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Chapter 3: II

Glowing white eyes stare back at me from the window.

I tried desperately to get out of the room, kicking the door, shoving my body weight against it, nothing moved it. I was trapped, cornered in my pajamas without a weapon to defend myself from whatever was outside of my window.

I watched in horror as the orbs rose, travelling up from the base of my window and then disappearing. Shakily, I reached for the lamp next to my bed and clicked it. The room stayed dark.

"Shit!" I cursed, my thoughts racing at a hundred miles an hour, fear was making me irrational and I ran for the door yet again, despite knowing how futile it was. As I reached for the door handle, the room began to shake. Dust fell from the ceiling and my window rattled. The door handle began to move up and down viciously and a pounding started on the door. It was deafening and turned my insides to dust. I watched in horror as the handle broke off, nearly hitting me in the face as it cartwheeled past me and into the darkness. The door slammed open so hard it came off its hinges and I scrambled back to avoid it as it fell.

In the doorframe stood a monster.

It resembled a man, but there were slits in places where there should be a nose and mouth. Its body was horribly scarred. Burns and lacerations covered its skin and black blood oozed freely from the wounds. It's skin was a sickly gray and green hue, like that of a body that had begun to decompose. A scream stuck in my throat as its dead white eyes turned on me. I braced myself for an attack but it never came.

Instead its face split into what I could only assume as a smile, revealing terrifying rows of sharp teeth.

"Soon, little Deviant." It boomed, and then the floor opened up beneath me and I was swallowed by darkness.


"Kimily! Hey Kimily!"

Someone's hand was on my shoulder, gently shaking me. I jolted up, nearly smacking foreheads with Houston. She stumbled back and clutched her chest, "Damn you scared me! Are you okay…?"

I realized I probably looked crazed, my night cap had come off my head while I slept and my hair had turned into a mass of matted curls. I wiped the cold sweat off my forehead and pulled the strap of my tank top back onto my shoulder.

"Sorry…uh bad dream,"

I wasn't sure if I could truly call it a was so vivid.i had been having similar nightmares over the last month, ones that woke me up sweaty and scared, but I chalked it up to my lack of sleep.

Houston nodded sympathetically, "I'm sorry. Scarlett said to let you sleep but it's already time for second period and I—"

"Second period!?" I screeched and grabbed for my phone, yanking the charger out in the process.

It was 10:30am.

I leapt from under the covers and ran to my dresser, pulling out a pair of leggings and yanking a sweatshirt on over my top.

"Thanks for waking me up Houston," I spoke between a bobby pin as I wrestled with my hair, "I'll see you at lunch."

"No problem!" she slings her bag over her shoulder and waves, leaving me to rush for class in silence.


"Today we're going through our mandatory combat reports. " Our teacher, Mr. Pennigren, looks at me over his glasses as I fumble with my hand wraps. Of course his class was the one I had to be late for. Pennigren was one of the strictest teachers in the damn school, and now I was stuck cleaning the abundance of sweaty mats in the training room in my free time later tonight.

"These reports are very important, it determines whether or not you will be able to take care of yourself in the real world as a Nephilim. I want to see your best application of your skills."

Pattern glances at me and raises an eyebrow as Pennigren yanks on my wraps, tying them off and giving me the stink eye through his century old glasses. "Which means the mats are going to be good and sweaty after all my classes have gone through them."

I ignored his jab and begin tying my hair back into a tighter ponytail, feeling a smile coming on. Combat was one of the things I was actually good at. Ever since I was small, the feeling of holding a sword in my hand made me feel powerful. Not a lust-for-dominance sort of power, but that I didn't need to rely on anyone else to protect me. It eliminated the need for anyone to get themselves into trouble for my sake. It made me liable for me, and it was an incredibly satisfying feeling.

"But here's the twist," Pennigren smirked, "Weapons are out. Instead we're trying hand to hand combat. It's more realistic."

My smile disappeared.

Pattern's hand shot into the air, "Um, Pennigren is that even allowed? I mean, what if someone gets really hurt?"

Pennigren began glaring again, "I won't let it get to that point Deroga, I will be watching you all very closely, if things begin to get too serious, I'll stop the match."

Hand to hand combat, something I am not very confident in. Any excitement I had for this class, left my body in a sigh.

"I will be pairing you up, when I call your name please find a space on the mats."

Pennigren began reading off his clipboard and the class broke out into confused murmurs. Most of them looked way too happy to be hitting their fellow peers and others, like Pattern, looked nervous and fidgety.

"March and Dixon."

I looked up from my task of tying my shoes and frowned. I was sure Houston wasn't in this class, I would've seen her if she was. Then it dawned on me.


He was so silent against the wall behind Pennigren that I hadn't even noticed him until he moved towards me. His training outfit was completely black, making me feel slightly self-conscious about my cherry red leggings and t-shirt combo. The only evidence of his fight with Pattern yesterday was a barely there bruise on his jaw and I was slightly disappointed something more evident hadn't shown up to ruin his perfect skin. I sighed internally and cursed my luck, the universe really had it out for me.

Pennigren blew his whistle loudly, making me startle, "Begin your match! Remember, I will be watching you all closely so no funny business!"

I stepped up to an empty space on a mat, careful not to make eye contact with Pearce. I watched as he took his rings off with long fingers and slid them into the pockets of his sweats.

"We meet again, huh, Kim?"

"Cut the formalities," I was still avoiding his eyes, "Come get your ass beat and lets get this over with."

I had a feeling we both knew I couldn't live up to that bold statement.

He chuckled and shrugged helplessly. "I'm going to assume your still mad about yesterday."

I nearly laughed, "Mad? I'm not mad, I just vexed at your bravery to assume you know anything about me!"

"What can I say, you're an open book."

I went for him immediately, determined to make him regret opening his mouth. I spun into a roundhouse kick aimed for his chest. He dodged easily, and kicked the back of my knee, causing me to stumble.

I straightened, blowing a curl out of my face that had come out from my ponytail. That infamous annoying smirk was plastered on his face as he out maneuvered every single one of my attacks, leaving me breathless and sweaty.

Pearce moved gracefully and powerfully, his colorful eyes seeming to copy my every move and spit them back out at me with better form and strength. He was mocking me even now, and I was growing more and more angry.

I went for a different strategy, attacking his left side instead of his right. My punch had barely grazed his temple when he spun me into a chokehold, wrapping a lean arm under my throat.

"Sweating already?" his breath was hot on my ear, "Should we take a water break?''

"You asshole!" I shrieked, completely humiliated and I used all my strength to tip us backwards. We hit the edge of the mat hard, the back of my head smacking into his forehead viciously. Pearce's grip on me loosened and I climbed to my feet, dizzy, but triumphant.

His lip had split and he propped himself up on his elbows, eyeing me warily. I opened my mouth to insult him when a wave of nausea hit me and I sat back down on the ground, clutching my head.

"Good job," he wiped at his lip, smearing blood into the corner of his mouth. "You just gave us both concussions."

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