myung: Myung !!!!?

Kai: Uh, Mr. Myung-soo

Myung: That idiot, ahh,

Kai: Hahah, it's just your first year,

Myung: i think soo

Kai: Look at Mr. Park, see him?

Myung: Yes I see

Kai: Hahaha ... Idid you see his white hair? you will become like this after 10 years or maybe just 5 Hahaha

Myung: Ah, you're right everyone is aging

Kay: Hahaha I know, I'm cursed, okay, Go to your lecture Miyoong (and faster towards his friends)

Myung: unbelievable!! ..

Kay (come back quickly): Ya Yah, but when did you come from Japan?

Myung: I have not come yet you villain,

Kai: Uh, I thought so. See you again later.



The second-graders rushed to him

Girl: Well, did you come back professor ?

Her friend: finally, we did miss you a lot you, how are you sir?

Myung: Oh good good, how are you, beautiful girls?

Girl: We are fine; we have been waiting for your return,

Myung: I just missed 1 week, and you did miss me that much!!? Oh, no doubt it was difficult for you

Girl: Yes, Professor, do not go again huh?

Myung: Haha okay I will not go

....: get out of my wayy (scream)

All the girls leave the path in front of Myung

.....: Uh, you came?

Myung: Hyori ..

HYORI: Professor, (she grabbed him from his hand) Sure you're tired, let's go to the hall

Myung: Ooh, okay

Hyori: did you had a haedache from the girls screaming?

Myung: That's okay. (Move her hand and get close to her ear. "Do not do this at university. I'm a professor here" )

Hyori: Haha sorry,

Myung: Haha so what do you think of kai dating hi ra ?

Hyori: Hahaha and do you think he will has more than one date with that ugly? hahaha

Myung: Haha .. You do not know Kai, we'll see so, and to be honest, she's beautiful

Hyori: Haaa I don't care, she has to get away from him or we do as we did to Kong soo's girlfriend,

Myung: Yah just enough, why are you doing this to that little girl?

Hory: Uh, we were born to do this

When They reached the hall

Myung: okay so.. sit down everyone ,

Students: Hello teacher


-During the break-

Kay: Hi, my love

Hi Ra: ohh …oppa

Kay: (he looked at Jenny, who was sitting on the side of Hi Ra )

Hi Ra: Ah, this is Jenny, she's new in my class, and she don't speak fluently Korean

Jenny: Hi, I'm Jenny, I was happy to meet you (speak English)

Kay: Hi, I'm also glad to meet you, Jenny

Jenny smiled at him

Kay: emm can we go somwhere together ..alone?

Hi Ra signed to jenny if it's okay to leave you alone

Jenny: yeahh it's not a problem ..soon i will go home ..thanks Hi ra

Hi Ra: Ohh okay, goodye my new girl friend

jenny: Haha goodbye


While Myung was walking with Hyori ..he saw Jenny again,

Myung (in himself 'Why do i see her everywhere?) you can go hyori ..i have something to do ..and i will come .

Hoyori: Ohh well,

Myung: (Approaching) Oh, she's Jenny, I'm right, what is she doing here ?? did she followed me to the university , ? hummmm.

But suddenly Jenny stood up and walked out of the university's restaurant,

Myung: Hahaha this is really, heheh (laughing alone)

Hyori: Yah WHY ?

Myung: Nothing, uh YOU DID BUY me a coffee? Thanks,

Hyori: let's sit down here and talk, I miss you a lot darling ,

Myung: No hyori, not here babe…

*Hi Ra and Kai*

Hi Ra: Uh ... uh?

Kai: (holding her hand) 'Uh-oh' why ?

Hi Ra: Where are we going?

Kai: To eat, uh, did you forget! (silence) Hi Ra??

Hi Ra: emm what?

Kay: Do you still have lectures?

Hai Ra: Oh I have, after a quarter of an hour

Kay: ouff no no ..

Hi Ra: Why?

Kay: Do you mind if you miss this lecture?

Hi Ra: Uhmu, no no no I CANNOT

Kai: Really? (let her hand ) Well go then to your stupid lecture,

Hi Ra: Yaaah

Kai: what? Didn't you tell me you couldn't go? SO Go away, I no longer want to go out,

Hi Ra: stupid, stupid, stupid (and gone)

Kay: Yahah Yah, I am talking to you, are you really going?

Hey Ra: Oh, you tell me to go now, isn't!!

Kay (following her ): I'm kidding, don't go baby


Kai (smiling): Why am I so attracted to this girl ? Haha …Hi Raya, Hi Raya

Hi Ra: I will not talk to you,

Kay (he backhugged her ): Where is my shy Hi ra?

Hi Ra: uh.. M .. (Suddenly fainted)

Kay: Hi Raa, Yao Hi Raya, Aishsh .. (He took her to the University's ambulance room immediately)


When she woke up

Kay: Yah, are you fine.?

Hi Ra: What happened?

Kai: you've fainted, but i don't know why ,

Hi Ra: Uh ... that, Umm ..

Kay: what is wrong? Tell me

Hi Ra: I have .. to .. nothing important,

Kay: Yaaah, you are not going to tell me ?

Hi Ra: Because you were hugging me (she said it very quickly)

Kay (surprised): wh ..what ? Why? (Suddenly burst out laughing) Haha Yaa hahahhahahahaha You're really weird

Hi Ra: Yah, are you making fun of me now? (she stood up and pretended that she would go)

Kai: Do not go (grab her) You're weird, but nice and I like you,

Hi Ra: Are you serious?

Kai: Oh I'm serious,

Hi Ra: I am..I am

Kai: You what?

Hi Ra: I'm the happiest girl in this world,

Kai: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…let's go

Hi Ra: ok .. well

Kai (Holds Her cheeks): so cute, let us go now my baby girl

Hi Ra: Yaa.. I'm not a baby;

Kai: No you're my baby, hahaha so funny you are so funny



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